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Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:12 am
by shadowlink13
It pains him, Wyndisis observes. That scar, the affliction that reacts so violently to the unknown stimulus, is hurting Alpha. What's more, he summoned dark powers to surpress it. That meant... "I can help you with that," says Wyndisis.
Evil blood flows through this good man's heart. He curses it now, but Wyndisis could make him see it in a new way. Alpha will learn to see it as an advantage. He reaches a friendly hand to Alpha, who is on the floor (ooc: I am assuming he did not stand up after he pounded the ground).
There, he closed his eyes and meditated. He made himself the center of evil in that building. Instead of emanating his internal darkness, as he usually does, he draws it in. In his mind, he can feel whatever darkness exists in the other people. Of course, he feels it strongly from Shiva and Julian. He then taps into Alpha, and he is not sure what he feels, it is different, but he pulls it in anyway. He intends to pull it in so much that Alpha will feel a burden go away. That, in turn, might gain enough of his trust.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:36 pm
by Alpha
Alpha gasps as Wyndisis begins to do...something. For a second he feels some sort of relief, almost as if the curse is finally leaving. With this possibility - even though he doubts that such a thing is possible - a great elation wells up inside of him.
But after that sole second the brightness of his scar suddenly begins to grow stronger again, and with it comes the pain - ack! "Stop!" he screams as he jerks back as one hand bats at the Zora. The other immediately eclipses his scar again. "Dark Suspension!" His arm is once again covered with the image of a dragon's claw, and now it seems that the dragonic arm continues up past his wrist and halfway towards his elbow. But the illusion fades as quickly as it came.
Slowly, he lowers his arm, allowing the others to see that the light eminating forth from it has returned to its normal, regulated form. 'Whatever Wyndisis was trying, it ended up disrupting my Suspension technique...if that's possible, then I'm in more danger than I ever realized...'
He slowly climbs back up onto one knee, resting his chin on his hands. "Wyn...Wyndisis," he says, calmly yet still panting, "I don't know what you just tried, but it didn't work." He sits back for a second, pondering at what had actually happened. "I felt, for a second, that my curse was being drained. But's almost like it became conscious of the fact and redirected your efforts to my Suspension ability."
He shakes his head, then looks the evil Zora straight in the eyes, and says with extreme certainty, "Don't attempt to rid me of my curse. It's impossible, even for one with your power." He pauses, uncertain as to how much he is willing to actually say. Finally, he speaks again, hoping his heavy tone conveys his seriousness: "It was given to me by an evil that could easily consume the likes of you."
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:53 pm
by shadowlink13
So, it didn't work. He is a bit dissatisfied with how it went. The pain overcame Alpha again as his scar lit up. Why did it do that? And what did it matter? All Wyndisis needs to do is get Alpha to think that he wants to help, which he does. He expects Alpha to pay with his life.
When Alpha tells him to stop trying, he boils underneath his skin. What he did hurt Alpha, and he was tempted to do it again. How he would love to see that Sheikah suffer! It would be a foolish mistake.
"Alpha, tell me that you are not willing to live with this curse. Please, tell me that you are one hundred percent commited to ridding yourself of this problem. Do that, and I will stand behind you, even if it means staying out of the way."
OOC: This post sucks. It should not have taken me 30 minutes to write this.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:05 pm
by Alpha
Alpha listens carefully as Wyndisis speaks. 'He speaks as though he genuinely cares about me...' Even though he knows that the Zora doesn't, he is willing to overlook the fact; he's not sure why, since Wyndisis can't help him with his curse. 'Well, I'm better off with him as an ally than an enemy, that's for sure...'
"I've been committed to getting rid of this curse for years, Wyndisis," he replies. "And though I only know of one possible cure, I would be very thankful for any help you could give in finding an alternative treatment." He slowly rises back on his feet. As the horrendous memories of the pain begin to become just that - mere memories - his composure returns. "I'm sorry for what I did just then. You were only trying to help, I'm sure," he says, adding a slight bit of sarcasm to that last phrase. He resumes his solemn tone as he continues speaking. "I am especially sorry for batting you away. Believe me, it wasn't something I could control. Extreme pain like that destroys any kindness within the person experiencing it...
"So I thank you for your offer, and ask your forgiveness for my actions."