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Re: [NPC] A Man Looks Dejected

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:16 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Narrator wrote:<img src="images/npcs/man1.gif" align="right">A man looks dejected as his sits on a park bench. You ask what the matter may be, and he replies, "Oh, well I'm from Saria Town and I'm kind of stuck here right now. A landslide made this giant boulder slam down on the Old South Road, blocking any traffic from going that way. The Goro-Goro Engineers are checking that out, but I don't know how successful they'll be.

"Also, Ruto Town's Trophy Pile was stolen again... again!... so now the Mayor is threatening to close down the North-South Passage. Word is, he already has. Until I can make my way south, I'm kinda stuck."
OOC: Wow... No one has posted here all throughout 2006... O_O...

IC: Nogare walked by the dejected man. The Mayor will do naught about it... Nogare reminded himself. ... for I, too, have buisness in the South... in fact, I'm sure we all do. Why doesn't Harkinian do something about it? He has a higher rank than the mayor! The answer wouldn't come to him yet... but he knew that it would in due time. He would find out why none could pass, and then he will convince the King to let him pass.

He knew he could not leave the man to his regrets. "Don't worry, friend," he said to the other man, "for there is hope still; we will get back to the South, I assure you. I swear by my father's grave that we will pass the mountians, and we will enter the South once again!" Nogare knew that he would keep his promise, or die trying to keep it. He would make sure that the people of the North could aid those of the South, as it had been done only a few years ago.

Grey's Son bowede to the Sarian, and continued on with his patrolling duties, without truning back to the other man.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:04 pm
by demonwolf98
A man with a black cloak walks over, looks at the man with a hood-covered head and said "So this is why I can't get to Saria's Town....." The man asked "Why would you want to go to Saria's Town?" Without replying the man, the stranger walks off, dissappearing within the crowds...