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Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:49 pm
by Blank
OOC: Dogura? Moderated fights use a d20 die

The highest a DEF roll should be is 20.
Also, sorry for leaving this alone for so long.
IC: Blank saw that this McSkullfin fellow was going to be a formidable enemy, and so he immediately thought twice about his tactics. Throwing his unused Deku Shield to the ground with a devious grin planted on his face, he reached his left hand behind him. With a sound describable as undramatic and ridiculous, the nomad extracted his second sword. It was times like this that Blank was glad to have learned to train his arms in equal dexterity.
Watching the newcomers to the battle draw in on the captain, Blank couldn't help but smile. So, he wasn't the only one that had an uncanny hatred for the sea scum. That, or Xokorn and Rose were just bored and seeking a good fight. The brown-eyed Hylian charged towards the pirate leader, arms flailing as he stretched his arms out vigorously in the enemy's direction. Aiming for the pelvic region, Blank's wooden swords approached their target, arcing as they flew and carrying the whistle of the breeze with them.
OOC: The DMG rating for that attack would work out to 16, according to MG. Being an admin, he knows best.
Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:56 pm
by Hi no Seijin
OOC: Actually, if you read Rose's backstory, you'd know that she had a bad encounter with stalfoses (assuming that's what McSkullfin is) before. But you probably did, so it's out there for people who haven't read my profile.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:16 pm
by MagmarFire
Xokorn, knowing that McSkullfin was distracted from Blank's offensive maneuvers, decided to also go in for the kill again. The dust on the ground rapidly rose from the ground, forming a cloud, as he dug his black boots into the ground and kicked with all of his leg strength.
His staff raised into the air, Xokorn swiped again, the air around the staff whooshing again. He closed his eyes before it hit again, anticipating a hit. The staff hit something solid again, and his eyes opened to see what it hit.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:08 am
by Zelda Veteran
OOC: Sorry Blank, im trying hard to get this down before Dogura's quest which is starting up here pretty soon. I recently got my hands on a chart that gives me what I need to know in terms that an idiot can understand, so now I should be good.
IC: Rose's attack fell short of the Captain, but Blank had caught him after he was focused on the attack she missed. It landed cleanly dealing 16 DMG to the Captain. The captain was a bit shocked. He took a step backward, before uttering the words. "Cheaters." He suddenly grinned mischeviously. "You dont know what your up against." He said, as he tossed a deku nut. All that was seen was a flash, before a great pain came over the Adventurers. All went black. They had been hit over the head by a couple crew members, while they were focusing on the captain. "Throw them in the cargo room when we get back to the ship." He shouted, as they marched back toward where they had docked their ship. "Chain em' up good. Ill teach them to mess with pirates." He muttered.
OOC: Okay, your being taken hostage now. Quite a wild ride huh? Not yet.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:37 am
by MagmarFire
OOC: Oh, and he calls
them cheaters!

Yep, pretty wild, ZV. So, where's he taking them?
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:20 pm
by Hi no Seijin
OOC: Hold up. I go off to college and get all happy with my dorm settings, and you going to go and take me hostage when I'm not looking?!
Nah, I'm just messing around with you.
Hmm, Rose seems to be kidnapped a lot. Are you guys drooling over her or something?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:12 pm
by MagmarFire
OOC: It must be the avatar.

Anybody agree with me?
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:44 pm
by Blank
Blank was not sure what hurt him more - the head-splitting pain induced by the crew's treachery, or the fact that such treachery had sprouted at the peak of the battle. He looked left and right, forward and backward, attempting to catch sight of his allies. He was greeted by the blinding flash of the Deku Nut, and he dropped to the ground, clutching his skull. Oh no... they didn't... were his last thoughts, confused about the current situation, but not surprised in the slightest. He had expected the captain to dishonor the deal the nomad had stricken at some point, and so the hefty bonk! on the head did not come off as the sneak attack that it was meant to.
He listened to the captain's words, his hearing faltering quicker than his sight and consciousness. The whirling fusion of air, earth and Deku flash twisted through his mind, and he let out a muffled shout as his face struck the hard stone of the Rauru Town Square. Was he bleeding? He couldn't tell. One thing was for certain, however. This was not a favourable turn of events. Not in the least bit favourable at all.