An escort to Rauru

Moderator: Royal Guard

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jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Joined: Experience: 718
Class: scholar // mage
Rupees: 854
TP: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:15 pm
Azador walks in to a local tavern...searching for a person...
He looks around..

He should be here,
this guy needed someone to protect him and he doesn't even show up

Ahh!, you must be the guy a small old black bearded guy walks to him.
Are you azador greenfield per chance?

eeh.. yes and you are..Blagin ferdet I asume?

yes yes, you must get me to Rauru, I'm save there.. some assasin's are after me!

hmm.. you don't seem a bad guy what have you done to deserve this?

the new wife of the Mayor is crazy,
she wanted us to pay more tax not a little bit,
we have to pay 200 rupees every week!
The mayor is become blind.. i went to the mayor's wife..but she didn't listen to me.. she said she would kill all any one that complained

so.. last night a rock was trown trough my window with a text carved on is
You can't leave this city, we will find you any way, and cut you in pieces signed: the dadelon gang

hmm.. that's qeuit a story i will help you

Thank you the man repleyed, wait a few minutes,
I have to take some stuff before we go

OOC: only three more people can join this qeust,
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -