Tales from the Past: Three-foot assasin

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:40 pm
"~Oh my my, what a rude person! Don't you think you should reconsider my offer, good sir!~" The zora stated, when someone else agreed with him and made a donation. "~Oh dear I can't accept this.~" He wispered into the rito's ear. "~In truth that man is in danger and I am trying to lure him from the shadows. Care to assist me?~" He continued.

"~Please good sir this won't take long! Come over here and hear a song! A tale sung by noone else, a singy tale of link himself! Come listen now and you will see, all of my singing abilities~"

OOC: MAN that rhyming there rocked!

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:32 am
The man stopped walking, and turned towards the Zora. "Excuse me?" He said, disbelief in his eyes. "I believe I said 'go away', did I not?" He slowly advanced towards the Zora. "So why do you continue to pester me? I have no patience for groveling. I have no patience for begging. And I certainly have no patience for you." In a swift motion, he raised his hand and slapped the Zora across the face. "Do not bother me again, or I WILL have you arrested." He looked at the Zora in pure disgust for a moment longer before turning back to his original path.
Last edited by Leth on Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:01 pm
OOC: A perfect time for having just finished reading through the topic :P.

Alright, my dad took the whole monitor away so I couldn't go on the CPU, so now that I'm @ school I'll be able to :).

... Stats are at home, though. I'll edit this post with the stats and such...

Name: Nightecus
Class: Scholar//Tactician
Race: Garo
Alignment: ???

IC: Not a split second passed since the man finished his final words towards the bard, that a pair of swords rested in an X shape at the back of his neck. From behind him, a calm, firm, yet quiet voice came from behind - the wielder of the swords; "Prison isn't the worst fate, sir. Say I pulled my blades back and let your fall dead onto the muddy ground. You'd never be able to feel the power you think you have again... You won't be able to run your fingers through your rupee safe again, spend it for your own heartless and wraith-like desires... you'll be in hell, burning. I'm sure that's a worse fate than hell." Whatever the reaction of the rich man's servants was, it clearly didn't matter to him, for the swords never faultered to the touch of the man's neck. "Don't wound what you can't kill, and don't kill what mustn't die."

A lightning strike eluminated the scene. The outline of a short, cloaked Garo, his face missing from within the cave of his hood, save for a single glowing green right-eye. He stared without moving a muscle upon the man's neck.

He spoke now to the others: "I'm prepared to kill him if you so wish. You all must live for the present. But I'm through with this waste of flesh..."

Finally, in his most quiet, chilling whisper, he said in the man's ear, "I don't think imprisoning this zora will serve you much. he'd only escape. But you... if prison is your greatest fear, open your eyes a little wider... would you like for me to kill you now, or your word that you will never bring harm to this zora or any other soul worse of than you again. i shall show you what mercy you will show others in the future... and don't think I will not come for you if something like this happens again..."

OOC: lol enough mysterious characters in cloaks XD... oh well.
PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:55 pm
Shi'an bristled her feathers-at both her actions and the man's. She relaxed at a new man's presence, but then suddenly stiffened at his very quickly. Her eyes flashed back and forth.

"Now," she began, "I see no right in this man's works. Being rude to someone such." She gestured from the man dressed so finely to the Zora. "But I see no right in threatening, either." She threw one arm in the air, while the other still rested at her side. "Must you listen to your thoughts before a fight a rages through your body?"
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:27 pm
The man froze as he felt the cold, uncaring metal touch his neck. He swallowed and said, "You dare threaten my life, fool? I am Count DeBraus, and I can have you severely punished for this insubordination! Threatening my life, indeed. Why, I'll have you know that I-" Suddenly he stopped talking. He glanced down and saw a dagger protruding from his chest, held in the hand of a small, cloaked person. Someone who would look astonishingly familiar to a certain zora and vampire... ((if he's still here...))

"And that," He said as he stepped aside and let the body fall. "is the end of that." He looked up at the garo. "Thank you for offering to kill him, but that was my job." He looked over at the gathered crowd, and saw the rito. "Your arm is broken!" He said, his voice full of concern, instantly forgetting everything else. "How long has it been that way? Never mind, you need medical attention, and you need it now." He glanced at the zora. "You there. You are a bard, am I correct? Perhaps you could play a healing song, or do something bard-ish for her."
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Leth - New and Improved!
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:41 pm
Hanzo grimaced as the various actions before him took place, from the garo's threats, to the very assassination he had attempted to avoid. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk, er, blood. What had the bard confused was that the very man who had committed murder was now asking him to heal the Rito.

Hanzo glanced, and discovered that she was indeed injured. "~Oh my, how sad! You arm is injured really bad! Let me fix it with a song, I promise it will not take long!~" He rhymed, and then began strumming a few notes on the guitar, notes that eventually became the [Sonata of Restoration] which he aimed at the poor rito.

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:38 pm
"Well, I'm not very-oh, thank you," Shi'an said, a bit baffled. She glanced between every person there. "I must ask, sir, why did you become so worried about a simple broken bone when you act to so cruel to normal people."

She flexed her arm, flapping it like a normal wing. It felt fine, but a bit stiff from the time she refused to move it at all. "Thank you very much," she muttered. The Rito shook her head, sighing a bit. "Now I can't fly because I need to dry off."

Shi'an glared at the sky as if it would stop raining on her command.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:14 pm
"Cruel? I am by no means cruel. I just did what I was hired to do. And my hirer was, for your information, the king of Hyrule himself. Count DeBraus was corrupt. He had excepted bribes, dealt in the black market, and secretly owns slaves. The king could not publicly condemn him because there was no solid evidence, but we knew he had done these things. He covered his tracks very well. And I must say, I don't believe anyone will be sorry to see him go." He turned to face them all.

"And in order to justify this murder, the king is blaming it on a group of known criminals in Tantari Desert, who actually were the ones that worked with the baron. They are my next assignment. So we kill two birds in one stone, if you'll pardon the expression." He said, looking at Shi'an.

"I don't believe I have met you all. My name is Milo, and I am Hyrule's greatest assassin. Who are you?" He asked, looking at the Rito and the Garo.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:15 pm
"Very reasonable answer, sir. And I take no notice of your one stone, two birds words. I know how you use it now and then." Shi'an waved her hand, easily not caring about the quote. "What I don't like is the king right now. All those things he has caused, and now he thinks that he can just blame someone else!?" She turned her head away, face turning red with anger.

Calming a bit, a sigh rattled through her body. "If you must know," she continued, "my name is Shi'an. I am, of course, a normal Rito. Nothing more, nothing less."
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:48 am
"Well, the King is not doing anything overly bad. He has killed off a corrupt politician, and will kill off a group of evil criminals who have been terrorizing the local civilians. Where is the evil in that?" Milo seems to be genuinely intrigued by the Rito's attitude towards the king. Milo sheathes his daggers and suddenly looks around. "Hey, I don't think it would be a wise idea to hang around here much longer. Otherwise WE might get blamed for killing him, eh?" And with that he leaps way up into the air...

and disappears.

"Come on!" His voice whispers from an unknown point. "People will be bound to come around here soon."
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:01 pm
"It's still wrong to put the blame on someone else," grumbled Shi'an. Before she could add in anything else, the man disappeared. She looked around, hearing his voice coming from somewhere. Ruffling her feathers, Shi'an started to walk away. Shortly, not even ten steps away, she turns around and faced the others.

"Any one else going to get moving?" she questioned.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:14 pm
Hanzo glanced around as events transpired. He looked at Milo with a confused look before the assassin literally up and vanished.

"To lie to the masses," He said, with a solemn look on his face, and lacking rhyme, "Is a great risk, but serves a purpose. Sometimes the people must not know of the dark dealings of their rulers if they are to remain safe. It is how the world is." He claimed, and turned to Shi'an.

"~Well, bird-kin, if you'd be so kind, I know of a lovely place to hide. The guards shall not find us there, because it is not anywhere!~" He said, again in his rhyming voice, before turning and walking strait down the road, and disappearing under the rain.

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:41 am
(((This topic is now pretty much over. However, Milo has place small notes in each of your pockets saying that you may join him in future efforts if you wish, and that his next mission is in tantari desert, where he will be dispatching of the criminals. Yeah he's an uber sneak. Like gollum. But sneakier. BUT I DIGRESS! The next topic is at T19. I hope to see you there!)))

((( And Orpheous, if your character was watching or something from the shadows, the card is in your pocket too. He's that good. :D )))
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:43 pm
Milo wrote:"I don't believe I have met you all. My name is Milo, and I am Hyrule's greatest assassin. Who are you?" He asked, looking at the Rito and the Garo.
When he turned to the Garo, there was a wisp of shadow that passed them, and he was gone. Down the alley there faded light footfalls upon the muddy road, leaving the others to be confused. None must know his name. None must know his purpose... not yet at least...

OOC: And that's how I justify my laziness. I'm trying to get back into HA2. Sorry about this >.<...