The Voyage

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Brin Level 6
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Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:11 pm
The palm trees sway in the light warm breeze as the sun sets, spilling all kinds of reds, oranges, and pinks across the sky. You are very relaxed, lying in the hot sand and watching the waves wash up on the shore. You sit up and turn toward your sandcastle version of North Castle. You've been working on it for hours. You decided to add the finishing touches to the topmost tower, when something catches your eye. Looking toward sea, you see a huge sailing ship at anchor, right in front of you on the beach. It's masts tower like skyscrapers. A ramp is lowered from the ship and man dressed in a blue suit with a fancy collar and necktie. Seeing you, he approaches. "Care to join us on a grand voyage?" asks the man, without any explanation of who he his. "We are going somewhere rarely traversed by the inhabitants of New Hyrule - the fabled Great Sea. What do you say?"
<a href=" ... 2">Brin</a>
HP 33 / SPL 21
STR 1/ DEF 12 / AGI 1/ INT 6/ SPI 3
Willpower 9

- Immune to Gohma's Poison

<a href="viewtopic.php?t=1369">The Cursed Masks</a>[<a href= ... &start=315"> Page 22</a>]
Shadow Swordsman Level 3
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Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:14 pm
"I say set sail captian! I'm raring to go on a voyage!" Shadow shouted to the captian.
<a href=" ... ian/ka.gif[/img]Image</a>

HP:42 STR:5 DEF:5 AGI:4 INT:6 SPI:3

honorible kill lvl:2
Brin Level 6
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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:07 pm
"Come aboard, come aboard. We just need a few more passengers and we'll be on our way." The man ushers Shadow toward the ramp that leads up to the ship.
<a href=" ... 2">Brin</a>
HP 33 / SPL 21
STR 1/ DEF 12 / AGI 1/ INT 6/ SPI 3
Willpower 9

- Immune to Gohma's Poison

<a href="viewtopic.php?t=1369">The Cursed Masks</a>[<a href= ... &start=315"> Page 22</a>]
Shadow Swordsman Level 3
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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:43 pm
'Alrighty then!" Shadow said as he walked up the ramp, boarding the ship.
<a href=" ... ian/ka.gif[/img]Image</a>

HP:42 STR:5 DEF:5 AGI:4 INT:6 SPI:3

honorible kill lvl:2