Level 1
Joined: Experience: 47
Class: Nomad
: 39
TP: 0
Rahna bangs open the door forgeting his strength then, after a deep laugh, apologises and heads to the counter.
"Good day Store Master, my name is Rahna and i am in need of a weapon" he said in his deep, hearty voice. "And i have learned that this is the place to come. Could i please have one of your fine deku swords?"
Last edited by Rahna on Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
OOC: Leth, yeah, that was one of the projects MG was working on before he...disappeared... There will eventually be a separate item for the off hand, since you're only allowed to own one type of each item. For now, if you have Dual Wield, assume you own two daggers/swords.
Hithos laughs right along with the Goron newcomer. "Pleasure to meet you, Rahna! Here's my wares; take a good look, and find a blade that fits you best!"
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 47
Class: Nomad
: 39
TP: 0
Rahna walks up to the counter placing a pouch of ten rupees in front of Quartermaster Hithos.
"Deku shield this time Store Master" he asks as he stretches, tired from his adventures.
"Master Hithos, I have returned from my travels to train in the way of a Nomad" said Rahna "i have improved my senses [nomadic awareness L1, 1 tp] and have greater endurance [exceptional endurance L1, 2tp]". Rahna bowed his head as his hand rested on the handle of his sheathed deku sword, waiting for the Quatermaster's acknowledgment.
Goron, Nomad, Neutral
Str-13 Def-5 Agi-2 Int-1 Spi-1 Spl-1 Hp-41
Nomadic Awareness L1
Exceptional Endurance L1
Track L1
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
OOC: For future reference, Rahna, you need to PM me whenever you purchase Talents using TP. I'll let it slide this time, though.
IC: Quartermaster Hithos looks Rahna over. "So you have, my friend. I see that the spirit of the wanderer is now entrenched within your soul." He gives the Goron a knowing grin. "Then so be it! Go forth Nomad, travel these lands and be free!"
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 12
Class: Grunt // Nomad
: 158
TP: 0
The Goron known as Tetsuiji would re-enter the Quartermaster's shop after a long session of journeying, raising a fist in triumph. "Quartermaster, I have returned from my quest and have become stronger than ever. I believe I am now ready to become a full-fledged Nomad with your blessing."
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Quartermaster Hithos looks Tetsuiji over. "So you have, my friend. I see that the spirit of the wanderer is now entrenched within your soul." He gives the Goron a knowing grin. "Then so be it! Go forth Nomad, travel these lands and be free!"
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 10
Class: Grunt
: 6
TP: 0
"Quartermaster Hithos, I would like to train to become a Mercenary."
STR 3(Base)+5(Sword)=8
DEF 3(Base)+3(Race)=6
AGI 2(Base)=2
INT 1(Base)=1
SPI 1(Base)=1
SPL 1(Level x Base class)=1
HP 41
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
"Excellent!" Hithos says happily. "It is always a pleasure to train adventurers such as yourself in the ways of the Mercenary. But first, you must go and spend a minimum of 3 TP on skills restricted to that class, skills that only a Mercenary is permitted to know. Once you have done that, come back and we'll talk."
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 10
Class: Grunt
: 6
TP: 0
"Quartermaster Hithos,I am ready to become a mercenary"
STR 3(Base)+5(Sword)=8
DEF 3(Base)+3(Race)=6
AGI 2(Base)=2
INT 1(Base)=1
SPI 1(Base)=1
SPL 1(Level x Base class)=1
HP 41
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
"Why, you let me look you over a few times." The Quartermaster glares deep into Stefan's eyes, as if analyzing his strengths and weaknesses. "Yes..." he says softly after some time. "Yes, I see the strength that lies within you!" He nods and holds out his arms. "Now go forth, Stefan, Mercenary. May Lady Fortune smile on you with golden teeth!"
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1259
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 1520
TP: 3
Saber sauntered into the weapons place and purchased a sword and shield, having lost his equipment on his last job, which involved a trek through the desert. "Now then...this training...what does it entail for those who wish to be nomads?"
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Quartermaster Hithos rubs his hands together. "Well now, it's a very simple process! Just go look around Hyrule and complete quest, which will often reward you with Talent Points, or as we like to call them around here, TP. Then spend at least 3 of them on various talents from the Talent Book that are specific to the Main Class you're looking to join, and afterwards come back to see me."
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1259
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 1520
TP: 3
"Quartermaster, I believe I have finished my training!" Saber shouted joyfully as he entered the shop again. "So is it satisfactory?"
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Hithos blinks in surprise. "So quickly? Wow, that's gotta be some really quick training you've found...you might need to tell me whatever your secret is," he adds with a laugh and a wink in Saber's direction. "So tell me, my friend, what skills have you gotten?"
OOC: Saber, in order to officially purchase an ability, you have to send us RG's a PM saying which ones you're buying.
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1259
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 1520
TP: 3
Saber couldn't help a smug grin that plastered itself on his face. "Well, while I waited for you to return I wandered Hyrule, visited all the towns, and found some people in need. The rest was simple. The TPs I gained from those quests were used to get Tracking level 1, Nomadic Awareness level 2, and Extraordinary endurance level 1."
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15