OOC: Okay, I think we're about ready to go. Raru sadly isn't coming back, and we've got (for now), Kalex, Kamiko, Shiro, and Jeromy for now. Raru, if you're reading this, you're missing out, and we'll be missed!
Now, as for the event itself, I'll give you all the details you need to know right now.
1) I have a total of 7 different topics being used in this event. This one included.
2) We will be using stats. We'll be in combat, using our heads, our stats, our spells and abilities as wisely and as powerfully as we can to fend off our enemies.
3) I've changed me mind about this while 'being late' idea. Well, this is for before we actually enter the Passage to fight Gohma, correct? Lookie here:
In the [Event] The Mayor Drunkenly Grumbles topic, RG wrote:"There you go," the mayor says after a few moments. "We're just waiting for the Hylian Knights to do the first scouting, and your... assistance... will be accepted soon. Now just go and leave me alone!" - he grunts, before the light-headed feeling settles in once more and he falls asleep once more. Now would be a good time to drink the potion... and as you do so, a strange sensation of flame and burning invades your body for a few moments - pain settling in - before vanishing as fast as it appeared, having gained new defenses.
Which indicates that...? The knights were there first. I'll explain in depth the situation at hand in character, but really, if you think about it, EVERYONE COULD BE IN THIS EVENT! And I mean everyone! Even if you were on the first page of StS! It would still work! Think about it, people! How DID you, in character, find out about the passage? Did you sit down and open the newspaper, the Hylian Times? Noez! You may have a reason, but if you don't, or if you wouldn't mind being in another one, come on and post! By the time the event is over, everything will make sense for the event! All the stages you took to get to the Tunnel? So I changed me mind, all are welcome to post here!!
Now, time to post in character, at last ><. So many PMs today, and MSN chats. No time for what I had planned - this. Oh wells

IC: The Blade looked at his companions one by one.
Well, there is no use in delaying any longer. Precious time is being wasted on words, and their accompanying me is inevitable. I will explain to them what I must do, and we will be on our way.
He first turned to Kalex. "Whatever favour you need, I will do what I can. My duty is my priority, but if you assist me in this, I will do what I can to help you. Explain later, as we trek in a few moments." He turned from Kalex to face everyone. "...First, though, I must explain what I am doing. I cannot leave you to be without an idea of what's happening."
He gave Kamiko a knowing and charming glance, which was almost as charming as if he included a smile. "Now, you aren't going to join us, but you have a trustworthy face, so I will let you in on the events as well. But if you speak so much of a word of it to any civilian here, I will have you arrested and put into the dungeons, and if the king is particularly grouchy that day, you may well be condemned. It won't be worth it. And it won't be me who informs him and arrests you." Despite his words, his face was saying in a comforting way to her, "I know you aren't really going to idiotically tell people of my mission. You know as well as I do that Exile spies are everywhere, and you could well kill us all, and likely the future of Hyrule with us." The way he was speaking with his body was beyond body language. It was body-talking. He made a motion with his eyes at Shiro. "You must know that he is Sheikan. You must keep your distance, and keep well-hidden, or else you will be spotted by the likes of him. Find us a few miles west of Rauru by nightfall." There was almost a voice to what he was communicating, but it was hard to tell. As if a voice was in her head that she couldn't hear or feel within her scalp, but it was hidden...
This was all spoken within a matter of a few seconds, so Nogare did not appear to be staring at her and give away their secret. Turned around he did to find something to sit on, but there was only the three that Kamiko had sat in, so he leaned against it, crossing his arms. Now speaking aloud, he said at length, "Hyrule is in grave danger. None shall survive it if we do not take action. The importance of this mission is so vital, it is possibly the most demanding among my many others. Here, friends, a war is to brewing. His armies will come down from the mountains. I am among the Hylian Knights, and while my vassal brothers and sisters prepare for a fight to the west that must befall us, the armies of Ganon are amassing. Hyrule is practically defenseless. If we don't act quickly, a terrible fate will befall us all. We must hold back the Exiles... We cannot risk openly masses of soldiers. We need more... skilled individuals who can think, fight, and sacrifice. I was the only true vassal they deemed appropriate, so... my Orders are to travel due east, find out about any Exile activity, and take action. If I fail this mission... Hyrule will fall. Now! We can't hope to defeat them all at once. We must take care of what we shoot at, and be sure that it's somewhere vital, leaving a mortal wound on their government. Now, I ask that you, fellow adventurers, join me on this mission to not only save Hyrule, but have a taste of whatever revenge your heart desires, if that is what you seek the most in this war. Please, now, join me in this mission, have know that you helped to cripple the Exiles' order!"
OOC: Okay, I'll let you guys answer this one, then we'll get this show on the road. Part 2 of 7 is moments away, and with it, a fun and eventful evening
