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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:46 pm
by Sheng Long
Its MY fault!
I was doing some house cleaning on the boards (as Royal Guard) in an attempt to be helpful when I frogot that deleting posts deletes XP. I take full responsibility!
Still, I would like to add that the castle board is afuly cluttered. We (the royal guard) NEED to do some house keeping! this includes checking the messages, and confirming TP gains/purchases!
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:04 am
by Royal Guard
Not sure where you got the username/pass for Royal Guard, Sheng, but I think you can consider yourself pardoned. ^^ Thanks for helping "me"/us out.
To everyone else... as I've recently replied in PM's to a couple of users, a huge apology to everyone--the Royal Guard has, more or less, fallen into a state of disrepair, which is unfair to all of you as players, who have been patiently waiting for TP to be awarded, statuses to be given, or pm's to be answered. We're trying to fix this, but until then, we may just need to begin a thread where everyone will post, if they'd like to direct our attention to any part of Hyrule (e.g. "I finished Malon's quest and have been waiting for my TP for a week!"), since it's become very hard for us to scan all of Hyrule on a regular basis, and pm's to RG are not always seen (if anyone is notified by email each time there's a pm, it's only one of the Guard, and that one person might not be active). Is this something that you'd all like to see?
(one of the) Royal Guard
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:31 pm
by Royal Guard
Hello, everybody, once again it's time to update a little bit. At least a few of you have noticed the new quest that has started here at the North Castle. This quest is just the beginning of a chain of quests, but at the moment, I'll keep the main prize a little secret.
Also, SL has granted me permission to attempt to revive the Crascus Vihn quest that was begun some time ago. If you wish to participate in these quests, I would like to ask you to PM me, the Royal Guard, so I can just take an informal poll as to who would like this to happen.
A few of us Royal Guards are going to be around a lot more often from now on, so if you have any comments/requests, feel free to PM me about that too.
(One of the) Royal Guard
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:43 pm
by Master Goron
Malvagio's Occupation has passed the boring room finally, sorry about the delay and whatnot, but tell your friends and come join the fun!
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:15 pm
by Alpha
Alright, well guess who's back in town! Yeah, it's me.
Yeah, it's me.
Three weeks ago, when I left with my family on a trip to Europe, I announced that the next part of my storyline, Force of Gold, would become my main project upon my return.
I lied.
It actually became my main project during the trip itself. I have all fifteen (that's right, 15, one-five, 3x5, 3x6-4+1, etc.) parts of the thing planned out entirely, and will continue to work on perfecting them as time moves on. This time around the main focus will be on the Golden Ones, the beings who possess the mystical Goldforce Powers.
Now, since most of you decided not to ever make good use of the Shada and Master Zaris NPCs I provided you with (save Victor............okay, and Julian, but he used that to advance his own story, not learn about mine), I've had to find a different place to put the explanations of the Goldforce, the Golden Ones, and the Hakiems Tribe. You can now go and see all of that information in the Traveler's Hostel. Stop reading and go check that out immediately.
Why are you still here? Good grief! people...can't even obey to a simple command...
More updates to come!
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:31 am
by Alpha
Yeah, yeah, I know...double-post. So sue me.
It's been one week since I returned from my trip, and there's one week left before Force of Gold starts. Before, I said more updates would be coming, but I've since decided that I don't really have too much to say in the way of updates. Everything's still completely planned out, everything still promises to work well - unless one of you guys tries to screw up my story!

- so there's really not much else to report on.
However, there is one thing I think everyone deserves fair warning about. At some point today, I intend to send a PM out to everybody giving just a little more information about FoG. And when I say everybody, I mean everybody - every person who has ever put even the slightest amount of energy into HA2 will be getting one of these. Whether they are currently active or not. It's my hope that within the next week we might be seeing some old faces pop up in Hyrule.
If for some reason you don't get one, it's my bad. I've got a pretty long list - 60+ names - so I must've skipped you on accident. Just PM me asking me to send it to you, if you want it. Just...wait until tomorrow before asking for it. Otherwise it might just be because I haven't gotten to you yet.
Remember to check out my three profiles: Alpha's, the Golden Ones', and the Hakiems'.
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:09 pm
by Alpha
Triple post. Yeah yeah. When I exceed Jack's record of 10 in a row, then you guys can get on to me about it.
I've been contacted by five or six people in the past 24 hours saying, "Sorry, I'll be gone Thursday. Guess I'll have to miss your story." That kind of stuff.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned in my little note that
there are fifteen (15) parts in Force of Gold. There is no possible way we will get all fifteen parts completed in a day. Heck, it'd be impossible for us to complete them all in a month. Trust me on this. And those 15 parts do not include the Puzzling Prelude, which contains ten parts all its own. PP begins Thursday. When it is finished,
then FoG will start. You guys do not need to worry about missing my storyline unless you're moving to Siberia, Antarctica, or anywhere else that doesn't have internet connections. Like the moon. (Majora's Mask! You get back here and participate!)
What are my estimates? Well, as Master Search (which had 7 parts, only 3 of which were really interactive) took six months, I'd not be surprised to find Force of Gold going on well into 2007. You guys aren't going to miss too much unless you leave HA2. Sorry to disappoint you.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:59 pm
by Alpha
Okay, this is my final Announcement in this thread until Thursday. HA! Only four in a row. I didn't even come close to Jack's...uh...deca-post???...whatever.
Fact is, college wants to take over my life before I even start my first semester. Never fear, FoG will go on as scheduled. This is just a little heads-up. I have orientation tomorrow and Thursday morning - emphasis on the morning part - and have to leave in a few minutes so I can be there on time tomorrow morning. I probably won't be able to get online at all until I get home again Thursday afternoon/evening - I really don't know which.
I do hereby promise that, unless a) I get home after midnight (highly unlikely) or b) my brother destroys the Internet (2x better chance than choice a), the first post of the Puzzling Prelude will be up on Thursday. Late Thursday, but Thursday none the less.
See you guys then!
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:17 pm
by Alpha
So, who's going to be the first to reply...?
Update: Okay, the prize goes to Weien. He gets an attaboy.
P.S. - Yes, more than one person can join Alpha and Arco in desciphering the riddles. That's what you guys are supposed to do. That's why I sent out 60+ messages to try and get people to come join us (Surprisingly, only about 30 have actually read their messages; I was expecting more like 10 or 15. Come on guys, keep surprising me here! I like it!)
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:00 pm
by Alpha
Puzzling Prelude has come to an end, only two days after it started. I congradulate everyone participated and helped figure out the clues, and now...
Force of Gold has begun!!!
But where do you go to find Part 1? Well, there's a link from the tenth clue...since you kinda need to read that one before you get the full effect of FoG I. Also, due to this fact I ask that no one put up a link to it anywhere else.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:51 am
by Marin
Its time for me to stop the procrastination, and get back on track with Dennings story. Soon I will put up the start of it, and this will have no relation to fort Damon, lets just pretend it didnt happen...
Edit: Posted the continue of my story, at Rarau town square.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:18 pm
by Dream Illusionist
I seriously started with Tayro's storyline. It should get interesting from now on ^_^
It starts on the Stock Pot Inn ^_^
Part I
A Dream... or a Nightmare?
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:41 am
by Alpha
Force of Gold II is up in Area (f17). For those of you who don't bother to memorize the map to that amount of detail, just head one square east and one square north.
I remind you again (and shall continue to do so): you have ONE WEEK before things start getting exciting. If you have not posted something in FoG II by the time the week is up, you will not be allowed to enter my story until I say so. I don't care if your character just says "Hi," that'll be enough. Yeah, I'd prefer if you put something IC rather than OOC. That'll make things run a bit more smoothly in the long run.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:25 pm
by Dream Illusionist
Major modifications in Tayro's storyline - Tayro's Base is now just a mere side-quest, not being actually revelant to the story. Now important is Shadow of Mine, which will announce the beggining of his story. ^_^
(Try checking in Rauru Town)
EDIT: Since Nogare posted something unexpected, Tayro's base is now main storyline as well

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:00 pm
by Hi no Seijin
I suppose I should've said this earlier, but oh well. I've started my story over in <a href= ... =877>North Forest.</a> Start there and follow through until you get to the Ornery Cucco Tavern. The next part from there will be up as soon as someone can come up with a possible location (you'll see what I mean when you head over).