OOC: The Future of Hyrule Adventures

Moderator: Royal Guard

Should we do HA3? (Please post regardless of your answer)

Yes! Flee from HA2! FLEEEEEEEEE! 8D
No! How dare you even consider such sacrilege! >:(
Yes, however ___ needs to change (Comment)
No, because of ___ (Comment)
Total votes: 20

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:55 pm
I'm following Kasei's lead on this one, guys if you want to chat it up on MSN or something I'm down. Don't have skype though, sorry. However (yeah you knew it was coming), I'm now putting everything I say publicly about Age of Chaos on my LiveJournal, which I'll provide the link for below. However, due to the massive (MASSIVE) reboot it's taking, which will render easily half my notes useless, the title itself will be changing to something I haven't decided on yet. If you want to stay tuned with this ongoing mission to write the perfect Zelda conclusion fan fiction, then stay tuned, and help out if you want by chatting with me, I'm always down for talking Zelda theories.

MSN and email is jim_the_james@hotmail.com and LiveJournal is http://jimthejames.livejournal.com/ :) Keep in touch people! Deal with it, you guys are like family!
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:39 pm
So... it would seem a lot of our "but where will we host HA3" and "what about TDC, guys" questions/concerns have been nullified, since TDC is no longer with us (except in a mostly archived state)...

*moment of silence*

also coupled with the fact that it would be way easier on the technology side of things to host it all on a newer website with up-to-date programming capabilities, I think it's safe to say that we can now start HA3 without any worry of having to tie it back to TDC/HA2. I doubt anyone would even be able to find HA2 now if they didn't know it had been moved. THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTY NARRATOR has handed the deed to Hyrule Adventures to us to do with as we please, it would seem.

So. A fresh start. A clean slate. Nowhere to go but up. If ever there was a perfect time to start planning and creating HA3, it's now.

What say you?!
Last edited by Leth on Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:09 pm
I agree completely. Now I'm not the most techno...techna...computer-smart guy, but I do want to help. I did send out IMs (and emails) around earlier proposing the design of an updated rules set, one I've given a (tiny) bit of thought to. Since even DnD has to go through revisions, and our own rules are far from flawless.

Plus, I want to find a way to expand a bit, get an audience. I was thinking TVtropes.

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kamakaziplumber Level 9
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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:26 pm
Well I'd be happy to host HA3 here. It doesn't necessarily need to be associated with TDC; I can put it up as a separate entity entirely. The point is, I wouldn't have to pay anything extra to do this on my existing server.

I can also take care of setting the forum software and mods up as necessary if that's something people want me to do.

There's one question that has been on my mind ever since the idea of HA3 was first passed around: do people still want the compass movement functionality in the new version? That feature would probably end up taking the most effort to port over, but I always thought it was pretty cool.


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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:25 pm
I've actually thought about that a lot. And I have to say that the compass is clever and pretty fun at first, when you're exploring the world and looking for all the hidden stuff and searching for quests and whatnot, and the overworld pictures help give a better idea of what everything looks like... however, that novelty wears off pretty fast. It gets annoying having to click through so many screens to find the topic you're looking for... So now we've got SO MANY topics that are dedicated just to linking people all around the map... it was just the rift at first, but now we've got the shortcut to the south , and the "current topics" thread with links DIRECTLY to the topics that are currently active... so the map doesn't see a whole lot of use any more. It's more of a hassle, really.

So, TL;DR - Its a cool idea but it gets old quick, and I don't think it's really a necessity for HA3

(unless maybe it was updated frequently with new areas or new quests and hidden stuff! that might keep it a little more fresh and enjoyable to keep exploring around the map instead of just jumping straight to topics... but that would probably require a lot of constant work to keep fresh content coming like that)
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