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Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:55 pm
by Sovelis
" Where are you from Tayro." Sovelis asks. "you should join the fight, we can use all the men we can get. I'll be thee to watch your back. Does this make you feel beter?"
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:08 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Bannin turned from watching Sovelis, and called Nogare back, he returned shortly. "What is our plan?"
"You are geneeral. I have no athourity."
"I understand. They are coming from the East. We will put our men in the courtyard and on the East wall. We will gather men from Rauru, and Ruto. Deku from the thicket will be care to encourage... I will just gather from Rauru, and hope they come from the Thicket to see. The Rito will be able to fight as well. We will get men from all of these areas."
"But I'm sure that the Exiles will have some sort of a plan, undoing ours."
"You're right. We will partol around the area. We will get rangers to look around there."
Keibi hurried over. "How many do we have."
"300. Not nearly as many as there should be."
"Why so few."
"Because others are either afriad or disagree with our purpose. Those who are afraid will have to wait, and watch for their fate."
Bannin looked down. "I think this war must be fought for, if they will it or not. Every strong lad must fight. We will not preasure the younger, but all male adults must fight."
Nogare thought through this. Fathers, sons, husbands, going to war, beside their brothers and neighbors. And only 300 against who knows how many. The numbers will be unbelieveable, no matter what. "We need allies."
"Calatia will need to climb over the mountains. By the time they reach the city, we will already be under attack. We have no hope of them."
"But we cannot win this with about 500 men! We need more!"
"More will come, Nogare." Bannin's voice was a bit raised.
"We cannot win with less than 2000 men!"
"Know you athourity, Knight!" Bannin yelled. "We will get enough men for this fight. I swear it on my father's grave..." His voice sank.
Nogare understood. He bowed to Bannin, and asked, "I will go to Rauru."
"No," Bannin snapped, "I commanded you to stay within the castle walls. I don't want you to leave until this fight is won."
Nogare didn't reply. There was a large chance of never leaving these walls...
"And Keibi!"
"Yes General!"
"I want anyone who is working with the Exiles, who many now be within castle walls hung emediately!"
"Aye sure! I will begin to question them!" Keibi marched of.
There were two Knights nearby, who had been standing guard the entire time. Both wore metal helms, one was armed with a spear and sheild, the other a sword and Sheild. The first a Goron, the other a Hylian. Both wore heavy armor. "You two!" Bannin ordered, "Bring a few men with you, and gather men from Rauru Town. No, you go to Ruto Town, and Mrust, go to Rauru."
He paused, and looked to Nogare. "I don't think I introduced you two to each other, have I?"
Nogare stared. "No..."
"Nogare, this is your cousin, Mrust, middle son of Greatblade. Mrust, this is Nogare, son of Greyblade."
The looked to each other. So Nogare really have family still here. "It is an honour!" the son of Greyblade said to Mrust. They punched each other's fists, as a sign of Hylian Brotherhood.
"I will watch for you in the field, little brother." said Mrust. His voice was deep, proud, and kind.
"And I you." Nogare answered.
With a nod, Mrust then left the Temple Quarter, and headed for Rauru.
Cousin... I can't believe it...
Bannin, after watching them, said, "Nogare. We will counsil with the King as soon as they return."
"Yes sir." Nogare bowed, and stepped back.
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:07 am
by Master Link
Choosing to ignore what just happened James writes his mane on the paper and says"It's an honor to serve under you
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:35 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Bannin turns his attention away from Nogare, and faced James. "James. Welcome to the army. You know, few join now at their will. It is fortunate you are willing. You are young, and do not understand how terrible war really is... but as long as you know what you are fighting for, and are prepared, and trained, you will be fine..."
Nogare, while Bannin stoke stocked off, veins visible in his forehead.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:44 am
by Master Link
My parents were killed by some Moblins in navy blue armor so I dont realy have much to do these days.James replies in a depressed voice
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:17 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
"Indeed." He pats the lad's shoulder. "With something to fight for, you'll have more hope than many others."
He looks over to the next man in line. "Ah, Rothereb! Nice to see you again! Your brother just left the castle to Rauru."
"Did he now. I heard that Grey's son is here. Where is he?"
"Right over there." He calls to Nogare, "Lad! Another of your cousins!"
Nogare, astonished, ran back. "I don't beleive this! An honour to meet you!"
"And you, Brother!" Although they were not exactly 'brothers', their rerlation was brotherly.
"You are Greatblade's son, as well?"
"I am!"
"A beautifuk sword you have!"
"It's wooden. Nothing like the things from Mido or Saria. But that's where the South Iron Ore is. The North is useless, I hear..."
"Aye. But it's nice and long. It will slay many beings."
"Indeed. crafted by my father."
"... Do you think there is hope."
"There is some." he looked aay slowly. There was sorrow in his eyes. He eyed around the castle. It's people walked around. They didn't want to fight. But they were given weapons, to protect the kingdom.
Being sure that they wewre away from Bannin, Nogare said to Rothereb, "What do you really think. I know you think otherwise."
After a moment of hesitation, Rothereb smoke. "None here shall survive. Look at them all. There is fear in their eyes. And why should they not be afraid. So many, facing off more than most would believe. I'm trusting they will have 5000 at least. Look at them... Farmers, stable boys... these are no fighters..."
Nogare understood. "I agree..." his voice sank.
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:59 pm
by Master Link
James walks off in his own way
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:07 am
by Raru
Raru walks up a horse beside him
"i]i will offer my army aid to this good cause[/i]"
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:18 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Welcome back, man! I'll PM you when you can post at the topic "The King's Council."