The Rascal King

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The Rascal King Level 1
Joined: Experience: 4
Class: Vagabond//Thief
Rupees: 6
TP: 0
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:35 pm
Rascal King
Race: Human
Class: Vagabond; Subclass: Theif
Level: 1

STR: 2(Base)
DEF: 1(Base) + 3(Race)
AGI: 3(Base)
INT: 3(Base)
SPI: 1 (Base)
HP: 31
SPL: 3





RACIAL ABILITY: Human Ingenuity: Automatic +2 Bonus to all Skill Checks.


The Rascal King Level 1
Joined: Experience: 4
Class: Vagabond//Thief
Rupees: 6
TP: 0
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:37 pm
How the Rascal King became the King of Trash...

There is no real truth known by the people as to how this man known as the Rascal King became someone with such a title, as it is rare for people to know so much as his self-proclaimed title. After a few random times in which he has decided to sit back, relax, and spin a yarn about his past life, the stories contradict and implode upon themselves within seconds, not a single time having been the truth of the matter. At one moment, he could've been a noble who had gotten bored of a life of leisure and enjoyment, and the next moment he could've been someone who had been mistreated and abused by those who were supposed to have taken care of him. From clowns to dancers to nomads to even so much as a descendant of the Goddesses themselves is fair game for this king of thieves, who dares not even try and pretend that his past must be a single straight line, but instead a multiple-choice question.

Throughout his life, he admits, the word 'trash' and all of its synonyms have been used to describe him and who he is, was, and might as well be, until he had finally snapped, and yelled out for all the world to hear:

"If I'm gonna be trash, I might as well be the King of all of that Trash!"

An echo that still finds its way through his memories, down through his vocal chords, and right out his mouth into the face of whomever has taken the time to possibly even just ask him for the time. With such reactions and mannerisms, one may believe this man has gone insane, when in reality, he is merely just a bit more truthful to himself than others are to themselves.

"I'mma jolly little asshole, what more could you possibly want? In your eyes, I'm either the hero or the hooligan, but no matter what, in the end, you'll know my name.

Name: Castillo "The Rascal King"
Age: Somewhere betwixt 15-21
Height: 5' 4"
Description: At first glance, Castillo seems to be like a clock that can't keep proper time, and as far as anyone else knows, that might as well be true. King has large, round blue eyes that are like two turquoises, a physical trait that he seems to dislike. His hair seems to be a mix of beige and gray, worn in a style that leaves most of it in a ponytail, while the rest remains tucked behind his ears so that they don't cover his face. Commonly, he is clad in a pair of short pants, ending around the middle of the shins, made of rough material, and underneath them are bandages which cover his feet. The bandages have something of another wrap over them, to be used as pseudo-shoes, while another set of bandages covers the area from his elbows to his fingers. Rascal wears no shirt, and the most he has on his chest is the sun from above, or whatever else is falling from the sky that day. His head is adorned with a jester's cap, colored light green and dark red, ending in large red and green bells.
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