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Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:52 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan's face melts into sadness. "If only I had been here earlier. I could have stopped those poor people from dying. I should have stopped it before it started."

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:15 am
by weienw
Another Sheikah slows to a stop behind Darilan. His forehead wrinkles at the sight of furnace. Arco grimaces when he hears that there are no survivors. The eyes show the usual blankness, but with a slight tint--a single melody--of sorrow.

"What kind of cleric"? One that needs to believe harder.

Arco fades into the background as his mind whirrs through a couple dozen years of memories.

"All things are possible through Nayru," he had said.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:46 am
by gorjak
Leon stops when he sees smoke from a distance.Uponj closer inspection,he finds not only a building set ablaze,but some of his acquaintances;Darilan,Arco,Denning and a Deku who might or might not become another ally.He asks,"Who could have done such a thing?And when?".

He bangs his foot on the ground and half-shouts,"Damn!Stupid Moblins!".He continues,much quieter,"What's the casualties?".

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:44 pm
by Marin
OOC:Im Back!
IC:"The moblins were not in charge here, look."As you look down, a man exits the house, the burt corpes ofa women and childin his hidden hand. His face, gray with pure white eyes. A large red cloak covers him nose down. He gradually walks tword Denjning and Denning moves tword him. The man drops the bodys. His eyes have a sence of joy. "DENNING!" A loud voice says."I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU!"."Who-who are you?"Asks Denning."HAHAHAHA"...'HAVENT YOU FELT EMPTY SINCE DARETS !? YOUR HATRED ANGER EVIL...GONE."What do you mean?"I AM YOU! WELL YOUR BETTER HALF. THE TRUE DENNING! NOW BECOME ME AND I WILL RID THIS WORLD OF MONARCHY AND GOODNES!"No! I wont let you!".THEN I WILL KILL YOU!!" Staflos apper around Denning."What? How! Help!"
"AH!!!!!!!!!"A large blade cleaves a staflos in two, it desolves. Evan is back.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:17 pm
by Master Goron
OOC: Yay!

IC: Grenada was stunned, too much so, to the point he couldn't react. The man had bodies, holding them in his hands. Evil. As the bodies fell limply to the ground, Grenada almost lost it. Anger boiled up inside him. Evil. He saw the argument unfold between the Dennings, a stalfos encircling him, a slash. There were now two stalfoses... 'well, that's no good...' the stalfos halves dissolve, and Evan is standing there. "Ummm... you must be Evan, or at least that's what Denning called you. I am hyrule's Greatest Mercenary, Grenada." He says with an extended hand, though being so small, he hoped that Evan wasn't evil enough to cleave him in half.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:25 pm
by shadowlink13
Darilan is easily as startled as Grenada. He is every bit as angry to, and frightened. The situation is serious, so he stomps the fear growing inside him to a pulp. It's trace is still there, but he feels strong enough to confront the evil entity. His red eyes gleam in the sunlight. "Let him go! Leave him be! You are weak! If you need Denning to become you, you can't survive. And you won't survive, because Denning WON'T become you!"

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:25 am
by Marin
"We will not kill them! If I am you, I can stop you!""HAHAHA, NO! YOU CANT CHANGE THE FUTURE! AH!!!!" More staflos apper. circling the four. "EVAN! YOU MUST DIE! HAHAHAHA!" The two bodies slowly got up and moved tword Evan.
"No! Maria, Kilik..why...AHHHH!Evan starts to slash through some staflos as the two bodies move closer.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:58 pm
by Master Goron
Not sure what's really going on, Grenada finally reacts. His mind seems to be set on destroying the closest Stalfos, as he draws his sword, a gleam flashes onto the stalfos face. "HAAAAA-uhh!!!" Grenada seems to use it as a target as he jumps, and an upward-style thrust at the face of the monstrosity.

He lands on the ground, feet firmly planted, spread apart just so, that way it allows for the best reaction time. He gives a quick glance around looking to see if there are any other foes, before turning to see the results of his stab.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:00 am
by Marin
Evan moves near the Deku."Ah, good to see help! Lets get to Denning and help him!Evan starts his way through Staflos to get to Denning.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:35 am
by Marin
OOC: Sorry for the double post, but no one would notice an edit, no posts in six days!

IC:Denning looks very consentrated."I will NOT harm these people! Leave evil being!HAHAHA, YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTROL ME! I WILL NOT HARM THESE PEOPLE! WAIT, WHAT!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The form of evil melts and seeeps into the ground.
Evan: Yeah! HE is gone!
Denning: No Evan, he is still out there, I can sense it! Everyone look out for that evil man! I think we will see him again.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:21 pm
by weienw
OOC: Don't worry about the double, I personally feel that if it's been three days, no one'll hold it against you (within reason, that is). Let's see...


It all happens so fast. It seems that Arco barely has enough time to assess the situation (which, admittedly, does take a lot of time in the Bard's case) and pull out his dagger before it's all over. He stands a few paces away from the battle scene with his dagger pointing out, in the sort of impractical stance that you read about in Chapter One of Dagger Tactics for the Leever in Your Family* and gets you killed before you realize that you've got your feet backwards. Still, the grey eyes show relief in the peace that gradually rolls back into the scene...

*There's one in every family.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:27 am
by Marin
Days pass. Months.Two months, two weeks and four days to be exact.Denning and Evan return, with a wagon of wood, hammers, nails and saws."Evan, are you sure were alowed to do this?"
"No, but were gonna!. Lets start with moving these burt logs, and totaly burn them.
The duo start to move logs into a great heap on a pile of stones.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:14 pm
by Marin
Months later, the house is built.The yard complete with trees, and grave stones, two gravestones. One for his wife, the other for his child.
As Denning leaves, a spirtit comes from the burt ground, the one part wich did not change, the place where Deoxolips fell.
The spirit grows, to the height, weight, form, of Denning, it goes into him. The spirit of Deoxolips.
Denning faints.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:02 pm
by Malciore of Noe
"Hmm...I thought that the house was burnt to a crisp. It seems that soemone repaired it." malciore then turned to see Denning on the ground. Malciore to acompany his fellow sheikah. "Denning!" Malciore (semi-)panicked, Malciore didn't know any healing spells. "Ah, Alpha!" Malciore toke out Hurrak from his satchel.
"Nxuk?" Hurrak asked him.
'Give this letter to Alpha, you know, so high, black robes, huge scar? Go, tell him that we need his help!" Hurrak ran off, or in his case, hopped off.

OOC: Malciore I: He's going to forget right?
Malciore II: Yep.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:30 pm
by Alpha
Alpha quietly walks over to where Malciore stands, not seeing Denning. "Hey Malciore, what--What the heck happened?" He finally spots Denning lying there, and rushes over to see if he can help. "Stand back!" he yells at Malciore. "I've never used this before. Life!" His hands glow a bright white as he presses them against Denning's chest. He says a silent prayer to the goddesses, hoping it will work.