The Baron Arrives

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by Kasei » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:10 pm

He says that I should not tell anyone. However, simply by being here, all of the Seven Stars, all of the Gods, and, probably, the entire dark army now knows of him. The psychic thought after accepting the bag. "If you need anything else, give a shout. . . " He said, before seemingly vanishing into nothingness.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:47 pm

"Ah, yes, now I know the one," stated Baron in his voodoo accent. "I think I'll just stay in town for a while, get resupplied and the like. Thank you for the advice and support. He handed Kairos a bag filled with rupees, producing it from behind his jacket. "Tell no one of me," he added, handing the psychic the bag. "Especially of my kindness, I'm having an off day and I'm a frustrated by my wondering. I am typically not this great to be around, nor am I this polite or non-violent. Thank you for making my job easier than it would have been should not have spoken with you."

by Kasei » Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:42 pm

Kairos smiled. "Of course." He said, then scoured his memories. "Orpheous is an Inkweaver. Therefore, he can summon anything from out of a book. He fought against Kasei D Gobi in the Royal Tournament, and won. He has quite a few allies, Silna, Snowflake, Bou, Simon, etc, and is the leader of the PFH. You can often find him at North Castle." The psychic concluded.


by Orpheous(anew) » Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:40 pm

"Well, if he runs an organization, he must not be that hard of a man to find," commented Samedi. After pondering, he realized something though. Perhaps this "Orpheous" might be a hindrance in Samedi's mission. And considering a hindrance may be considered an enemy, he followed the concept that you need to get to know your enemies. He thought more about the manner, wondering if he should research information or simply ask. He decided to make it easy on himself.

"I am sorry if I am wasting your time, but all the information you have to offer would be nice," stated Samedi. "I need to get to know this man who is obviously so close to Matt. And if you could me some other information about that group of people, that insight would be useful as well."

by Kasei » Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:13 pm

Kairos only now realised that he had not answered the question. With a strange look, he thought over. "I have never encountered the man. My ally, however, the man who just left, has had a few personal experiences with him, as has my other freind, Kasei D. Gobi. I know that he is an inkweaver, and is a common sight in Hyrule Castle. He runs the People's Front of Hyrule, I believe." The psychic addressed, as an odd thing happened; what appeared to be a third eye emerged from his forehead, as he closed his other eyes. "I recall everything I was ever told. If you need me to go more in-depth with him, please ask."

OOC: FYI, Kasei, Denkou and Kairos are all nuetral, with Kasei nuetral but slightly leaning towards Order, Denkou slightly leaning towards Chaos, and Kairos completely Nuetral.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:54 pm

"Naturally that makes sense," muttered Samedi paying no attention to Denkou. His mind continued to think. He could sense something about the natives. All he had to do was ask around. However, there was a question that went unanswered.

"Who is this Orpheous?" asked the Baron, wanting to have a little insight about the knowledge of the one called Orpheous.

by Kasei » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:08 pm

Denkou heard the warning from Baron, and turned. "If you need me, you know where I am." He said to Kairos, who nodded. The psychic, in turn, decided to be straitforward with Baron. "I know not where he is. My psychic abilities allow me to see the past and future of an area or a person, but only so long as I am near that which I am scrying. Though I know that Matt was here, and that he talked with the natives, I do not know where he is now, because that does not effect the past or future of this town." He said.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:19 pm

OOC: You didn't have to quote me word for word.

IC: "Most likely not. I am not familiar with the deities of this world," stated the Baron answering Kairos question. He looked back at Denkou, shouting into his mind, "You might as well leave."

Then he thought about the actual knowledge that had been given to him. That was the guy. "Yes, he is the one I am looking for," answered Baron. "Do you know where I can find him? Also, who is Orpheous?"

by Kasei » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:58 pm

Kairos smiled as the information was unveiled. "How interesting . . . I happen to know someone who serves a god. Perhaps you know him?" He asked, but got back on tast as Baron threatened Denkou, who simply looked at him with distaste.

"This man, he's about 20ish, has black hair, is about roughly six feet in height, carries a weapon known as the Sword of Rifts, can be found with Orpheous and company, does not originate in this world, is highly knowledgeable on many subjects. It that him?" Kairos asked.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:11 pm

"Anything that you have to offer about the man would be nice," noted the man, voodoo accent in tow. "I have a very blocked mindset, and I guarantee you that fishing out information from me would be futile. I don't mean to speak ill of your talents, but I am a deity. Even a psychic is no match for my skill. Don't feel intimidated, but if you could see what you could dig up on the boy, that would be nice." He let the hand go off the cane, and it met with the other, folded down by his lower stomach with his arms hanging down. The cane, despite the fact it wasn't buried in the sand, seemed to stay upright, almost unnaturally.

Then he noticed Denkou wondering about Kairos as he apologized about trailing off. "No problem," stated Samedi professionally. Then he noticed Denkou's statement. "Well, it is actually a title. I have been bestowed with such an honor. As for the name Samedi, it is an alias, nothing more, nothing less. My comment about being a deity is the most enigmatic thing about me. However, I will give you my word that I am a god where I come from."

He was thinking about warning Kairos about Denkou's intentions, but he figured he would just speak up to Denkou. "DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT," he said slowly, enunciating every word slowly, savoring the threat.

by Kasei » Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:44 pm

Kairos nodded his head. "I know not of any man by that name." He stated quite bluntly. "However, if he may have passed by here, I might be able to find out quite a bit of his past, present, and future. After all, I already know your past, why you are here, and every possible future for you, me, Denkou, and everything else I see. What future you will choose, I have no idea. That is up to you." He said in a monotone.

"Excuse me, I must have trailed off. I love explaining myself." He said, noteing odd looks he was recieving from people. Denkou walked from behind him. "So, Baron, eh? Nice name." He said cockilly. Already, he felt like punching Kairos in the face for making him look like an idiot. However, he knew that Kairos already would block it, and decided against it.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:00 am

OOC: No, it isn't the god-father, but you'll see at the end of this post.

IC: The man just stood back, he was going to simply lift his cane and jam it through the center, causing it to shatter. However, Kairos appeared before that could happen, cutting the man's fun short. Killing was a form of art. A means of expressing his feelings. There is no feeling like it to paint the blood of men all over the ground. Or, if you simply want a clean kill, that, in itself is a master piece. Not that he wanted to kill if he didn't have to, but he could be artistic and professional about it.

"Well, you're in luck," stated the man who turned from Denkou to look straight into Kairos' eyes, judging him. A psychic, Kairos probably knew what he was doing. The man noted that he was trying to subconsciously trying to calm him from actually killing anybody.

"He wasn't that much trouble at all. Apology excepted. As I have stated twice now, I am looking for a man by the name of Matt Wittherson. As for him name, you may call me Baron Samedi." His accent was not unlike that of somebody from a voodoo cult. Could it be possible that a voodoo god was now after Wittherson? The question remains...

OOC: Like I said, his name has been revealed. Nobody be pissed that he also happened to be a character in a James Bond movie, because he is actually a religious icon, not unlike Buddha or Allah. Your move, D. Gobi.

by Kasei » Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:55 am

OOC: Hmmm . . . . the godfather? :lol:

IC: Denkou was shocked. This white guy just called him weak. That's something that usually isn't smart to say to someone who has control over lightning. Usually, The Thief wasn't aware of the fact that the HatMan was making small adjustments to his power.

"Step on me like that . . . eh? TAKE THIS!" He roared, launching an impresive electrical attack against the HatMan. However, the lightning only went a few feet before it was stopped by another individual . . . one who was not so foolish as to get in an unnessesary battle, Kairos.

"It seems my idiotic freind here has caused you trouble." He said. "If you do not wish to give your name, then that is fine. My name, however, is Kairos. I oppologize for Denkou's . . . radcal behavior. He is very energetic. Now, I believe you were looking for someone?" The psychic asked.

OOC: :lol: Halfway through this, my laptop lost connection to the internet. It's back now, but that's the only reason the post is as large as it is; either type more, or lose this page and the paragraph I typed.

Oh, and HatMan is your guys new name . . . deal with it.

by Orpheous(anew) » Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:42 pm

The man waited a while after the Denkou spoke. He thought over his words carefully, wondering if he should tell the man his intentions with Wittherson, if that would change anything at all about the equation. Denkou didn't even know the man's true purpose, and yet he seemed to be very threatening. Two could play that game.

"As I said previously, my intentions with the Wittherson boy are my own, and I don't need to tell you anything. I have no clue who this "Orph" is, but I suggest you don't attack me, unless you want me to kill you, and all these innocent civilians here. Judging your energy pool, you don't even stand a chance against me. Now, just discharge your spell without attempting to harm me, and I might consider sparing you," explained the man. Unknown to others, he was shifting all his agility into the hand that was spread out, pushing his staff into the ground, and a fraction of his powers to the other hand. This would allow him to react with a magic and/or physical attack in the blink of an eye should anything happen.

OOC: Yeah, good luck figuring out who I based this guy off of. Sorry about the short post, I couldn't think of what else to say.

by Kasei » Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:38 pm

"Matt Witherston? What would you want with him?" A voice called out. It was Denkou, the lightning thief, and, by now, a herald of sorts for Kasei D Gobi. "Really, a wierd baldy comes fresh out of a blizzard like it was nothing. That's some interesting ability you must have." The noisy teen said, grinning. "Now, usually, people notice when they are about to get fried. Do you?" He threatened, as the lightning was already forming in his hands.

"You're a creepy white guy, and you look overall out of place here. You must be a freind of Old Orph, eh?" The thief asked obnoxiously, while more electricity built up.
