The return of an old friend

Moderator: Royal Guard

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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Joined: Experience: 214
Class: grunt
Rupees: 367
TP: 1
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:12 pm
As the sun starts to go down, people are heading home, and the night life of hyrule begins. You are passing through trying to struggle you way past a moving crowd all heading in various directions when you notice someone new in a way. You see a man that looks tired, yet satisfied. He came from the direction of the town castle gates, which hinted to you that he is a new arrival, or someone who's been distant for awhile. the man slowly walks his was to the nearest bench and sits. He pulls out a canteen of water, and drinks his last few drops, then relaxes. The man looks curious, he's dressed in a normal winter wear, a white shirt, with a raggedy hooded coat on. His pants look filthy due to what you presume to be his long journey. His hair darkened by the night, but through the moonlight you can see that it's a total mess. His eye's are dull yet they shine through the night like a star. Your curiosity consumes you, and you decide to welcome this man to hyrule.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

DEF 3 +2(shield)
AGI 3 + 3(Race)
HP 51