A Place To Stay (at the Traveler's Hostel)

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Eryn143 Level 2
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Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:17 pm
Nyre smiled as she pulled ahead of Nogare on their sprint, she had no recollection of how they had gotten out of the Hostel, but she did know was that they were running and whoever was after them was going to either have a major surprise when they get to her now empty room, or they'll know that they bolted and follow. Either way the person would follow, but one circumstance held a higher chance they would have a further advantage to getting away faster.
"C'mon Nogare! Keep up!" She sped past the Library, a place she had wanted to visit since her arrival in Castle Town, just to find something about her past, but now... with her and Nogare on high alert of someone pursuing them, the Library wasn't an option like she wanted it to anymore. Nogare was still following, but he seemed to be slowing down considerably.
Nyre slowed, stopping at a wall that lead to the Barracks. Nogare was soon up beside her, catching his breathe.
"Would you think it would be easier if we split up? I mean... I have my bow, my sword and plenty of arrows. You've trained me well Nogare... I can take care of myself." I smiled at him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But... if you have a better idea. Then by all means voice your opinion. I am up for better plans." I looked around the wall to see a hooded feminine figure stop in the middle of the road and look around frantically. Her figure seemed to sag. I watched as she reached up and lifted the hood off. Thick, long black hair tumbled down her back. Her rouge colored eyes scanned the area, and I soon found her mind present within mine.
"Uhm... scratch whatever you were going to say Nogare... we have company...."
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:47 pm
OOC: Trust me, Eryn, Nogare wouldn't be out of breath after a little jog like that. He's both a Sheikah and a Blade, after all. And Hylian, so those are all pluses. :P. No trace of human at all.

Nogare spoke sooner than he meant to, and with more harshness, desperate to counter the thought. "We don't split up. We're fine... We are both trying to get to the same place right now, wherever it is, and if we split up now our pursuer, or pursuers if that's the case, can just try to pick us off individually. It's not like they could, but your Sheikah powers are still not as strong as they will be, once we find our lead. For now, we need to..."

He sensed it. They had been found. He sensed for an escape. Windows were closed, doors locked. But the other entrances were easy to be forced into a bottle-neck.

Nogare readied his weapon, ready for the fight. "It's a trap."

"Actually, son of Grayblade, it's more of a parlay."

"Identify yourself!" He put an image into Nyre's mind of her drawing her bow and to get behind him.

The person who came around the corner was calm and unarmed. His heavy cloaks suggested that this wasn't the pursuer that was looking for them. He also definitely didn't sense this man having any particular powers. No magic came off of him. There was just a commanding presence from him. He had ice-blue eyes frozen into his sockets, and a faint expression of sympathy toward the two was written with anticipation.

"You may call me Achernar. I am of the Brotherhood of Shadows, and I know of what you are. A group of others such as yourselves are looking for others. They were afraid to confront you, son of Grayblade, because of your... primal lineage... You've lived in Hyrulean culture so long you probably can't even hear the voices of darkness."

"You know of my mother?!"

"Of course we do. But her choices left her... how should I say it... out of favour. She was a brilliant breed, ripe with power and determination... it's unfortunate what they did to her."

"WHO?! Tell me everything!" Nogare totally ignored that those who had been reading in silence that their eyes trained with terror upon him and Achernar. And... oh gods. On the balcony-like catwalk above them, archers aimed had their weapons upon them. Nogare could fend them off alone, but could Nyre? She hadn't trained at all... Whatever was going to happen to them was already determined, depending on what they chose to do. Checkmate before the game had begun. And it had gone entirely through his sensing. How could he let this happen? Was this what love did to a warrior? Make him blind?

"It's not the time or place to tell you everything, Blade." The title was addressed with a hint of disgust behind it. What did he have against the Blades?... Gods, was Grim alright? Was he already aware of what was happening? Had he to... His senses were far more attuned than his own, even with his own genetic improvements. How much more did he not know?

He turned to look upon Nyre, who by now had likely spotted the archers by now. "Nyre, the fighter I had hoped for you to become is only as strong as perhaps two of these folk." He spoke with care. He met her gaze, telling her with his eyes that he knew what he was doing.

He turned back to Achernar and sighed softly.

"Not time or place? Then why choose now to ambush us? And what is with the assassin you sent for us at the Hostel?"

There was a pause. Achernar looked confused. "Assassin? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't lie. Now isn't the time or place." Nogare wondered how that would sound to this condescending jerk.

"I assure you, I have no idea who it is."

"He or she was able to block my thoughts and sneak up behind us just like you."

"A rogue, perhaps?"

Nogare only glared back in return.

"I apologize for the misunderstanding. If I were to choose, i'd have you side with us, and if you would, you would be a great chieftain!"

"Chieftain? Not lord? Of what kind of society are you?"

Achernar put a finger to his lips, smiling behind it. "That, too, is a secret."

Nogare exasperated. "Fine, then what is with the archery show?"

"That, sir, if for her protection."


"Yes. If she does not join us, the Exiles will only gain for it."


"Your family seems to think so. With your Sheikah blood, you seem to be a bit of an outcast..."

Was he truly feeling anger? He was better than this...

"Nogare, listen to me. We know all about your past, and we know of hers. We know that she is destined to make a mark on this world, and depending on whose side she's on, it might actually be for good."

A breath was let out harshly. "Side? Am I considered to be on the wrong side?"

The archers pulled their bows back further.

Achernar gestured for them to hide their threatening presence, but not to be completely at ease. This wasn't over yet.

"Nogare, you are a weapon, for our gain or theirs. If you don't find a way to help us, this Castle might as well already be burned to the ground and crawling with Exile spawn."

"I'm a protector of Hyrule, and a vassal of the kingdom!"

"You are a pawn in a greater game, my friend. Now, help us, help her, or die. It will do you well either way."

Nogare fell silent. He did not look back to Nyre... He did not need to choose. He thought of his missions, his goals, and his hopes... and they all flushed away as his mind filled with thoughts for her. If he needed to die to keep her safe, even if he didn't understand why, then so be it. He closed his eyes, letting Nyre speak. He did not deserve to live if she wished otherwise. He was bound to her choice.

OOC: wow that was way longer than it needed to be XD... Oh well :P Hope you liked it. Finally got some spice in our little storyline here. ^_^
Eryn143 Level 2
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Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:30 am
Nyre looked between the back of Nogare's sagging head and this... Achernar, his face... it seemed vastly familiar. Yet she couldn't place where she had seen it before. Back in Saria maybe? She narrowed her eyes, they were leaving the decision up to her whether Nogare would be killed or not. She opened and closed her mouth a couple times before answering. Would they just say they were going to keep him alive? And then kill him when I wasn't looking? Could I trust these armed men? They do not seem all too friendly to me. And why would I be an asset to this battle? This is all very confusing.... "Of course Nogare stays alive, and he stays by my side from now on. I do not care what you over zealous fools say or do to stop it... he's my guide and protector... he stays with me at all times... got it, get it, good. Now... as Nogare had said... we had someone following us, an Assassin... a female. She wore a long black cloak, she carried a Claymore? Long flowing slightly curly black hair? Are you telling me that you know nothing of this chase? That you've never set eyes upon this woman before? That you never 'hired' her to hunt us down? If I am a liable asset to the upcoming Battle Achernar... you have better answer me before I change my mind about going with you. Then... you'll have to kill both of us... the special puzzle piece and the pawn you didn't see fit to journey in the first place. So make your choice, and choose your words wisely. I am in no mood for fun and game right now." she glared daggers into those oh so scary crystal blue eyes. The ones who most likely drove fear directly into others souls. Somehow... those same eyes, did not hold the same effect upon her, she held strong, legs spread firmly on the ground, arms in fists at her sides. She kept a part of her mind in the area around them, searching for any clue that the Assassin was near by or close in any degree possible. Their gathering must have caught a firm degree of attention by now, and she wasn't taking chances with anything in her state of mind right now. She hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep, she was being chased by some goddess forbidden assassin, and now she was bombarded by archers and a fat man with dead looking eyes. She was ready for just about anything.
The fat man seemed to hesitate, mulling her words over. She watched the emotions pass over his slightly wrinkled face, she narrowed her eyes when he bit the inside of his cheek, Is he going to go with this? Well... he knows I am a key of sorts... so he knows he can't kill me, and if he kills Nogare, then he might as well kill me, cause I wont be going anywhere with them if they do. He nodded finally, after what seemed like FOREVER and looked around, he motioned for her to come forward, she did so with caution in every step.
"I agree with your deal, we won't kill the pawn, as for you... you shall stay with him, as you've demanded, but now... I dare say we better be going. We've a lot to tell the two of you."
What else could he possibly tell us?! She nodded and took Nogare's hand as this somewhat suspicious new ally led the way through the streets of Castle Town.
Last edited by Eryn143 on Sun May 29, 2011 1:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
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AlyviaTharrenBlade Level 1
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Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:17 am
Alyvia watched from a alcove not far from where Nogare and Nyre stood, talking to a man she had known since childhood, she smiled. I see Archener could do a much better tracking job then I could... oh well... I will see you soon Nyre and you as well Nogare. She pulled her hood back over her head and hunched over, she walked right by the group just as Nyre stepped forward toward her old friend. She caught Archener's eye and saw him wink at the last second as she past. Rascally devil he is. She smirked and padded into a trot down the castle town roads, cobble stone pathways leading this way and that, she knew where she was going, her legs led the way all the time. She smiled as she pictured the camp that lay not far from Castle Town, also not far from where Nogare picked up Nyre in the swamps. A wicked thought came to mind, maybe she could challenge Nyre to a duel to see how well Nogare had trained her.
Maybe that boy did some good finally and trained a worthy opponent... a women Shiekah no less. If so... the battle will be very interesting. She round a corner and came to the massive hundred foot gate that led out to the fields.

Taking a deep breathe, she stepped across the giant thresh hold and entered into a sprint as she flew by the shack outside the wall.

See you soon brother....
...all I need is some time....
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:52 pm
Nogare watched Achernar without turning his gaze anywhere else. He felt the emotions of the other archers. There was fear and suspicion. As much as there was from either Nyre or himself. That worried him even more. Achernar was something he had not expected, or comprehend just yet. His emotions were set and dutiful, which made his own side harder to suspect.

Achernar turned his gaze to an alcove off to the side. An aura of knowing something that the rest didn't crossed him. He didn't turn his gaze but turned his thoughts out to where the leader of their captors had gazed, but felt nothing.

The same nothing that there was in the room of the Hostel...

This could get really ugly really fast... I have to be careful...

What made it worse was that it was extremely public. They wanted the people to mistrust Nogare by the end to take Nyre by the will of the people later for their own cause. Maybe if it changed for the worst he could make the people see his side...

His own family though siding against them... it was no secret that they despised the choice his father had made to fall in love with that Sheikah instead of remaining true to their bloodline of human-only. Their kin, even if bred with humans, would give birth to pure Hylians. That was where most of their power came from.

Calmly he came to a theory. Either my family is working with Achernar, or Achernar believes he's doing the Blades a justice... Perhaps his earlier disgust was from me not being worthy of the title, not the fact that I was a Blade... or it may not, these things always reveal themselves in the end. I only need to be braced for any answer.

Nogare did not ignore the many eyes peering at them from every direction. They were the people who had once believed he was doing the right thing, now seeing him being taken away by archers who were garbed not much unlike the legionnaires of Hyrule. All to keep the public on their side, no matter how things turned out.

"Nyre, I love you. It feels selfish to say, but thank you for choosing me. I owe you more than my life. I owe all that is in my power to save from here on out." He gazed back at one of the guards, and kept from saying more. I have to keep Nyre safe no matter what... That's all that matters. They're going to use her, and I have a feeling that it's for the worst...

They stopped before the courtyard gate leading out to the Fields. Achernar turned. "There is a headquarters of ours that I'd like to take you and your betrothed to. It's not far from here. It will not take long, for we do not do much business outside of the castle. We are protectors of the people, as you may realize.

Of course you are Nogare thought to himself sarcastically.

"Now please, pay attention. We will be met here by one of our members, who has been abroad. Please be patient..."