Searching the Three Part 1

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:00 pm
Edward is lucky, and the Goddesses show their favor to the Mage(12 + 9 [roll + INT]) healing 17 HP. However, he is unlucky as Shuhan immediately charges again. He fakes a thrust, jumps to Edward's left, and stabbed into his ribs. However, the attack is easily dodged (3 + 6 [roll + AGI).

Cassandra gives Aiden a taunting look. She holds her hands out to her and the four crystals move suddenly and frighteningly fast toward Aiden. She is able to resist most of the attack (20 + 1 [roll + INT]) and takes only four damage from the crystals.

After Cassandra does this, X raises his staff into the air."Elemental Explosion!" he shouts. Five orbs form around the staff and they each fly toward separate targets.
As they fly to each of the fighters, they begin to turn black. "Shadow!" he yells. Edward only takes half damage from resisting some of the attack (20 + 9 roll + INT]) subtracting 16 HP. Aiden is unable to resist the attack (10 + 1 [roll + INT]) but is strong against shadow so the attack does only 19 damage. Kurita is also unable to resist the spell (12 + 4 [roll +INT]) and loses 32 HP including weakness. Kon is unable to resist (7 + 6 [roll + INT]) and loses 32 HP as well. Kuro's attempts are mostly successful and he absorbs half the attack(17 + 4 [roll + INT]) losing 16 HP.

Kon, Kurita, and Kuro each eye their foe's movements waiting for a chance to dodge. [Dodge Check for all three of 'em]


Shuhan: HP 80, SPL 24

Cassandra: HP100, SPL 36

X: HP 81, SPL 96

Edward: HP 11, SPL 23

Aiden: HP 8, SPL 8

Kurita: HP 62, SPL 19

Kon: HP 32, SPL 25

Kuro: HP 22, SPL 5
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison
Brizzy Level 5
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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:02 pm
Aiden was never one to give up, even though she was feeling the hurt for sure. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest sending her blood pumping at an accelerated rate. All of her senses were spiked, ready for any and everything. When the crystals came she was ready, but the orb was unexpected and she hadn't been watching him. Without taking her eyes off Cassandra she took the hit, not even buckling or crying out. Then, with a jolt of motion she attacked.

Lunging forward she crouched low and with her dagger sliced high, but from her crouched position high was chest, or arms if she tried to block. Then, hit or miss, she moved, launching herself between the woman's legs, hopefully out of the way of any attack. On the other side she'd face her opponent's back in fighting stance, breating heavily.

DEF 13(armor) SPI 2 SPL 13
AGI 6 HP 32
Weapon Deku Dagger
Armor L1 Jerkin
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:02 pm
After X's magic blow Edward was knocked out for a moment, but bravely stood up again. His cap his the young man's face in an ink black shadow. A dim light came from Edward's perfect white teeth that almost seemed to radiate some light as a most terrible laugh appeared on his darkened face.
"I lowlife.. have now...made a terrible mistake...not only do you deny beauty but also you destroy it! A thousand death's arn't enough for you!"
His hands ominously sparked with energy that would soon be released.
"In darkest hour of night, I summon thee powers to fight a path through the sinful blasphemous, and bring thine divine radiance back to mother earth Light elemental burst!"
With the last word spoken the energy formed a simple orb and rushed at the target in Edward's mind. ( Cassandra )
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:47 pm
Aiden's attack fails miserably as Cassandra is able to step aside in time to avoid the attack (5 + 6 [roll + AGI]). Instead of slashing immediately, Cassandra raises her arms in the air once more, creating four ice crystals.

Cassandra's arms instinctively raise in an attempt to resist the sphere of magic headed her way. Her attempt were to no avail though, as the magic is too strong for her to resist (17 + 1 [roll + AGI]). The attack does devastating 45 damage.

Shuhan thrusts once more at Edward's chest. The attack is a complete success (17 + 6 - 1[roll + AGI - penalty]) and finishes off Edward by knocking him out.

X charges over to Aiden and brings his staff down on her shoulder. The spear crashes into her shoulder (12 + 4 [roll + AGI]) and knocks her out too. X turns his head to Kuro and begins to laugh. "Looks like your friends haven't got enough energy left to fight. We might as well finish you off too." After this was said, his arms raised in the air and magic began to accumulate around his hands.

Before he was able to attack though, he was stopped by a sword hitting his arms. The swordsman that had hit him was standing next to him. It was a Rito dressed in a white tunic with a sword in his right hand. "Yuki, heal the unconscious ones," he said.

Another Rito nodded. The other Rito was dressed in a white robe. She made her way to Edward and Aiden, healing each of them to full health. When she finished she looked at Kuro. "Are you Kuro?" she asked.

Kuro nodded. Then he looked over to the three assassins. They were gone! 'Where did they go?" he asked.

"I think they used Farore's wind," the Rito with the sword replied.

He had no time to say anything else, because Kuro immediately began running in the direction of North Castle. Kon sighed and followed. Kurita did as well. The two Ritos looked at each other with confused looks and tool up flight and followed as well. Do you want to <a href=" ... php?t=2536"> follow him?</a>

OOC: That's the end of part one. Not much else to say.
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison