The Fourth Annual Grand Celebration

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:42 pm
As you enter Castle Town, you're struck by an odd sight--streamers and banners are everywhere, decorated with the personas of some of Hyrule's greatest heroes. The town is bustling with activity. Small children flit about here and there, begging for little Worru action figures or Whack-A-Zaboorak games. It must be time for the Grand Celebration, though something strikes you as odd--where are all the Knights that usually attend such festivities? And didn't the festival come earlier before?

As if reading your mind, two Knights appear out of nowhere, flanking a man in extravagant clothing with blue, highly stylish hair. He can't be much more than four feet, but his nose is sticking far enough into the air to make up for this lack of height. Stopping in the middle of the Courtyard. He clears his throat, then hollers for attention in a deep bass voice.

"MAY I HAVE YOUR EYES AND EARS!" Looking about as the crowd grows silent, he twirls a curl of his bright blue hair with a manicured finger, the bright green buttons on his yellow coattailed shirt gleaming in the sunlight. "Just in case you were wondering, that was an order, not a question! Now, I am Farello, the Royal Activities Coordinator. Yes, yes, I'm well aware you are honored at my coming into your presence, but if you'd stop basking in my glorious hair's glory I'd like to do my job and get back to my cuisine."

Unrolling a scroll--scented of peach--he began to read. "We admit that due to preoccupation with the war for the South--a waste of time, really, the South end of Hyrule always reeked of unsophistication--preparations for the Grand Celebration had been delayed. However, blah blah blah, look we've put together a celebration. Swig your ale, eat your cake, I'll be watching from my chamber and eating Octo a la Mode." Farello rolled up the scroll and tucked it under his arm. "No, that's not what it said. Shove off already." With that, he turned, kicked up his pointed leather shoes, and clacked away, surrounded in silence. The two guards stood, speechless, watching the myriad of colors stroll into the castle.

After a moment of utmost quietude, they turned to each other, shrugged, and strode off to the towering cake in one corner of the Courtyard. As if on cue, conversation abruptly continued, the wailing of children taking priority of the soundwaves.

OOC: Sorry it's a little late, but happy fourth anniversary HA2! :D
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:47 pm
OOC: Why can't it be a Leth action figure? :lol:
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:48 pm
"What a jerk." Aria said, as she sifted through the crowd. She knew exactly what she was here for: cake. Nothing was going to get between her and a delicious treat like that, Ganon himself could rise from the grave for all she cared, he wasn't stopping her from devouring sweets.

The little shiekahn approached the cake-givers finally, and held out her hand expectantly, with glistening eyes. "May I have a slice please?" She asked.

On the completely opposite side of the festival, Kasei was eying a nearby stand which sold an assortment of dolls featuring various adventurers. Interesting, a Worru toy. He thought. I wonder if they have one of me over there? He wondered, but dare not go to ask, instead turning to survey the rest of the entertainment.

OOC: Seriously, Worru? :lol:

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Kagari Level 4
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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:46 pm
Kagari walked over and heard what was happeneing. He then noticed the towering cake. He walked over to it. He was drooling for a piece of it. He has been starving because he had a lack of food supplies and what he did have were apples and a cookie or two.
Stand up for what's right, even if your standing alone!

STR 2/DEF 1+2/AGI3+3/INT3/SPI1/SPL 4(base x lv+spi) 3//HP: 30+10(exceptional health)40
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:12 am
A pair of critical gray eyes scanned the party grounds. A Blade sat at a table of nobles and counts, most of whom had now acknowledged that he was in no mood for conversation, and abandoned their attempts. Some of them he could not even bear to look at. He came to this party, armed with Belegcam, his mighty spear of legend inherited from his father Grayblade, beside his chair, with no intention in sharing the festivities. It made him happy that Hyruleans could sleep in peace and be in the mood for a chance to get outside and enjoy themselves with great amounts of people. Hyrule was at the brink of destruction. He had to admit, whatever the royal court was up to, they were doing well to hide this all from the people... For fear perhaps of letting Exile spies hear what they had to say...

His silent anger made him glare with temptation at the untouched mug of Hylian Ale before him, but he sighed after a moment of reflection. ... What were they keeping from him? ... Some among the court believed him a spy, he already knew. But those in greater power trusted him well enough, he was sure... He cursed the names of Scar and Twin - two Blades gone bad, his very own uncles. ... they knew he meant well, though...

... He was not trusted, what difference did it make? Who said he could not serve Hyrule without being noteworthy. He would protect the people - watch over them with his own eyes. ...

The night wore on. He read no presence within the crowd of an Exile or otherwise evil creature. Nothing could go overlooked. ...
ganondorf Level 1
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Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:11 pm
where can i join the grand tounament
DarkLink Level 2
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Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:30 am
Anon rolled his eyes. Arrogant little bast- suddenly his attention is caught by this giant cake. Clutching his growling stomach, Anon walks over and gets himself a slice. A group of children run by, laughing and clutching their Worru action figures. How can I have an action figure of me? Guess I gotta do something important. He thought to himself. He shrugged and enjoyed the rest of the festivities.
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
STR 3(Base)
DEF 3(Base) +2(Deku Sheild) = 5
AGI 2(Base) +3(Race) = 5
INT 1(Base)
SPI 1(Base)
HP 40
ShadowFang (1h Deku Sword) 5 dmg+3str
Train L1 Bow (1 TP spent)
Find Sustenance (1 TP spent)
