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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:11 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: Please, PLEASE let it aim its attack at Alpha!
Victor couldn't help but be surprised when the Gohma managed to take a bite out of him in its present state, and thought he jumped back mostly because of the pain the initial shock would've been enough to make him stagger backwards. If he wasn't in the middle of a fight the Bard might've wondered how it was even possible, but Alpha's order reminded him of the spider's now-revealed eye...
Moving a good distance away from the Gohma, Victor sheathed his dagger and pulled out his bow instead. Once he was far enough to get a good shot of the eye, the Bard loaded the weapon with a fresh arrow and pulled the string taut, waiting until Alpha was out of the way before letting the projectile soar...
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:47 pm
by Alpha
OOC: Yeah, yeah, fine. Let it try to hit me...after all, I'm not nearly as weak as Victor is!
OOC: As the head collapsed and became utterly useless, Alpha leapt backwards, surveying his options. Realizing that Victor couldn't withstand another attack, the Sheikah decided that it was necessary to attract the eye's attention. So, with his staff once more in hand, he flew forward and attempted a close-range, eye-stinging strike on the only part of the beast that remained...somewhat alive...
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:01 pm
by Blank
OOC: I'm not doing this to be mean, but the beam attacks both of you

But it's weak, you should be fine! Depending on how often it uses that attack
With most of the Gohma now just a spewing assortment of torn limbs and dented, blood-soaked fuzzy organs and various body parts, the Eye was the sole target of the two adventurers. In a state of fright, it had called upon its defense mechanism, a beam of powerful energy that encased any threat present. It was a similar technique that seemed to emulate that of the Beamos statues which inhabited temples, ruins and dungeons throughout the world. The beam being the only method of defense left for the Eye to utilize, it was sure to charge the energy before unleashing it on its assailants. The charging process would probably last about two turns. However, with its head destroyed and its brain cells depleted, the mechanism was far from perfect. What once would have been a powerful attack now lacked the energy to do much damage.
Victor's arrow hit its intended target (20+6[Roll+Agi]), dealing a decent ten points of damage. A different form of the squish! sound could be heard echoing throughout the Hospital chamber. Imagine the sound of your own eyeball popping under pressure; not a decent noise to make. The Gohma - or at least, what remained of it - jiggled violently under the pain that the arrow's pointed shaft inflicted.
Alpha's precise staff-swinging technique worked its skillful actions again, clubbing the eye (14+4[Roll+Agi]) and taking with it ten more points. A similar sound was emitted, but it had a certain aspect to it that could not be mistaken. Perhaps it was the loud thunk! No matter what sound it was, there could be no doubt that the damage had been dealt and that the Gohma was suffering more pain than ever before.
One turn remained for the Eye's charging process.
Victor Hp: 11
Alpha Hp: 38
Alpha Spl: 2
Eye Hp: 80
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:11 am
by Alpha
Alpha, gladdened by the fact that the attack hits it square on - though, without being able to move, it's rather hard to think it would do otherwise - is nonetheless disappointed by the fact that the Ghoma's eye continues to gather energy. "Keep going, Victor! We have to hit it quickly!" Matching actions to words, he brings his staff around so quickly that it actually seems to leave a crescent-shaped trail behind it as it screams in towards the sole remaining part of the beast.
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:54 pm
by Blank
OOC: To be extra mean, I'm gonna make each "turn" interval equal to one post by me. So if I post before both of you get a chance to, it still counts as one turn :p
... Nah. I'm not
that evil. Close, though
As Alpha's staff comes flying towards its disturbed target, one could hear the air being cut. Needless to say, it was a decent movement. Decent enough to impress even the best of staff-swingers. Who else but Meridel, the hostile female Intelligent One, would use the Gohma battle as a test of the separate powers of Victor and Alpha's power? Not many would, but she could not resist seeing her query obliterate foes as she had heard he could. She stared at Victor, as well, impressed at his incredible skills as well. In the shadows of the Hospital room, none could see her.
He does not give himself due credit for his fighting, thought the ghastly Hylian, observing the battle and taking note of the bard's power.
Perhaps he will be useful as well. Meridel had come for Alpha's response, silent as the shadows themselves.
Alpha's attack managed to find its stationary target, striking hard and dealing its due damage. The eye was beginning to change color. It had been white, like any eye, but was now a faded shade of green. This was either a sign of depletion, or an indicator of an almost fully charged beam. Of course, one would hope for the former.
Victor Hp: 11
Alpha Hp: 38
Alpha Spl: 2
Eye Hp: 70
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:31 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: OK, phew. I'll admit I've been a little lazy as of late, but hopefully school will remove that laziness from my system... Yes, that's right, I used a derivation of "hope" and the word "school" in the same sentence.
Letting a soft "Yes!" escape through his lips, Victor quietly cheered Alpha's successful attack. It certainly seemed like the tides had turned in their favor at last, and this of course made the Bard ecstatic. So, taking Alpha's advice yet again, he armed his bow with another arrow and fired towards the eye for what he hoped would be another hit...
Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:39 pm
by Blank
OOC: You? Lazy? C'mon, this is my own topic and I'm neglecting it.
That's lazy

I want this Gohma dead as quick as possible, so here goes... Oh! And since we've been to the equality of two turns each, it's the eye's turn!
Meridel adopted a smug grin as Victor's arrow was fired from his fine Deku Bow, and stared approvingly as the dangerous missile torpedoes through the air at the helpless Gohma eye. The arrow found its target with great ease, and actually managed to fly straight through. A sickening splash of slime sounded out in the dark room, followed by the sound of the Eye filling in the gaping hole in its disgusting build.
A blinding flash of red light shot from each cell on the eye; its charge was complete, and it was utilising its defense at long last. The unstoppable beam struck Alpha and Victor immediately, before either of them had time to react. It was indeed fortunate that the head had been destroyed, or the bard would have died in the attack. As the light dims again, the battle resumes, and the charge commences.
Victor Hp: 6
Alpha Hp: 33
Alpha Spl: 2
Eye Hp: 60
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:09 am
by Alpha
Alpha tries to resist the beam that the eye shoots out at the two of them, but quickly discovers that such a thing is impossible...and unnecessary. The attack does negligible damage, to put it severely. His focus changes from trying to resist the attack to trying to resist laughing out loud, but he still can't stop his lips from forming a smirk.
But, though the eye's attempt is indeed laughable, the hooded Sheikah knows that the fight is still far from over, and Victor's health has to be running low at this point. They have to finish the fight quickly, or the bard won't stand much of a chance. So once again he grabs his staff and smashes it into the pupil of the Oblivion Ghoma.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:45 pm
by Blank
The same sickening splatter of the eye's slimy apparatus being knocked in echoed throughout the West Wing. There was a sizable dent where the pupil would normally be, and it did little to make the eye seem to be a fearsome enemy. In a somewhat comical shape now, it attempted to stabilize itself and reform into its original composure. When the pupil reappeared, it was glowing in an off-red color, indicating that the charge was about one quarter complete. The Eye suffered ten points of damage, and the battle progress could now be officially declared as a half-way point
Victor Hp: 6
Alpha Hp: 33
Alpha Spl: 2
Eye Hp: 50
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:54 am
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: Sorry about that, guys. I'm a lazy fool. Also, my site went kaput, and I had to find a new host and reupload all the files, so I spent most of my time doing that and trying to keep up with Alpha's topic somewhat. Anyways...
IC: Fatigue was finally starting to overwhelm Victor, and he knew that he was toeing the line between life and death. Knowing this, he began considering his options; the eye didn't do much damage, and it was likely that he could leave to see the end of the battle. However, he knew that there was a chance that another battle would come up at some point in time, and the Bard realized that he wouldn't survive any other battles in his current state. A healing spell was looking pretty good right about now, however... if he used one now, the fight would probably last longer than it had to. So, taking both plans into consideration, he chose the latter and decided to continue fighting.
Bringing a now arrow-laden bow up again, he aimed for the spider's eye and fired away, sincerely hoping that he had chosen the right plan...
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:24 pm
by Blank
OOC: Your site went down? Bummer, Victor. At least you have a good excuse; I've just been lazy. But not tonight! I've actually got a list of Topics To Post In, and if I don't have it completed before I head off to bed, I ultimately fail
Twang! came the plucking of the bowstring through the chamber of an Intelligent One's mother. Time seemed to stop as the barbed shaft traveled towards its targeted point, fired by the kindly bard as an attempt to end a battle conceived by the dark agenda of a host of mysterious unknowns, and one could almost see the muggy air in the buried hospital being divided, seared into two directions by the dangerous arrow.
The Gohma's body parts were beginning to decay, at an alarming rate unexpected by any man. Scholars would have difficulty deciding what had caused the decomposition to proceed so early; the legs, head and body had only been destroyed minutes ago. Of course, the Gohma had been slowly rotting away in this forsaken hospital for ages untold. The spider would stink regardless of its severed limbs and organs. Meridel had grown accustomed to the awful smell of her minions; she had learned to ignore the odor. Fortunate for her, of course. Soon the stench would be taken in as toxic.
Back in the reality of the battle, Victor's arrow found its target, of course, and sailed through as had the previous projectile. The recurring reanimation of the Eye progressed, but the optical specimen was becoming stranger by the minute. With each inflicted injury, the shape became more oblong, and the color changed shades of green with each beating. There was a twist of red to the Eye now. One would be safe to assume the battle was nearing completion.
Victor Hp: 6
Alpha Hp: 33
Alpha Spl: 2
Eye Hp: 40
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:52 pm
by Alpha
'This is getting gross,' Alpha thinks with a shrug. The eye's continued convulsions are indeed enough to make a normal man feel slightly disgusted. Of course, with Alpha's past, such things are a common occurance. The smell is getting annoying too, but it isn't like the Sheikah haa anything better to do.
Still, the collapsing form of the pupil does indeed bode well for Alpha and Victor. So, this time seeming to put little - if any - effort into his swing, he brings his staff around in a crescent movement, pounding...'No, that's not the right word...can't really pound gelatonous eyeballs...poking?, at this point there's hardly anything left to poke...'
Alpha continues on like this for several seconds before he finally comes to a word that sounds somewhat adequate. Though he doesn't really care for it, it is the only thing he can think of to describe the attack. 'Smacking the eye,' he thinks with a frown. It might be an odd choice of words, but it works.
Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:34 pm
by Blank
While Alpha had been unable to "poke" the eye, he was still able to get a good smack in. The eye blinked, the hairy flesh encasing the eye and giving the white area a much glossier shine. This did nothing for the eye's survival; it was simply a natural and necessary function. The reddening aura continued to shine in the pupil, indicating the charge. By this point, the Gohma was becoming formidably ugly, more so than ever before. And that was saying a lot, as this was quite possibly the ugliest spider alive.
Alpha's "smack" inflicted its due 10 DMG, reducing the eye's overall health again. By now, there were few unique spectacles concerning the appearance. Dripping fluids, eyes becoming more and more crimson-toned by the minute, and the pupils glowing brighter with each attack were all common occurrences. Nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the Gohma's twisted existence.
What was truly unexpected was the cloaked figure that appeared by the door of the chamber, shaking her head at the odd sight. A mangled Gohma lay defenseless as two men garbed similarly fired arrows and applied hefty staff blows without consequence. She smiled behind her hood, stepping calmly into the fray and extracting a plain-looking sword from out of nowhere. Perhaps she had been carrying it the entire time, but no one would have noticed anyway. Very nonchalant, she addressed the battle-weary men that she knew were named Alpha and Victor.
"Name's Trish," she said, appearance still barred by her hood. She obviously had no intention on revealing her face; one could never know when an Intelligent One lurked nearby. "Looks like you two have gotten yourselves into some trouble. Derix and Eyra told me everything." Although the eye had almost been finished off, Trish spun her sword and drove it into the stationary enemy, easily dealing another 10 DMG. She was obviously very skilled with her sword.
Victor Hp: 5
Alpha Hp: 33
Alpha Spl: 2
Trish Hp: 50
Eye Hp: 20
Charge: 1 Hit remaining.
OOC: Because I'm so kind, Trish's attacks don't add to the charge

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:50 pm
by Alpha
Alpha raises an eyebrow at the newcomer. For a second he is stunned; then he wants to go down and beat Derix and Eyra until they can remember what he had told them - the Intelligent Ones aren't after Alpha or Victor; the same cannot be said of the others, including this 'Trish' girl. The fact that she is up here means that she had traveled by herself for some distance, exposing herself to the Intelligent Ones' possible strikes. The fact that she is still alive does not diminish the foolishness of such a maneuver.
Then the Sheikah becomes confused. 'How did she get up here? The stairs collapsed behind us when we reached this floor. And I didn't see any other ways to get this high up the building...' He is tempted to reach up and scratch his head in response to these thoughts, but that would mean releasing his staff from his grasp. Even with the Eye being extremely weakened, its glow still proves that it is alive and capable of dealing some - though not much - damage.
Stunned and confused; those two words describe Alpha perfectly. And he responses the way he always does when he feels this way: he beats something up. In battle, this reply to emotions in quite satisfying, as it results in the defeat of a multitude of enemies.
In this case, the response is translated into another beatdown upon the Ghoma's eyeball.
Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:32 pm
by Blank
Any rage, confusion or sheer frustration Alpha may have been feeling upon the arrival of the woman that called herself Trish only fuelled his attack. His staff smashed into the eye with a resounding splash, the expected goopy material exploding from the ocular organ and splattering on the floor in the many puddles that had formed. Alpha's ordinary 10 DMG was dealt.
The Ghoma was not particularly impressed. Its eye had become a terrible shade of red; a deeper crimson was seldom seen by most eyes. The monstrous arachnid completed the final preparations of its charge; the beam would be flashed at any second. In fact, the defensive counterattack occurred only seconds after the mage's staff hit home, and as had been the case when the charge had been completed previously, it was inescapable. Trish and Alpha received what seemed to be minor damage, but Victor's health had been reduced to only a shred.
Trish did not appreciate this defensive tactic. She had come to assist in the battle, and had been unexpectedly attacked by the near-dead Ghoma. Left eyebrow raised, her unseen expression signified the amusement she felt watching the dieing creature's attempt to be the victor of the battle. Taking her sword in hand, she expertly wielded the blade directly into the pupil of the once fearsome spider, twisting her arm to finish it off with a valiant technique.
The remains of the Oblivion Ghoma - the cycloptic eye - faltered for a moment, its apparatus rippling under the stress from the ten attacks inflicted upon it. The final movements cased, and the Ghoma was truly dead at last. The smell was awful, but there was nothing that could be done. Luckily, however, the decomposing spider burst into the trademark purple haze of the Cursed Ones' defeat. Although the smell lingered, it would not continue to build. In its place, an enormous chest appeared. Had the Ghoma's stomach housed this? Or had its death simply triggered its appearance?
Trish stood flicked her blade, removing any wet blood from the sword she held. Placing it behind her, it seemed to disappear, or perhaps focus on it had just been lost. It did not really matter. Her hood remained drawn, but she appeared to be relaxed. "Go on, Alpha. Open it up." she said calmly, ignoring the scent that lingered in the room.