Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:25 pm
It was a perfectly normal day. People milled about the streets, buying goods and gossiping and doing typical 'civilian' things. One figure looked out of place, though. He was a semi-tall man with golden blond hair that came down to his eyes. A small stubble of a beard garnished his chin. He was muscular, and a sword strapped to his side. He wore a light chainmail garment under a tan colored tunic. His pants were a sandy brown, and on his right hand was a black glove. He gazed around the street, at the buildings, at the people, at everything in an odd way; the emotion on his face was impossible to place. It could have been wonder, it could have been fear, it could have been careful thoughtfulness or curiosity. He was hard to read. One thing was for sure, though. He was new here.
Last edited by Leth on Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}