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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:08 am
by Hi no Seijin
Firerova snorted. "Drunken oaf," she said sourly. "Do you really expect him to be of any use? I say we knock Dogura out and leave them both here."

Icerova glared at her sister. "You really need to learn how to have second thoughts about people. Besides, Dogura said he was a good man. And yes, I still put my trust in him," she said just as Firerova opened her mouth to argue. "Now go back to sleep. We leave at noon."

"Noon!" Firerova exclaimed. "We should be on our way now!"

"I doubt half a day will make any difference," Rose said. "With our luck, he'll have to show himself."

Firerova let out a highly exaggerated sigh and just about threw herself back to the ground. It wasn't long until it became apparent she had fell back asleep. "You should get some sleep yourself," Icerova said to Rose.

"I really don't think I'll be able to get any," she replied.

"I know an ancient Gerudo spell that'll help you. Come on, lay down." Rose did so, and Icerova knelt down beside her. The Gerudo began to sing softly, and in a short time the human was sleeping. Icerova got back up and turned toward Dogura. "I really am sorry about my sister," she said apologetically. "She's usually good with people, but it helps if they make a good first impression on her. Give her some time, and she'll stop biting your head off everytime you open your mouth. Well, you should probably get some sleep yourself."

Icerova turned toward the woods. That was when she noticed a boy sitting up in a tree. She quietly made her way over to the Hylian. "Please don't run away; I promise not to hurt you," she said. "How long have you been up there?"

OOC: So, Pabru, is this how you enter topics? You have Pyralin (or is it Pyre, or both?) enter the scene, but not do anything. And then you wait for the creator of the topic to draw you in? I'm just curious.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:33 pm
by Pabru
(((OOC: Not always, but sometimes. It really depends on who the person is, and if I know them or not. Also, if I get in the way, its better not to get too involved in the first post.... My characters name is Pyralin. His nickname is Pyre, so I call him both. All thoughs "he"s and "Pyre"s get annoying, so I add in Pyralin sometimes.)))

He watched her carefully, and a frown creased his face. He did indeed think about fleeing for a moment, but decided against, jumping out of the tree, and down onto the ground. He saw that the others were starting to rest and looked up at Icerova. Not unprepared of course. He used the jump to cover up a quick draw of a throwing dagger, and slipped it down the sleeve of his shirt. When he landed, the dagger was concealed. "Not much. I'm kind of curious as to this Draconic general though. Mabye you could tell me something?"[/i]

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:15 am
by Hi no Seijin
"That's the whole reason we're out here," Icerova replied. "We know little of this general ourselves. We've been walking around Hyrule for a few days trying to find some clue as to who he is, but to no avail." The Gerudo looked Pyralin up and down. "You look like you can hold your own, so I'll give you a choice. You can join us and help us if you want to, or you can go off and do what you would normally do."

> I'll join you.
I'll just walk away.


EDIT OOC: I should've said this sooner. I'd prefer it if anyone who is Chaos didn't join in (or at least not yet). Also, I want people who can make good posts to join. If I see anyone spamming my story up, I will halt it and have RG delete my last post and the post that was spam.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:19 pm
by Pabru
>I'll join you
I'll just walk away

Pyre inclined his head slightly. It didn't seem like these people were bad folk, and it couldn't hurt to help them out. Besides, some adventuring could help increase my skills. He closes his eyes for a moment, thinking about the issue at hand. A Draconic General? Aren't dragons attracted to the mountains? "Mabye we could find some clues in the Ruto highlands. My first guess would be Death Mountain, but we don't have access of the Death Mountain range from here because of Gohma..." He didn't really know what to think, since he knew hardly nothing about the general, but it seemed that the others didn't either, so it wouldn't hurt to make the suggestion of looking in the mountains. And then of course, they might know more than they were telling him. It wasn't really any of his buisness though, and he made his suggestion without any darker thoughts weighing him down.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:32 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Icerova grinned. "We were actually going to head up that way," she said. Then the smile went away. "Although I suppose it's a tad bit obvious. Most people naturally think dragons live in mountains and are giant creatures, but the truth is that they can live anywhere and can be any size. I once met a dragon that was the size of a cucco in the desert. But we're not really looking for a dragon. I'm not sure why he's known as the Draconic General, but he is very much human. And from Labrynna, I believe, but I'm not too sure." The Gerudo closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead in thought. "Not too much is known about him. He's not exactly a general; I think he was one in a rebel army of some sort. And it was a rather small army at that. I think Rose had something to do with squashing that rebellion, even though at the time she was the Tarm Army General. I think his last name was Left, and it wasn't until after the failed rebellion that he became known as the Draconic General." Icerova shrugged. "Well, my bedroll is over there." She pointed it out. "Feel free to use it and get some sleep. We'll be moving out at noon." She led the way back to the small camp.

OOC: Okay, now I'm just waiting for ZV to post one last time, because I'm sure he's going to have something to say on this new development. Once he does so, I can finish this part up and we can head off to the mountains. By the way, thanks for that inspiration, Pabru. I didn't know where I was going to make my next post.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:39 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Dogura had ignored the comment about knocking him out. He knew very well that the cranky woman would have no chance of victory over him. It was clear who the stronger warrior was, but he didnt feel like mincing words with her. "It is true that Dragons are in fact varied in size, and habitat. Ive come across Ice dragons before!" He exclaimed. "And the proper word for Humanoid dragon is Dracomancer. I Know (OOC: not only because adventure quest was an old hobby of mine) because

I've studied their ways, and weaknesses. They at one point fasinated me, and I learned almost everything there is to know about them." He seemed uncomfortable. "But a general... My great grandfather was a general, and I'll tell you their knoledge is vast. But you dont need me to tell you that, Im sure you know more about the Draconic General than i do. So please. Shall we continue to the mountains?"

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:19 pm
by Hi no Seijin
Icerova frowned. "Dracomancer?" she asked, confused. "I'm pretty sure they're called dragon disciples." The Gerudo shrugged. "Well, I am just like Rose; my sister and I are also from an alternate version of Hyrule. Actually, we're from around the time period of the Hero of Time. But enough about that. We leave at noon. Hopefully your friend there--"Icerova gestures to Blank"--will be a bit more sober. I suggest you two get some rest yourself. I'll keep watch."

At noon, Icerova woke everyone up. She then introduced everyone to Pyralin (OOC: Sorry, but let's just assume Pyre told Icerova his name; I doubt we'll be able to fit in an introduction). Firerova looked like she was going to argue about letting Pyre tag along, but a quick look from her twin made her shut her mouth. After a quick lunch, Rose led the way to the mountain, Icerova and Firerova taking up the rear; Icerova making sure Firerova didn't do anything to Dogura when he wasn't looking.

OOC: Okay, I'll get the next part up sometime tomorrow. I may just come back and put in a link in this topic if I'm feeling kind. And according to ZV, I'd better be. :D

EDIT: Okay, <a href= ... >here's</a> the link to the next part.