kin's revenge part 2: training day [kin's house]

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:13 pm
"You are the master of ignorance!" Kon shouted. "I've told you so many times that I'm thirsty!" Kon's complaint was stopped dead in it's tracks when he received the black cloak. "What are we? The army? These things look hideous. I'm keeping my cloak," Kon said. He held out his arms as if to show off the black cloak with blue clouds.

Kuro and the rest of his group decided to keep their cloaks as well.
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kinrinku Level 5
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:44 pm
"Ok then." Kin said. It was only the afternoon, so we had to pass the time.
Rose said "me and Kin is going in." Kin said "We are...ok" Kin know they were going to make out.

OOC:Isaku will talk to you.

IC: "Hey, anyone wants to fight?" Isaku said after being defeated my Kin.
L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:49 pm
Tatsu walks out from the front of the house, and he was rubbing his eye. "Hey lance you wanna fight now?" Tatsu said as he puled out his sword, and lit it on fire. Tatsu was preparing himself for the fight.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:20 pm
Lance had been in the middle of heckling the previous fight when Tatsu asked for a match. Lance stood up and grabbed his spear. "Yeah, I'll fight you," he said. He moved to the middle of the ring and got into a battle pose.

OOC: Do you want to RP this, or do you want a stat battle?
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:10 pm
OOC:i like rp battles, there easier.

IC:Tatsu then jumped and slashed at Lance. "Haha too slow." He said as he charged at lance in a normal speed.

OOC:is it ok, if i copy all this, and use yur guy's characters in a story?
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:27 pm
OOC: Do you mean like a fanfiction? If so, It's fine if you use my characters. As long as I get credit for being their creator. :wink:

IC: Lance jumped into the air, landing behind Tatsu. He held out his free hand and formed an orb of light. "Elemental Burst! Light!" The orbed shot out at blinding speed toward Tatsu, aiming for his chest.
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kinrinku Level 5
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Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:58 pm
It was sundown now. The air was colder than earlier.Kin walked out of the house with Rose still hugging him. He seen Tatsu and Lance fighting." Isaku what happened." Kin said. Isaku said "Tatsu challenged Lance to a battle.

OOC:When the fight is over, we will move to kin's revenge part 3: old friends.
L4 Sheikah
AGI:1+3(race bonus) + (deku agility) = 4
INT: 3
SPI: 3
SPL: 3 (base class) * 4 (your level) = 12( exceptional spell) 13
HP: 20 (base) + 3(SPI) = 23 + 10 (exceptional health lv1) 33
shadowmeld, elemental explosion lv1, polymorph lv1, elemental burst lv1, exceptional heath lv1,Deku Agility L1,Exceptional Spell lv1
tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Tatsu looked shoked at the orb of light coming at him. "nice spell, but not good enough." Tatsu said as he cut the orb in half. Tatsu then nelt down and put his left hand on the ground. "Now you can see one of my true powers." He said as his arm glowed a bloody red. " I now summon the beast of my shadow. Shadow Creation!!" He said as a pitch black dodongo appeared out of his shadow. The mighy beast roared, and charged at lance.

OOC: Thanks kuro rinku, and yes you will be given credit.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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HP 51
Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:25 pm
Lance grinned at Tatsu as he formed the beast. "That's not near good enough," he said. He charged in a zigzag at Tatsu, completely ignoring the beast. Lance ran in circles around Tatsu. Several afterimages being left behind. He finally headed strait for Tatsu. his spear moving to hit his face. But, just before it would normally collide with it's target, Lance disappeared! He reappeared behind Tatsu aiming to stick his spear in Tatsu's back. All of this happened in a couple of seconds.
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:53 pm
Tatsu was amused with what lance had done. "Pretty good, pretty good, but I wonder if you forgot my main power? the reason I can move so fast, is because of the shadows." he said as he dissappeared. then re-appeared on the dodongo. "As long as there is a shadow, I can be wherever I wish." He stated. Even though he also knew using this power would were him down, tatsu then dissapeared, and emerged from lances shadow. "Now were was I?" He stated as he put his sword at lances neck.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:00 pm
"Wait. So you can only go wherever there's a shadow? That sounds a bit limiting if you ask me," Lance said. His body disappeared in a puff of smoke. Then, four bodies appeared and began to circle Tatsu. The end of the spear of each of Lance's clone's ignited in an inferno of flames that didn't burn upwards at all. Each of them pointed their spears at Tatsu and shot a sequence of three honing flames. "Battles aren't merely about power, Tatsu. They are also a test of skill. Do you have what it takes to avoid this?" each of the clones spoke this at the same time.
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:57 pm
"Skill ehh." Tatsu said as he let his body be engulfed in the flame. "AHHH!!!" He yelled as the flames dissbanded. Tatsu's left arm was burnt, and bloodied. "Thats the last time I let you hit me." He said as he sliced at all the clones in one swing.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:50 pm
The clones disappeared, but the flames did not on the end of the spears did not. The flames converged in front of Tatsu, forming a body. The flames turned to Lance, who charged at Tatsu aiming to bring the spear through Tatsu's face. A split second before the spear hit, Lance disappeared in a puff of smoke. the real Lance was behind Tatsu, with the butt of the spear being brought on Tatsu's head.
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tatsu_hitsugi Level 5
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Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:52 pm
Tatsu looked at lance, and turned around. Then all the shadows around the two created 4 tatsu. "I can make 'em too." Tatsu said as all 5 tatsu's rearanged themselves so that no-matter where lance moves, he's dead. one with a knife on his neck, another with a sword at his foot just incase he tries to duck down. then one waiting with a bow and three arrows just incase lance jumps, the real tatsu took lances spear, and pointed it at him. and the last is waiting for lance to do something unpredictable. "Now say you aren't pinned." Tatsu said as he smirked at lance.

OOC: i hope i didn't god mod..... i already got busted with that, on my second week here.
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.

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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:19 pm
OOC: I didn't see any god-modding.

IC:"I'm not pinned," Lance said sarcastically. He grinned. "Alright, I give up. You win. Only because I haven't perfected a little technique of mine. I wont tell you what it is though. I might end up fighting you again," Lance explained.

"When do we leave?" Kon asked from a distance. "This is getting boring."

OOC: If this would have continued any longer, I probably would have done something from Dragon Ball Z, since I've been playing it since school got out. Every time I close my eyes, I see Goku for some reason. :shock:
STR 3//DEF 17//AGI 3//INT 4//SPI 2//HP 72
SPL 8//Will 8
Immune to Gohma's poison