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Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:45 pm
by phantompigcollector
His face still isolated darkness, the zora replies:

"Check in the chest. There's quite a few scraps laying around after I opened the book. Most of the pages are ripped out but maybe the few scraps there will give you a bit more to work on."

''Smiled sw...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:49 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor nodded and followed Julian's advice. Walking over to the open chest, he looked around for scraps...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:05 pm
by Sheng Long
The chest contains nothing but... The window on the wall draws your attention, the latch has been broken... from the inside!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:17 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Looking up from the empty chest, Victor spots the broken latch. A look of excitement crosses his face, and he turns to Julian.

"Look! The window's latch is broken!"

Then, moving closer to the window, the bard examined the lock. It seemed to have been broken from the inside...

"Julian, someone, or something, escaped from this window. Maybe it was whatever killed that girl!"

OOC: Welcome back, Sheng Long!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:34 pm
by phantompigcollector
The zora, broken from his train of rythmic thought, walks toward the window sill, his hand brushing along the side of the wall. He's obviously very absorbed into the mystery of this unknown girl, strange. A zora like him shouldn't care about anything let alone the culprit of a murder crime.

His hands, skeletons, reach out towards the windows stained frame. He looks out the window, his fingers thumbing around with the broken latch.

"Strange, why would the murderer leave through the window if he killed the girl down stairs. What would cause him to break the window from up here and leave? Perhaps he was in danger of being found...Perhaps...this murder is fresh."

Julian turns around, his eyes closed, his mind striken with doubt. He raises one hand as he silently tells the bard that there is no use in examining that window.

"All we have are theories. Nothing solid. Pure speculation. We need something that will lead us on his path!"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:51 pm
by Sheng Long
OOC: thanks, good to be back.
Erm... listen guys I'd love to continue this but I CAN'T NARRATE IF YOU DON'T DO ANY THING! Get off your buts and search!

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:59 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: OK, OK! Jeez! :D

IC: Slightly upset with Julian's pessimistic outlook, Victor shrugged his shoulders.

"Theories are meant to be proven."

Then, opening the window, he took a look outside of the house to see what he could see...

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:09 pm
by Sheng Long
You can see the skyline of the city laid out before you, the houses toped in snow and the round white forms of pigieons. When did it become winter... But no matter there along the rooftop a trail of bloody footprints...

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:30 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Smiling, Victor leaned out of the window as he called back to Julian:

"You said you wanted a path? Well there it is!"

Then, reentering the room, Victor pointed through the window at the footprints. A sly grin on his face, he looked at Julian.

"I'm gonna follow them."

And with that, he was out of the window, following the footprints to wherever they may lead...

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:57 pm
by phantompigcollector
Shock striken, he breaks from his pessimistic trance and looks backed, His eyes widening as he sees the bard escape through the window. Without a seconds notice, the zora runs across the room and leaps through the open window, his staff breaking out of his robes in a hurry as it too chases after the bard.

"What makes you think you can apprehend this guy, bard? All you have is a dagger and flute(this is before you got the harp)!"

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, he manages to catch up to the Hylian quite fast, his feet leaving marks next to their crimson counter part. The snow, decorating the shoulder tops and hood of his cloak barely cause a shiver to run up his skeleton like spine. He glances at the red footprints, seeming to run endlessly. His face, a blue stone, blows wisps of smoke as the endless houses begin to pull at his endurance. When will this trail end?