Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:43 am
((A response!! I flipped a coin and got heads, if that helps))
The scribe smiled as he noticed his magic had the desired effect. The life flowed back into Shem, who then had the necessary energy to go out and charge the Staflos, slaying it in a manner that looked so simple. Turning back towards Katsuro, he noticed that Shar-Guthal’s attack had missed. Thank the heavens, he thought to himself. Breathing a sigh of relief, he saw Kasei land an attack and he saw the paralyzed Denkou avoid an attack as well – how he managed – Simon had no idea. The grin only grew on his face as he continue to formulate the next plan of action. Maybe he needed to attack on of the weaker opponents – perhaps that Redead that looked like it was shambling a little slower than its comrades.Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-6(+); AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-28/36; SPL-48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2
Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 + (King's Banner L1) 1 (+) = 18(+)
Those words echoed loudly above the sounds of battle, splitting the night air like a holy spear through wicked darkness. Katsuro felt the weight of his body pulling against him as he began a slow trot towards the fallen behemoth."FOR HYRULE!"
Simon Grendel watched gladly as his allies all felled their marks. Despite everybody’s intense injuries, Shar-Guthal seemed to be on the losing side of this fight. As the Goron toppled over again from his posse being re-slain, the young scribe speculated that Shar-Guthal’s moments of exposed weakness derived from the undead energy that was dispelled when his undead were slain. Still not sure if his theory were right, as that would mean that undead energy force was still tied to Shar-Guthal even after a summoning, Simon decided that attacking while the necromancing Goron was down was more important than figuring out the nature of Shar-Guthal’s power.Simon Grendel
STR-3; DEF-6(+); AGI-2; INT-5; SPI-6; HP-27/36; SPL-16/48; WILL-9
Deku Staff: (base) 9 + (STR) 3 = 12
Deku 2H Sword: (base) 14 + (STR) 3 = 17 (-2 chance to hit)
Deku Boomerang: (base) 4 + (STR) 3 + (Gerudo Training Gloves) 1 = 8 (+1 chance to hit)
Bomb: (base) 5 + STR (2) = 7
Spell Damage: (Level) 14 + (base class) 3 + (INT) 5 = 22
Deku Boomerang
Bomb Bag
Deku Staff
Deku 2H Sword
L1 Tunic
Gerudo Training Gloves
Train: 2H Sword L1 - 3
Train: Boomerang L2 - 4
Learn: Elemental Burst L2 - 4
Learn: Life L1 - 2
Epic Poem L2 - 3
Learn: Shield L1 - 1
The Quill is Mightier than the Sword L1 - 2
Speak: Gerudic L1 - 1
Master of Linguistics L1 - 1
Learn: Fire L1 - 2
Defense Rating
(DEF) 5 + (L1 Tunic) 10 + (AGI) 2 + (King's Banner L1) 1 (+) = 18(+)
"Don't have to scream it, Mr righteous." Denkou smiled, and looked around, seeing everyone move in for the killing blow."FOR HYRULE!"