OOC: Okay, I think that after the last round, we've established that Lerick has 22 defense. So I'm not going to put in that part of the equation anymore, as I enjoy getting more than a half hour of sleep. Especially since I have tennis practice in exactly twelve hours.
See? I'm already learning...*yawn*...Now then...To work...!
IC:Lerick cursed to himself as the lithe Hylian flung himself into an attack once again; He had barely noticed the movement until he was close by, he had been so deep in thought.
I can't let that happen, must stay focused during combat! He lectured himself mentally as he shrunk backwards and twisted to minimize the chances of Pyre's strike landing.
PYRE: 5 + 6 (Roll)=11
The last minute maneuver worked, as the scimitar grazed harmlessly by his side, even the dagger that he hadn't seen because of the crafty maneuver only glanced his abdomen, and he didn't feel it through the armor. As the Hylian passed him, he heard a sound behind him, and whirled to see the strange looking kid from before taking another swipe at him.
WORRU: 6 + 13=19
OOC: Sorry, that stabbity death coupon expired, I suppose Lerick could redeem yours though.
IC: Just as before, Worru's strike was parried, the katana knocking away Swiftspirit roughly, and the child's dagger hand grasped by Lerick's free hand as the assassin brought his katana back viciously.
This kid is starting to annoy me. He shouldn't play with the adults if he isn't even near their level yet. It's time for a little discipline.
LERICK: 2 + 19 (Roll)=21
The straight blade cut through Worru's jerkin, although the armor did slow the blade slightly and stop it from cutting very deep. 11 damage was dealt as Lerick kicked the boy in the chest to push him away and released the wrist from his grip. He looked around for another one of the quick blind strikes this group seemed to enjoy pulling off, only to meet the gaze of a firey-haired Hylian. He held the gaze, eyeing the man as he twirled his wooden weapons of choice.
Is he actually going to try and engage me in a duel instead of using hit and run tactics? He wondered to himself. After seeing the battle so far, anybody who desired to duel Lerick mano e mano was either stupid or extremely confident. Or both. However, the Bomad ended up charging forward at breakneck speed just like his comrades, and Lerick brought his katana around from the left towards his foe as he hopped to the left, trying to block out the blades so he could get a shot at the new threat's back.
BLANK: 4 + 7=11
The plan succeeded; Both Deku blades collided with the katana and were held away from Lerick as he got out of the way of the Nomad's charge, the vibrations from the powerful strike causing him to wince a little. As he squinted from the unpleasant feeling in his arm, he saw a flash out of the corner of his eye, and out of instincts threw himself backwards to dodge the projectile.
KASEI: 7 + 8=15
Lerick's training taught him well, as the projectile flies over his horizontal airborne body, thudding into a picture frame that says "Home at last, peace at last" behind the counter. The frame shatters and glass fragments scatter across the floor, and more commotion is heard upstairs and in the hallway, where what few customers Polka had are waking up to a brawl. As Lerick rolled swiftly back to his feet, beginning to get a bit tired from the constant dodging, yet another sudden attack came from a dormant fighter. The purple-haired samurai rocketed across the room, tossing a dagger towards the fallen mercenary on the run and then struck at Lerick.
DOGURA: 6 + 15 + 3(Will)=24
The blade hummed as it flew towards the assassin's gut, his katana coming down too late to stop the samurai from dealing 9 DMG and sending him reeling. The chainmail had stopped the blade from cutting, but he was undoubtedly bruised on the spot and winded. He stumbled backwards, towards where his allies had arrived, although they seemed to have disappeared. That's when all hell broke loose.
The Recon cronies hadn't been attacked the entire time, unnoticed by the adventurers as they got into position, ready to unleash one of the stratagems they were able to perform without verbal communication. Then, as the samurai would most undoubtedly have the chance to finish Lerick off with a flurry of blows while he was winded, two daggers launched at every adventurer in the room besides Sabertache, who wasn't considered a threat at the moment.
RECONS: 8 + 20=28 (I feel sorry for whoever is randomly selected to be this target..)
OOC:The way I'm doing this is rolling a five sided die, Pyre has 1, so on, so forth. I'll change the sides to even it out after each one.
WORRU(I'm so sorry

):19 (
KASEI: Undoubtedly above 9, I'm not even gonna check. (
BLANK: 21 (
PYRE: 21 (
DOGURA: 20 (
If Worru had finally been starting to recover from Lerick's retaliation, he was only going to be occupied even longer as the two daggers found marks in his right forearm and left shin, causing another 12 DMG to the boy. Kasei nearly had his bow's string severed by one of the blades, but escaped the weapons unharmed, as did Blank and Pyre. Dogura, however, was caught after his attack and dealt 12 DMG as well from the metal projectiles. Lerick caught his breath as the party dealt with the sudden strike, and gave an approving nod to his allied; they very well could have saved his life there, and he knew enough not to make them do it again, as even the best make mistakes...
Yassen's eyes widened when he saw the mage form another ball of energy, and he knew that it was over before the attack had even been launched. As the Sheikah charges him, he throws his hands up as though to form a barrier between himself and the Shadow magic.
YASSEN: 1 + 15= 16
Yassen is thrown backwards as 18 DMG is dealt by the black sphere, horrible emotions washing over him, emanating from the pure despair that the magic is made of. He rolls several times as he tries to remain conscious; He's nearly at his limit, and it's as he's struggling to push himself up that an arrow whistles towards him, and he throws himself aside as he hears it coming, hoping his reaction training will pay off.
VICTOR: 3 + 7= 10
The arrow clinks on the ground and skitters off down the alley as Yassen succesfully throws himself out of it's path. As he lands, he hears another clinking, and turns his head to see a vial rolling across the alley floor in front of him. "Of course!" He murmurs to himself, reaching out and grabbing the container that had fallen from his robes. As he holds it up, there is enough dim lighting to see that it is filled with a translucent blue liquid, and gives off the slightest glow. Or is it absorbing the light? It's certainly a strange phenomenon, and it probably only got stranger when Yassen popped the cork out of the top of the vial and took a small sip of the liquid, grimacing but still choking it down.
It's apparent that it has an almost immediate affect on him. He jumped to the ground rather quickly, and seemed to have recovered ever so slightly. Not only that, but he seems to be moving faster than before, and his eyes have gotten ever so lighter. He twirls his two daggers expertly and takes off towards the duo, hoping to get close enough to where the mage won't cast any more spells for fear of hitting his friend. By the time he gets to them, however, they would definitely have attacked again, but he is confident he can dodge those now. In fact, he's confident that the battle is his. Nothing can take him down now; He's at the top of his game! His eyes darted back and forth as he ran.
Not to mention that I can already see more backup coming! He snickered to himself as he neared his targets.
They're finished! The Boss is going to love me after this!
OOC:This isn't a cheap
deus ex machina, this was a planned out event. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact you were whaling on him. Nope. Not at all.
Seriously though, it was planned, and this won't be the only time you see that happen. It gives a +5 buffer to AGI and +3 to INT and SPI. The round after that it's +3 to AGI, +2 to INT and SPI, then +1 to all three next time. So yeah. It also heals half of the health. Each vial has 3 doses, and more than one can be taken at a time, with...interesting...effects...
IC:Saber eyed the dagger with surprise. He had been a little dazed after Lerick's last blow, and hadn't even realized Dogura had passed until his trademark dagger lay in his lap. That's when he realized something; He didn't know how to use it.
I haven't trained in anything besides my saber...He thought bitterly as he recalled seeing almost every other adventurer he could think of striking with two weapons at once at one time or another.
That's a vital skill, and I've completely overlooked it. I'll have to work on it before I get to the Hideout...
He stashed the dagger in his belt for the time being, and hopped over the counter to retrieve his blade. It was lucky he did so, as it removed him as a possible target. As he grasped the saber, he heard the smashing glass above him as Kasei's attacker missed his mark. He covered his head and rose, taking in the new situation; Lerick had finally been hit by Dogura, but now both the samurai and Worru were injured, Worru getting the worst of it as far as he could tell. "Don't just attack him, get his support!" He shouted to his comrades, hoping to prevent any similar traps. He hefted his saber, glad to be reunited with it's familiar grip, as he vaulted back over the counter and prepared for whatever Lerick and his cronies would bring next.
Lerick: 51/60 HP
Yassen:24/40 HP 1st Vial: THREE TURNS LEFT
Recon 1, 2, 3, 4:12/30 HP
Recon 5:30/30 HP
Victor:20/41 HP
Alpha:40/54 HP, 12/40 SPL
Saber:30/41 HP
Pyre: 61/61 HP
Blank:51/51 HP
Dogura:49/61 HP
Kasei:40/40 HP
Worru:38/61 HP
Kesmi:23/23 HP
Orpheous:20/20 HP, 9/9 SPL
Matt: 42/42 HP, 52/52 SPL
Simon: 33/33 HP, 33/33 SPL