Casting the Dice

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
Rupees: 233
TP: 4
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:17 pm
"Make your wager."

The smirking thief considered, and finally taunted, "Three silvers."

There were murmurs about their table, satisfied with his gamble. The thief looked across from his opponent. He smiled. "Yours?"

The murmurs hushed. The man, clearly an unsuccessful, unclean pirate, hummed in in decicion. Finally he looked at the thief and growled,"'i'll match it."

The thief smiled. "Agreed."

They shook mugs, containing five dice each, and smashed them to the table.

He had a three, a two, a six, a four, and two other twos. finally he said, "Five twos..."

"Six twos!" the pirate blurted.

Again the thief examined the dice. "... Seven twos..."


They raised their cups, and examined each other's contents. indeed, betweem the two of them, there were six twos and a one. The pitate scowled and cursed, and threw 60 rupees at the thief, and bolted away.

Do you want to play a game of dice?

OOC: I'm in a rush, so I'll explain the rules as we play :). The same game from Pirates of the Caribbean 2 from the Flying Dutchman. Fun game.

EDIT: Okay, I'm back, so I'll explain the rules. You put up a gambling amount, preferably rupees (RP'ed mind you), and for every time you lose a match you lose either everything in the single match, or make it last for a while, until your opponent loses all his wager, or you do.

Your supposed to predict how many there are with all your dice combined (5 each). Ones count towards whatever you're betting on; so if you bet three threes, and there are three and two ones, you lose the round. You always have to up the bet, though, so three threes have to bet up to four threes, and so on. However, if you're at five threes and believe want to change it. You call the other a liar when you think the bet is too high, and if they bet it's equal, and they're right, you lose.

So now, here are you cast dice, should you decide to join:

4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3

There you go. Now, try and beat the thief :D.
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