Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:50 am
OOC: What first began as a drive to catch up with the Yuletide Party topic soon evolved into the evolution of Nogare's character, and envisioning what he was doing as the dancing, drinking, and rage-quits occurred. I'd like to apologize here for taking this long to reply, but the purpose of this little spot over here is for Azador and me to roleplay of what we were doing while all the other merriments were being enjoyed, leading right up to the most recent post made... last week. So, enjoy. If you read this you'll get to see a hint of what's been going on with Nogare along with some insight on the Blades themselves, plus whatever our fellow Darkmage decides to surprise us with.
Just a friendly reminder, this is for me and Jarod only, we've got a plan for this, which I'm pretty happy with, but you guys are already having your fun. So, without further ado...
His ember eyes flickered from one musician to the next, and expressions of adoration were worn amongst them, pressed closed to take in the sounds that vibrated the enchanted ballroom, speaking in a worldly language of unspoken, yet heard expression. The serenade that seemed to pull the room into its elegant dancers into closer bonds.
A quick pat to the pocket of his simple, albeit proud Blade uniform attire, confirmed that it was still there. Good. He put his hand in the pocket, and held the jewel in his hand, and closed his eyes. A soft sigh was released after a moment, and he withdrew his hand, and banished any other thoughts of passion that the dancers would passively inflict.
Just as well too. That was the end of the first song. It was time to proceed. He moved his hand to a breast pocket and withdrew a pale blue earring, which he snapped onto his ear. To keep from drawing suspicion, he scratched the back of his long Hylian ears... His finger ran over the spot where the top of the ear should be, feeling instead only a stump, as if they belonged to a Human, or more specifically, a Sheikah. It didn't hurt, of course, but the idea of not fully belonging to any single race wasn't something even time could grant ignorance to.
There was a ringing coming from the piece hanging from his ear. He waited for it to pass before hearing the voice he'd been waiting for, a hissed whisper escaping the ear-piece: "Testing, test, one two three."
I hear you Macis. Nice song, eh?
"Life changing. Now I'm in the right corridor from the Knight's Barracks. Swiftblade's Dojo is just across the hall."
Good. The nervous chirp of a solemn flute echoed his anticipation from the stage.
"Master, you've got to see what they did to your fancy apartment area in this place, I passed it minute or so ago. It's certainly not yours, that's for sure. I take it people around here took it hard when you ditched them way back then..."
They all ditched in the end, before the invitations went out. You've got to be in the dojo by now, find anything that gives any sort of clue of if there's any truth to if she's really here. I'm not going home until I have answers.
"You got it, Master Blade..." There was a crinkle of paper to be heard, and Nogare listened to the clear sounds as if he were in his uncle's training area himself. "Let's see, training exercises, weapon requests to Quartermaster Hithos, something about a woman who was kidnapped by Goriyas in Tantari not long ago..." Nogare held his breath. Oh wait, nevermind, they found her, alive, her name is Brithain, it's not here, I'll check the closet-"
No need. Move to the next room. I don't want to have to explain to my uncle, who already thinks I'm bad blood, why a kid's meddling around in his own training room, and moreover, that you're my apprentice. Not a great way to greet him after three years of no warning of where I went.
The soft rustling of hasty steps went from cement to carpet. He'd left "I thought he hated you though? Why the sudden wish to know where you are? Trying to be like a new dad?"
The humour in his hushed tone didn't flicker Nogare in the least. Nothing like that. It's more about not trusting me. Apparently when you have disloyal Sheikah blood, you're contaminated with a sudden wish to destroy everything. Trust me, the feeling is mutual. Now, move to the-
"Din, guards! I need to hide for a bit. Pay attention to your party, people are probably trying to talk to you. Bye!"
Nogare's eyes opened. Good, it only looked like he was asleep. He still wasn't used to the effects of the Gossip Stone. Since they were of Sheikah make, it should be simple to use with his genetics, and even easier with the telepathy that Blades inherited through blood.
But Nogare possessed no mighty insight of Sheikah observation, nor any telepathic or telekinetic power. It was like the two magics of the blood canceled each other out. It was nice that it didn't affect him in combat, bearing both Sheikah agility and Blade skill, but without their magics, he felt no better than a human.
It was good to see more had shown up. It was strange to see so many familiar faces, but this many, after so many departed, either protecting West Hyrule from the shadows or keeping to themselves. There was Alpha dancing with one of the other adventurers. The girl from the Rauru Woods, when he was obsessing over that Underworld Entrance? Small world he thought to himself. Made him wonder if anyone had spoken to him while he was communicating with Macis. (OoC: Sorry Alpha! XD).
Sovelis was off to the corner, smoking a pipe, and Shada was drinking, and there were a Zora and Fairy together, who he had never seen before in his life, but the way they carried themselves alone was enough to tell him they were the adventurer sort. And over there, Leth the ranger who he had remembered fighting alongside, his precise arrows whizzing past his head and finding their marks before he could finish charging them. He knew that invitations had reached the four corners of the Kingdom and beyond to get the others to return, but this many?
Or had he rid himself of any emotional care of the Blade since Nogare had set out. If that was the case, why was it that he couldn't help wanting to kill him even here and now?
Because you're a Blade, it's in your nature. came a whisper of his Sheikah side.
But there was something more... the Rebel Flame now seemed more, well, frail, but strangely content. For the first time, he saw him look more his age; old. He just greeted a handful of nobles, but ultimately decide it was best to find a chair to rest in, seeming already exhausted. For a moment Nogare could only wonder what had happened, or even wonder if it was finally his sense of never really having a family that made him suddenly sympathize.
When Kasei's head began searching around, Nogare turned away. He didn't feel his gaze, hopefully. Tonight was a bad night to be proven wrong. He had to find out what information the Blades were holding out on him about Solena. He weaved through a crowd by the concessions, clipping the earring out of his ear, unwilling to be seen with such a devise in the open. His hand instinctively began to sink back into his pocket, but he drew it away promptly, unwilling to feel the gem's cold touch.
(OoC: Sorry for this length, Azador! Trying to get all I had planned for these pages out all at once. One reason among many it's taken this bloody long.)
IC: When people bump into each other, they behave much like rocks. Depending on which is bigger, or which is denser, one will give way and be pushed.
But when two Blades bump into each other, the best way to describe it is as two waves clashing together. They adapt, bend, spin, and somersault until both are either done wavering or dead calm.
By the time Grayblade's son Nogare and Swiftblade's son Tharian had finished their tsunami of re-balancing themselves, and finally recognized each other, a silence followed. A small few who witnessed the scene were at first terrified for fear that Nogare had finally changed sides and fight Tharian, but when Swiftblade's son pulled him into a bear's embrace, Nogare felt a buzz of confusion. Why was Tharian showing him any courtesy, let alone treating him as one of their own? Even when he was protecting West Hyrule it was only his father's rank that even put him among the upper class, the living Blades would never speak with him. It wasn't just unexpected, it felt wrong.
"You go South after Gohma's defeated, fight a few wandering Zolas, then decide, 'hey, I want to go somewhere else'! Honourable for you of course to go to protect such an unsung part of the kingdom, but not even a letter?"
Nogare had never closed his mind so thoroughly. The only thought that fully formed in his mind was 'skepticism'.
"Yeah, I guess that's to be expected." Tharian's cheer and excitement of seeing his cousin faded, when he realized that he wasn't there simply because of Yuletide.
A moment passed, and not a word was spoken, and, by Nayru's Love for the World, he didn't want to have a single idea released.
He needed a second mind to mix up the thoughts. Another adventurer, no predictable nobles.
Just then, his prayers were answered. Perhaps the goddesses forgave him after all:
"Azador Greenfield, Arcane Magician and Adventurer!" the royal announcer proclaimed.
"My... if that isn't one of the fanciest titles I could ever hope to earn in these parts," the magician gawked back.
Perfect. He remember Azador from years before, he could at least have him nearby to confuse Tharian's telepathic attacks.
"How fare ye, good people?"
"Azador!" Nogare called out, waving him over. As much as he didn't want the others to approach him, this couldn't wait. He'd meet with the rest again when the time was right. Macis could wait too. Tharian was the first priority.
OOC: That took me four hours straight to write - with an intermission at Page 3 for some cereal. 3 AM - 7 AM. It went from being so amazing to being below par. Oh well, let's see this thing continue!
And Azador, Nogare seems need someone close enough to disrupt Tharian's mind-reading from Nogare to find out where he's been, but for now, we greet, we be awesome, then we can continue the story whenever you're ready.
Also, for this, you're allowed to use Tharian if you want. Spice things up a bit.
Just a friendly reminder, this is for me and Jarod only, we've got a plan for this, which I'm pretty happy with, but you guys are already having your fun. So, without further ado...
His ember eyes flickered from one musician to the next, and expressions of adoration were worn amongst them, pressed closed to take in the sounds that vibrated the enchanted ballroom, speaking in a worldly language of unspoken, yet heard expression. The serenade that seemed to pull the room into its elegant dancers into closer bonds.
A quick pat to the pocket of his simple, albeit proud Blade uniform attire, confirmed that it was still there. Good. He put his hand in the pocket, and held the jewel in his hand, and closed his eyes. A soft sigh was released after a moment, and he withdrew his hand, and banished any other thoughts of passion that the dancers would passively inflict.
Just as well too. That was the end of the first song. It was time to proceed. He moved his hand to a breast pocket and withdrew a pale blue earring, which he snapped onto his ear. To keep from drawing suspicion, he scratched the back of his long Hylian ears... His finger ran over the spot where the top of the ear should be, feeling instead only a stump, as if they belonged to a Human, or more specifically, a Sheikah. It didn't hurt, of course, but the idea of not fully belonging to any single race wasn't something even time could grant ignorance to.
There was a ringing coming from the piece hanging from his ear. He waited for it to pass before hearing the voice he'd been waiting for, a hissed whisper escaping the ear-piece: "Testing, test, one two three."
I hear you Macis. Nice song, eh?
"Life changing. Now I'm in the right corridor from the Knight's Barracks. Swiftblade's Dojo is just across the hall."
Good. The nervous chirp of a solemn flute echoed his anticipation from the stage.
"Master, you've got to see what they did to your fancy apartment area in this place, I passed it minute or so ago. It's certainly not yours, that's for sure. I take it people around here took it hard when you ditched them way back then..."
They all ditched in the end, before the invitations went out. You've got to be in the dojo by now, find anything that gives any sort of clue of if there's any truth to if she's really here. I'm not going home until I have answers.
"You got it, Master Blade..." There was a crinkle of paper to be heard, and Nogare listened to the clear sounds as if he were in his uncle's training area himself. "Let's see, training exercises, weapon requests to Quartermaster Hithos, something about a woman who was kidnapped by Goriyas in Tantari not long ago..." Nogare held his breath. Oh wait, nevermind, they found her, alive, her name is Brithain, it's not here, I'll check the closet-"
No need. Move to the next room. I don't want to have to explain to my uncle, who already thinks I'm bad blood, why a kid's meddling around in his own training room, and moreover, that you're my apprentice. Not a great way to greet him after three years of no warning of where I went.
The soft rustling of hasty steps went from cement to carpet. He'd left "I thought he hated you though? Why the sudden wish to know where you are? Trying to be like a new dad?"
The humour in his hushed tone didn't flicker Nogare in the least. Nothing like that. It's more about not trusting me. Apparently when you have disloyal Sheikah blood, you're contaminated with a sudden wish to destroy everything. Trust me, the feeling is mutual. Now, move to the-
"Din, guards! I need to hide for a bit. Pay attention to your party, people are probably trying to talk to you. Bye!"
Nogare's eyes opened. Good, it only looked like he was asleep. He still wasn't used to the effects of the Gossip Stone. Since they were of Sheikah make, it should be simple to use with his genetics, and even easier with the telepathy that Blades inherited through blood.
But Nogare possessed no mighty insight of Sheikah observation, nor any telepathic or telekinetic power. It was like the two magics of the blood canceled each other out. It was nice that it didn't affect him in combat, bearing both Sheikah agility and Blade skill, but without their magics, he felt no better than a human.
It was good to see more had shown up. It was strange to see so many familiar faces, but this many, after so many departed, either protecting West Hyrule from the shadows or keeping to themselves. There was Alpha dancing with one of the other adventurers. The girl from the Rauru Woods, when he was obsessing over that Underworld Entrance? Small world he thought to himself. Made him wonder if anyone had spoken to him while he was communicating with Macis. (OoC: Sorry Alpha! XD).
Sovelis was off to the corner, smoking a pipe, and Shada was drinking, and there were a Zora and Fairy together, who he had never seen before in his life, but the way they carried themselves alone was enough to tell him they were the adventurer sort. And over there, Leth the ranger who he had remembered fighting alongside, his precise arrows whizzing past his head and finding their marks before he could finish charging them. He knew that invitations had reached the four corners of the Kingdom and beyond to get the others to return, but this many?
His eyes darted at the entrance way. He certainly didn't seem to be there because of him. He also certainly didn't seem to be interested in finding the Nogare just yet either.Kasei wrote:"Announcing: Lord Kasei Dornmos Gobi, of the Adventurers!"
Or had he rid himself of any emotional care of the Blade since Nogare had set out. If that was the case, why was it that he couldn't help wanting to kill him even here and now?
Because you're a Blade, it's in your nature. came a whisper of his Sheikah side.
But there was something more... the Rebel Flame now seemed more, well, frail, but strangely content. For the first time, he saw him look more his age; old. He just greeted a handful of nobles, but ultimately decide it was best to find a chair to rest in, seeming already exhausted. For a moment Nogare could only wonder what had happened, or even wonder if it was finally his sense of never really having a family that made him suddenly sympathize.
When Kasei's head began searching around, Nogare turned away. He didn't feel his gaze, hopefully. Tonight was a bad night to be proven wrong. He had to find out what information the Blades were holding out on him about Solena. He weaved through a crowd by the concessions, clipping the earring out of his ear, unwilling to be seen with such a devise in the open. His hand instinctively began to sink back into his pocket, but he drew it away promptly, unwilling to feel the gem's cold touch.
(OoC: Sorry for this length, Azador! Trying to get all I had planned for these pages out all at once. One reason among many it's taken this bloody long.)
IC: When people bump into each other, they behave much like rocks. Depending on which is bigger, or which is denser, one will give way and be pushed.
But when two Blades bump into each other, the best way to describe it is as two waves clashing together. They adapt, bend, spin, and somersault until both are either done wavering or dead calm.
By the time Grayblade's son Nogare and Swiftblade's son Tharian had finished their tsunami of re-balancing themselves, and finally recognized each other, a silence followed. A small few who witnessed the scene were at first terrified for fear that Nogare had finally changed sides and fight Tharian, but when Swiftblade's son pulled him into a bear's embrace, Nogare felt a buzz of confusion. Why was Tharian showing him any courtesy, let alone treating him as one of their own? Even when he was protecting West Hyrule it was only his father's rank that even put him among the upper class, the living Blades would never speak with him. It wasn't just unexpected, it felt wrong.
"You go South after Gohma's defeated, fight a few wandering Zolas, then decide, 'hey, I want to go somewhere else'! Honourable for you of course to go to protect such an unsung part of the kingdom, but not even a letter?"
Nogare had never closed his mind so thoroughly. The only thought that fully formed in his mind was 'skepticism'.
"Yeah, I guess that's to be expected." Tharian's cheer and excitement of seeing his cousin faded, when he realized that he wasn't there simply because of Yuletide.
A moment passed, and not a word was spoken, and, by Nayru's Love for the World, he didn't want to have a single idea released.
He needed a second mind to mix up the thoughts. Another adventurer, no predictable nobles.
Just then, his prayers were answered. Perhaps the goddesses forgave him after all:
"Azador Greenfield, Arcane Magician and Adventurer!" the royal announcer proclaimed.
"My... if that isn't one of the fanciest titles I could ever hope to earn in these parts," the magician gawked back.
Perfect. He remember Azador from years before, he could at least have him nearby to confuse Tharian's telepathic attacks.
"How fare ye, good people?"
"Azador!" Nogare called out, waving him over. As much as he didn't want the others to approach him, this couldn't wait. He'd meet with the rest again when the time was right. Macis could wait too. Tharian was the first priority.
OOC: That took me four hours straight to write - with an intermission at Page 3 for some cereal. 3 AM - 7 AM. It went from being so amazing to being below par. Oh well, let's see this thing continue!
And Azador, Nogare seems need someone close enough to disrupt Tharian's mind-reading from Nogare to find out where he's been, but for now, we greet, we be awesome, then we can continue the story whenever you're ready.

Nogare's Profile
"Not everyone wants a hero." -- Macil Nassos
We never know what legacy we'll leave
Some promises are impossible to keep
It doesn't matter what happens. I'll find the answers I'm looking for.
Keep head down and away. None can know. It's a secret from everybody.
Why can't they see what's right under their noses?!
So am I the answer or am I the master, hmm?
Nogare's Profile
"Not everyone wants a hero." -- Macil Nassos
We never know what legacy we'll leave
Some promises are impossible to keep
It doesn't matter what happens. I'll find the answers I'm looking for.
Keep head down and away. None can know. It's a secret from everybody.
Why can't they see what's right under their noses?!
So am I the answer or am I the master, hmm?