Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:17 pm
Nyre smiled as she pulled ahead of Nogare on their sprint, she had no recollection of how they had gotten out of the Hostel, but she did know was that they were running and whoever was after them was going to either have a major surprise when they get to her now empty room, or they'll know that they bolted and follow. Either way the person would follow, but one circumstance held a higher chance they would have a further advantage to getting away faster.
"C'mon Nogare! Keep up!" She sped past the Library, a place she had wanted to visit since her arrival in Castle Town, just to find something about her past, but now... with her and Nogare on high alert of someone pursuing them, the Library wasn't an option like she wanted it to anymore. Nogare was still following, but he seemed to be slowing down considerably.
Nyre slowed, stopping at a wall that lead to the Barracks. Nogare was soon up beside her, catching his breathe.
"Would you think it would be easier if we split up? I mean... I have my bow, my sword and plenty of arrows. You've trained me well Nogare... I can take care of myself." I smiled at him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But... if you have a better idea. Then by all means voice your opinion. I am up for better plans." I looked around the wall to see a hooded feminine figure stop in the middle of the road and look around frantically. Her figure seemed to sag. I watched as she reached up and lifted the hood off. Thick, long black hair tumbled down her back. Her rouge colored eyes scanned the area, and I soon found her mind present within mine.
"Uhm... scratch whatever you were going to say Nogare... we have company...."
"C'mon Nogare! Keep up!" She sped past the Library, a place she had wanted to visit since her arrival in Castle Town, just to find something about her past, but now... with her and Nogare on high alert of someone pursuing them, the Library wasn't an option like she wanted it to anymore. Nogare was still following, but he seemed to be slowing down considerably.
Nyre slowed, stopping at a wall that lead to the Barracks. Nogare was soon up beside her, catching his breathe.
"Would you think it would be easier if we split up? I mean... I have my bow, my sword and plenty of arrows. You've trained me well Nogare... I can take care of myself." I smiled at him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But... if you have a better idea. Then by all means voice your opinion. I am up for better plans." I looked around the wall to see a hooded feminine figure stop in the middle of the road and look around frantically. Her figure seemed to sag. I watched as she reached up and lifted the hood off. Thick, long black hair tumbled down her back. Her rouge colored eyes scanned the area, and I soon found her mind present within mine.
"Uhm... scratch whatever you were going to say Nogare... we have company...."
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction