Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:14 pm
As you explore further, you notice yet another one of Hiro's mirages. "Ah, the Chaos medallion! I have it now! Says someone from inside a caravan. "Now, I just need my Seret medallion back and I'll only need The Twilight Medallion!" And with that, it is off. A mirage of Hiro shows up. He jumps up, and hitches a ride on the back of the caravan, probably attempting to steal the Chaos Medallion... The mirage disappears.
For those of you who wish to track my storyline:
A lone man awaits a friend (Invite Only)
Hiro Mugensai
STR/DEF includes weapons/armor increases
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For those of you who wish to track my storyline:
A lone man awaits a friend (Invite Only)
Hiro Mugensai
STR-7/DEF-21/AGI-6/INT-3/SPI-1/HP-31/SPL-15KamakaziPlumber wrote: Go ask. Go ask now.
STR/DEF includes weapons/armor increases
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