[Location] North Castle Library

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:04 pm
Before you are the wide, ornately carved double doors to the North Castle Library. It's majestic heights are adorned with white walls, pillars, and carvings which make it difficult to not be impressed. Large windows let light into the place, and even from the streets you can see row after row after row of book shelves, all filled to the brim with tomes and texts of a number of different subjects: spells, legends, sciences, history... you name it, it's probably in there somewhere.

Perhaps you would like to enter the library?
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:07 pm
A smile spread across the vassal's face. When not training his combat skills, learning from scrolls, texts, legends, and stories would help. It had been many years since he had lived in Hyrule. he was young before he left Hyrule for all those years, and only recently had he returned. There was much to learn.

He looked the tall white doors up and down, awestruck. Hyrulean archiecture is always renown for its greatness. No country in the Demiari could match it. He smiled. Marvelling every aspect of the designs across the doors, Nogare pushed the doors open, and made his way inside, to begin his studies.
DarkLink Level 2
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Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:19 am
Anon stared at the wide double doors intently. "Hmmm...I wonder if I can learn more of my culture in here? Guess I should go inside."
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
STR 3(Base)
DEF 3(Base) +2(Deku Sheild) = 5
AGI 2(Base) +3(Race) = 5
INT 1(Base)
SPI 1(Base)
HP 40
ShadowFang (1h Deku Sword) 5 dmg+3str
Train L1 Bow (1 TP spent)
Find Sustenance (1 TP spent)

Eryn143 Level 2
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Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:14 pm
She stood on the stone steps beneath the huge white doors which if opened would reveal Hyrule's largest information station, and the largest library Nyre had ever set eyes upon. She gazed at the ivory colored doors with joy, and an appreciation for the beauty in things around her. She marveled at the intricate designs in the ivory marble stone columns that were the base structure for the entire library.

'Welcome to your new life Nyre, better make the best of it before someone else sees more potential in you and gives you something else that the hero's of old used in their journey's through time.'

With that final thought, Nyre stepped forward and entered the world of knowledge.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href="http://desertcolossus.com/adventures/vi ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
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