OOC: Nogare's Updates for the Age of Chaos Trilogy

Moderator: Royal Guard

a) Should AoC Be a trilogy or not, and b) How long will you stand to wait for me? Post reasoning.

Trilogy, and as long as necessary
Series, making it like a TV show Fan Fiction, and as long as necessary
Trilogy, and a month longer
No votes
Series, and a month longer
No votes
Trilogy and a half a year longer
Series, half a year longer
No votes
Trilogy, a year longer
Series, a year longer
Trilogy, as long as I'm around, which is X amount of time
Series, as long as I'm around, which is X amount of time
Total votes: 11

Author Message
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:44 pm
Two major notes this week, and the rest is, well, None of your business at the moment :P.

1. I've discovered what they've intended for the Legend of Zelda series the very first for NES (knowing all along that there would be more games, because of the demand for a sequel), and once the Wind Waker came out, all the proof was available to piece together. Now it is mine! But sadly, the deepest, darkest secrets have also intertwined with the deepest and darkest secrets of the Age of Chaos, so you will all have to wait until book III to discover it >_>. Please be patient... I'm really sorry. I'm sure a few of you will want to hear it, like, NOW, but I know for a fact that within a week's time it will be all over the net, and everyone will know, and YOU will get the credit for the discovery, and not me, and also it will spoil the Age of Chaos, making everything 100% predictable. So, yeah, sorry dudes, dudettes, and robots... (just so you know, it has to do with the Manji).

2. You all take Writer's Block for granted >_<. I am writer's overflow, and at every minute new stuff is being added. So much for small parts leaving gaps. I know that I just have to sort them out so that it goes fluently and not, like, this happens with a whole whack of other things, gap, more stuff, gap, more fighting, and so on... I have a plan, and I know it will work.

For those of you who have a problem with your own stories, try this:
Write down everything that happens throughout the entire story, without stopping to change anything you haven't already planned or to put something you want to add in in. Then read it over, and see what you like and what you don't. It really helps if you have a friend/sibling/parent/cousin/uncle, etc, who likes the particular genre or topic you're writing about, most notably Legend of Zelda, and they can help you out.

^_^. I've got to go. As far as the music goes, I still haven't gotten much around to it more than last week due to a busy schedule, with all the same stuff you know about already. I did, however, watch a recidal of the brother of my friends (who is a Nintendo fan, by the way :P), and it placed a whole new standard for me. He played the usual piano stuff, like Beethoven, Mozart, and so on, but then the En Chore came! A mixed bunch of songs by - guess who - Koji Kondo 8). That's right. He played the music for the end of the Wind Waker, where the King of Red Lions sort of kills himself with Hyrule, granting Link and Tetra their new land, without missing a note, then he moved to some Sonic and Star Fox, and then finally Mario Brothers - with the last 30 seconds of the song x2 speed :P. Comical. I've said that I made good music - that... that was... mind blowing for me even! He's a university graduate (no, Alf, not the same one), and he... wow... knows his stuff. He had sheet music for Mario, Sonic, and Star Fox, but Wind Waker was by ear, which is impressive, considering the complexity of the song (if you don't remember the song, beat Ganondorf again in The Wind Waker, then listen to the piano music when the King of Red Lions is speaking with Link and Tetra before he sends them to the Overworld. He mixed in Ganondorf's theme here and there, and then a combination, making the two themes the same, which is tougher than you think! It was mind-blowing! I forgot my video camera too >_<. Blah me!

Anywho, life is waiting on me! Later!
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:04 pm
Hi guys! I have some news, but not much.

Okay, first off, I have had a short story that I have had Alpha go over, and he has given me extremely good feedback. ^_^. Thanks again, Alpha.

Also, I have written a few more chapters this week, but not much more. Studies and all >_>. We're Canadian, yes, and we don't get out of school until June. No WONDER it feels like winter lasts so long >_<.

Uh... I have a few Fan Fictions on lesser priority that I've added some extra notes to...

Uh... I have all the brawl characters...

I have yet to ask two more HA2 players about permission to enter into the story (who I would prefer in rather than out of the story, though I won't mind if they don't want to be in it). Worru and Dogura. I actually startled myself as I realized I hadn't asked them yet.

Also, my website will be up in a few weeks, though incomplete ^_^. I'm getting as much as I can done, but it was a school project. The forum sadly isn't working, which I will note now. And yes, I stole KP's idea of a name, which I will not mention. When it's up, expect to see stuff like Zelda, Lord of the Rings, Fable, Pirates, Runescape, inheritence, super smash, and so on, in that section. Sorry if some of the buttons don't link to other pages ^_^.

Also, I have been pondering Age of Chaos, and, well, more and more ideas flow into my nervous system like a waterfall; never-ending from a river of possibilities. I might have to make a dam sometime soon >_>. I wasn't kidding when I said last week that you take Writer's Block for granted. Like, what if Nogare encountered X, which would answer a curiosity related to X, and Link has Y killed to save Z and A is intending to prevent him! These are examples which could mean basically anything and in fact those came off the top of my head.... DAMN! That gave me a new idea! This is what I get for being a noob author; thinking about a story too much. The thing I just need to keep in mind is to think like Nintendo and like Nogare, both of which are endlessly mysterious, answers revealing themselves left and right.

(Yaya, I know I know. IGN Bastards... then again, I think it's like the last prank on Jackass, where it's a prank within a prank. It will come out, and on April 1, 2009, it will come out, and they fooled everyone in the first place.)
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:38 pm
Okay, I'm gonna cut right to the cheese here. I've got quite a bit to say, and quite a bit to do afterwards.

About 3 or 4 days ago, I remembered a curiosity that another Zelda internet person mentioned, about geography. I read it a few months ago, but decided to just look through the necessary games to see if it worked, and how i could apply it, because both things mentioned in it, I might be able to use. And I found that it could, quite easily. Few people could notice. I had trouble believing it myself for a bit, and double checked. It changed not only new ideas but old ones too. The plot hardly changes, thankfully, but it changes a few lesser ones. If you're panicking, don't. I've got this under my nose. I'll figure this out quickly, likely by the end of the day today.

Also, I am not alone anymore in this massive puzzle of a fan fiction; I also have good old Parody911 helping me out, who some of you might remember me mentioning had a good fan fiction. He can write better than what he's published on fanfiction.net, but he will indeed help me out, since this is too large for one person to figure out. If you looked at my notes, and it was your fan fiction trying to accomplish the same thing I am, then you would too :lol:.

As far as the music's been going, I haven't worked on it much on account of practicing more important stuff for my exam coming up.

This is what my schedule looks like this week:
-Figure out new two-way timeline
-Figure out the rest of Age of Chaos
-Get Parody911 to help me out with my notes, organizing them in an understandable manner.

I've noticed something. You know when people are always smiling and hardly ever grumpy and always think that life is easy, you just wanna punch the dude in the face? ^_^" I've been like that with that Mask of Falsehood on my face for the internet eye. If I should act more like myself, then I will. Tell me not to if you don't like it as much. It's much more grim. ... which means no smilies! *WHACK!* Okay, that's settled.

I'm off to figure out these new problems that have arisen. I'll be back next week. YE BE WARNED.

Postscript: I've probably said this before, but whatever. My fan fiction depends to deeply on the answers to curiosities because I want it to do just that; you read it, and almost all the things suggested answers a curiosity. The sole purpose of the fan fiction is to have an value to all of my Zelda-obsession. Difficult? Yes. Occasionally frustrating? Yes. Fun? Yes.

EDIT: Okay, and we have some further news. I have felt since Mabe Village disappeared (recalls LA, lol), I have felt like I owed Kamikaziplumber service, since I used to work for him on Mabe. Therefore, I asked him if I could become staff for TDC. I'm putting this here because he, in his excitement, is likely exclaiming it all over the site, and you are likely worrying about my work on Age of Chaos. After I asked him, I instantly wondered, "What am I doing?" and the answer from my mind was, "You still work for him. The site's down, but the service isn't necessarily." Now, as far as worrying about Age of Chaos goes, I'll explain this to you, and I'll give you leave to imagine yourself impaling me again and again with a sledgehammer, or with the master sword (remembers the kill Tingle game, lol). I'd like the person who said in the poll that they'd wait one more year to PM me, so I can speak to him or her regarding my plans, because I promised the date soling for him or her... I might delay it, if push comes to shove, but know it's not because of my service to TDC. More than likely the biggest thing I'll do for TDC is the Fan Fiction itself. I'm gonna update a few things here and there, give a few curiosities, do a few things on call, but Age of Chaos is the priority over many other parts of my life.

To illustrate the importance of Age of Chaos to you, I'll explain; again and again I write notes to plan for the story, now likely reaching the ceiling if put one on top of the other. Some are eliminated because of other circumstances, and I get everyone I can to help me get this done on time, for the sake of one reader. I have half a year to write a third of what will become the greatest trilogy (trilogy, not series. Like, for it to be up there with ELOZE, Golden Journey, and the Singletons' series. My schedule is going pretty well; if I get X done by the deadline, all will be going according yo plan. Little else matters but Age of Chaos; school's up there too, and so are friends, but this is very important. I wish I could illustrate, but I'm doing my best. Honestly, if you judge by this, you'll have no idea what's my best.

"Oh shise, it's never gonna come out!" you daresay. Dare not! It will. I swear on my parents' graves it will!

I'll head off now, to continue to plan this out. It's difficult, though. If you want to help me, go ahead. If you don't, whatever. I'm working on this all day! Yes, because of my new plans, I have to restart the narrating, but I'm planning to get to that by the time we finish school. Then I'll have 2 months of solely rough copy, with all the planning behind me (though I'm working hard at it). When it does finally come out, expect it to be good. If not, may my name eternally be disgraced in the Zelda community. '

I'm not saying this right, am I -_-... Basically, I'm working on this as if it's meant to be a bestseller, and every view gives me a trillion dollars. It will feel like it, anyway. All my work will be worth a damn. And it's to be done by December, and if I don't Armageddon begins. That's how I like to pressure myself :roll:.

I just wanted to edit because of the news of me becoming TDC staff. Just don't panic! All will end well!
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:49 pm
Yo. Big news (finally, eh? :roll:)

Okay, I'm branching out so more people can get into Age of Chaos, so I've started a blog. Here's the link.
(It goes from bottom to top...)

I'd might as well, mention this too; I'm looking for extra roles that your characters can play, and I've decided to combine a few of you guys ^_^". I'll post here those are being in the book, not all of which but some of which are combined, and if you have other plans, please inform me, with a backup for another, better role they can play, and i'll see what I can do :D.
-Sabertache (Not combined with anyone, replaced an NPC)
-Leth (Not combined)
-Kasei (Not combined)
-Nitara (Considering to be combined with NPC)
-Cathy (Not combined)
-Michael/Orpheous/Simon (Considering still, but sort of want to)
-Worru (not combined)

Also, despite what Saber said in the Talk forum, your still a main character in the story. I'm not mad, and in fact can't blame you, which I hope is a better way of responding from what you expected one to be... :roll:.

Okay, off to continue this! Birth by sleep has given me quite a bit of inspiration (thanks Alpha!), from Kingdom Hearts.

And also, thanks Kasei for the Age of Chaos commercial on youtube! Can't believe I didn't see it before! Thanks a million!
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:26 pm
It's time for another post!

All ye Crazy Ladies and Not-So-Gentlemen, I come with tidings!

First off, we got THE GREAT ALPHA HIMSELF in on the Age of Chaos project with me, which is very good, since I had run out of people who still gave a dang who were in the process of helping already. Alpha offered, help, and now we might actually be able to release this thing on time! Yes, people, with two of Hyrule's greatest geniuses working on a fan fiction, how could you go wrong! Nogare and Alpha! It'll be by Jim the James, aka Nogare, with the help of D.J. 'Lock', and "Alpha." ^_^. Now this is officially gonna be a hell of a fan fiction!!

What brought me here was a post the other day from our good friend Leth, who asked for help with his story. As it happens, he was the second person with 48 hours for me to help with their story. You'll find out soon enough who else I helped via MSN ;). So if anyone needs help with their HA2 story, I'll make some time for it ^_^.

Since I came here for a bit, I decided to look around, and I honest to gosh had no idea I was as popular as I was back in the day. First ever winner of a Best Role-Player of an Event? Best RPer of the month only 3 months after I joined back in 06? ^_^ THE LEGEND?! Nogare the Legend. Wowzers. I pictured Nogare as something like a hero, but not a Legend. Not that I'm complaining, I like that kind of title, even if it didn't really last for as long as any of us should have liked. I wish I could bring Nogare back to this, but we all know how things could be... Accidental spoilers shooting left and right at you, and before you know it you don't even want to read Age anymore... Not a good thing, considering all the hard work I put into it...

So now, we're past the halfway point
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... ditsV2.mid
^_^. I just had to make that from Adventure of Link too. Hopefully, if all goes well, you'll be able to curl up on the couch and digest the excitement of Age of Chaos Book 1, Rise of the Exiles, perhaps in late December. Besides, without book 1, book 3 won't make sense, right? ;). I hope you end up enjoying it as much as I do writing it.

In the meantime, best of luck with your own stories for HA2. Need help with them, send me a line, and we'll see what we can do. Trust me, results have proven that I can plan out the better half of a novel within three hours, if I start from the beginning and keep it simple. Omen of Age. ^_^

Well, have fun while you wait! Tell your friends, your family (who care about Zelda at least, or perhaps who just like to have a good read), and perhaps other cyber buddies of your own! The bigger audience, the better! I don't want this to just be for you guys and my own family and friends. :D Later, guys!

PS: See that cool picture of Sasuke up there for my avatar? I realized of late that that is roughly what Nogare looks like - only Nogare's hair is brown, not dark bluish, and he doesn't have that metal thing on his head (sorry I called it 'thing' -_-. I don't read or watch Naruto. The Mangas are expensive, and Naruto's voice actor drives me insane with annoyance!). Also, he doesn't have many of Sasuke's super powers like breathing fire, and his hear is more short and messy than Sasuke's. So ya. My gaia Chibi dude I made of Nogare and put in his profile has vanished (and I put all that work into him to... Oh well, I have a saved file of the guy in one of my files on the hard drive, as well as the document with Nogare's profile :)). Did you like him? Eh? EH?

One last thing: I'm writing a theme song for BOTH AGE OF CHAOS AND GOLDEN JOURNEY FOR THE WEBSITES TO HAVE!! Advertise for Alpha's FF, as well as mine! (in case you didn't get the inside joke for my picture in the HA2 talk forum with Japas and that Zora girl, the joke is that I'm a musician :lol:. Please tell me some of you have heard that saying, "Don't date a musician."... Never mind).
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:45 am
HI :D. New post time.

Well, what is there to update about, aside from what you're tired of hearing about? Well, this: I'm BACK, :D.

... I'm just gonna let that hang there for a second :)... Maybe even let it echo... "I'm BACK!!! BACK!! BACK! Back! Back. Back... Back... bac...ba... b... ... .. .

BONG!!! BONG!!! The bell strikes midnight, and my choice is made. I know now that whatever the circumstances... I will not be afraid.

Mostly for one big reason - I'm annoyed as hell! It all started with that KASEI (;)), who kept pestering me on MSN. "Oh, Nogare, for old time's sake, let's start a topic in on HA2 :P," "Sure, why not." So ya, we began a topic East and South of North Castle, in a topic by Kasei called Kasei Wanders Aimlessly In The Night. Yes, it's a good ol' face off with Kasei and me :). Feels good to be back. Then she's like, "Oh, Nogare, guess what, guess what! There's a fight going on in the Barracks! You're a knight, you should check it out!" I will, by the way, so RG, look forward to that :). That's on my mind to post at.

Then things just went uphill for you guys and downhill for me ;). I looked at the HA2 Wiki (I was always hanging around Kasei's anyway for references for the sake of Age), and I've get irritated every time I look at my page. Look how useless Nogare was during his time here, eh? He didn't even get one of those pimping boxes with all that information on it. So ya, if you want to see improvements on his profile, I would be glad. Two great things well noted in Nogare's profile: he fought Saber and Kasei... *clap... clap... clap... ... .... cough... cough* Wow. ^_^ I feel awesome! I am willing to use people as human shields. I'm being sarcastic here not to make the people who made my profile look like jerks, in case that's the impression you're getting. I'm saying that I hardly did anything with Nogare, and I'm embarrassed about it. Despite the fact that I am a 'major character' to the main story, I only have officially two appearances, both times I appear as an enemy. Some heroes you guys are if a hero as great as Link, or almost anyway ^_^", just starts picking fights with you guys. Man, that's all I did. It's like a fix. Addicted to fighting Kasei. Nothing else out there. Just fighting Kasei. What a heroic zombie that is... >_>... Sheesh. Kasei's there? BAM! Fight! This hero is so bright that he can't think of anything else to do! You'll be glad (and so will I), that he finds better stuff to do than pick fights with his rival. I will remake my story for the sake of my own humility. :D Isn't that great?

Two big reasons have kept me in the past from making this valiant choice:
1) Age. I have been writing it frantically, knowing that time is running short, and much must be done.
2) Spoilers. Fear of Age spoilers. I could always just be hanging out with Zelda Veteran's new character Shigure (who looks awesome, by the way. Can't wait to fight beside him in battle ;)), or even Kasei, on good terms, and then be like, "Oh my god, there's Ganon!" Then accidentally make that drive my choice of what happens based on AoC notes. BAD!

So, my antidote to these things?
1) I miss HA2 to post. Not a lot. Just enough so that I'm here, and I'm important. I'm a major character to the main storyline, after all ;).
2) Backtrack. Where did I start thinking up stuff that would eventually go into Age of Chaos? Back when Kasei came around, and before then I was just a pawn in the game, while in the presence of these kings like Alpha, Kamikaziplumber, and Phantompigcollector! So, what to do? We have a new timeline. Many have abandoned the alternate timeline, so why shouldn't I? Kasei made a new Kasei. I will make a new Nogare. :) He's still the same character, but... you know. He's worth a damn this time around :). He'll do something 'legendary', and stay legendary, and Heroic. Link's gone. What do we do? What does HE do is more the question >_>. SO! Here I am, back in black.

I return to you, good people of Hyrule! Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Ride with me, on this roller coaster of antidepressant joy, to war, to peace, or wherever the road may lead us! *Round of applause from audience!* Thank you! Thank you! You are too kind ^_^. And worry not, folks, because I'm not gonna have an event involving idiots who kill those who even mention Exiles, and send children to fight with their fathers in sieges (shudders at the memory of that disastrous event... At least it began the Twilight Guardians :). Of that I am pleased, at least). Everything will make sense! A new storyline, with a view only on the modern years of Hyrule, rather than backtracking to the past which effects the future like you all know it is in Age of Chaos. It will just be our universe, not Mr. Miyamoto's, that takes the stand!

*catches breath* Still wondering if I should do this...

Well, screw it. Guess what, everyone! I was NPC Dungeon Master. Didn't know it, did ya ;). BOO AH MAH GAD! I left clues here and there to show who I was, but only a handful found out about it, and that's because each one cheated - I had to tell Alpha because I was afraid he already knew and might spill the beans by accident, Victor did because of my revealing email used to make King's account - jimthejames@hotmail.com, instead of jim_the_james@hotmail.com. So then he spilled the beans to Sabertache, and Sabertache made it seem like he figured it out from various tiny clues. So ya. Throw the pies at me for a bit, it'll wash off. I'm back, and have been back for a while, but this time, as Nogare. And if you're worried about Eves of Betrayal and what follows, I'll still work on that, because I worked hard to think up what happens in it. Sorry I lied about my 'intense studying of the Rules Set for a day before I posted'... ^_^ I'm a Blade, not a saint. :P

Well, I'm off to bed. I'm ready for tomorrow, and for about a hundred complaints sent to me in a few hours' time. ^_^ I'll be there. :) Bye.
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:18 pm
Time for a new update. -excited-


HOKAY! It's December, everybody. Age of Chaos, I hope you already know, is not coming out as a whole yet, HOWEVER! I will post the prologue up ere month's end, and MAYBE, MAYBE the first chapter, but I still have some work to do on it which effects the whole story, so don't hold thine breath longest than 4 minuteth :P (Sorry, going nuts about Shakespeare. We're reading Romeo and Juliet at school, and I haven't read it (or at least heard the words of it >.>...) for years, since before grade school, age 5, so this is a real treat. Forgot most of the story, though... So ya. Enter: Shakespeare mode!).

I'll also probably have the new version of the back cover up on the HA2 talk forums some time soon, before Christmas, I expect. If you don't have an account on the Talk Forum, then FOR GOD'S SAKE AND THE SAKE OF AGE OF CHAOS, GET ONE, HOP TO!

And, yes, I've come up with a very evil idea (again, and no, this time, it isn't plans to bring down the Liberals or locating and burning the homes of Ted Elliott or Regie Fils): I want to publish Age, BAD! I've given you the reasons already, though, as to how I cannot. However, my parents, sharing such evil ideas as I (It's in our blood, although I am a bastard >.>...), suggested that I send it to a publishing company, tell them, of course, that it's merely a fan fiction about the Legend of Zelda, and see if they can do it. If Nintendo gives the go-ahead, there's one advantage:
The publishing company will be blamed for everything else, not me. I've got a shield! :D. Chances are that it will go on shelves, I get ratted out, and the sales have to stop, so buy it quick! ... It's just an idea, though. I highly doubt it'll work out, so don't cross you fingers, or, in Kasei's case, whatever it is robots have in replacement for fingers :P.

I'm also working on making an Age of Chaos trailer myself, following Kasei's example. It looks fun, and movies are fun to make, using clips from other things and such. I'll try to finish composing the music I have going for Age of Chaos (Ya, I have music! I'll get to the details of that in my next paragraph. I'm freaking out, about one particular thing, by the way!!!), so that I can put it into the trailer. Once I have everyone's characters planned out and written in stone, I'll double-check and give you the idea of who they are again, in another update, savvy?

NOW!! THE MUSIC!! THE MUSIC!!!!! OKAY, OKAY! -takes a chill pill- (sighs with relief) OK!!! HERE IS WHERE WE STAND WITH T H E M U S I C ! ! ! I have gathered to myself... -chuckled with immense excitement- ... to myself... -omgomgomgomg- .... -eats whole capsule of chill pills- -brr- OK! ...

So ya, that is the story of my life, everyone! Have a Merry Christmas, not a Happy Holiday. Being politically correct makes religious people look at you like you're a faggot. I already know what I'm getting ^^. My present to you, my fellow adventurers, is the prologue, and a later present for the trailer and awesome ORCHESTRATED music of my composition and total awesomeness :). Upon Christmas will mark the 8th anniversary of my Zelda fanfare, and the dawn that would at last set and be whole and complete with Age of Chaos. Cheers! Have a happy new year, too. 2009, everyone. :D Later.
-Jim (I'm in the habit of putting my signature in. I'm getting a new one pretty soon).
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:42 pm
Another update, everybody! Fasten your seatbelts!!

I like the idea, and I find it quite necessary....


Book I: Rise of the Exiles

Book II: Deepest Rivalries

Book III: Elemental Upbringing

book IV: Legend's Reunion

I need four books primarily because there are four key stages of the story: The first key wave of Exile forces, rising unexpectedly, the greater attempt to counter the Enemy, going out and trying to save others despite the threats currently being faced, and then going to one final battle field to officially decide the fate of Hyrule, all or nothing. Originally, the third and fourth stages were just going to be different parts of Book III, Legend's Reunion. I realize that the events in both stages are so important that they must be separate. So yes, THERE WILL BE FOUR BOOKS!

Aside from that, in case you don't go to the HA2 Talk Forum, I'm offering to compose music for whoever wants it. There's a chance to win a free one, and then after that, if you don't get it, it will cost you 500 rupees to get one, and 1000 for an NPC. I'm working currently on the location songs, and they are coming along nicely, as well as Nogare's theme. When it's done, I hope you like it! :D

So, as of... *checks time...*... 20 minutes from now, I have a final exam to write, which I'll be at for at least 3 hours, and then i'll be home, free to prepare my stories! that goes for improving and actually making my HA2 storyline (finishing the creating of it, anyway), writing up some music, and working on some Age of Chaos things.

Leth has withdrawn from Age, it seems! (correct me if I'm wrong). I am going to be working on making a new Leth, and making some battle plans! Until next time, fellow adventurers!