Enter Kraven

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killjoy Level 1
Joined: Experience: 8
Class: Grunt
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Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:19 pm
A lone sheikah male wearing a navy cloak with the hood up had just walked through the gate in mid-thought when a bard began to read aloud for him one of his poems knocking him out of his thoughts saying "Fear no more the heat o' the sun; Nor the furious winter's rages, Thou thy worldly task hast done-" before Kraven cut him off saying, "Not this time. Thank you anyway." and walked off toward the nearest home which happened to his and walked in.
STR: 3, DEF: 3 + 2(deku Shield) = 5 (Total), AGI; 2(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 5(TOTAL), INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 40(BASE) + 1(SPI) = 41(TOTAL)
Skill list
Shadowmeld - Once per three combat rounds, can attempt to remove self from combat for 1 round by becoming invisible
L1NK4NDZ3LD4 Level 4
Joined: Experience: 176
Class: Grunt/Vassal
Rupees: 31
TP: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:46 pm
Upon seeing the cloaked figure walk into the courtyard and then right into the house she was perched on after cutting the young bard off in mid sentence Kamiko had become merely curious of the person.
Kamiko happened to jump down from the roof and walked up to the bard asking; "Just who was that?"
HP-40+1(SPI)+10(lvl1exceptional health)=51(total)
Shadowmeld-The King’s Banner - 1 TP-Honorabl Kill - 2 TP-L1 Train Bow
killjoy Level 1
Joined: Experience: 8
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 1
TP: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:36 pm
The bard had turned to face the girl to face her just as she nodded towards the house in which Kraven went into and said to her, "I am not sure as to what his name is. I have never asked him. I've never been the type to really ask bor ones name. I am sorry." and walked off to another random person.
Kraven stood at the windows edge watching the young girl, who, as far as he new was curious as to where a certain something might be. Or so he thought watching her ponder what the bard had said to her until, that is, she turned to face his house.
STR: 3, DEF: 3 + 2(deku Shield) = 5 (Total), AGI; 2(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 5(TOTAL), INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 40(BASE) + 1(SPI) = 41(TOTAL)
Skill list
Shadowmeld - Once per three combat rounds, can attempt to remove self from combat for 1 round by becoming invisible
L1NK4NDZ3LD4 Level 4
Joined: Experience: 176
Class: Grunt/Vassal
Rupees: 31
TP: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:43 pm
"Hmm... So he just walked up to him not asking for a name..." Kamiko wondered aloud before turning to the house to look. For a moment she pondered on the thought of what she should do before walking right up to the door and hesitantly knocked on it and stepped back.
HP-40+1(SPI)+10(lvl1exceptional health)=51(total)
Shadowmeld-The King’s Banner - 1 TP-Honorabl Kill - 2 TP-L1 Train Bow
killjoy Level 1
Joined: Experience: 8
Class: Grunt
Rupees: 1
TP: 0
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:03 pm
Kraven had just reached the door pulling the hood of his cloak back up by the time the young girl had started knocking. Waiting a second he opened the door stepping aside to let her in.
STR: 3, DEF: 3 + 2(deku Shield) = 5 (Total), AGI; 2(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 5(TOTAL), INT: 1, SPI: 1, HP: 40(BASE) + 1(SPI) = 41(TOTAL)
Skill list
Shadowmeld - Once per three combat rounds, can attempt to remove self from combat for 1 round by becoming invisible
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