Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 199
TP: 7
OOC: Mind if I control a random knight for a while?
IC: Luna swore under her breath. She had came to fight, not to become a burden on the army. Standing on the edge of the battlefield, with no way to break through the line of her "defenders", she surveyed the scene around her, hoping to pick up some usefull information. After standing on tip-toes and trying to peer around the men she muttered, "With these two large brutes in the way, I'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of anything."
One of the knights looked back and responded, "Pardon me, but did you say something miss? Do you need anything?"
His polite tone in the middle of a bloody fray struck Luna as amusing. She paused a moment, and deciding to play along she replied in as feminine a tone as she could muster, "Um, sir? Could you move a little? I can't see the battle. Would you move.... please?" She pouted.
"Sorry miss, it's for you own safety. We wouldn't want you getting hurt."
Luna almost let out a cry of frustration, but stifled it at the last moment. What is it going to take to get these guys to move? A knife in the back? That's when it came to her, the idea. And so the scemeing began.
Kumori fluttered down closer the ground level of the cliff, watching Luna as the knights held her back. "I told her not to get involved," he growled, shaking his head. "It does look fun though, and I haven't been in a decent fight for quite a while." The fairy hovered over the edge of the cliff, pondering his next course of action.
Meanwhile, Luna put her plan into action. She jumped onto the back of one of the knights, catching him. She hung on, and when he turned around to see what was going on she lept into to battle, home free. As she sprinted to her destination at the center of the battlefield, the knight turned around in time to see her dissapear into the crowd.
"Miss?" He called out, stupified. He was still wondering how the girl got past him for minutes afterward.
Last edited by umbreon72 on Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 237
Class: Bard
: 743
TP: 3
Aiden was skittish as is and she had been watching Kasei with worry in her intense gaze.Her mind was running, how could she help? She was small and frail, but her thoughts were focused on the others not herself, so she hardly noticed. Swallowing she was determind and knew exactly what to do. Taking a deep breath she prepared herself to sprint forward and latch herself like a monkey to the enemy's back. In her minds eye she saw herself taking out a dagger and stabbing him madly, or maybe just being the perfect distraction for the few seconds Kasei would need.
Then, plonk, someone picked her up! She would not be able to charge forward now!Her whole body tensed, often the men had carried her like this to her beatings. Aiden had been docile long enough, she would not just stand by, especially with her allies about. Twisting and bending she flopped about much like a fish out of water, her back arching and every single one of her sore and tired muscles earning their keep. Her legs kicked wildly at the carrier and she stopped wiggling only to sink her teeth into the man's flesh. Clenching down she tugged like a wild animal on his skin, trying to cause as much pain as possible. If he was wearing thick enough clothes she may be doing no damage, but she was certainly trying.
DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 909
Class: Vagabond ranger
: 3021
TP: 1
Leth stood up on a rock further up a cliff, safely out of reach of the enemy arrows. The enemy, however, could not say the same. Leth watched for a moment, then drew his bow. He took his time, testing the string, making sure everything was in good order. Then he pulled an arrow from his quiver, which held forty arrows. He was a bowmen Ranger, and if he aims an arrow at you, count yourself dead. As the saying goes, each ranger carries the lives of forty men on his back. Leth nocked the arrow to the string, his powerful longbow giving his arrows the ability to shoot twice as far than any normal bow, and twice as powerful as well. He aimed at one of the larger beasts; something that resembled a fat Lizalfos with a wrecking ball. It appeared to be killing soldiers en masse on the front lines. He pulled back the string, and made sure the arrow was aimed right at the beast's heart, and fired. Thirty-nine lives left. He glanced around. Drommlin should be there any minute now with his extra quivers. Until then, however, he would have to make every shot count. Which shouldn't be too hard. He knocked another arrow. Thirty-eight.
Last edited by Leth on Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 199
TP: 7
As she ran into the fray, Luna was grabbed from behind by a shrieking Gibdo. "Let... me... go!" She started to kick, but thought better of it. Shoot, this thing has a really good hold on me, she thought as she felt the pressure it was putting on her abdomen. It lifted her off of the groud and crushed her chest, squeezing the breath out of her. If I struggle, I'll just pass out faster, but if I don't struggle, I'll only pass out anyway. Might as well try something.
The beast wasn't able to restrain her arms when it grabbed her, so when she reached for her kunai knife it must have realized it's mistake. The Gibdo dropped Luna, presumably to quickly snatch her back up with a better grip. This time she was too fast for the cumbersome mummy-like creature, dashing out of it's way at the last moment and stabbing it in the back with her dagger. "Never grab a lady from behind!" And as she sliced the shrieking monster's head off added, "It's just plain rude."
HP 41/ SPL 9/ WILL 5
STR 2/ DEF 14/ AGI 6 / INT 3/ SPI 1
Physical DMG 7/ Magic DMG 9
Luna and Kumori
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2236
Class: Scholar//scribe
: 1060
TP: 1
OOC: I said I didn't have a problem with it, they were good games.
IC: Orpheous couldn't believe his eyes. He expected his Anubian warriors to do some more damage before they were taken out. Oh well, one of the Darknut Generals was exposed. However, he had bigger fish to fry now. Legion was ready charging at him with his over sized blade that he could easily wield with one hand. In the other hand, he prepared a spell should the sword be ineffective, which it was. Orpheous dodged the attack with ease, not that the fast moving Legion was a slow adversary. Legion fired the spell, sure as Orpheous dodged the blow from the blade. Orpheous was able to escape the majority of that attack as well, but it did clip his side. He replied by engaging him in sword to sword combat.
Simon was having just as hard of a time. Dark Angel was also a formidable opponent. To top it off, he could fly using his angel-like wings, hence the pseudonym. Simon could barely get a shot in the first part of the fight. Dark Angel stayed out of range of attack for the most part. But whenever Simon dropped his guard, usually to try a long range attack, he swooped down and cut Simon with a swift movement of his blade. However, after a few swoops, something hit one of his wings dead center. Click. This was still not good enough of an attack to stop his power of flight, and he simply dusted off. He swooped down again, but his speed was reduced, and Simon was able to hit his other wing. Having no other option, he was forced to land and engage Simon in ground to ground combat.
As for the Grand Darknut who decided to take on Leon in combat, Leon was ready. He put up on of his swords to block, and he thrust with a second blade at the Darknut's stomach. If that wasn't enough ... click. The next thing the Darknut knew, there was a rushing projectile at his back.
As for Remos and Snowflake, they were probably finding their job to be somewhat easy. Ball and chain soldiers tended to be very bulky and slow moving. As it so turns out, both Remos and Snowflake were capable of flight. Thus, staying low enough where arrows wouldn't be able to hit them, they circled around the ball and chain soldier at high speeds out of range of the ball and chain. Roughly once every pass, they slashed at a point in the armor in an attempt to find a weak point. It wouldn't take long before they would be able to find one either.
Silna had easily taken care of one of the elites. Raven prepared to send out her second elite, but once again... click. He was dead, hole in the side of his neck, small enough to only fit one finger into. Raven decided to be careful of this clicking sound, so she was prepared should it occur again. Luckily it didn't. He then went down to engage Silna in combat (XD Don't you just love it when wars get catty ... kidding).
Vilk was indeed engaged in a strong fight with Bou. Both were using telekinesis to mental wield physical weapons and attack each other from distances. They would occasionally use spells, but it appeared that they were evenly matched. Then suddenly, there was a flash, a kind of dark energy being fired from the sky. It was the beast-like creature. Bou managed to dodge the blow, but Vilk used this distraction to get a cheap blow to his chest. Before he could finish Bou ... click. He managed to deflect the projectile with his mind, still unaware of what it was, just as was everybody else. However, Bou had used this opportunity to escape. Vilk's mission, according to him, was complete. It would be nearly impossible for Bou to recover from the blow for the rest of the war. However, Vilk could have been wrong.
OOC: First off, I suggest that you don't let your Grand Darknut die that easily, after all, he is a Grand Darknut. Have him dodge the attacks or something.
Secondly, you are still in charge of the ball and chain soldier.
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
OOC: A great darknut, going down for just that? Surely, you jest.
IC: "O-oi!" Denkou screamed, as he felt the pain of a woman's mouth crushing down into the flesh of his shoulder. "I'm tryin' to save ya, here! Don't go and hurt me while I do it!" He ordered, dodging a stray arrow before rushing to rejoin the main Hylian forces.
Author!Kasei Edit: Back to the head of the action, Kasei was slowly losing ground, in both health and energy. His insectoid opponent, however, seemed to keep going no matter what hits he took. Is the dark army made up of freaks with no weaknesses? " This ends now, ya big ant!" Kasei half thought, half wispered, and pointed his now spare hand at Uka, and could feel the divine energy flowing through his body, emanating from the Piece of Power embedded into his chest.
" There is no light in the center of the void. No hope for those who are sucked into the darkness, all who attempt to escape are pulled back in and devoured by the shadows. Noone will save you, all will forget about your existence."
"Power of the Seven Stars, variant four: The Dark Continent!" The Rebel Flame finished, as what could only be described as a miniature dark hole appeared in his hand, sucking in nearby matter. Uka barely understood what was happening, before Kasei unleashed the orb, shooting it forward until it expanded unto a large vortex, sucking in enemy troops by the dozen. The bug was unable to make a sound as he was sucked into the void, forever trapped.
Kasei turned away, and armed his scythe to take down a different opponent. However, this was halted by the presence of Uka's sword jutting from his chest. The insect general was behind him.
He wasn't sucked away like the others were.
Leth would never know that he was being snuck up upon. Luckily, however, it was no enemy, but a freind; Nogare. "Archer, cover me." The son of Grayblade said suddenly, then rushed forward and then jumped over the edge of the cliff. An aura of light seemed to envelope him, and he came down upon enemy soldiers, and began ripping them apart with his legendary spear. "So reckless." Another voice said, that of Kairos. "Need any aid?" The mage asked, and drew up two staffs.
Luna, though easily able to remove the Gibo from existence, would need aid to deal with the next creature: a darknut, one was approaching, only to be stabbed from behind. It was the knight from earlier. "Didn't I tell you we'd defend you?" He asked.
The thing about Darknuts; they didn't take to kindly to back-stabbs. Just as the knight lowered his sword, he was cleaved in two by the armored monsters' weapon. Speaking of which, Leon was now facing the same thing; a very angry Darknut, swinging its sword wildly. It attempted to attack Leon with its humongous sword, though its rage may just have it kill more allies than enemies.
A Snowlfake and Remos attempted to discover weaknesses, the ball and chain trooper fired spells at them. Flames shot from the end of their weapons, flying at their targets.
Last edited by Kasei on Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 909
Class: Vagabond ranger
: 3021
TP: 1
Link was startled to hear a voice behind him. I must be lagging in my training. I should be able to tell when someone is- He noticed it was Nogare. Oh. Nogare was a renowned warrior; Leth would expect that he wouldn't be noticed if he didn't want to. Still... I better work on my tracking abilities. I've been focusing to much on my archery lately. He spoke to Kairos . "Yes, actually. Infinite arrows would be nice." He didn't say anything else; he rarely did. Though I suppose that would mean Drom's efforts were for nothing... forty-four. Ah well. He could use the exercise. The discipline is good for him. Builds character. Just then Drom appeared over the hill closest to him. With no arrows. Leth turned to him, and lowered his bow. "So..... arrows?" He asked expectantly. "Oh, I was supposed to get those wasn't I?" Drom said. "I forgot." Leth stared at him. "You know what would have happened if I needed those arrows? I would be weaponless reeeeeeeal fast. And that would mean trouble. If you keep this up, something nasty will be happening to you in the near future." He would make up some odd punishment later. "Fortunately for you though, I don't need those arrows. I think." he glanced up at Kairos, then back down at Drom. "If I do, you are running all the way back to Castle town to get them for me, then running all the way back. Understood?" Drom shrugged his shoulders. "Fine." He said. Leth rolled his eyes and resumed shooting.
OOC: Note to self: next TP goes to track lvl. 2.  Yay for wield bow lvl. 3!!!!
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4
Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 237
Class: Bard
: 743
TP: 3
Aiden was too tired to flail anymore, instead she went limp, and let her savior carry her to safety. Thrown over his shoulder she was attempting to 'watch his back' in a literal sense. She would warn him of anything she saw that he might not, but in reality, she was terrified someone might spot her leaving. Her hands held tightly to any part of him she could get a hold of. In her chest her heart was pounding, he might even feel it. Swallowing hard she licked her sore and dry lips, "I hope you know what you're doing."
In her head she was shocked he would risk his life to help her, but she was more shocked he'd indanger everyone else. It did not sit with her, but then again, maybe it was all idle threats? In any case, she could kiss him for being her 'hero' of sorts. Although she might not tell him that.. "If there is anyway I could thank you.." Well that was pretty close.. in fact that was almost worse.
DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2236
Class: Scholar//scribe
: 1060
TP: 1
The battle was useless, Orpheous couldn't keep up with the swift attacks of Legion. Legion was a demon enhanced being though, and he was able to keep the strength coming even though Orpheous kept getting weaker and weaker as the battle waged on.
Simon on the other hand was mastering his opponent. Dark Angel on the ground was like a fish out of water compared to when he was in the air. Suddenly, he pulled out a Deku nut, which he threw to the ground, using the flash to escape. Simon immediantly rushed to his master's aid, helping Orpheous fight off Legion in time. Orpheous was wounded, but he should be able to keep fighting.
Silna was having a tough time with her opponent. Raven Ailwell was lethal, very lethal. Silna only had time to counter each move before Raven made another. Silna was going to need to stall Raven for a moment if she wanted to get an attack in and throw off her perfect rhythm. She would get it soon enough. Click...
Meanwhile, Remos and Snowflake were baffled. A Ball&Chain user who also frequented in magic. No doubt he was valued more then the basic grunts. They had to kill this guy. Avoiding the spells, they slashed at the back, hopefully their swift attacks would cause some kind of crack in the armor.
Leon had a brilliant concept. He began to weave through enemies, letting the Darknut get close enough to attack each time before jumping out of the way. He could utilize the Darknut to kill its own allies. Of course, he kept his sword ready, in case he needed to block with it.
Vilk had moved on, and was no slaughtering knights by the bucket full. Would anybody try to defeat him, or would knight after knight fall under his blades. Knights with families - parents, wives, children. All these people who were losing their loved one. Vilk seemed to care not about whose life he took. And nobody could try to read his face, as it was covered by his hood, like always.
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
Blood sprayed from Kasei as the blade protruding from his chest was slowly, agonizingly, pulled out by the insectoid creature, Uka. "Why . . . are you so weak?" The bug demanded, grinning . . . or, at least, something resembling a grin with his mandibles. Kasei spat blood, and lurched forward, letting the rest of the blade fly out of him. He turned, glaring at his enemy. "What now? You think you can still fight?" The bug demanded, readying himself.
"No . . . I can't fight much longer. Still . . . I can do this!" The Rebel Flame said, launching at Uka. Suddenly, fire was everywhere. The shiekah was engulfed in flames, and speeding towards Uka, who recoiled. "SEA OF FLAMES." Kasei roared, as the fires spread and extended towards their prey . . .
Denkou had suddenly stopped, and had placed Aiden on the ground. If she would wonder why, a quick turn around would answer all questions. They had made it to the emergency tent. "As for repayment," Denkou said, "How a bout a date after?"
For Remos and Snowflake, the Ball&Chain trooper wasn't hitting the dust. In fact, he actually seemed stronger now. He rose up, and swung his massive weapon at them. For Leon, the situation was the same. It would seem his dodge tactics wouldn't workl; this Darknut in particular seemed very, very fast.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 237
Class: Bard
: 743
TP: 3
Aiden let out a soft squeak when she was placed back on her feet. She wobbled and nearly tottered over, but she stayed up. Her body was weak, but mendable, really she needed food, rest, and time. Eyes wide and innocent she studied her savior for a moment, what was he asking her for? Smiling a soft shy smile she blushed, he was looking at her oddly. Being naive she had no clue what he was really asking her for, but knew what she had said. Slowly her head moved in a nod and finally she spoke up, "Y-yes." Maybe he would see her uncertainty as pure nerves, "Be safe and.. don't go far?"
For now he was one of the only people about she knew and she was scared. Her ordeal had left her rather timid, but she was strong. While her body was bruised and battered they hadn't even marked her spirit. As if reminding her of her condition the worst injury on her arm throbbed, it was discolored from infection. "I want to help."
DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1259
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 1520
TP: 3
The battle had become a blur for all the combatants involved. Trading blow for blow, finding pockets of reprieve in the midst of the battlefield to clear the blood and sweat out of one's eyes before continuing on, pressing forward in an effort to punch a significant enough hole in their foe's lines to encourage a retreat.
Burlo had finally gotten wrapped up in the midst of the fight, no longer straying from the deadly weapons his class was known to avoid. His magical reserves were weakening, he felt it in his bones...At last, he found a clearing in the enemies, stumbling into the opening. He had no idea that the reason they area was cleared was because of a black hole summoned by Kasei; all he did know was that, directly before him, his General was being murdered. His staff rose, pure instinct powering his actions as the Rebel Flame charged his opponent.Three blue blasts rocketed out of the tip of the weapon, surrounding Uka on three sides to trap him, leaving a gap through which Kasei's attack could slide through and punish the trapped insectoid...
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC: Kasei said I could join
IC: Minutes before the battle began...
Nogare watched the enemies before him - hundreds of them. Thousands likely. He didn't want to think of defeat. Or the cost of victory. It just had to be done, and he would do his best. Failure was not an option.
He didn't wait. The hearts of those around him were more important than their fate. He rode forth on Roharu, his steed, back and forth from the frontline, and exclaimed his speech.
Men of Hyrule!! Here, this day, we face a force of evil that our history could never have imagined! The last thing they expect in their barbaric confidence is a defeat! If you die, your families will join your corpse! For too long have heroes protected you from your sleepy villages, your peace and quiet! It is your turn! Find the hero within yourselves, and help to save the world from another reign of Darkness! The evil before us seeks to ruin all we have stood for in our years of history!! We will break this army here! Arise! Stand firm, and fear no evil! Forth Hyrulingas!! (OOC: ^_^ Rohan gimmick, sorry: forth Eorlingas?  ) They may take our lives! But they will NEVER take the legend this land has made!! Let your hearts guide us to victory this day!!" He raised Belegcam, and turned Roharu to the battlefield ahead, where the armies massed. "FOR LINK!!!!" His voice echoed through the lips of the regiments assembled at his back! He repeated it so loud that the entire army could hear it!!! "FOR LINK!!!"
He charged forth with the strength of the spirits of the soldiers and knights around him, lifting his own, as each was lifted by each others', and they made for the enemy ahead without much more than a second thought regarding their fate.
Doom. They knew now it was more than just dying. That is what every soul should know in this war...
The son of Grayblade stood up on his horse's saddle, and at the right time, he jumped off, killing the closest Exiles.
A dozen fell within the second. The battle fury of Nogare had begun...
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2236
Class: Scholar//scribe
: 1060
TP: 1
Well, it wasn't exactly a rooftop, but it suited his job well enough. Valentine was perched on a nearby cliff, in a prone position. His trusty sniper rifle was braced against his soldier, and against the ground, finger around the trigger, the other used to support the gun in the typical two-handed shot. He put in another round, this time, in an attempt to distract Vilk long enough so somebody could actually hit him. He pulled the trigger, and once again, the familiar silenced click was heard by those listening on the battlefield.
Snowflake had managed to dodge the blow, but only barely so. However, Remos received the attack full force, and it was a miracle all he had were a few dozen broken bones. He should have lost his life. He was out cold, and he would be in a great amount of pain, probably for the next few months. However, do to an odd shift in fate, Legion was retreating past this scene as the Ball & Chain soldier was most likely moving in for the kill. He stopped the Ball & Chain soldier, and told the soldier in the common language, "His father, my boss will want his son alive. Let me take him to his father." He then grabbed Remos' body and fled with the unconscious boy on his back. Snowflake had managed to fool the Ball & Chain soldier in this time, allowing him to escape, but the soldier wouldn't be bored for long. In fact, the soldier would most likely be dead only a moment later. The thick armor was somehow suddenly compressed, even the helmet, to the point it would crush and kill the soldier. The cause, completely and entirely unknown (notice, I didn't God-mod, you choose whether he lives or dies Kasei, but I wouldn't see him living through this).
Silna had been able to injury Raven enough to cause her to flee as well, now that she managed to get a few good attacks in. However, that wouldn't be the last time this war that they'd see her. As Vilk turned stopped the flying projectile once more, Silna took at chance and slashed at him, he blocked fairly easy, and she was soon involved in another battle with one who killed relentlessly.
Leon decided to do something totally risky. He would stand still, unguarded, enticing the Darknut forward, and hopefully the creature would charge at him. Simon and Orpheous in the meanwhile were fighting off warriors of the dark, trying to help their friend fight off the more elite of agents.
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
The armies below the cliffs had no clue what was causing in, but several members of the exiles were falling due to a distant attack. Several assumed it was magic, others thought it was a new type of arrow. None even considered the fact that a sniper was above them, picking them off one at a time. None, except one sorceror . . .
"For you, misery."
Those were the words that escaped the lips of a hooded man who, out of nowhere, seemed to teleport behind Valentine as he was reloading his rifle. The sniper was caught off guard, and swung around on the ground in an attempt to shoot the cloaked figure at close-range. He didn't even get the chance. The man lunged forward, bushing both himself and Valentine over the cliff's edge. They tumbled downwards, and then dissapeared, shrouded in darkness. The two appeared hundreds of feet below on the ground, still a distance from the main fight. The hooded man stood, several bullet holes in his robes, while Valentine was on the ground, several cuts on his body, but otherwise alright. Would he be able to kill this magician?
Legion took Remos' body and fled, and so did Snowflake. The Ball &Chain trooper, however, did not follow either of them. He died on the spot, crushed in his own armor. Still, there were others to replace him, lizalfos and moblins and other damnable beasts. The loss was not important.
In the center of the battlefield. Numerous things were happening. The rift in space caused by Kasei was dissapearing and, at the same time, the attacks of the Rebel Flame and the trusty Burlo were closing in on Uka. The blue attacks hit first, one slamming against his side, the others hitting him in the gut, forcing him to his knees. He would try to recover, obviously, but didn't get a chance before Kasei's inferno overcame him, engulfing his enraged, screaming form in fire. He writhed about, dropping his blade into the dirt. The nearest soldiers moved away as the fires died down, and Uka stood, charred, but alive. "You will pay for that." He said simply.
Kasei just stared. Before him stood an opponent who defied the power of the gods themselves. This was the kind of overwhelming power wielded by the darkness, wielded by Jormund. The Rebel Flame fell to one knee, unable to even stand due to his injuries. It was also quite possible the blade was poisoned. "This isn't possible. . ." He said.
Denkou, meanwhile, smiled at Aiden. "You want to help? There's the medical tent behind you. Go in and tend to the wounded, while everyone out here tries to stop this battle." He said confidently, then turned away and drew a sword. "This'll be tough enough as it is without worrying about you." He said, and ran back into the battle.
As Nogare entered the battle, and confused the continuity of the fight by being in two places at once, several enemies arose to fight him. Most died. One, however, that would not fall easily to Belegcam was a certain man, one supposed to be dead. Sosei stood in front of Nogare, his tomahawk-like weapon resting on his shoulders. "Suprise suprise. If it isn't the legend himself." The deceased sorceror said. A ring of light surrounded them, and Sosei lifted his weapon. "Let's see if you're half as good as they say." He said, and attacked. . .
Simons plan did indeed worked. The Darknut before him lashed out with it's massive blade, intending to cleave him in half . . . Simon and Orpheous, however, weren't having such good luck with their plan. What could be described as a massive, armored dodongo now approached them. Armored, obviously, to remove the weakness of it's tail. This was going to be difficult, if even possible.
OOC: No, Saber, no dark holes. A rift, sort of, but portable and inescapable and it sends you to nowhere.
Yeah, I godmodded a bit, but it was for the better good . . .
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile