OOC: I've come to reply to this topic, like, 5 times since your reply, Kasei. But every time, I'll get out several paragraphs and then suddenly my browser will close or my computer will freeze up and I have to shut it down or our power will go out or something like that and I end up loosing everything I typed, so I get frustrated and leave it alone for a while. Here's hoping it doesn't happen
this time.
Also, I see what you did there, Kasei. With the dagger. Clever use of topic to bring about your plot idea.
IC: The sounds of Kasei approaching startled Jinx, and she quickly spun around in a panic to counter this new threat she had forgotten about, causing her to momentarily drop her defenses. This one moment was all Leth needed to gain the upper hand. He quickly cast off his act of weakness and went for a sweeping kick at Jinx's legs. She was caught completely off guard and she fell to the ground in an uncontrolled tumble, landing on her back. Leth, acting quickly, stabbed his rapier into the ground next to her, driving it through the fabric of her shoulder pad and pinning her to the ground. She tried to roll out of it, but she only mildly succeeded in putting a small tear in her clothes. Before she could try again, Leth was at her side, bow and arrow pointedly aimed at her face. Leth, without taking his eyes off of her, shouted back to Kasei,
“Don’t come any closer, we don’t want her abilities to affect you again. Besides, she’s harmless now.”
He then directed his voice to the helpless Magic Eater.
“Okay. Talk." He said sternly.
"Why should I?" She asked, glaring at him coldly.
"Because I honestly have no reason to let you live, if you're not going to give us information."
"I doubt that. You don't seem the type to kill a helpless person in cold blood."
"You want to test that theory?"
Jinx raised her eyebrows at him.
Leth sighed, exasperated. "Look, clearly you've got to see that your superiors are just using you. You and your people hate magic, yes?"
"I hardly see what this has to do with-"
"And they're using magic to try and get their way. They used magic to bring us here, they use magic to watch you, and even suppress the hereditary gift of your people, and there's no doubt they will use more magic in the future. These seem like the powerful sorcerer type. They're not going to want to do away with magic once they've accomplished their goal. You know what they're doing and they won't stop till they've created a world ruled by magic- their horrible dark magic."
Jinx was silent.
"C'mon, You said it yourself- magic is not a power for man to tamper with. If you truly believe it, show us your conviction. Don't let these men defile the world with their wicked magics and dark spells."
To Leth's surprise, she began to laugh.
"You're right; magic is not for man. Magic is a power left to the Gods- and that's exactly what the Great Plan is set to accomplish. My "superiors", as you call them, are emissaries for a greater cause. We are but pawns in the hands of the One who commands us- we are truly chosen of the Gods, for our leader is a mighty deity. It is foolish to oppose Him, for He shall see the end of all of your ideals. We will create a world not of Human magic- but a world ruled by it's true master; a being worthy of the power you call magic. Any human who attempts to wield such power without the blessing of the Gods is a fool and a heretic! You will all die- and there is nothing you can do to stop it!
At this point, Jinx was getting hysterical; she was practically screaming her words at the group. When she stopped speaking and instead began to laugh, it became clear that they would get no more coherent thoughts out of her. Leth, disgusted by the display in front of him, delivered one swift kick to her head, causing her to go limp. He turned to Kasei.
"She'll be out for a while. I'm not sure what to do with her.. clearly there is no way we can talk her out of her convictions. But I don't want to kill her; I believe there may be some way to win her over. We'll have to carry her back with us. Don't worry- her magic eating abilities are passive, but they require an active mind so it can use her energy. As long as she is unconscious, we will be able to use magic as normal. The question is... what do we do now?"
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}