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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:11 am
by Hi no Seijin
Rose nearly missed the outline of the shoe. She strained her eyes, trying to make out any more details, but her human eyes were unable to.
Damn, she thought.
Too much time has passed. Well, this has to be better than nothing. She straightened up and turned to look over at Saber. The ranger beckoned the mercenary forward, saying, "I think I may have found something, but it's not much to go on, really."
Rose turned back to the window, looking out it. Once again, she saw the red bird from earlier.
Not you again, she thought, looking at the footprint again and waiting for Saber to come over.
Now is not a good time to get distracted by strange birds.
OOC: I guess you were waiting for that, huh, Saber? Sorry it took a while.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:34 am
by Alpha
Night has completely fallen, the drawbridge has risen once dusk and the twilight that accompanies it vanished into darkness, and the group has made its way inside the hotel where the mysterious murder had taken place nearly a month ago. Only now, while the others have all been distracted and gone off to search indoors does Alpha, once the almighty assassin known as Wraith, drop down from the rooftop, where he had been observing their futile attempt at solving a month-old murder mystery. Even though they, including the expert trackers that made up a significant portion of the group, had failed miserably to locate any trace of the killers . . . Alpha's days as the illusive Wraith let him know what to do in order to uncover evidence they could not.
Quickly, his Sheikah eyes, ever keen even in the darkness that shrouds this area yet still grateful for the torch that Saber had lit earlier, scan through the alleyway, glancing around in search of anything that might be useful or require closer inspection. He doesn't expect to find anything at all - as he had concluded earlier while listening to Saber and co.'s babbling, roughly thirty days have passed and undoubtedly all trace of the crime should be gone. Heck, after a few minutes of the crime all trace of the killers should have disappeared, if they know what they're doing. And Saber's tone made it sound like they'd been doing this for quite some time; they ought to be quite experienced if that is the case, and more than capable of effectively murdering someone without leaving clues behind for investigators.
And so he, unlike Saber, isn't terribly disappointed when his own search turns up as few results as it had for the earlier group. No tracks, no blood, no trace. Well, at least that proves that they aren't amateurs, unlike the detectives trying even now to gather information. His eyes glance every which way for a few moments, especially looking out for random passersby at the mouth of the alleyway. Still not satisfied even when his gaze picks up no one, he approaches the lit lantern and forms a small Elemental Burst of Water by gathering up moisture in the air and uses it to snuff out the light. Then his ears suddenly perk up, and his eyes shoot upward towards an open window. Voices are emerging from within . . . the voices of Saber and friends. Nodding to himself, he draws his cape even closer around his form and practically vanishes against the pitch black walls of the night.
Only one portion of skin remains in sight: his left hand, which grips a small piece of metal that manages to shine even in the dim light of the moon above. Rarely has he used this device, but perhaps it will be useful here, just in case whatever group truly is keeping an eye on this spot.
~"This little trinket is something you ought always keep on your person, Yuenbri," Gorodo said as he handed the whistle to the teenager. The boy took it without question, tucking it into his pocket in one single motion. "It produces a very unique sound when blown into, one that sounds very similar to a bird's chirping, but with several key differences in pitch and frequency. Get to where you can recognize that sound instinctively - if you hear the noise, it means . . ."~
"It means that the one making the sound is a fellow assassin," Alpha mutters to himself as he places the whistle to his lips and blows into it, letting loose a soft chirping noise that, should these assassins be truly good, will let them know not to attack him. The fact that he fully intends to attack should one reveal himself is completely beside the point.
OOC: Hope this works as my entrance, Saber. Let me know if something needs to be changed.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:30 pm
by Sabertache
OOC: That was brilliant, Alpha. Gave me a good idea too...I was waiting on Pabru, but seeing as how he's grounded, I suppose we can move on.
IC:Saber's tired eyes had been sweeping the room to try and find a likely spot for evidence. However, before he could even move, Rose called him over, and he felt his heart jump in anticipation. She's not the kind to play a prank like Blank, is she? He thought as he cast a peeved glance at the alcoholic nomad. He wanted to dash across the room despite his weakness, but managed to restrain himself to save any other evidence to be found. He squeezed in by Rose and examined the window. He gasped when he saw the thread. "I can't believe it...they actually made a mistake..." He marveled as his shaking fingers slid towards the threads.
He stopped and composed himself, steadying his hands as he deftly unentwined the fibers from the hinges, which wasn't all that hard, as he realized that they were the same thread, it just had two different colors. As soon as he removed the thread, the shutter gave a loud creak and perilously tilted towards the approaching ground before being caught in the mercenary's grip. He put the shutter all the way in, so that it would rest on the sill and not fall, then turned to Rose and held up the thread. "Okay. This is definitely not suppose to be here. For one thing, It was very loosely entwined in the hinges; it was definitely left there on accident, or it would have been tied in a knot." Putting each end of the string between his thumb and finger, he rubbed the thread slowly. "Not to mention the material. This isn't household string. This is silk. " Holding it out to Rose to feel the smooth material, he added out of the side of his mouth, "Damn expensive silk too, by the feel of it."
He turned his attention back to the window, picking up the footprint almost instantly. "Ha! There's another thing! Somebody stepped on this window for something...probably hurling himself out of it, by the direction of the print." He was speaking to himself as he went through the search, although it was loud enough for everyone to hear. He ran his fingers up the loose shutter, then running his hand again and again over a certain area. "Yeah, there's a dent here. So somebody leapt out of the window, hit the shutter with their knee or something, and got a piece of clothing made of silk stuck in the hinge." He turned to face the group again. "So we definitely know the murderer was in this room." He brushed his hair aside before continuing. "So we just need to find out who and where he is."
Looking out of the window, Saber did something he hadn't done in a long time. A small smile spread across his face as he reveled in his luck. These guys are good. Definitely. However, even one minor mistake is enough. This was Saber's area of expertise--Sure, he had next to no education, but his reasoning and common knowledge was impeccable.
Yassen was tired. He had pulled the North Castle patrol tonight, and honestly, he would have rather gotten Ruto. The Castle didn't have any seedy taverns where he could go to without having Royal Guards breathing down his back, waiting to imprison him if he made any foul move. Bar fights were fun, but you can't have any here, no, you've got to 'behave yourself' all the time. He didn't see why, but at least he wouldn't be on patrol again for another two months. Of course, that would also mean that he would have a job next month, but that was fine. He remembered his last job fairly well, it was actually in this town. Made quite a profit off of that one, that merchant was loaded.He thought gleefully, remembering that night after at the Bendeath Tavern in Ruto. He had pinched a sizeable amount of rupees from the bag, but his partner in the crime was a newbie and didn't notice anything. He had bought quite a few rounds that night.Good times...
As he walked to the next rooftop, his happy memories faded away to the realization of the job at hand. He would rather be out drinking or doing something, but this was his lot in life, he supposed. If I'm going to live high on the hog, I'm going to have to work for it. He reasoned, then sighed. Although I really don't see the point in these patrols. Why should I have to check up on the scene of every job we've pulled? Most of these haven't even been noticed!
He surveyed the Courtyard from his vantage point on the rooftop of the Library, and saw nobody. He turned to leave, sighing and mumbling to himself, "Theft scene by the fountain, clear..." He stretched, running his hands through his hair--Except the hair wasn't there. He grumbled darkly, remembering that he had been shaved as punishment for slipping up on his last patrol, and it would take a succesful patrol before they would let his beautiful hair grow back again. He still hadn't gotten used to the change.
"Well, one more place then..." He sighed, fingering the sack of rupees beneath his tight silk robe. A smile spread across his face. "Then I'm off to Ruto! Bendeath has the best barfights..." He sprinted across a few rooftops, his bulky, muscular frame moving with remarkable speed. He leapt to the final rooftop and hunkered down, observing the final scene--the scene where he pulled his last job. The alleyway was clear, even though the torch was usually unlit, he was sure it was nothing. Then again, that's the carelessness that got me in trouble last time..He thought hesitantly, weighing the two evils that awaited either decision. However, the allure of a good night out was too strong, and he turned to leave when he heard something in the inn across the way.
He rolled behind a chimney and squinted to get a good look. Some kid with messy brown hair--looked pretty beat up for some reason--was pulling up a shutter...and holding up a piece of thread? "Uh oh...that looks bad..." He whispered, lifting up the bottom of his robe to observe the frayed edge. He had been wondering what had happened to it. Swiftly, he reached into his robe and pulled out a small, but tight and powerful crossbow, an arrow, and a piece of paper and coal. He scribbled 'Investigation at Scene Five' and attached the note to the arrow, placing it on the crossbow and aiming down the sights without revealing himself. Pointing the shaft towards the Gatehouse, he loosed the projectile, watching it speed off and land in the small wooden target placed on the walltop. "Backup should be here soon.." He thought aloud, putting the crossbow and coal away.
Then he heard something familiar--The Assassin's whistle, as his gang called it. Could it be that one of his allies was already here? He edged around the chimney and crawled to the edge of the roof slowly, trying to see into the alley where the noise had come from. He didn't see much of anything...Then again, they could be hiding from the group through the window. He dropped down slowly, then hissed between closed teeth, "Who is there? This is Yassen!" As he stepped forward, he thought he saw the glint of two eyes in the candlelight from inside the room, but that didn't give much identification. At least he knew where the noisemaker was now.
OOC:.....Ow......I need to stop typing long intros for every single character before I get carpal really hurts....anyways....If you want to have an RP battle, press 2 now. if you want to have a stat battle, press 5 now. If you would like to just knock out the poor bastard, press 8 now.
Seriously though, we can do this however you want, if you start a fight just tell me if you want RP or stat.[/i]
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:03 pm
by Pabru
~Pyre turned in surprise when Rose announced she had found something. For most of the search it had seemed that no reward would come of their efforts, but it appeared the ranger had shattered that possibility. He watched as Saber went to inspect whatever Rose had found, and the hylian followed swiftly after him.
When they came to the window, and he could see the new clue, he was confused. What did this have to do with anything anyways. Pyralin sighed and assumed that all would come to light eventually, and berated himself for not paying attention earlier when Saber might have told him something.
A bit frusterated, but hopeful that something was indeed going to happen, he turned his stare towards the innkeeper. The ranger locked eyes with him for a second, and let any of his fatigue and confusion channel through that glare as anger.
Relieved by the release of emotion, he turned back to Saber and Rose. "So what happens now?"~
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:43 pm
by Alpha
'Well what do you know . . . there actually was someone here!' Alpha thinks to himself, a note of surprise ringing through his mind's voice as Yassen's call reaches his ears. The Sheikah gathers his cape around him as he strides forward to where the man has landed. "Are you one of the group who killed that man last month?" he asks casually yet quietly as he nears the man. He makes sure that the whistle is visible as he approaches, just to ensure the man knows he's the one who blew it, and once he is indeed certain that it's been seen, he returns it to the folds beneath his cape.
"As you have no doubt seen, several people have decided to start snooping around the murder grounds lately. I'm not entirely sure why, but . . . well," he glances back towards the window, "you get the idea. They aren't incredibly strong, though," he lies with no effort at all and no discernible change to his tone of voice. "So you shouldn't have much trouble taking them out if you wi -"
At this point he is but a foot away from Yassen, and decides to take care of this little matter on his own. His arm snaps forward like a serpent striking its prey, getting a firm grasp on the man's neck with no difficulty whatsoever. Before the assassin can hope to react, Alpha has him held a good few inches off the ground, and the shining sphere of ever-changing colors that represents an Elemental Explosion of great power has appeared in his left. Holding the orb an inch away, he lets the constantly changing elements wash over the man - the coldness of water followed by sudden brightness followed by a flaming heat, and so on and so forth.
"I suggest you start talking, my friend," he says with a good dose of malice added to his tone. Actually . . . speaking that way is actually quite satisfying . . . he hasn't spoken like this since he was Wraith. Maybe he'll try speaking more evilly more often.
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:40 pm
by Sabertache
Saber turned to Pyre, hope gleaming in his eyes that had been wells of anguish until seconds ago. "Now..." He walked to the door and cast his glance over at the innkeeper, who had followed them partway down the hall, probably to make sure they didn't vandalize anything. The man shrunk back as the mercenary made himself visible again, and started trembling until he realized there was something different about him this time. "We need to know who stayed here a month ago." Saber stated to the group as the innkeeper shuffled away, hoping to make it to his room and feign sleep before being interrogated by the mercenary, who was blocked off by the wall of adventurers in the hall.
'Polka' had a room down the far end of the corridor, up a flight of stairs. He had been knocked over in shock momentarily at the sound of the explosion, but had gotten back to his feet and was about to reach the staircase.
Yassen nearly jumped as the Sheikan stranger materialized out of the shadows. He shrunk back into a fighting position as the unknown man approached, until he noticed the soft candlelight glinting off a silver object in the Sheikah's posession--the whistle. So, He thought, easing into a more casual, yet still ready position, This guy is an assassin as well. Maybe he's undercover? He looked the man up and down suspiciously. Since when have we used undercover assassin's for night patrols though? I doubt they reacted to my note this fast.
As the Sheikah spoke, the casual tone made Yassen feel somewhat...reassured. He lowered his guard and listened to what he had to say as he approached. The guy was hitting the nail on the head--Maybe they had sent him to make sure this patrol wasn't screwed up like the last? Do they really not trust me that much?He wondered distastefully. It sounds as though they could be easily disposed of though. He looked the much closer Sheikah up and down again. He looks quite formidable...I'm sure that between us, we could wipe out the nuisance easily. I'll bet that--The hell?!?
He suddenly found himself writhing in the air, his legs flailing as his arms pulled at the Sheikan's powerful grip in vain, his wide open eyes shining in different colors as the orb of energy threatened to blot out his existence, with nothing but a few inches of empty air in the way. When the intense light phase came, his eyes shot to the side, and he saw more figures moving on the rooftops, although they were still quite a ways off. His attention was rudely brought back to the intimidating Sheikah, however, and nothing could hide the panic in his eyes as the stranger made his demands. He tried to figure the odds of his survival against the Sheikah if he didn't tell, and the odds of his survival against his boss if he did tell. To him, they seemed painfully close, even if he wasn't very good at the gambling he so loved.
He closed his eyes and took as deep a breath as possible when a Sheikan warrior is nearly throttling you, and when his eyelids flipped up again, it was with a sneering glare. His mouth snarled in an attempt at an insulting remark, but nothing came out. He was never good with villainous dialogue. Usually he was on the other side of the arm, making the kill before any witty comments could pass between the victim and himself. He had neer been in any real danger...
He looked down suddenly, away from the Sheikah. "Alright...what do you need to know?" He muttered, his legs and arms falling limp at his side in disgust at himself.
OOC: Ugh...another huge post...I"m going to kill myself before this is over...okay...I'm waiting for a certain someone to make his entrance now...I really need everyone to start posting, only a few people are....
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:21 pm
by Worru
Worru looked up, getting up from the wall he was resting on. He had one or two theories in his head right now, and had only listened to what was found, and where to go next. Craning his head to look back at the lobby, he asked, "Want someone to check the books at the desk? Maybe someone to talk to Polka?" he asked, the "Polka" in question the nickname he gave to the innkeeper.
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:43 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Orpheous and company were surprised by the sound of the whistle. Simon and Matt dismissed it as just an ordinary bird chirp, but Orpheous knew bird chirps, and that was no bird chirp. He wanted to go investigate were it came from, but he was to busy listening to the information revolved around what Rose had found. After all, he couldn't enter the room, he might disturb the evidence.
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:12 pm
by kamakaziplumber
It was night. Victor hated the night.
For one, it was dark. Most people around here seemed to revel in the darkness, but not this Bard. Daytime was his choice time of day. That's when he
usually strolled around the Courtyard, but not this time. No, today he had stayed late at the Tavern and had to endure a nighttime walk. He shuddered and glanced around, worried that he might be attacked... though he was an adventurer and clearly well armed, he still feared theives and muggers in the night.
Something flashed in the corner of his eye and he looked towards it. One particular alley seemed unusually... glowy for North Castle. Victor quietly moved nearer to the source of light, careful now to stay in the shadows he had kept himself from moments before. It looked faintly like a spell, an Elemental Explosion by the colors of it. In another flash of light the Bard managed to make out the vague outlines of two figures, but only one had a spell at the ready. The other seemed quite helpless... the victim of an ongoing mugging, perhaps? The spell dimmed before he could confirm this thought, cycling through the less bright elements.
Victor looked around the courtyard nervously yet again. No one else seemed to be around. He yelled for help; at least, he thought he did. Unbeknownst to him, the yell had caught itself in his throat. So no one replied, and it the Bard assumed he was alone in the matter. Swallowing as much of his fear as he could, he readied some old friends: his boomerang and his shield. Ready as he was ever going to be, he jumped out of the shadows and into the alleyway as soon as the light flashed again.
'Let go of that man, Mage!" he squeaked. Without giving it a second thought, Victor tossed his boomerang at the shadow of the mugger, praying to the Goddesses that it would hit its mark.
OOC: There, Saber. Happy now? You better be!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:49 am
by Sabertache I happy...nah, it's still your fault that HA2 went down. It was your porn site that added all those spambots. Death to ye!
IC:The projectile whistled through the air, spinning madly as it approached Yassen and Alpha. Unfortunately, the boomerang slipped between the mage and the thief. However, as if that wasn't distraction enough, the projectile ended up finding a new target--the ball of elemental energy that the 'mugger' was holding so perilously close to the 'victim's' face. The magical sphere combusted hazardously, completely illuminating the alleyway in a red glow and throwing apart the two men, although it mostly affected Yassen, who had been staring at the orb from just a few inches of safety. He was thrown back heavily, his face screaming in pain--the represented element at the time of contact had been one of the most unforgiving; Fire. He hit the wall and dropped, clutching his steaming forehead.
Luckily, the boomerang had taken most of the energy out of the ball on contact--well, unluckily for Victor, as the projectile had flown straight up into the sky until it vanished from sight--and Yassen's skin was still intact, although the pain was still severe. Rolling to his feet, he surveyed the newcomer quickly--He didn't appear to be a threat...Still, he was outside of the gang, and had no business here. Even though he had just saved Yassen's life, he would have to be taken care of.
Although...he thought, his eyes darting craftily towards the Shiekah who had assaulted him.
I could use him to help take out this troublemaker first. He snapped his arms out straight, and a glint of metal could be seen sliding into his hands as the last bits of light from the explosion left the alley in near complete darkness, as before.
Yassen turned and threw one of the pieces of metal up the wall, and it stuck into a position high up, where the moonlight made it's identity known to all--It was a dagger, a strange one at that. It had a blade the shape of an elongated diamond, stretching out from a six inch handle, which had a hole in the bottom. Through his hole was looped a thin, yet sturdy wire. Yassen now tugged on this wire, and soared up by the dagger, grabbing the handle as he planted his feet along the wall. The trained assassin tossed his other dagger in the air slightly, catching it by the tip. He cocked his arm back to throw it, when a piece of the brick his foot was on crumbled away, causing him to slip slightly and drop the dagger, leaving him open for attack.
Saber stared blankly at the group assembled in the hallway. " anyone going to go get Po--The manager," He corrected, glaring shortly at Worru. "Before he tries to blow us off again?" The manager in question was briskly walking back to the counter to grab the hat he had dropped in his scuffle with the mercenary earlier.
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:20 pm
by Alpha
"Let go of that man, Mage!"
Alpha's eye cocks upward as the voice penetrates the small sphere of concentration which he had focused his entire self within, trying to intimidate the man Yassen into spilling the beans on their operation or whatever this is. And it had certainly succeeded, given the assassin's last words.
And then a new sound also pierces through the already evaporating sphere of focus as the Sheikah moves his senses outward once more so as to try and figure out what's going on. Something within him tells him that the voice of whoever-that-was is familiar, but he doesn't have time to dwell on that fact and figure out what it means before the distinct sound of a boomerang swinging through the air is picked up. 'Coming straight for -' He doesn't finish the mental sentence, already moving his head backwards to dodge the incoming projectile. And indeed, the wooden object passes by without so much as touching a hair on his head. But in an instant the Sheikah sees it still traveling onward . . . straight towards -
Alpha releases the man and the energy orb in his hands as he brings both up in a futile attempt to erect a magical barricade - too late. The boomerang strikes the Elemental Explosion, unleashing its fiery wrath before the Sheikah can do anything to stop or deflect it. The Mage finds himself hurtling backwards through the air, rolling on the ground several times before he finally manages to regain control of his movements. He quickly rolls to a kneeling position, gazing at his left hand as it smolders slightly from the inferno unleashed upon it unexpectedly. Quickly Alpha uses his right hand to encase the left in a Water Elemental Burst, not intending to unleash the destructive power held within it but instead utilizing the control of water that it allows him to help put his hand at ease. 'Figures . . . I'll have to fight one-handed for the time being,' he thinks, disgust evident in his mind.
Finally looking at the new attacker, Alpha finds his eyes closed and his forehead being rubbed by his hand. He stands up after several seconds, allowing silence to speak for him in that time. Then his right hand rises up and lowers his hood. "VICTOR!!!" he yells angrily, knowing that the Bard should have no trouble identifying the Mage now.
For the moment, at least, the Sheikah appears to have not noticed Yassen tripping.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:17 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Having waited unsuccessfully for his boomerang to return, Victor was groping around the floor of the alley in search of his weapon when he heard his name.
"M'yes...?" he queried calmly, forgetting that he was technically still in a battle. He searched for another moment before stopping suddenly: he thought he knew that voice. Looking in the direction of the call, he was startled to find himself staring at the shadowy Mage he had just attacked. The Bard gasped quietly, then scrambled up and moved a bit closer.
The Mage had lowered his hood, but Victor couldn't see his face clearly in the alley's darkness. He shifted nearer and nearer still, until he was almost awkwardly close to the man's face. In the dim light of the water spell the Mage was holding, the Bard managed to recognize him.
"Alpha!" he exclaimed, and he smiled widely, apparently forgetting the pain he must have caused his friend only minutes before.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:10 pm
by Zelda Veteran
OOC: Boy do I have some catching up to do!

Sorry Saber!
IC: Saber had found something. Something perfect, and vital to the tracking of the murderer. Something as simple as a thread, could lead to the store it was purchased, to the record of the man who purchased it, which would lead to a name, and eventually a hideout. This glimmer, or
thread, it should be said, of hope was all that Dogura needed for the inspiration to catch the murderer. Dogura listened intently to Saber's words, and thought the matter over. As if that wasn't evidence enough, a foot print was found on the window sill. The samurai's eyes widened, and he put hand on his hip. "Are you sure these guys are experts? Thats a big mistake in a murder cover-up."
The shutter was also a bit busted, which gave Saber all the evidence he needed to put the entire scene together. Like the moon over Hyrule, light was being shedded over the otherwise dark situation. Before the samurai could utter another a word, the Inn was shaken, and a blast was heard outside. The rumble beneath the samurai's feet was enough to snap him to heightened senses. Dogura scurried over to the window, and looked down into the ally. A bit of smoke had clouded the scene, and Dogura could see nothing more than a few dark figures. Dogura wanted nothing more than to leap into the action, for he had been itching for a battle. However, jumping into a battle without knowing your possible opponents was a bad idea, not to mention the smoke screen that had taken effect. Obviously a fire spell. If it had been a smoke bomb, the smoke would have been much thicker. Dogura looked up, and thought he had noticed movement on the rooftops...
OOC: God, I feel like my post is crap. I'm getting scared

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:49 pm
by Sabertache
OOC:Don't worry, ZV, it was great. Although I would REALLY appreciate it if someone would go get the damn innkeeper already

It's gonna throw everything off if we jump into the fight without somebody getting the information out of him...
IC:Saber, too, stumbled from the explosion. His eyes widened in panic as he realized they could be under attack.
Danger...We have to protect the evidence! He thought, searching himself and then swearing as he realized he didn't have any pocket or satchel to put the thread into--Except for the bit of flammable powder he took from Dogura, but it probably wasn't safe to put the piece of string in a container that could burst into flame if things didn't go right. Then he had an idea, and he removed his shoe, stuck the thread inside, and jammed it back on. "Somebody get the innkeeper NOW!" He demanded, trying to push the crowd towards the scurrying man before he escaped--why he hadn't after all this time amazed the mercenary. (Really guys

Yassen saw a man look out the window as he caught himself and drew another dagger. "Great." He snarled, hefting the blade. "Now they've got backup." Not only that, but now other people in the area were beginning to wake, lights were coming on, and small children were heard crying, awakened from their peaceful slumber by the sudden blast. He winced as he felt another jolt of pain from his burned face, and threw the dagger towards the window. The small blade rammed into the shutter, closing it with a slam, and soon the other shutter followed, a similar dagger protruding from it. Raising a third dagger, he this time aimed for the mage--he was a much bigger threat than that naive bard who had stumbled upon them. The blade was loosed with a snap of his wrist, and it whistled through the air towards the conversing figures, a messenger of death prepared to leave it's ruthless message in the neck of the Sheikah, unless he somehow managed to dodge the weapon in some miraculous feat of great agility.
After releasing the projectile, Yassen glanced to his side. The shadows were all the closer--backup was seconds away.
OOC: Somebody...get Polka...please...
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:38 pm
by Alpha
Alpha lets an exasperated sigh escape from his lips as he draws back a step or two from Victor, who has gotten far too close for his comfort. Not that he really ever feels comfortable around people, but . . . well, this was even closer than he was trying to get used to. "Yes, Victor, you just attacked Alpha with your boomerang," he says just in case the bard has forgotten his attack - as his tone makes the Sheikah suspect he has - with more than a touch of annoyance in his tone. He rolls his eyes and looks to the moon above them as his right hand moves to join his left within the watery sphere, caressing the slightly charred flesh as he exhales a heavy breath. "It'll be days before I can fully use this hand again," he murmurs to himself, barely loud enough for Victor to have heard him at all.
Suddenly a new whistling enters his eardrums, and Alpha momentarily wonders if Victor's boomerang is performing its normal function of returning to its owner. 'No . . .' He suddenly realizes that this noise has a bit of a heavier note to it. 'It's not wooden - it's metal!' His eyes dart towards where his senses instinctively report that Yassen fellow to be, scanning the space in between them and catching the glint of airborne metal almost instantly. A full second after his ears had first picked up the noise, his left foot suddenly abruptly seems to give out, causing his body to shift its stance in that direction. The dagger screams past the Sheikah, nearly leaving a second scar on his cheek as he uses his race's innate ability to perform miraculous feats of great agility.
Of course, the man formerly known as the assassin Wraith has even greater agility than would normally be expected of a Sheikah, and he is quick to prove this fact to be true as his body twists around. His hand abruptly darts outward with even faster speed than it had gripped Yassen's neck before, snatching the dagger by the handle without any apparent difficulty. And as if that wasn't enough, his body pivots on the left foot, spinning him around for another moment before the Mage launches the dagger directly back at its owner, now with his own Sheikah speed complementing its already swift velocity.