Shrouded in Mist, Search for Nitara Part One

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guardianof fire45 Level 12
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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:49 pm
Kayla started scratching her head. She frowned as she found herself confused. She looked at her zora friend to see her scratching at something on her leg. Kayla looked at her oddly. Cathy looked up at her gave Kayla an odd look back.

"What? My leg suddenly itches, why does that interest you so much?" Cathy snapped. Kayla shrugged and sighed. She looked over at her brother and he seemed to read her mind like usual.

"Do you think that we're being ignored or something?" Kyle commented, frowning. Cathy glanced at him and smiled.

"Aw, and what kind of person would want to talk to me? Maybe someone crazy or something. It's natural for someone to avoid me and not talk to me," Cathy commented, smiling a slightly phony smile.

"Then Kyle and I are crazy," Kayla commented. "And most people in Hyrule."

Cathy chuckled and looked over at Nitara. "Hey, girly, aren't you hungry?"
The perfect friends, the perfect enemies, the perfect team. Kayla and Cathy.
Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:08 pm
OOC: I see, that does explain a lot.

IC: What the hell, thought Orpheous to himself. She remembers me. Impossible. It takes magic beyond her talent to remember the life of the alternate timeline. However, she does remember. There is no other explanation. Perhaps I miss underestimated her.

Simon nodded as Nitara had addressed his statement, and he decided it would be best to fall about to the group with the others. Orpheous did the same, as he was deep in thought about the talent Nitara might possess.
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STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:32 am
OOC: Yes, it does.

IC: "So," Kasei said, "It was gone before you even really got to know it, huh?" He questioned. "As for how, then, why was it sealed off? I gre up in the desert we crossed to get here, and I never once saw this place. How long was it in existance? Trust me, madam, I was around for a long time."

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