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Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:38 pm
by Sheng Long
Sheng Long's voice comes mournful on the curling breeze of early fall. From somewhere the smell of rotting leaves, cerulian skies, bone dust in the hour glass, and scarecrows cups your jaw, like a lover, cosseting, fleeting, song:

And when the sun comes trumpets from his red house in the east
He will find a standing stone where long I chanted my release
He will send his morning messenger to strike the hammer blow
And I will crumble down uncountable in showers of crimson rubies When I Go

A flury of limbs and torn grass Sheng Long charges, once again closing the gap between him and his adversary.

OOC: Heh, I wish I wrote those lyrics. They belong to my favorite songwriter/singer the Late Great Dave Carter; a folk singer so astounding that Bob Dylan and Joan Baiez were doing covers of his work just before his untimely death. Check out and you can listen to samples. If you have Gmail I'll send you a song or two. I must say your doing very well, I apreciate the effort your putting into this little spat. Nice to see a new face who has more to offer than mob grinds.

Edit: That sounds awful cruel. Towards the end of the last game I became very frustrated with all the empty threads of "i hit him agian." Its nice to see a new face who has some skill to offer, I lookforward to more of this.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:06 pm
by phantompigcollector
Julian's face gleams in the ivory light of the moon and a wanton smile stretches across its indigo skin. His hands raise and cast large shadows across the clearing, stretching like two dimensional monsters across the grassy floor.They dance in the air like fingers on a keyboard as a faint whisper escapes his lips as he chants one of his spells.
His hands begin to radiate with crimson light, shining brighter and brighter to the point that his hands were ingulfed in what looked like fire. His face was no longer it's familiar indigo hue. It shined a brilliant red and his eyes became windows to an inferno. Out of his hands shot out a bullet of light. It screamed a high piched wail as it illuminated the night sky and cried in pain as it shot toward the nomad's torso.
"I will free you to the eternal abyss as I did to my parents. You will not cause the evil that all life brings nor will you experience it."

OOC:All I have to say is that the man is a great writer from what I saw in the site. Also, thanks for the compliments. It's always good to recieve some critisism(Good or bad).

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:44 pm
by Sheng Long
Sheng Long rolls to the side, the mass of the spell streaking over his shoulder. In its wake, his form caught in the rippled moonlight seems to shift; his skin red, his eyes ablaze, feathers, flames, fall leaves....
but the ball of thamaturgy screams on and he continues charging, feet pounding, eating space, voice full, lungs empty:

Sigh, mournful sister, whisper and turn, I will rattle like dry leaves When I Go
Stand in the mist where my fire used to burn, I will camp on the night breeze When I Go

And should you glimpse my wandering form out on the borderline
Between death and resurrection and the council of the pines
Do not worry for my comfort, do not sorrow for me so
All your diamond tears will rise up and adorn the sky beside me When I Go

He closes the gap and crouching low shifts all of his force into a rising upercut


OOC: I have to shout the name of my special moves; its the rules!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:07 am
by phantompigcollector
Julian jaw takes the impact of the blow, sending him high into the air. His robes flapping in the air as the moon embraces his body in its light. Blood paints the moon's surface as the crimson liquid is jetted into the air.

Time freezes in the climax of his ascent. His robes moving like the waves of the ocean as the wind dances with the fabric. As time begins to return the zora begins to descent to the grassy bottom. His body slams against the ground and goes limp.

The zora begins to weakly pick himself up,his left hand pushing on the surface of the ground as he balances himself in a crouched postion and spits the blood from his mouth. He stands up with his face hidden beneath the veil of darkness which is the hood of his robes.His body is weak and it sways with the wind of the forest. Blood drips from the bowels of the darkness and a slight chuckle is released into the air. His laugh gains strength and takes hold of the clearing. It is coarse and his laughing only continues to spray the sound of terror and blood into the night.

OOC:Not one of my greatest posts but I wanted to continue your topic, Sheng.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:48 pm
by Sheng Long
Sheng long again towards his foe, feet kicking up broken soil, he raises his hand above his head, palm towards the sky, fingers curled like a broken spider. His muscles tighten, pulling, bending he forces all of his weight into a crashing blow, metoric, aimed to crush his targets face into the ground.

OOC: sorry I couldn't let the magic hit me, would have screwed up some things I want to happen. Your doing great, better than this post anyway... sometimes the muse works for us and sometimes against...

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:03 pm
by phantompigcollector
Julian's arm breaks through the fabric of his robes. His hand shoots forward as it grapples on to Sheng Long's extended hand, his fingers binding themselves into the middle part of Sheng's own fingers as if two puzzle pieces lock together. He smiles at Sheng's illuminated face as he pushes against the nomad's strength. His feet digging into the ground as the nomad's strength pushes against his hands. No movement succumbs from this and it seems as if though the two were equally matched in strength.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:30 pm
by Sheng Long
Sheng Longs lips peel back from his teeth in a wolfish snarl. A vein on his forehead, one on his chest and the two at his throat begin to pulse beneath the thick muscle; with the effort and rush of life his skin darkens a shade of red. He hisses between clenched teeth:

Good there is some fight in you yet!

he begins to chant

I am one with Din, I am one with the Goddesses. I am have no thought, no focus, no perception, no understanding, no joy, no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no sound, no color, no flavor, no feeling. I am without self. I am only the flesh of Din...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:03 pm
by phantompigcollector
"Be quiet. You have no honor. When the time comes Din will decide what is the true good and what is the true evil as for now, I have decided that you should live to see that day. You shall see the truth of your errors. We will meet again and next time you might not be so fortunate."

With a quick smile, the zora pushes off the nomad's chest as he leaps into the air. His hand grassping to his staff as he lands crouched on the ground. With a quick pull, his staff is uprooted from the soil beneath him. He turns around in anger, his robes slapping the wind as he walks towards the edge of the clearing. He glances back to Sheng and then leaps off into the trees. The breaking of branches following him in his wake.

OOC:That was a great fight don't you think? Not nearly as much as other fights but you know what they say;It's not quantity but quality. Let's see you top that. Though I find it hard since I left you without letting you say some last words.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:20 pm
by Sheng Long
Muscles still quivering Sheng Long's face falls into stillness. His once contorted features smooth and the lines that surounded his eyes and rictus snarl fade. Wordless, he returns to the corpse of the deer and kneels beside it. From the pouch that hangs on his necklace he removes the familar ceramic bowl, stand, and candle. Pinching his fingers on the wick holding them there, he snaps and the candle bursts into flame. He places a small red cone of incence on the burner and a spicy smell, an overpowering reek of cardamom surounds him. The smoke billows up agianst the star smeared sky, and as it hangs in the east, a red dawn glow hangs in it's bosom.

Only his voice is raised against the coming day...

I am one with Din, I am one with the Goddesses. I am have no thought, no focus, no perception, no understanding, no joy, no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no sound, no color, no flavor, no feeling. I am without self. I am only the flesh of Din.

Goddess bless my enemy that he may see your beauty; the purity of your strength and the glory of your resolve. You have turned his heart for he does belive in power and in strength, and he is willing to fight for those beliefs. Protect him and watch over him. Help me to be the instrument of your will, be that to turn him, or to crush him; Always, I am yours...

I am one with Din, I am one with the Goddesses. I am have no thought, no focus, no perception, no understanding, no joy, no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no sound, no color, no flavor, no feeling. I am without self. I am only the flesh of Din...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:14 pm
by weienw
Arco cannot help himself, finally.

"You are only the flesh of Din?" he says, in a voice void of scorn, void of sarcasm, void of anything but the earnest seeking of answers. "Why Din, and what of the goddesses, that you are--aren't, all these things?"

Moving more into the gray lighting of the early morning, the Bard tries to get a closer look at the other man. The scent of the incense causing his eyes to water as he walks forward, Arco does his best to breathe through his mouth. Standing with his feet together and his arms a little away from his body, he leans forward, still staring.

"Who are you?" he continues. "May I ask," he adds, after a moment.

OOC: Is it too late?