The Third Battle: Skirmish in the Highlands

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:15 pm
The eruption of calamity seemed somehow no different from the rest of the fight. The enemies came at him from all sides. His focus was so intent, so deep, so advanced, he knew when every enemy would strike, why they would, and how to counter it. Not a motion was made to start a fight. At times, he would see a knight who needed saving, and would protect him for as long a he needed, or until the greater good was brought forth. Lives ended from both sides, many of which were within the Hero's league to save, but the greater good drove him. A knight tried valiantly to charge at a whole horde alone, his whole battalion having died, and protecting one of his friends who was wounded. He called out to the son of Greyblade to help them, or else they would die. Nogare had a chance to protect both... but meanwhile, a handful of skills soldiers from the Dark Army, rampaged through the battle, taking down Hyruleans wherever they saw them. A similar knight from Hyrule was defeating a number of Dark Army soldiers, but if he fell, more Hyruleans would die. Faith in that knight was not enough. He had his chance to save the two knights who faced so many, but more lives depended on the second. And so in what seemed like cold blood, he abandoned the two helpless knights to their doom. And not a hint of regret or shame threatened to stab into his heart...

He jumped at the rampaging soldier nearest him, saving any who would come next in their way. In a matter of strokes they had gone from skillfully seeking a flaw in Blade's blocks, trying to break through his defenses, to lying as harmless corpses.

Without looking too hard, he clashed blades with another... but as he reached his mind out to what he was, his scalp prickled.

It can't be... "You were killed by the others! How..."

Sosei spoke, and only the last sentenced had barely finished when Belegcam was thrust at the mage. He knew better than to merely fight with melee combat against a magician, for even the most skilled fighter could be killed against a magic. He summoned his mana, and shot out a telepathic image of light at the undead wizard, so that he could see or think with great difficulty. Nogare, with perfect balance and footing, sure not to fall over if hit, and preparing his mental defenses, thrust Belegcam's nose right at Sosei's gullet!
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:54 am
OOC: I was looking around and I noticed something in the timeline:
FoG 8 - first battle - second battle - FoG 9 - this battle
so this means Drom is here. As an eternity guardian.

Time to kick some butt.

IC: Drom was back in an instant, carrying Leth's arrows. "I believe you needed these." Leth nodded and laid them down beside him, ready to grab one should his current quiver run out. Drommlin then turned and surveyed the chaos below them. He gripped the spear in his hand and closed his eyes, letting the sound of battle wash over him, and he stood there for a few moments, preparing his mind for the battle ahead. Then he jumped off the cliff.
He was falling, faster and faster. The ground zoomed up underneath him, and just as he was about to hit- golden wings spread out from his shoulder blades and he brought himself up into the air, hovering above the battle, looking for a worthy opponent. Aha! Nogare was here, dueling Sosei! That was where his skills could be tested. He tucked his wings in and dove towards them, absent mindedly slashing enemies underneath with his spear. He reached them in a few moments, spear clutched in his hand. "Hello Nogare." He said, without ever taking his eyes off of Sosei. He stood there, waiting... for a reply or an attack? Or maybe both...
Last edited by Leth on Thu May 28, 2009 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:00 pm
OOC: There really isn't much to reply to, but I guess this is all I got . . . :roll:

IC: All around, the battle was increasing. A wave of creatures of the underworld crashed violently against the shores that were the Hylian's shield. Countless monsters were stabbed and gutted. Hundreds of soldiers were dying. Blood flowed in a river over the Ruto cliffside, into the forest below.

In the middle of the fray lay the Hylian General, Kasei, not dead, but pretty close. Soldiers were appearing who began carrying him to a health tent. As they did, Uka, the insectoid leader of the armies of darkness, pointed out a few of his warriors. "You." He said. "Come with me, we have work to do." He said, and began his march into Ruto town.

Nearby, Sosei faced down the Son of Grayblade. "What? You didn't know? I was given a second chance by Jormund himself! All I have to do is remove you!" He said, and then flinched a bit when Belegcam was thrown, only to dissapear into a rip in space created by the sorcerer's power. It reapeared behind Nogare, flying at him. The son of Grayblade, of course, caught it cleanly. "Did you forget I have warping powers?" The sorcerer demanded as Drommlin appeared. Another gutless fool . . .

OOC: Bring it on!

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:57 am
OOC: It shall be brought.

>.< okay that was bad.

IC: "A gutless fool I may be, but if I am your superior, what does that make you?" Drom says, obviously displaying his ability to read minds. He shifted his weight subtley, putting himself into a position in which he could dodge an attack from any direction easily. He redied his spear and waited for Sosei to make the first move.

OOC: Blah short post. [kasei]Sue me.[/kasei]
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:17 pm
OOC: ... Woaw... Reads minds... got a spear... You wouldn't happen to be... A BLADE?! >.>... I dunno, Blades use either swords or spears... and they read minds. So ya, that's pretty close to being a Blade.
Drom recieves +50 respect points ^^

IC: Nogare, knowing through telepathy that Drom could read minds same as him, spoke through his thoughts; Drom! Get out of here! Go fight where they need you! I can handle Sosei, and they need you elsewhere! GO!

The next instant, there were flashes of light, and a frenzy of sparks flying about Nogare, Drom, and Sosei, the clashing of their weapons without resolve, but ever with a rythm that never faltered. Weapons that came down upon each other, clattering and banging with speed beyond mortal following. No one that wasn't blessed immortally in some way could ever dream of keeping up with the clash - Drom and Nogare, with a combined conscience, thinking as a single mind and will, fought side by side, back to back, and defended one another with spears, all the while sparking against Sosei's own weapon, looking like a craze of quills burning lines into the air around the immortals that held them. Nogare stood, momentarily idle, behind Drom, knowing Sosei would teleport behind them, and slashed, only to have Sosei teleport again near Drom, who Nogare knew would act similarly to him. Even at times, Sosei would have them both side by side to their backs to him, and Nogare merely pulled back his spear, blunt-end at the Servant, and aimed at him, as if their were eyes at the back of his head, aiming exacltly at one of Sosei's pressure points, which would have killed him should he not have teleported.

At any moment Nogare would have wanted Drom to run, and all the while covering his escape, but Drom didn't move. Nogare, irritaed by the boy's choice, continued to fight their foe...
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:01 am
OOC: Yeah I'll ignore that god mod because its exactly what I was imagining would happen and because it was epic.


IC: Drom's spear whirled about in a mayhem of beautiful death, a fatal dance which brought destruction to all who came near. All except Sosei. Try as he might, Drom could not find a way to penetrate his defenses. He had heard Nogare's thought and agreed with him, but he was looking for an opportunity to get away. Not too far away, though, if the battle started going bad for Nogare he wanted to be able to jump back in and support his friend. There! An opening in the enemies defenses! He dived into the mass of enemies, spear humming as it whirled through the air. He hacked and slashed and sliced, transitioning from each movement to the next flawlessly, his momentum gaining. Enemy after enemy fell beneath his blade, and he continued on...

Leth sent a rain of arrows into the enemy, hitting accurately and killing on the spot. He had used up one quiver already, and was swiftly draining a third. He kept track of the enemies he’d killed in his head: Seventy eight... seventy nine... eighty. The volley of death continued to take the lives of the enemies towards the back of the army, while Drom wreaked havoc on the front lines... and still the outcome was uncertain.

OOC: yeah sorry for the massive god moding, but I made sure it was only regular minions they were killing, I never moded a main enemy. Is that okay?
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Brizzy Level 5
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Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:41 am
Aiden was still speechless when she was dropped off by her savior, but had enough sense to properly thank him. Just before he drew his sword she touched his arm lightly, as timid as could be, then leaning in she brushed a kiss to his cheek. Turning she dashed into the medical tent. At once she set to finding water and taking care of her fixable wounds. Then she went about to the others in the tent, doing the same for them. A few kind words, a cool drink, and any tending she could. Every once in awhile she would pause and peer outside of the tent, but it always left her feeling numb and empty.

There seemed to be an endless line of injured and soon she didn't have the strength to stand. Sitting herself in an open chair she took out her flute, her fingers were one of the only undamaged sections on her body and still had the strength to move. Licking her dry lips she counted off in her head and then began to play. She started with a mournful song, Elegy for the Departed, putting all her emotions into every note and phrase. Any strength she had she poured into the song and the more she let the music flow, the more her pains vanished into the melody. The flute cut through the noise in the tent easily and she hoped it would soothe the injured in ways she could not.

Repeating the song she finally had to let the last notes die away. Shakily she took another drink of water and then tried a more uplifting tune, Spirit of Nayru. The life and feeling in the song wasn't as strong as the last, but she hoped the jig would liven up the mood some. Only playing it once she found herself unable to play more. Resting she closed her eyes, her hands clasping her dagger for dear life.

DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:58 pm
OOC: Cool, Aiden's here still!

And Nogare, you have a job to do, and it's not Sosei. -_-

Author!Kasei Edit: IC: Nogare's attack almost hit Sosei, yet found only open air in its' swing; Sosei himself having appeared a short distance away, a taunting smile on his face. "I was told the Blade family was composed of expert swordsmen, but all I see here is a kid swinging a stick wildly~"

The outcome was indeed uncertain, but that didn't matter much to Uka. Weather or not they had victory here today, he had a job to do, a job that would help ensure future victories . . . The bug smiled as he marched towards his own personal victory.

Back on the massive battlefield, though the efforts of those like drom and leth were certainly cutting down enemy lines, beings of equal power were cutting down Hyrule's forces as well. One was coming face to face with Drom now: Possibly the most powerfull darnut to appear today, and the most ruthless. It wore standard darknut armor, but it's sword was unique. One side was a standard blade, the other had the teeth of a saw, and the entire weapon was immense. Drom encounters the beast shortly after he sees it slaughtering knights. He must surely be thinking to himself: Bigger isn't better.

In the meantime, Kasei arrived at the medical tent.

Last edited by Kasei on Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:47 am
OOC: FYI, I love fighting Darknuts. In fact, I often turn on Wind Waker or Twilight Princess with the sole intention of killing Darknuts. I suppose you could say they're my specialty.

Bring it on.

IC: Drom saw the large Knight in front of him, and a few thoughts entered his mind. The first was: Bigger is definitely NOT better. And the second: That's a nice sword. He searched his thoughts for all the information he could muster about Darknuts to assist him in the coming battle, absentmindedly killing any and all lesser minions around him. Darknuts are very slow, this one shouldn't be an exception. Especially with all that extra armor on and that gigantic sword. The only way to attack him is to get his armor off, and to do that, I'd have to get behind him and slice off the armor straps. But he's slow, so it shouldn't be too hard. The hard part will be killing him once all that armor is off. He'll be much faster, and I'll have to be on my toes the whole time. Meh, it shouldn't be THAT hard.He paused for a moment longer, closing his eyes. Meditating? Resting? What was he doing? But the moment had passed, and he launched himself at the darknut, not bothering to attack because he knew how useless it would be. Instead, he was intently watching him, wary of his every movement, ready to dodge should an attack come his way.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:53 am
OOC: Seeing as how Leth is the only one who feels like replying, I guess i'm forced to focus in on him for now.

It shall be brought. :twisted: Also i'll assume that for now Drom has lightning reflexes, so i'll be god-modding for a small piece, sue me.

IC: The darknut, despite being right in front of Drommlin, seemed to avoid the lad, instead opting to attack a nearby platoon of knights who, though they fought bravely, only managed to dent his armor and cut off a strap as he, quite literally, smashed his way through them. The speed of this warrior was astounding, was it truly a darknut, or something else?

Either way, as it turned around, it would seem as though the beast finally spotted the meditating Drom, and, out of nowhere, swung is mighty sword. The blade flew through the air at insane speeds, only millimeters from beheading Drom, when he ducked down to avoid losing his head.

"Feh." Sosei said, noting the Darknut off to the side. "I can't believe they let a barbarian like that join in our battle." He claimed. "Oh well, i'm not one to judge, after all, Uka's plans usually work out in the end." He taunted, looking back at his opponents, a sadistic glint in his eye.

OOC: It occurs to me that I missed Brizzy's last post :(

IC: Denkou touched his cheek where he had received the kiss, smiling warmly as he turned around and rushed back into battle.

OOC: My god-modding is so horrible, I need to stop it, but this is what I imagine would happen. Sorry. ;-;

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:32 pm
Drom easily ducked the swing of the Darknut's blade, and quickly stepped to the side while the blade was still in it's swing. While he was sidestepping, he brought his spear blade up towards the darknut's back, aiming at the armor straps, hoping to rid him of his impenetrable armor.

OOC: yeah short post... oh well. i wasn't sure what esle to say.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:42 pm
OOC: Wow, sorry it took so long to reply.

IC: Leon's risky move was about to pay off. He fell back a bit, as the Darknut was almost upon him. Then, he pulled out of the ground a nearby two-handed sword dropped by another Darknut. He took the blade, and, in the last moment, propelled it for the center of the Darknut's body mass, its chest. The creature's armor would not stand a chance against a thrust that strong, and hopefully, the Grand Darknut would find himself impaled.

Valentine pulled out a long dagger, and rushed at the magician that had taken him out of his crow's nest. Valentine clearly aimed first for the magician's main staff arm, slashing horizontally at the magician across the right, while pulling another dagger instantaneously out of his cloak, and used that to slash horizontally up the magician's left flank.

Orpheous had been injured by Legion, and the injury also reawakened his old leg injury that he got during the Gohma incident. Simon noticed this, and motion for aid. Luckily, Snowflake was passing by, and took up Orpheous, rushing him out of the fray. Orpheous wasn't seriously injured, and didn't need medical attention, but the odds of him fighting again in this battle were unlikely. Meanwhile, Simon turned to see the large, armored Dodongo rushing towards him. He pulled out a bomb, let the fuse, and aimed the explosive towards the open mouth of the charging beast.

Silna was holding Vilk off, but he was clearly succeeding. She hadn't landed a single blow on her, and while he was having trouble landing any attacks on her, he had succeeded with a few. The two were both expertly dodging each other.

Meanwhile, a handful of militia men who grew up in Ruto Town noticed the Dark General, Uka, shifting his attack, alongside a small garrison, towards Ruto Town. Ferociously, they charge towards the weaker soldiers first, none of them brave enough to try to make a dash straight for the damned Uka.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

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Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:02 am
OOC:... I need to reply to this, but I've been having trouble trying to figure out how to. I mean, my limbs are gone. Sosei just beat Nogare without a fight... And now Nogare is nothing. How does he counter that. I want my limbs back :(... Oh well, let's see what I can do with this...

I'm taking them back my force. Deal with it. I want in.

IC: Nogare was useless. He wasn't quite sure how he felt in this situation... defeated? Yes. Awkward? Definitely, considering his entire body had been amputated without a single nerve being felt. And Belegcam was gone too, that was what was worse. He had his head though, he supposed he should be grateful. Things could be far worse. He closed his eyes... I wonder if I can do this with a body... probably... "Poe... Zee... SHUN!!!" Unleashing his mind to the nearest enemy, he found a darknut, one which had his comrade, Leth, in locked combat, with Sosei nearby. Perfect. He took control of the Darknut's body, and turned it against the Servant of Armageddon, and slashed from the Darknut he performed the traditional Blade possession properly for a moment, and took control of Sosei, who reversed his spell on the young Blade, and attached his limbs properly.

Nogare stood up, testing his muscles, feeling weird now suddenly that they were back, and glared up furiously at Sosei. "Oops, sorry, I forgot to mention that I can possess whoever I damn well please." He was aware that the darknut was in a confused state, but didn't take the time to care. He ran at Sosei, and prepared for another round.

OOC: Yes, I have a job to do elsewhere, but I can't just walk off to stop Uka (if that's what you were referring to) AFTER I get a bit of a vendetta over with.

I hope this topic is still going... As a matter of fact I hope Ha2 is still running period. This is my 10th post tonight.
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:01 pm
OOC: Three years!


f u c k i n g


It's no-one else's fault but my own: I could blame any number of factors for this (jail-time, genuine work to do, etc) but it comes down to my own pathetic laziness. Three years have gone by before I have now, finally, gotten back on track with this topic. I will do my best to revive it, and the war as a whole, with all of your help. In addition, I will be attempting to curb this battle back down to "Realistic" Zelda, so I'll be editing some of my previous posts as well within the week, PLEASE look them over and make changes to your own posts accordingly (sorry Nogare, this means a lot of your armless hijinks didn't happen AKA: poooo-sesss-shun doesn't happen xD, I'll act as though you were swinging at him regardless.); I will announce when I have finished editing either in my next post or on Skype. Let's do this battle good, boys!

Anywho: forgive me, but I have four hours to type this up, it's going to be a big one.


The main battlefield was quite a distance from the town of Ruto, the Hylian forces had arranged, after all, to keep the damage to the town at a minimum and so went out to meet the Exile's army. Still, they had made preparations just in case the main forces were pushed back, and the wall of the town would have to be defended. Ballista and primitive canons lined the walls, while spellcasters and arrowmen paced back and forth, waiting for the possibility of having to fire upon an enemy.

"Sir! Sir! Stay with us!" Kasei blinked a few times, before sitting up to find himself in a tend, alongside a Soldier and Kairos, who looked somber. The Dancing Shadow clutched his chest hasitly, to find the hole had indeed closed. "It looks like your regeneration took care of most of the damage, but from what I can tell you still have some internal injuries, it's probably best not to head back into the fray yet." Kairos explained. Kasei himself was undaunted, standing up and grabbing his scythe and scimitar off the floor. "I don't have time to worry about myself, old friend; we have a half-dozen problem targets running amok out there, one of them can resist magic, so we have that. Wasting no time, Kasei left the tent, scythe in hand, ready to rejoin the battle.

Valentine found little resistance when he stabbed into the sorcerer's body; whatever skill the magician did have would not protect him from the blades cutting through his body. Still, despite the sorcerer's demise, Valentine was still surrounded by enemies; 2 Wizzrobes, a Darknut and two lesser Stalfos were forming a circle around him, preparing to flank in.

Leon himself found his enemy not only swift, but powerful; the blade that would have otherwise skewered the Darknut was caught by its' hand. "Mortal, did you think I, Kyorest could be felled by a blade of one of my own subbordinates? You will have to do better than that, weakling." And with that, the monster raised its' own gargantuan blade, swinging it down to vivisect Leon.

Legion chuckled menacingly, dodging back and forth, weaving between ranks of both the Exiles and the Hylian forces; he was not about to let his prey get away. Lunging forward with his blade, Legion darted for Snowflake, ready to cut down Orpheus, not caring who he had to cut down to claim his prize. Legion ignored the death throes of an exploding Dodongo to the side, and rushed past a silently cheering Simon, swift and deadly, moving in for the kill.

OOC: I opologize, Orpheous, but I've got no clue if you want me to use Vilk or not; if you need me to use your femme fatale to further Silna's plot in this, send me a PM

IC: Whatever kind of monster Uka was to his enemies, the Exile general had a devotion and care for his men; at the very least, he valued their lives enough to defend them. Which is why, in quick stride, he placed himself between his soldiers and the militia men, twisted sword slashing diagonally through one man before slashing a second through the stomach. His men closed the gap, cutting down the remaining militia men without much effort. The small troop then began closing the gap to the wall of Ruto. Ifff I can get insssside, then thisss war will be ssso much eassier for ussss..

"Enemy sighted!" the calls rang out through Ruto town's ramparts; archers and spellcasters took their positions, waiting for Uka to come within range before they began raining down devastation upon him. The ballista, however, were not so patient; firing three massive bolts to the dark general, who himself had no problem dodging them, their lance-like boltheads digging several feet into the ground while he closed the gap on the city wall.

Sosei raised his own spear, swatting aside Nogare's swing before spinning around, grabbing a sword that had been stuck in the ground, and making a full swing, attempting to slash Nogare across the chest, yet finding that the Son of Greyblade had blocked the blow effortlessly.

Uka advanced, Kasei rejoined the fray, and the number of combatants dwindled as the battle drew ever closer to Ruto...

<center>2 Turns until Uka climbs the wall, 7 turns until he reaches his destination.</center>

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:15 am
OoC: I know, I know. Nobody's gonna reply to this topic except me, so why bother?

Sue me.

Anyway, I've done some massive (and final!) reworkings of my characters since the old days. (Eternity Guardian? Pffff what's that) But! I managed to work Drom out stat-wise so he's still somewhat similar to his EG form, so it's not such a terribly abrupt retcon. He can still summon wings, but as far as stats go it basically just means he has the jump and sprint spells. He's basically a Paladin now. Enrolled in the military.

Also since you ignored the fight he was having with the giant Darknut in your most recent post, I'm going to take that opportunity to let him find a new opponent.



With a satisfied grunt, Drom pulled his spear out of the now-dead body of the bokoblin at his feet, and looked up just in time to see the club of another coming right at his head. Instinctively, he raised his shield and deflected the attack, and in the same motion thrust his shield arm forward to knock the ghastly creature off balance. A sweep of his spear knocked the bokoblin's legs out from under it, causing it to shriek out in terror as it fell to the ground. Before it had the chance to clamor back to it's feet, Drom had extended his hand, bright white light bursting from his palms.

"For the Goddesses!" Drom shouted as the Elemental Burst consumed the poor creature. Drom brought his head back up and glanced around the battlefield, looking for his next target.
"Enemy sighted!"
Drommlin could hear the faint cry ring out from the ramparts of the Ruto Town wall, and he spun around. The enemy is advancing towards the city! He concentrated on his magical reserves once again, and ethereal golden wings appeared from his shoulders, and he leaped straight up into the air, propelled by the power of his heavenly wings.

It didn't take long for him to find the center of Ruto's attention. Uka was easily side-stepping the massive ballista bolts as the soldiers of Ruto tried to stop the oncoming invasion.

That's where I'm needed. Drommlin immediately recognized, and dove straight for the Dark General, hoping to meet him in combat and slow down the advancement of the enemy frontline.


The battle kept wearing on, and Leth was beginning to feel like he wasn't making much of a difference. For every dark creature he felled with an arrow, another rose up to take its place. So he just kept firing into the masses from the safety of his hill, hoping that his efforts would be useful in the long run. He saw Drommlin lift up out of the writhing battle and fly off towards the west.

At least he's doing something important. Leth mused. It was amazing to see how much Drom had grown and changed in the time that he had been enrolled in the Royal Army. He was no longer the annoying little teenager that Leth once knew. No, Drom had become a man.

The clamor of the battle brought him back to the matter at hand. Glancing around the field from his lofty perch, Leth saw Valentine surrounded by enemies, poised to strike.

"Now now... this won't do." Leth said to himself as he nocked an arrow on his bowstring and drew it back.

"Let's even the playing field a bit, shall we?" He finished as he let the arrow loose at one of the Wizzrobes.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}