[North Castle Hospital] - Recovery (post StS)

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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:02 am
A man lay in a bed. The man wore hospital cloths customary for the time, but his cloak remained on his back. The cloths were bland, but comfortable, and very loose fitting. While they were easy to relax in, they weren't exactly made out of the best fabric, and, could be, at times, very irritating. However, now, that was not the case.

The man was lying in a North Castle hospital after his valiant attempt to help a group of adventures defeat an arachnid that was blocking the North/South pass. Sounds easy, no? Well, it wasn't. The arachnid was of the Gohma species, a deadly race of arachnid, and this particular one had guarded the interior of the pass for ages, killing off knights before they even got the chance to fight her with her poison.

Luckily, this group of adventures all had antidotes to the poison before being sent in. Did that make it any less dangerous? No...no it didn't. Ironically, he got very few wounds when battling the spider. The bruises and gashes he accumulated in his two day stay in the pass were able to heal quickly once he was brought into a medical facility. Medics, doctors, and clerics had all done their best work in the attempt to heal him back to full health. After all, he had helped with claiming back the North/South Pass.

He had tried to shoe them away. He didn't desire their attention. There were no doubt others who were in more need of their assistance, but they didn't care.

Awakening from a brief nap, the twenty or so year old looking man sat up partially. He had allowed himself to drift off into sleep again. A book was held upon by the thumb in his formally completely relaxed right hand. However, he flipped it back open, only to mark his page with a book-mark, which he pulled out of his cloak pocket, before setting the book back under this pillow.

Pain was a constant state for him now. Ever since they killed that arachnid, his right leg had been in a near unchanging state of wretched pain. They said as soon as he was fully diagonalized, they might be able to get him pain-killers, making him able to walk, albeit he'd have to use a cane most of the time. Of course, they didn't even have his cane in yet, so they weren't in a hurry to get him out of the hospital anyways.

Orpheous sat there, and waited, twiddling his thumbs. He had called Kasei in to talk to him via letter, before he knew the Rebel Flame would leave to help liberate the South. The liberation movement hadn't exactly begun yet, but Simon was supplying him with details of how the efforts were beginning and their were setting up a center of operations in the Pass. He hoped to be ready soon so he could join them.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:37 pm
"Enjoying it, perhaps, for the first time, are we?" Kasei said as he walked in, holding Orpheous' letter. "To sit in the hospital while you know friends are out there conducting battle for their lives and the future of the land, how does it feel, Orpheous? Pretty soon, everyone will be there, in the south." The Rebel Flame chatted in a light tone, bringing himself to the bedside.

"So, what exactly have you called me here for?" He questioned, reverting to the serious tone he used a lot. He knew that Orpheous wanted something. They usually do. What, though, was a mystery.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:50 am
Orpheous smiled upon the arrival of the Rebel Flame. However, as the Sheikahn began his speech on concerning the scribe being in the hospital and how he felt knowing his friends were out, preparing to reclaim the South while he sat there, his facial expression shifted back to a frown. As Kasei finished, Orpheous spoke. "You always knew how to bring people down," he joked.

"These fools cannot figure out what happened to my leg," Orpheous said, explaining his situation. "I blame myself primarily. I haven't visited a doctor in so long." Then he reached over, and grabbed another book from his bedside table, this one was weathered and used several times. It was an epic novel concerning the quest of brave adventures much like those he fought with in the Pass, and the villains who tried to stop them, as well as the ones in between. "Take it, it's my personal copy. I was always fond of it." If Kasei were to open it, he'd find that it was written completely in common speak, making sure all those in Hyrule could read it. "Not to sound selfish, but when I get out of the hospital, which might take awhile, so you'll have lots of time with it, I shall want it back," he smiled, rather sheepishly.

"And, if it's not too much to ask, can I ask a favor of you? If my boy (he's not his son, Orpheous just views him as one), Simon Grendel, gets into more than he can handle, please promise me you'll help him," he spoke, now with a much more serious demeanor. Not exactly commanding, or pleading, but more of one an old friend asking another friend for something extremely important to them.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:42 pm
"Simon, eh?" Kasei repeated as he skimmed a bit through the book. The Rebel Flame knew the boy as Orph's apprentice, though they've only met a handful of times. "Of course. After all, if I didn't, you'd fry me alive, wouldn't you?" He joked, and began to stand up to leave.

"By the way, you should try putting some Water Of Life to use for your leg, I think it's gonna help." He said, turning to exit.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:01 pm
"Probably," joked Orpheous when Kasei joked that Orpheous would fry Kasei if he didn't take care of Simon. He also nodded to the suggestion that he should try the Water of Life (what is that, by the way?). However, as the Rebel Flame turned to leave, Orpheous called out.

"Halt," Orpheous spoke, in an attempt to prevent the Rebel Flame from leaving. "I wasn't finished," he added, regardless of whether or not the Rebel Flame had stopped. "What's wrong with some small talk? How have you been since Gohma? What are your plans in the quest to liberate South Hyrule?"
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:31 pm
"Hmph." Kasei said with a smile. "I'm almost a hundred and thirty years old, and you want to ask small talk of me. In regards to how i've been; like you, though less impairing." He said, pulling up his jacket to reveal a large scar across his back. "I would ask that the PFH conduct an investigation. That was no normal Gohma, a standard Gohma wouldn't have been able to do that much damage to so many people at once. I am personally interested in finding out who raised it as a guard." He said aloud.

"My goals in South Hyrule are a different matter. As you know I am hunting down my grandfather, Jormund. I hope to find clues as to his whereabouts in the south, no doubt the exiles there will know of him."

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:34 pm
"Of course, Kasei," said Orpheous, with an odd grin across his face. He had clearly already thought of the Gohma dilemma. It wasn't normal. It was paranormal. This thing was some kind of freaky, super-Gohma. "We are already looking into it Kasei."

He then looked around, and noticing no one, sat up even farther, and put his mouth a few inches from Kasei's ear. "Please, don't tell anybody. I accidentally preserved one of Gohma's offspring. I won't tell you where, no offense, I don't trust hardly anybody with the egg. But, rest assured, it might hold the keys to answering your riddle," he told him. Then he sat back down normally.

"As for Jormund, if all the rumors I've heard of his power are true, than he is a threat to national security. We will be willing to aid your search in any way possible," he added. "Unless you have more to add, I have no problem with you choosing to leave now," Orpheous ended, "not that I'm kicking you out."
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:11 pm
Kasei smiled at this new revelation. "A man of science, eh?" He said, in an equal whisper. "Good, keep it alive, see if it's not possible to train the creature to be an aid to the defenses of Hyrule." He requested.

"I thank you for your concern. My superiors have been hard at work, however, devising a spell that will, at least momentarily, hopefully weaken him." He said with a smile. "We know that, for some reason, he is unable to step foot within North Castle. We believe it has something to do with the Triforce of Wisdom, so they're going to see if they cannot replicate it's effects in a smaller area." He claimed. "I hope you have a nice day, Orph." He finished, putting back on his clothing and, once more, turning to leave.

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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