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Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:11 pm
by Zeldaforever
After thinking for a long while, a ominous thought strikes Hiro. "What if- What if she was in there? And our fighting killed her? Was this part of Z-Quesadilla's plan?"

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:01 pm
by Zelda Veteran
OOC: LMAO!! your remarks get funnier every time!! lolololol!

IC: Dogura closes his eyes, and puts a finger on his forehead. hmm... yes... the Oracle has... not died... but the signal is weak... and fading.. Im afraid there is nothing we can do to save her.. Ahh.. But i can!..Zartyn speaks... I have the power to save her... all you have to do is hand her over to me... he sneers.
Dogura gets a concerned look in his eyes... he turns to waddles, Blank, and Hiro.. What are we to do?... Risk the disaster of the melenium, or let the oracle die, and let another disaster take place?... Its all so Chaotic... Zartyn speaks impatiently. Time is not something I have, and my nerves are shot... Ganondorfs voice once again pierces the night air. GIVE THE ORACLE TO ME NOW IF YOU HAVE ANY HOPES OF SAVING HER PUNY INSIGNIFICANT LIFE!!! Dogura casts a worried look at the others, as he ponders harder than evr before...

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:55 pm
by Zeldaforever
"Don't do it. Z-Chicken-sandwich-eatin-fool wants to kill her anyway. So why not let her die here? Let's find her. I can ressurect her with my life spell. Speaking of which-" Hiro puts his hand on his chest. With the life spell, Hiro is healed from the battle. "Thats better. Now, let's find her!"

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:48 pm
by Pabru
The hylian walks along the road when here heres a strange din erupt from the nearby forest. He goes forward to investigate, and sees the battle come to an end. He surveys his surroundings and sees the calm tranquility of the shrine disrupted by battle. The magic that comes with the wind is distrupted and is just starting again. The hylian frowns what kind of person would wish do to battle in such a peaceful place. What pervesion walks this land that seeks to disturb the perfect harmony of Farore's shrine. He decides he is going to find out. "Who are you that fight here near the holy ground of the goddess. Why do wage battle in this wonderful place?"

He tries to gain courage from Farore as he continues to find signs of the heated battle that took place moments before. The damage done to the land from the attacks and magic were great. The hylian, who is a novice in the ways of war, does not think he is prepared to oppose such a great force.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:15 am
by Pabru
The hylian, when he realizes the others have alread y left continues to walk forward, and pulls a green gem out of his pouch. He places the gem in the water, and it starts to sparkle and then glow. "Now for the last gem..."

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:57 pm
by Zeldaforever
"I am the king of Incinera, and knight of fire, Hiro Infinite. This is Blank Fireside, knight of darkness. I don't know about dogura, but Waddles is also one of us and soon to be knight of light. So I want to ask you: Who are you?" Hiro points his sword at Pabru, feeling that he may be a foe.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:55 am
by Pabru
"I am Pyralin. I fight for the glory of the gods, and nature. I am a simple traveller in awe of the size of the world. I do not wish to fight, but if you force me to I will, though I am only a novice. I have heard a lot about the Incineran knights and their prowess, but could you tell me more about them.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:08 pm
by Zelda Veteran
OOC:sorry for the wait guys

IC: PYRALIN! Dogura Teleports in front of him, and blocks a purple beam. Dogura glances at the new commer. Listin to me, you either fight with us to destroy this evil, or let the tranquility of all that is peaceful fall to burning embers! Make your choise! NOW! The deep voice from within Zartyns body speaks once more, this time more menacing than ever... So be it… If you will not tell me, I will go from village to village destroying all that is dear to you until I get what I am looking for… Give me the oracle or let the entire land perish. It is up to you who dies, and who doesent… DAMN IT! Dogura screams.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:39 am
by Zeldaforever
Hiro punches Dogura. "Get a hold of yourself! Everything will be fine as long as we are calm. If Z-Popsicle gets the oracle then he will destroy all life anyway! Whatever we do, we should not hand her over! We must hurry and heal her!!" Hiro moves rubble until he sees the oracle. Firing Life Spells into her like a defibrilator (spelling?) he notices its no use. "Z-Cornflake is right... Life Spells don't work on this much damage..."