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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:40 am
by Alpha
"Ah, here we are," Alpha said in triumph as he noticed the edges of a doorframe poking out from beneath the pile of collapsed wood that was once a staircase. He assumed this was the aforementioned stairwell-disguised-as-a-closet door, anyway; couldn't know for sure with it fallen over and stuff, but it seemed reasonable to believe it as such. After all, there couldn't have been that many doors hidden to the side of the stairs.

Looking around the area, he slowly began to realize that it would be quite a bit of work to move all the wood from on top of the door - even if it had all been burned, there's still a good bit of weight atop it. 'Weight . . . hmmm . . .' His mind started churning as he reevaluated the situation - the boards on top appeared to have been weakened by the fire, and having that much weight already on it couldn't be doing the doorway much good. Again, he refrained from using a Fire spell, knowing that if the whole place went up in flames then they'll be out of luck. Besides, maybe if he simply stood on that section it would be enough to . . . no, he couldn't know for sure whether or not his weight would be enough . . .

"Goron," he called out all of a sudden, motioning to Rosen, "could you please come over and stand on this section of the pile?"

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:45 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura focused on Alpha who was calling the Goron to attention. It seemed as though he'd found the hidden doorway that they'd been searching for all along. He casually walked over to the pile of wreckage and scanned over it. Alpha had the right idea. With some weight applied to the area, it wouldn't be hard to push through the door. The samurai was happy that they were finally getting somewhere, and turned his head to the Goron expectantly.

Dogura wasn't a heavy fellow even when he had his armor on. It suited his fighting style well though, and he was never one to gain weight easily. Darkin would often go on angry rants about how Dogura could eat anything he wanted and not gain a single pound. Dogura took this in stride, however, and awaited the Goron's arrival.

OOC: Good lord, I'm runnin' outta stuff to write about. :?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:08 pm
by Leth
OoC: Okay I am utterly and completely confused now. I have absolutely no idea whats going on... i find it hard to keep track of locations and i'm making utterly useless wastes-of-space posts because of it. I apologize for that. Could someone please tell me, in simple terms, exactly where everyone is right now and what the heck we're doing?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:17 pm
by WinterSink
OOC: ZV, I laughed at your last lines...'goron's arrival'...I'm not travelling across borders, man!

And Leth, we're all in the entrance hall trying to clear up some stuff so we can go into this secret basement.


The pitter patter of thumping slabs of flesh corroded the floor beneath him as small clouds laced the outskirts of his toes and left pockets of goron footsteps in the blanketed mess of grime and dust.

He'd heard Alpha's beckoning and was a little struck by the callousness in the gestures that succumbed from the cloaked figures demeanor but it was all in good humor as Rosen too was beginning to tire from the endless trek that befell this home for the past few hours. Shadows courting his figure as the samurai and company alike stood in impatience, the goron found himself at the spot where Alpha had so cleverly appointed him to.

He left the weariness of his age behind him and decided instead to bare upon the door frame all the food that had accumulated in his stomach throughout the years, those moments where chairs began to swoon at the caress of his backside against the back drop of dinners and after dinner meals, and let his body crash against the mess of wood that stood before him, forcing all the gravity of the situation to meld with his body.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:21 am
by Royal Guard
ZV wrote:OOC: Good lord, I'm runnin' outta stuff to write about. :?
I hear ya, ZV. Don't worry, shouldn't be too long until we get some new stuff -

IC: As per Alpha's instructions, Rosen wanders over to the collapsed door, and his heavy rock body immediately strains the pressure that the wood pile can hold. The sounds of cracking and then splitting wood fill the room at once, but it doesn't give way just yet - not until Rosen drops down on top of it, using good old gravity to create a crushing blow.

The wood opens up and falls with Rosen into the darkness below.

Light shines in through the hole he's made, allowing the Goron to look around and see the room as he recovers from the fall and the impact. Once more, this section of the basement has about a foot of water covering the ground and shelves lining the concrete walls of the chamber. Two or three times larger than the Cellar, this Basement houses many more items - covering one wall's shelves are the glimmering forms of the weapons spoken of in the diary, though faded and rusted as the group had predicted, and multiple other items sit along the way also.

| ______________|

There don't appear to be any other passageways connecting this room to anywhere else - though if one looks hard enough they can find the other side of the hole Aria had spotted sitting along the western wall. It's all just shelves, water, a trampoline, more shelves, rusted weapons...

Oh, right, the trampoline. It's sitting in the northwestern corner of the room, covering up one of the shelves.


|__|| ______________|

OOC: Hey, new stuff! Happy now, ZV? :P

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:01 pm
by Alpha
Restraining his smirk, the Sheikah mage of the group lowered himself down so that he could peer down into the hole and get a good look of the place without actually heading down there himself. The idea had worked, obviously; the Goron's natural weight had likely saved them a good bit of time and energy, as gravity did not tire nearly so easily as mortal beings did.

His lips did finally take on a new shape, though: a frown, as he realized that Rosen wasn't moving to get the rope himself. Or at least, he wasn't moving quite as fast as the Sheikah would have likely. Sure, he was probably a bit dazed by the fall, but that shouldn't have posed any real problems as far as Alpha knew. The stone race was supposed to be pretty good with long drops from what he'd heard . . .

Well, if the Goron wasn't going to do it then Alpha would just have to go himself. His frown deepened; his boots were waterproof, but still, he hated the idea of getting wet. He had learned long ago that being wet means being cold, and he personally preferred heat. But there was no helping it, so he finally looked to the others, muttering, "Be right back . . . hopefully," and hopped into the basement area himself.

He took a moment to inspect his boots, finding them just tall enough to keep the water out as long as he didn't splash about too much. Ignoring the motionless Goron, he gazed around the chamber until his eyes fell upon the trampoline in the corner. A smile finally graced his lips as he slowly made his way towards it, pulling back the toy and glancing around behind it for the rope they sought.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:13 pm
by Royal Guard
The Sheikah has no trouble in making his way over to where the trampoline sits, and no difficulty getting it out of the way so he can get a peek at what lies beyond. And though he may not like the water, what he finds beyond is very promising. Sitting beyond it lies another random group of shelves. And on the fourth shelf from the bottom, a good five or six feet from ground level, sits a coiled up piece of rope that should be at least thirty, maybe even forty feet in length.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:04 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
Aria watched as Rosen broke through the door and as Alpha followed after him. Peering in after him, the Gerudo witnessed the Sheikah finding the rope behind the trampoline. She smiled; finally, they were going to leave the first floor.

"Toss the rope up, and I'll pull you up," the ranger called down. "Then we can all try to pull Rosen back up."

That certainly would be a good test to see if the rope would hold up.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:23 am
by Alpha
Alpha's grin returned as his eyes fell on the coiled up length of rope - and quite a length it was, judging by how massive its pile was. He wasn't even sure he could carry this much rope, but with a shrug he decided he might as well attempt it. Hoisting the entire loop up and around one shoulder, he quickly trudged back through the watery coating of the floor and held up his prize for all to see.

"Toss the rope up, and I'll pull you up," Aria called down. "Then we can all try to pull Rosen back up."

He nodded; that would help prove whether or not this could still sustain the kind of weight they'd need to use it to proceed further in this expedition of breaking and entering. Uncoiling a couple of feet, the Sheikah quickly threw a good amount of it up there, while still keeping a relatively large portion of it down there with himself. Geez, with this much rope he could have probably scaled straight from the Basement to the second floor!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:14 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura watched the Goron fall through the floor, and suppressed the laughter that boiled up inside of him, this time with success. He wandered towards the hole now and stared into the darkness. Before the samurai could make a move to head down there with the Goron, Alpha dropped into the darkness. Alpha and Dogura were both Sheikah, even if Dogura were only partially. While Dogura could see better than most in the depths of darkness, he did not possess the crimson eyes of the Sheikah that expertly pierced darkness like no other eye could. The kind of eyes Alpha had, to be more specific.

He decided to leave it to Alpha as he stood next to Aria looking down at the Goron. After Aria's call, the rope appeared on the floor, and Dogura gripped it tightly before taking his place behind Aria. As soon as the Gerudo would pick up the rope, Dogura would pull on the rope. While Aria alone might not be able to easily lift Alpha with her might alone, the Sheikah wasn't very heavy. With two pulling, it wouldn't require all of their strength to lift him to the first floor. The real task would be lifting the Goron. But he decided that they'd cross that road when they came to it.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:42 pm
by Sabertache
OOC: Check=passed. Coup averted.
skilled enough...Saber could be thought of as being in both of those groups

IC: Well, he was alive, but he may as well not be with the impossible situation he was in. Regardless of former wounds inflicted on the foes, he was still so battered and beaten that it was tempting him to forsake the Goddesses and be swallowed by the earth. In fact, bringing the monsters under his divine punishment was probably the only way he'd make it out of this pickle. He'd have to remember that should he ever find the leader of that gang--whatever happened to his search for them? Ah, well--and found him too difficult to beat with clean tactics. Still, that was far off for sure.

The real question was how to either surprise the enemy efficiently to take them out before he lost his own life, or even the odds through some trick or other. Even if he found himself facing one opponent, it would prove enough to spell his doom, so on his already intimidating laundry list of survival chores he had to tack on healing himself in some fashion. He had that shank of meat, but there was no doubt the enemy would notice him going to town on a hunk of pork. Asking the Goddesses would, once again, prove too flashy, and he really couldn't think of any other method.

Wait, the meat shank...why hadn't they eaten it yet? Surely it was a tantalizing snack for monsters, right? Perhaps...perhaps he could use that somehow. Maybe...drawing them all into a tight circle around the meat and killing them all with one bomb barely a foot from their bodies...though that was only one of many possibilities. Centering his thoughts around the meat shank but still searching for other methods, he put his mind to work in a much more lateral sense this time around, praying for some kind of inspiration. [Insight Check]

HP: .1/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:01 am
by Kokiri Wolf
Aria gripped the rope; the ranger didn't bother to see if anyone else had grabbed it as well. Someone had to have stopped it from falling back down.

Wishing there was something sturdy she could push off of with her feet, the Gerudo began pulling on the rope, slowly taking a step backward to avoid walking straight into Dogura, though she didn't know it was him who was behind her. She also pulled up some of the length of the rope to give other people a section to grip. "Everyone get a good hold on the rope now," Aria suggested.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:58 am
by Leth
Good. They had the rope. For a moment, Leth was thinking that they were almost done. In truth, they were only half way done. Now that they had the rope, they had to get up to the second floor and find there way through the mayor's house, and they had no idea what they would find in THERE.
"Everyone get a good hold on the rope now,"
Ah yes. The rope. Leth stepped forward and put his hands on the rope, gripping it tightly. They were going to need all of their strenght to pull up this goron. He dug his feet in and began to pull.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:55 am
by WinterSink
Rosen's eyes were blanketed with the soot and sweat that came from being doused beneath the foot of water that laced the floor like a carpet being flogged against the back of a wall as the ripples lapped away from his hulking body. He'd been spurting water in small amounts, bubbles climbing up from the wrinkles like salmon traversing waterfalls.

The goron climbed the air between himself and the jaunt figure of Alpha as he stood beside him, staring idly up the hole whose outline drew along the ceiling a lump with legs and arms that resembled his. "Hurry up, champ." He said as he fiddled with the tail end up the rope that danced beside him.

"Been meanin to get to that second floor for a whiles now."

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:09 am
by Royal Guard
OOC: Figured Alpha would want to post again, but at this point I'm assuming that was wrong. Well now, let's get this topic up and running again!

IC: Horren also walks over to the side of the hole as Alpha reappears, tossing the man a grin as he spots the rope in his possession. Perfect; now they just need to get both him and Rosen up from the pit...not the most appealing of tasks, given how the Goron race is famous for its weight. Seeing as how several people were already in the process of pulling the Sheikah up, he decided to stand off for now; better for some of them to save their strength until it was time for the massive haul.

The rope seems to still be quite strong. It's flexibility is a little lacking, but that's understandable given that it's probably been underwater several times in the past year. And regardless, it isn't so tense that they can't use it for their purposes - it shouldn't be a problem to use it to reach the second floor. It certainly is not a big deal getting Alpha back up to the first - he flies upwards, the rope carrying his weight up to safety without any signs of weakness.

* * *

Saber's Insight Check is successful (13+4 vs. 15 Pass), and an idea or two pop into his head as he mulls over how he might escape the current predicament. All he needs to do is get their attention focused on the meat, right? If he could find some way to throw it past them without them realizing (or maybe without them caring) where it had come from, they might be distracted for a few moments while he either heals himself, runs for it, or does both.

Of course, there's always a bit of risk involved in using Favor of the Goddesses; there's no guarantee that the deities will help him, so throwing away a perfectly good slab of healing meat seems a bit of a waste. If he could find another way to distract the beasts, and do so really well, then he might have a minute or two in which he could contemplate healing and/or escape.

Or maybe he could just wait a bit longer. It doesn't seem like that will hurt anything... In fact, while he mulls over these and other options available to him, his sensing abilities inform him that two of the Zola are departing, leaving him alone in a room with four Octoroks and the Zola that had originally spoken to the creepy crawlers. Not much better odds, really, but it might be a sign of things to come - if he was alone with only one or two of the Octoroks, he'd probably stand a fighting chance against them, after all.