Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
Nyer smiled as she watched him tend to his weapons, she leaned against her diamond sword and waited for the next weapon he would bring out for her to demolish. At least I'll be safe. she thought to herself as she sighed. Her muscles were starting to hurt, as she mulled over her new training and her hand which was growing with more and more pain, she stood up, picked up the sword and swung it around a little.
"How much longer do we have to do this?"
As long as it takes for you to take down a Undead. She sighed, and swung around, practicing her foot work, and her balance, she knew she needed some help with that, and... like Nogare said, her guard needed work. Lower her arm a little and she swung with lethal motions, dashing and ducking this way and that. When she could swing the sword over her head and make a circle and stop right in front of her face, she felt practiced out.
Sitting down, she sheathed the sword again. Than unsheathed it and looked at the base of the blade, directly above the hilt. She marveled at how sparkly and luminescent it was, it had a metal look to it, but also a diamond glint. She could look at it more than use it.
She glanced over at some of the weapons Nogare had used against her, and saw the dents and chips that were grooved into them. Looking back at her sword, she saw that it still was in perfect condition, not even a scratch on it.
Sheathing the sword completely, she grabbed her water pouch and tipped it back, gulping a few times, she realized just how thirsty she was, soon enough the pouch was empty. Crap... I'll need more of that later... oh well... not right now, I won't tell him till later, when I really need it.
She looked at Nogare, his dark hair, those beautiful eyes, the muscles beneath his shirt, moving with pronounced jerks as he slid a gray rock along the blade of a spear head. She sighed again, this time in longing. Why couldn't he 'like' me? Even though he said it out right to me... I need him to show it... to... do something to let me know that he has feelings, the same feelings he keeps so hidden... some times... its better to let those feelings lose than keep then cooped up inside... it might lead to something a little too... overwhelming later... Don't fool yourself Nyre... he may have told you that he had feelings for you... but I'm sure they're completely gone by now. He doesn't like you.... She thought to herself, she swallowed back the tears she suddenly felt against her eyes. She blinked them back, but unknown to her... one silver blue tear slid down her cheek.
I love him... why can't he love me back... I already know that He is the only one I will ever actually love... I've loved him since I first laid my eyes on him... back in the swamps... when he rescued me... I wish he would see that and let his feelings out.... Nyre sighed a heavy sigh again and turned to look at the sun set, the clouds covering the sun so she could see the shadows of trees and signs along the roads... closing her eyes she prayed to her father, and her mother... I wish for him to love me as I love him.... as she finished the prayer, she somehow knew...deep now... Nogare Blade would never love her....
"It's getting late... I better get back to the Traveler's Hostel, than tomorrow... some more training and than maybe I can go and look for some land to buy... I'll see you tomorrow... Nogare." With those words, she got up and started to walk away.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
"Good night..." Nogare said simply, not showing any more emotion than he had to give. The last thing he needed was to encourage her.
She disappeared around the corner, and returned to his things, not looking to see if she looked back. If she did, he didn't know what he'd do. Smile back? Give her hope? He sighed contently, and re-focused on his equipment, gathered them up, stuffing them calmly and with focus into his bag. Loaded up, he adjusted his eyes to the darkness, and made his way back to his quarters in the barracks...
When he got there, he looked over the interior. Everything had been set up for him when he had arrived, when he showed that he wanted to be the replacement of the Hero of Hyrule, Link, who had departed to the west over the mountains to defend his homeland from invasion... and perhaps more. Whatever his purpose had been, he had become the new top dog of Hyrule, as a Blade. However, his time throughout the years as a protector was rarely acknowledged, and often he failed to hide his dislike for the Princess Zelda's father, Harkinian, and the old fool's poor treatment in this dire time of war.
Ugh, he was ranting in his own mind. He growled and looked at the four-poster bed that he was generously given, which he rarely slept it, was kindly tidied up since his last adventure (indeed, Harkinian was asking some butler to search the room for anything that he could use against him to prove him to not be a worthy replacement for Link... if only he could...). A chest was at the foot of the bed, a desk in the left corner... he had looked it over every now and again (being whenever he walked in), and he was in no mood to look it over again.
He decided to go up to the nice little blue-rimmed mirror, where he could look at himself (as any suck-up hero might want to). He glared at his watery reflection, and felt himself evaporate, though his image seemed to remain. A Sheikah, even a half-Sheikah, could see through lies. He knew that, by fact, he was a Blade, a protect of Hyrule (even if not for his king... or a t least Hyrule's king). He swore since his Blades' Baptism at a young age to never look at a woman with desire, for all creatures are equal, all are to be protected, and all die and become corpses over time. Delaying death allows necessary life to endure. And that is as sacred as the world itself. He was not lover material. He was to protect. He was to be a Blade... love was a weakness, an illusion... A Sheikah AND a Blade combined in blood should know that best of all... perhaps that's why he never felt this way before, after all these years...
... Then why was he feeling it now...?
Confusion, despair, desire, weakness, combined with blind devotion and a throbbing in his heart mingled and jabbed at his mind like an ice-pick. If it were any other attack, physical or mental, or even both together used against him in combat, he could fend them off. But here, Nyre, as fragile and loving as she was... who loved him... was driving him from his purpose. He could foresee the fate of Hyrule sway out of proportion as he prefers to save her life over a thousand people. Women and children of all races would die because of his personal greed. To protect what he really cares about... NO! He doesn't care... He said he did, though, didn't he?... He lied... did a Blade lie... That was against his morale... Blades despise liars, and Sheikahs see through them. How could he have lied? Or did he?
His fury and confused emotions drive a spur of outrage. There was a hidden knife by a drawer. He grabbed it swiftly and flung it wildly like a barbarian at his reflection. The mirror shattered to pieces, and crumbled off the wall. He looked for his reflection again... he didn't know why... mirror made him see his soul... but all he saw was broken glass... a misshapen Nogare.
"Redecorating your room, there, Master Blade?"
The Blade flew with more grace and more content at the man at the doorway, though Nogare had no idea he was doing it. It was blocked by a reflecting spell, and it shot back. The son of Grayblade caught it threw it onto the desk, letting it stick out blade-down, not taking his face away from the intruder.
"Are you old enough to know how to knock?"
"Are you young enough to understand love when you feel it?"
"I don't feel anything right now. Just leave me alone, you dumb sage."
"Well, you certainly feel foolish, if you put 'dumb' and 'sage' in the same sentence there, Nogare. Something is bothering you, and it's about Nyre, I assume. You haven't been your usual selfless self since she came with you here from that attack on her from the swamp. Impa and Fortis told me so."
"I'm not surprised. One after another, you three have just been giving her items behind my back all the way here, Gordius. Did you three happen to know about some prophecy about her and not tell me? I know she's important, but I haven't been told just how important yet. She's a pure-blood Sheikah, they turn up now and again, often as adventurers, what makes her any different?"
"Is it envy or compassion you feel, Nogare?"
Silence. The Blade growled again and slumped into his chair, hiding his face. "When you aren't helping me along, you sages can be a real pain."
"Either that or ignorance, and as a Blade, I'm sure ignorance and bliss aren't in your repertoire."
Nogare shot up, and lifted Belegcam. Gordius, for the first time in the conversation, actually became frightened to the core for a heartbeat of a moment. TELL ME WHAT YOU CAME IN HERE TO SAY!! he shot at the sage, speaking with a booming bolt into the old man's mind.
"Peace, Nogare, peace! No sage is your enemy, remember that. We're on the same side. If you let it consume you, you'll destroy all you fight for anyway. She's already conquered your life, it happens to everyone, Sheikah or Hylian, Deku, Zora, Goron... everyone of every race. If you let it destroy you, you're as good as dead, as is the rest of Hyrule, in your case. Think it through. A Blade should never feel evil emotions, or would you prefer to follow the path of your uncle Dual Blade?... You are no Exile, from Hyrule or your own soul. Don't become one. She is your life now."
Nogare felt himself calming, seeing nothing false in the old sage's words... not that he should expect any... why would a sage lie to him?... "Then you would have me love her?"
"She NEEDS YOU to love her. You've read her emotions, her thoughts even, you know. So do I. I felt it within her. Why else would she be so happy after such a long journey after you saved her. She's loved you ever since, you know that! Why fight it? It's as good as making an enemy of her. And even if you want to continue feeling practical and Blade-like, you can't deny what that will cause for you and everyone else. Corruption."
"You would have me submit to my feelings?"
"Submission? You are not defeated. She is your purpose, as well as Hyrule. Look at your predecessor, Link. He loved Princess Zelda AND saved Hyrule from disaster. Twice. Never mind all from his bloodline throughout the centuries, who have loved at least one girl. What of you?"
Nogare didn't speak. He looked down, letting Belegcam limp in his grasp.
"You carry a burden more than Link, it is true. Link had only to worry about Hyrule. His own soul was complete before he ever felt love's embrace... he fought FOR love, both times. What do you see her feeling right now?"
Nogare didn't have to think hard. He just felt it. "Likely loneliness, confusion... frustration... she's lost."
"And who will help her through those?"
Nogare, again, remained silent for a moment. At last, he asked, "What would you have me do?"
"Not mope like some puppy who didn't get a treat. Go down to the Hostel where she's staying, and be with her. Don't think like that, just talk to her. She's alone in a new world, and you leave her in another entire district alone where other smelly sweating travelers live, which, I might admit, is very subject to thieves. Just go. I'll take care of your mirror."
"... Yes, Gordius."
"It's not an order. I'm not a commander or a king. Do as you feel you must... But I must insist on fixing your mirror, it makes this empty room look drab." He drew a staff and began to mutter some spells of repairing, as each little piece came back together, and forged themselves together without a trace of effort. Nogare turned away, knowing what he had to do. He had no choice. Blade or not... he had to.
He traveled to the hostel as quickly as he could, and in an instant reached her door. He knocked, cursing how late it was, and hating to wake her. "Nyre? It's me, Nogare..."
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
With an enormous yawn, Nyre opened her eyes sleepily, What in the goddesses names does he want at this time?! She slowly got up and looked in the mirror, rubbing away the sleep in her eyes and making sure she looked relatively presentable.
She cursed slightly when she saw her hair, she had cut it that night, now it wasn't quite like a pixie cut, but her bangs fell in front of her eyes like spikes.
She heard Nogare knock again, "Just a minute, Nogare, have patience in a girl, sheesh."
She dabbed a little bit of lotion on her hands and got up to look at her clothing, pants and a loose fitting shirt. Shrugging she went to the door, when she opened it, Nogare just barged in, Nyre stumbled but regained her balance.
"Well a nice howdy hey to you too! Way to just have your way around here. Some hero you are... just bursting into someones room without a formal 'Hello, May I Come In?'." She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for his answer, or his apology.
She hadn't forgotten that afternoon, her thoughts about why he wouldn't accept her and show that he loved her. Although after thinking about it for a while, she realized that for him to show such emotion would most likely get him in trouble or... sacrifice his own well being. She watched him, pace from one end of the room to the other, he looked nervous.
Nogare, Son of Grayblade? Nervous? NO!... why would he be nervous?
"Nogare, there is no sense in giving me whip lash, sit down and just... talk, don't think... just talk." She sat down on a chair at the side table and patted the bed in front of her. She smiled kindly, not wanting to ruin his already rough mood.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC: Hey love, um, that bit there was what we call god-modding, sorry... >_<... I didn't want Nogare to barge in, he was just knocking on the door at the end of the post. Try not to control Nogare if you can help it, but a little here and there is okay for Nogare at least, but other people hate it more when it happens. Just saying. Don't sweat it.
IC: Nogare sighed, calming his heart. Even as he sat down he wished he had the courage, or the sense, to just leave and let her be confused. Running seemed more logical and more...
Ugh... Gordius lashed back into his mind... he sighed and meditated for a moment, as a typical Blade ought, and refrained from being any more gruff than he had already been.
When he calmed, he looked up at her, getting directly to the point, showing no emotion at all (and in the back of his mind he felt that he didn't feel any either... the whole ordeal was making him numb... by Din's wrath any smart Exile rogue could finish him right here and now in his weakness.
"There is no point in hiding it at all, so let's just get to it. You feel compassion for me, and I realize that a part of me is where you remain. My bloodline forbids love like this, especially in times of strife like this. It makes you weak and unfocused, but hiding from it is the real weakness, and when this love emotion clouds so much focus anyway, adapting it to the necessary wariness is appropriate. I don't know of a better way of seeing this. This is what the helpless call love. And I'm sworn to you, breaking the vow of my bloodline in the process (tainted though it is anyway...). It runs in the family. My father was also forced under this oath, but he found a Sheikah woman like you, and fell in love. It shamed all of my uncles and cousins, and my grandfather. Even now I understand their shame, and feel some myself, yet... I see through my father's eyes when I look upon you. I see that he was charmed by some spell, and he knew in his heart that it was not wisdom. It's a knot in my heart every day, that I was born of forbidden love, and am the result of the bloodline's shame. They always saw me as weak at first, and looked down on me, but I trained to prove myself, which I eventually did... I think they acknowledged me more after my mother died. But I haven't seen my family either since the destruction of Saria. I've... well, I don't have to explain that. But here I am, falling in love with a Sheikah woman, twisting my heart into another cycle of forbidden love. I feel in my heart a child's shame as I had, not knowing why my parents had to bond. Inevitability? Fate? I always saw it as unfair and wrong. It always seemed to me that my father loved my mother because of her race's rarity and the power she possessed, which tempted him as a serpent might its prey. And at first, I thought it was the same thing. That's why I held back. I'm too weak to face the truth. I felt weak to say I loved you, but i see that it's weakness that should keep my tongue at bay so I never say it again. It's another forbidden love. It's shame. A cycle of shame... I don't want you to have to live like that, and I feel that, no matter what my heart says, I have a duty to do, and... I don't know what it will cost of me, be it my life, my future, or my ability to love. Such is the way of the Blades. I'm the result of such an insult to our way of life. And I would repent for my father's sins and never do the same... but... I don't see the sins of my father in my heart, when I'm with you. I see... a legacy of truth my father left behind. A truth so pure that even the Blades have overlooked it for thousands of years. Perhaps even the Sheikah have, for they've fought in the shadows as we have. That... I have a small measure of hope that stings my conscience, motivation to... not let myself get killed, and to become a hero such as Link had been, and still survive the war. I have lived by hopelessness, fruitless fighting, hunting and protecting the people of Hyrule, who have always to me been like water in an ocean, only to evaporate and condescend in time, as generations pass, and as wars begin and end, and begin again. Our bloodline has been a cycle, to do just that... and... my mother gave my father his own hope. They're both dead, as far as I know, but they left behind as gray legacy compassion mingled with a profound selflessness, that drives me to feel above so much... a power, not of intent, or of fear, but of security and the ability to grow beyond my training with weaponry, and a spiritual sense of things. We are as those droplets are in the ocean, and we will evaporate in time... but... I don't see that cycle anymore. I see myself... me, Nogare... as a droplet, singled out. Because fate chose me to betray my way and life and find a higher purpose... which is you. It was Hyrule, but Hyrule is not something worth so much as to fight down to my teeth and knees goes. I feel no compassion for Hyrule. It is a patch of earth made by bias goddesses who want nothing of us but to come and go in this world, and fulfill a purpose. Now... without Hyrule, there is no Nyre. No future. No endurance. No eternity. I see before me, in my future, as absolute truth, that you are the one thing in this world, the next, in any parallel, or netherworld, able to exist by the magic this world has been given... that is worth fighting for... let the rest come and go... but let my eternity give me strength to protect and redeem. If I lost you... I don't know what would happen next, to the people of Hyrule or of Exile kin... But all would despair from my wrath if you were beyond cure..."
By his last words, Nyre's lover felt himself gripping his weapon, Belegcam, with trembling emotion, holding onto it as if it were a lifeline... or something of that sort... He noticed, and put it aside, but it was still close enough should a thief come in and find him in this state... he would still be able to kill it if it took anything that belonged to Nyre...
Nogare stood and faced her, taking her hands. His face was not gentle, but was no longer able to meditate into calmness. His greater being was there, in a wave of mixed senses and philosophies. He heard every thought in her mind, he knew every sense in the room, he knew what he was, what he was, what the room was, what everything within a thousand mild radius was feeling... his telepathic powers were going beyond his control. But he didn't care. He barely took notice. He only stared back into Nyre's eyes, letting his mind spread its boundaries. Let them spread to the distant Nebula and to the essences of the Triforce itself for all he cares... it would never halt him. Nyre was everything. She was the Exiles, the goddesses, the triforce, Hyrule, the princess, Link, Harkinian, the sages, the knights, every world in every dimension, every word, every sense... she was everything. And be it hopeful or doomed, she was the eternity that would guide him to the ends of the earth, and face whatever hells his enemies threw at him, whatever they were. For she alone was the only thing worth anything in the universe.
OOC: ... Woaw... Hope you liked that... I kind of just had an in character/out of character/out of body experience that could be marked on a calendar and celebrated around the world and throughout the cosmos of time if it became publicized and accepted enough... That's kind of how i feel every moment of every day... Just throwing that out there... ^_^"... I'm tired now... It's late, and I couldn't sleep before, but I think I can now, that was sort of my big explosion for the evening. So yeah. Peace
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
Nyre couldn't speak, couldn't move. She felt Nogare's hands holding hers. The pleasant heat reverberating from his to hers was nice. Something she hadn't known since her father passed in the pillaging years earlier. She swallowed and just stared back into Nogare's eyes. Those beautiful eyes she had fallen for so quickly, and now he was literally letting her know everything thing she wanted, everything she NEEDED to know.
"I...." she couldn't even get a simple sentence out, let alone the three words she WANTED desperately to tell him, before the moment was over.
She was no longer tired, she was more awake than she had ever been in her life. Everything seemed so... electrified. Magnified beyond any and all comparison to their original states. She momentarily felt her heart surge and start fluttering like there was literally hundred of flying butterflies or flying creatures in her stomach.
What do I say? He already knows I love him... doesn't he? He probably WANTS to hear me say it out loud... he might have to be patient with me though. I'm having a moment. Nyre cleared her throat, looked down at their hands and then back up at his face again.
"Nogare... I... I..." she furrowed her brow as her mind went through every which direction how to explain her position in this. She looked back up at him. Those eyes stared at her like she was... what? A Lifeline? Maybe....
She suddenly knew exactly what she wanted to do to make him know and completely understand that she too loved him completely. Instead of saying it out loud, she smirked at him, and sent him a thought. Two simple words that would get his blood pumping more than it already was.
"Kiss me."
OOC: Hopefully there isn't any God-Modding in this. I'm sorry about that last one. Anyway. Hopefully thats pretty good. =)
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC: Ah, RGs, the lady insists, don't spamify us plz lol
IC: Silence stung the room in a breath-taking heartbeat. Nothing stirred, not even the Blade's heart. he didn't know what to do or say. Accept? Decline? Give in to his passion, and become weak? Or was true strength to be found in this goddess.
He leaned closer. Was his fate sealed? Had it already been? Was this already a prophecy? Question and demand and interrogation clouded his mind from everything, hardly realizing all the while that he was leaning closer and closer to those perfect, full lips, and his arms were already around her, taking her closer to him. Was he doing the right thing? was he doing the right thing anyway? Did he have this coming? Could he have left her? --
Their lips connected and he brought her close to him, on his lap and held her tightly against him. It suddenly started crashing down around him. He knew that there were magics in the world that could be tamed and it existed everywhere, but perhaps it was illusions that were fooling him... He was a Sheikah, he saw no illusions... then why wasn't he seeing through this frame of mind...
Did that mean it was not an illusion at all?
Light seemed to full his eyes, every corner of his grim soul flourished in heat waves, and time abruptly failed to exist. Their heartbeat and warmth fell into infinity, without time or space, save for the the embrace between each other, and the lips that permanently connected their spirits. He held her closer, hugging her and kissing her on his lap, stroking her soothingly, as if it were actually appropriate for him.
Every element of the universe seemed to enter the single room with them, the fire within them, the winds of breath between each other, breathing deeper and harder, the taste of each others' watery lips, and the connection to their physical selves that bonded them like a seal of permanent passion, that would never fail unlock. At this point, no matter how hard he would try to throw away the key to her heart, he could never bear to bring it harm.
He at last pulled away and held her shoulders, watching her eyes in solemn awe. Carefully, he let out a sigh and spoke: "I love you, Nyre... I tried to deny it, or push it away, but it's as apparent to me now as it ought to have been the moment I saved you. I won't leave you, I won't abandon you, and no matter my purpose and my mission, I will not throw away all I have for only a temporary uncertainty of the future, without an enemy. What Link should have done when he was here. I first regarded you as an obstacle. But you are my ambition and my focus. I see it now, and I know that you do as well. Though the world may crash around us, and as I do my part in this war, I'm still going to love you. I commit myself to you. i was afraid. But I am not anymore. I love you, Nyre, and I will never cease to, no matter what world my spirit resides in. I'm here for you... Whether my heart is stolen, or found, or seduced, I am living two lives now, and nothing will prevent me from fulfilling them both."
He closed his eyes. He was vulnerable, off guard, defenseless. An enemy, waiting to assassinate him, could strike at any time... He was weak now... yet somehow, so much stronger. He would be ready for it. He would allow nothing to hurt her now...
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
When Nyre realized that he was actually going to kiss her, she froze up, not knowing what to do, or how to do it... but when their lips touched, it was a simple touch, but soon became a flame that nothing could extinguish, her arms slipped around his neck and her lips pressed harder against his, like she had been doing it all her life, yet... she had never become physical with anyone of the opposite sex before in her entire life.
She felt him lift her onto his lap, brushing her hair with his fingers, his breathes coming quicker, his heart beat quickening.
Everything just seemed to stop, she didn't know if it was the same for her, but for her... everything just... froze. Time, self awareness, her entire being. Earth in itself just stood still. Giving them this moment that they've been needing desiring. When he pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers, she sighed a contented sigh, she opened her eyes and found him staring at her, no... gazing at her. Gazing at her soul.
"I love you, Nyre... I tried to deny it, or push it away, but it's as apparent to me now as it ought to have been the moment I saved you. I won't leave you, I won't abandon you, and no matter my purpose and my mission, I will not throw away all I have for only a temporary uncertainty of the future, without an enemy. What Link should have done when he was here. I first regarded you as an obstacle. But you are my ambition and my focus. I see it now, and I know that you do as well. Though the world may crash around us, and as I do my part in this war, I'm still going to love you. I commit myself to you. i was afraid. But I am not anymore. I love you, Nyre, and I will never cease to, no matter what world my spirit resides in. I'm here for you... Whether my heart is stolen, or found, or seduced, I am living two lives now, and nothing will prevent me from fulfilling them both." she listened to his words, melting with their meaning, floating into the distance with his heart. She knew he loved her, he had always loved her... and by the goddesses she knew she had loved him on sight. She had known right from the beginning that they were meant for something far greater then just traveling together.
She shook her head slightly to the side, sliding her hair away from her face, and she smiled. She leaned up and kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Nogare."
Nyre stood up from her spot on his lap, she held onto one of his hands and pulled him to the window. She curled her fingers around his and looked up at the moon.
"You know... I always knew I would find someone in my life, but I didn't ever think it would be another Shiekah. I think... I think that our fathers would be proud of us, for both finding each other, AND coming so far in our journeys." She looked up at Nogare, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Feeling the heat and his not so distant heartbeat. She closed her eyes with one last glance at the porcelain, and marble colored moon.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
The moon at first glance to Nogare like a predator, a single eye bearing down on him, warningly. It was always his Hylian side that enjoyed the light and brightness of day, but the glow of a full moon always seemed a bluntness of watchfulness. It demanded reason, purpose, and a stinging awareness of a responsibility which was becoming more and more out of reach. He knew his task. And what it would take to accomplish it. But his heart had won over, and it was now this woman, Nyre, that had become his entire being. Perhaps it was still a pull to a darker fate. But was it something necessary. Love would not be a prison, however much it might seem. He felt that it would be at first. A fraction of him didn't know what to feel again... But he knew, deep down, a part of him, perhaps the greatest part of his soul, was saved from this.
He closed his eyes, squeezing her hand and resting his cheek against her head, breathing gently.
"I don't know if what I am doing is wrong or selfish... It doesn't feel like it is either... Shadows in our hearts wane and endure more than ever before. What is sacred is not something so easily swayed by my heart. I have always been a destroyer of such things. But you are my lover now. I believed once in fate, as an inevitably dark fate... But now, I see a beacon of something. It feels like hope, but a part of me wonders also if there is a new doom that could be even darker than the one I approach..."
Nogare let the sense of near regret drain from him, and felt his selfish impulses increase as her presence came closer to him against his body. He closed his eyes, and continued to speak. "Our purposes are mingled, Nyre.Perhaps that's why we have been bonded together. Our roads are the same way, and neither of us can do it completely alone. And each of us will do all we can to ensure the others' safety. That is what I believe...
"Do you know where our next move should be? Seek your mind and tell me when the Truth can be seen in your mind."
The Blade already knew where they would go next, but he would see if her insight would be able to tell where their next destination would be.
OOC: This is open ended. There is no right answer, it's your choice where we should go or what adventures we go on. Just say what needs happen and we'll go from there ^_^
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
We could run away together... leave this battle for some other weary soldier and his lowly men... we don't have to be a part of this. But it would seem we are drawn to this no matter the circumstance... specifically me, for some unknown reason at the moment, I am a liable asset for the battle and neither one of knows why....
"I would like to figure out more about my heritage, you know... why I am pretty much the main weapon of a battle far greater than I can even surmise," Nyre looked up at Nogare, her eyes glistening from the previous thoughts of her father... about how if was looking down on them now, how he would be so proud of both of them. Her father had known the Blade family... most likely Nogare as a child. Things didn't happen without a reason.... Nyre thought about how their destinies were entwined before they even knew each other existed, "we could also look into the history of the Blade's as well Nogare. Unless you've exhausted the search to find a dead end. But its your choice, not mine. I have no need to be or do anything... I follow you."
What did you just say? You follow him? Sheikah are a proud race, they desire their freedom as much as an animal. They seek out solitude if things seem to over bearing for them. I should know... I spent eight years of my life in solitude. Before I really took into account my future. Nyre was thinking more and more like a Pure Blood. Having grown up with Zora's for the most part... everything seemed off kilter. But now... her mind was flourishing with thoughts and desire's that she had not known before.
She looked up at Nogare once again, his chin taught and tense. She sighed and oddly enough thought about how she could ease his stress. One thought came to mind, but she smiled to herself, knowing it wasn't the time for such intimacy. Someday... but not now... not on the brink of a battle of some sorts. Absentmindedly she twisted the ring her father had slid on her finger the day he died. Silver with a massive sapphire embedded into the silver, the engraving of the Triforce on either side of the blue stone.
"We have to do something about this battle that is... without a doubt, coming, and soon." Nyre whispered these words, but she knew for a fact that Nogare heard ever syllable, every meaning behind those few words.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
Nogare remained sitting for a while longer, pondering to himself. He knew that she was a part of his destiny no matter what, but to what end? Where would their paths take them... thoughts that only moments before seemed ridiculous and irresponsible suddenly clouded his thoughts. What if she got hurt? Would he lead her into danger? What would happen if he failed her... He barely cared for his subconscious warning him that she was only an ally that he needed for victory. She was so much more at this point. She was his future now. His entire life. And he would let himself risk even the future of Hyrule for her.
He was such a fool. But he found himself not caring, or even believing it with his entire soul. He was doing what was required of him. He would be a guardian for her no matter where in the depths of the world it would take him.
At last he spoke, with a newly found determination in his heart. "We need to figure out where to start then. Let's figure out where we should go to find out who we are, so we can find out how best to figure this prophecy out....
"Let's see... well, we could begin in a number of places. There's Laruto Falls, where you've been for a long time. I know it seems like only yesterday you left, because to me it feels like just yesterday I saved you... ahem, anyways, um, there's Laruto Falls, there's Saria Town, which may be dangerous, since there is no one there but ghosts, and a thousand eyes resting on you... Or maybe Impa will have an idea... Those are my suggestions at least. What do you think, Nyre?" Nyre... He could get used to saying that name for the rest of his life...
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
Nyre was struck by that dilemma, what would they do? Laruto Falls was a possibility, although she did not really want to return to the place for a much longer period. As for Saria Town, that would be somewhat of an overwhelming experience, she could already tell. She had spent most of her pathetic life away from there for a good reason anyway, sent into hiding from the evils that searched for her. Impa would be the most logical choice in the matter, but would she be willing to help, Nyre knew she had said she would be happy to help, but she had duties to attend to, so nagging her for help was out of the question.
"What about the library? We could look into the past and find out how our families were connected, also how my father was connected to the Royal family, since that is what I expect is the issue here. Since no one in their right mind would give someone they just met a garment such as Zelda's alter ego Shiek's." Nyre looked at Nogare, and suddenly as she watched him, she felt a presence, a dark presence. She shivered and stood up, looking at the door.
"Someone's here. I don't think they're here for a nice visit either." Her eyes widened as the dark presence started moving.
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 3
Class: Vagabond
: 6
TP: 0
Alyvia's eye glowed as she placed one hand on the wood steps leading to the second story of the Traveler's Inn, a sly smirk spread across her face as she let her mind stretch, searching for it... the 'Key'. A sudden jerk in her conscious sent her reeling, she was here alright, nothing had that effect on her except Nyre. She went to take another stow when another figure entreated her mind, she wasn't alone. Alyvia swept around into a dark corner and stood there, he wasn't supposed to be there, she had watched Nogare, Son of GrayBlade go back to his room in the Barracks... why was he here? And why did she not sense him earlier?
Blast.... this is gnu to be harder than expected. Alyvia's senses went wild as she felt her presence become known inside of Nyre's mind. Another smirk grew along her lips as she came to the bedroom door. She could hear bustling about inside, frantic thoughts from one frantic mind, and calm from another. She cautioned herself, Nogare had a trick about him, his control was shocking when he fought. She would be sure to try and avoid him. Placing her long fingered hand on the door handle. She turned and shoved, seeing a candle beside the bed, wax overflowing the dish it was seated on, the bed covers were strewn everywhere, bottles of lotions and potions were lying in all areas of the room. Alyvia closed her eyes and stretched her senses, trying to pick up any sign of life other then her in the room. Eye snapping open, she went to the door on the far side of the room, seining it open, there was... nothing. How could she sense a life source, but then find there to be none. Was she losing it? Or was this some mind trick from Nyre? Or Nogare for that matter.
She cursed under her breathe and searched the entire room, just to find nothing. No sign of anything, of anyone. She would find her... if it was the last thing she did... she would find Nyre Cazlia. She rolled her eyes and opened the window shutters, took one more look about the room, sighed and jumped out the window, landing lightly on her feet and bounding away as silently as she could on the rocky ground.[/i]
...all I need is some time....
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
Nogare waited... he continued to focus his possession over Nyre, to make sure she didn't make any sudden thoughts beyond what he put into her thoughts. He never took possession over anyone if he could help it, not even an enemy. He didn't medidate on it too much... if he let their presence go, they were finished. Whoever had come into the room obviously had the intent of meaning harm on at least one of them.
He released the spell of his heritage, and their existence was opened freely again. He took the risk of putting out his mind to be sure the assassin was gone. If she was there, they would have to take further steps of evasion, which would ensure perhaps their permanent danger.
He looked to Nyre beside him. It was a miracle, really. He might have confronted the invader alone if the pure Sheikah weren't present. He had taken possession over her, and awoke her own inherent spell; Shadowmeld, granted to all Sheikah, which allowed them to turn invisible. His blood held half of it, so it allowed him to blend if he were alone, but any onlooker could see the shape of his veiled form from shadows. But Nyre was pure-blooded, and was therefore able to cast it. He wasn't sure if she had ever even been able to use it herself before. He was Sheikah enough to know that if he could only possess her, they might escape the eyes of the threatening newcomer.
He drew calm breathes, watching her shaken expression. It had all been very sudden, and he hadn't gotten the chance to tell her what he needed. She went along with it anyway though... Did trust kick in that quickly?
They were safe. He held her cheeks to calm her quavering. She was clearly not used to this...
"Are you alright?" he asked softly, not bothering to whisper.
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 55
Class: Vagabond- Hunter/Sneak/Warrioress/Bard
: 25
TP: 3
"Yes, I am fine. Who was that? Better question... what did she want?" She asked, taking a step toward the door. How do you know it was a woman? For all you know it could've been a man, or even a minion of the Dark Lord himself, with the guise of a Commoner. Nyre thought about this for a period of time. Who was this person? What did they want? And why was their mind so shielded. She narrowed her eyes, this person could very well be a well trained Shiekah.
She turned to Nogare, "Nogare, do you know anyone who could shield their mind such as that? Who ever it was, could meld their mind as silent as the grave it self. It is rather... irritating." She sat in the wooden chair in the corner of the room, resting her chin on both hands. She closed her eyes, searching around below for any presence of this intruder, but found nothing.
"This is frustrating," she stood up and went to the window, where they had used the old art of Shadowmeld to hide themselves. Leaning on her elbows, she cast her gaze out toward the towering castle. Heaving a great sigh, she started thinking of her parents. She did not both to shield her mind at this time, she just let her mind go, letting it fly back to when she was but a young Shiekah child. Not barely four years of age, able to talk as fluently as any adult. Shiekah are taught speech at a very early stage in life. Her mother worked in the garden at the time, her father talked to a man with slicked back gray hair, tied back at the nape of his neck. Two young children battling with wooden weapons. The boy with a staff, the girl with a sword. She remembers watching them, their skirmish was well balanced. He with his jerky movements, and she with her lethal blows to the hotspots.
She remembered herself picking up a stick of her own later, swinging it this way and back, falling several times. Practicing over and over till she could do a successful pare without falling flat on her face.
"You fight well for so young." She remembers turning and seeing the boy from earlier, leaning on his staff, he could not have been more than six or seven. He smiled at her, "Keep your feet apart, use both hands when swinging, it allows more force and speed with the blow. That is... if you hit your target." She thanked him for his advice, and did as he said, spreading her legs, and raising both her sword hand and her free hand, swinging with... like he said, more speed, and accuracy. She smiled and started making twirls and rolling moves as she became more and more excited for her new found skill.
"It would be best if you stayed away from my brother... he is not a very social Shiekah, but my father adores him none the less. He's skilled with a staff." The girl stood but a few feet away from Nyre, she stood- breathing hard.
"He did not seem so unsocial to me." She shrugged, tilting her head to the side, making the girl raise a brow.
"Just stay away from him Nyre Cazlia, or you'll answer to me." With one swift swing, Nyre was on the ground, and the girl was walking away, her wooden sword slung over her shoulder, a sinister sounding laugh belting out from between her placid lips.
Nyre ran home, forgetting all about her new skill. She tore into the house she was born in, climbing the ladder that lead to her room. She flung herself onto her straw bed and buried her face into her down pillow.
She remembers her father coming in, concern chiseled into his usually stern face. He knelt beside her bed and rested a hand on her back. "What troubles you Nyre?"
"The daughter of the gray haired man yelled at me Father. I did not even do anything to her."
She rolled over and sat up, wrapping her arms around her worried father's neck. He picked her up and took her over to the window sill.
"Nyre do you see that house on the corner?" Nyre's young self, wiping her eyes, nodded to her father.
"That is the house of The Blades. Gray Blade, has asked me to have you trained." Nyre was confused.
"What does that have to do with a girl yelling at me?"
"Alyvia Tharren Blade... is Gray Blades Daughter, she is but a few years older than you. She was very distraught when she head about your training...."
"But... why?"
"Her brother N---...." It was then that Nyre's mother had called for dinner.
Coming out of the flashback, Nyre sighed another heavy sigh, and wiped the tears away from her red cheeks, she had owed her father so much....
She turned her head slightly, gazing toward the Library, and saw a hooded figure come walking out, stopping at the base of the marble stairs to look up at her. A female face grinned a snarly grin at her. Then she started walking toward the Hostel. Nyre gasped and turned to Nogare, eyes wide and breathe beginning to heave behind her chest. She quickly looked around the room and found the sheath to her sword. Unsheathing her pearlescent diamond sword, she readied herself for what she knew was coming....
...I am but a common Shiekah... nothing special....
<a href=" ... 3370">Nyre Dian Cazlia</a> -- Under Construction
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
This was insane. How could he not identify this attacker? Was it even a he? If he or she weren't a Blade they certainly had the powers of one. The only ever evil Blade that Nogare knew of was his brother, Dual Blade, twin of Greatblade. The 'accident' Brother. But Dual was an agressive fighter, always clear to make his presence known to his enemy. especially if that enemy was Nogare. There would have been taunting in the room, more thorough searching. This assassin was passive, not waiting for the target to present itself. He couldn't get a good glance at the assassin even.
No matter what, though, if he couldn't read her mind or find out enough insight to discover her weaknesses, there was no point in fighting, if it could be helped. For all he knew, they were on the same side, and this was a mistake. That wasn't something he was willing to do, if Nyre was involved. She may be a Sheikah, and even from a bloodline that may change the world. Perhaps that's even why he needed to, if he had to think about it selflessly. He mostly felt a drastic pull to protect her from any harm mostly because he felt this dependancy for her to live. If she died, what would he do? Carry on with your mission, you fool... He shook the thought away. If he made it out of here with her alive, he'd worry about that. Or if he didn't, then he would anyway... No you weren't... the consequences of your actions are already taking effect.
Not yet they haven't
Shadowmeld wouldn't work a second time. He braced himself, took hold of her, and leapt out the window, escaping from the pursuer.
"Nyre! This might be a bad time to comment on this, but you have nice legs! Just hear me out. You're a Sheikah. Use those legs for some use. We have to get out of here fast if we're to find Impa and start this quest of ours... and to escape this assassin.
He never felt his legs run so hard in his life. And even with his effort, he was astonished by her stamina...