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Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:29 am
by kamakaziplumber
The convenience of Saber's V-necklace is lost on the unfeeling room, as it refuses to give up its secrets that easily. Instead of shining light into the shadows, it shines into the mercenary's eyes, blinding him immediately.

Hiro is luckier, however, as his greedy digging reveals a truly valuable item, considering the situation; it is a lamp, almost resembling a slightly flattened teapot. The surrounding riches, having been disturbed by the Thief's rummaging, give way to the lamp, and it slides down the pile, sloshing in the process. It would seem to have some oil left in it - perhaps it can be lit.

Darilan makes smart use of his other senses and finds the center of the room successfully. However, the raised platform does not seem out of the ordinary at all, although as the Scribe steps onto it, it creaks slightly.

Taint's treasure hunt was fruitful, as he was able to find both an unlit torch and... oh look at that! A key! The lucky Zora has taken the first step towards moving past this room, it seems.

Aria's trap-finding skills are not very useful on the chests, since they aren't trapped in the first place. But her check does reveal a bit of a snag - the left chest is locked, while the right is not.

Worru is rather useless as he stands there yelling at everyone.

Phillip fails to find anything useful because he fails to find anything at all. He should probably try to be less dumb.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:29 am
by Sabertache
Well, that was just unpleasant. Saber's precious posession betrayed him, and he was soon covering his eyes, screaming, and hopping around as if that would heal the burning in his retinas. He took off back into the room, and sure enough, tripped on that thing again, landing on top of the pile and hearing that weird instrument once more. He sobbed silently for a few more seconds before blowing his nose on some conveniently placed cloth beneath him, leaving a rather nasty green spot, and stood, wiping his eyes and calming down.

Well, guess I should try it again.

And so he did, returning to the entrance hall and playing with the necklace in an attempt to shine light into the room. With his eyes closed, this time. [Shiny Check]

HP: 44/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 7/9

OOC: I don't think you appreciate how stubborn I can be, KP :p

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:49 am
by shadowlink13
Still feeling the effects of the mushrooms he'd eaten, Darilan jumped when he heard the creak of the platform. For a moment, he thought it was a monster shrieking. When he realized that he wasn't in danger, and his heart rate slowed down, he wondered about the thing under his feet. He knelt down and rapped on the platform with his knuckles, hoping to be able to figure out what it is made out of and if it was hollow (and possibly containing something good). [Insight Check]

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:13 pm
by WinterSink
Rosen didn't assume he'd find anything of use to kindle the cataracts that glazed his eyes and shrouded the room in a fog as if someone had whispered into the glass of his pupils and the condensation failed to evaporate from them. However, he was sure(or at least as sure as an obnoxiously old goron could be) that anything of worth was surely hidden in the farthest corners of the room, hopefully the left side because the right side seemed to be a favorite for most.

With that, he groped the walls around him and moved towards the farthest depths of the room, the one on the left, occasionally tripping over gilded piles that assumed a career in making old people fall for no apparent reason despite their already crippled state.

Finding himself at the vertex of two walls married together, he realized he was at the far left corner, despite a treacherous course of trip falls and the like. Hands collapsing onto the floor he began to trace the outline of the area with his mind, feeling all corners and edges and rough exteriors that might jut out towards him as well as delving into the sands of gilded coins and the like if they should appear to him.

OOC: Awareness check on whatever's in this corner.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:04 pm
by Zeldaforever
Ha! It seems I've found the most useful object in this God-forsaken room! Now to light it...

"It seems I've found a lamp," Hiro advised the group. "I'll see if I can light it."

The assassin scanned the lantern for any possible method of lighting it. He turned it over in his hands, hearing the oil within slosh about, seemingly taunting him with its potential light. He rubbed its surface; looking for a visual aid to its function. [Genie Check] Hmm, nothing. It didn't matter, as the Incineran divined its method of ignition nonetheless.

Hiro brought the lamp and his torch close together, blowing on the torch slightly in an effort to coax the flames to light the oil. It soon caught, and the lamp lit up a small part of the room. Hmm... Not as bright as I expected. I guess I can give this torch away, though. I guess I don't need it now.

Hiro pointed to his torch and addressed the crowd, "Anyone want this torch? I don't need it anymore." He left it standing against the treasures he had just rummaged through as he moved carefully to another position; he had found all he needed here. [Square 2]

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:50 pm
by Zelda Veteran
An unlit torch! There quite a lot of things Taint didn't like. Among those many things, unlit torches were one of them. Holding out his deku stick, he lit the torch off of the flames spouting from the deku wood. Upon lighting the initial area, he noticed something shining in the new light. A key? A key! "I found a key!" The Zora called out to the group, feeling useful for once. He stuffed the key in his pocket, and continued to search the room for anything useful.


Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:47 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
OOC: Okay, Blank, can't wait for you any longer. >>

It's your fault my post is so short, you lousy Canadian. :evil:

"If someone finds a key, come try it on this chest over here," the Gerudic ranger called out absent-mindedly. Aria had her mind on the other chest.

She carefully opened the lid and peered inside to find....

HP: 42/42
SPL: 15/15
Will: 8/8

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:29 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Saber's necklace does manage to catch the light off of one of the torches in the room, and shines a beam of light on the front-right corner of the room (Square 9). It's a pity the mercenary can't see what's in it, with his eyes closed. But the rest of the group would look to find yet another pile of treasure.

Darilan finds a cold hardness beneath his knuckles as he knocks, and a metallic clang follows each rap. It seems to indicate a hollow container, or some open space on the other side to say the least.

Unfortunately for Rosen, he is not able to feel anything in the corner - not because there isn't anything, necessarily, but simply because he does not reach in the correct direction in the darkness. He would be wise to wait for a light.

Hiro's Genie Check fails, of course, but the illumination of the back-center of the room yields further piles of treasure. Perhaps he could try his luck with those? Meanwhile, his old torch continues to illuminate the center-left of the room (Square 4). Someone should probably take it...

Taint joins Hiro in the back-center and also finds the piles of treasure available for the taking. Of course, his key is a major discovery.

Aria's chosen chest reveals another unlit torch and... a ring. A simple, golden ring with the image of a Key etched into it at one point.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:47 pm
by Zelda Veteran
Taint beamed as he scooped up more and more treasure. With all of this money, he could buy what he'd always needed. But that was later, and this was now. When he finished scooping money into his bag, he looked around in the darkness. Maybe if he looked extra hard, he could find a treaure chest, or a fake wall. He decided that he'd somehow be able to see better if he opened his eyes really wide. And so he did. He opened his eyes as wide as he could, and moved the torch around, looking for something to unlock with the extra special key he had.

[Awareness Check]

OOC: Don't foget about my "Nomadic Awareness" either. 8)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:20 pm
by Zeldaforever
More treasure? Whoever built this place must have been loaded.

Hiro glanced around the immediate area. A bare wall, treasure, and a Zora. Not much could be said about this particular section of the chamber the adventurers found themselves in, certainly.

The Incineran rested his lantern on a nearby mound of treasure and began digging through the riches, hoping to find yet another relic. [Awareness Check] His mind began to wander.

I don't even know what we're doing here... Maybe this Zora knows?

"So, ...Taint, is it? What exactly are we doing here? We definitely didn't stumble upon this tomb by accident, that much is sure. Care to explain?" Hiro asked of the Zora, hoping to extract any information on their current situation. It troubled the assassin to think that he was getting involved in matters he wasn't familiar with.

OOC: Don't foget about my "Human Ingenuity" either. 8)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:24 pm
by shadowlink13
Despite all the other treasure, Darilan was still intrigued by the thing in the center of the room. There must be something inside, he thought when he heard the metallic clangs. Someone had found a key; if there was some way to open it, that might be it. He called out to Taint. "Bring that key and the light over here. I think there might be something in this thing."

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:59 pm
by Kokiri Wolf
The first thing Aria did was to scoop out the torch and set it outside. "If you need a torch, I have one over here," she called out. The Gerudo didn't bother to light it yet, though.

"I also have a ring," the ranger continued. "Gold, with a picture of a key etched into it."

Then a thought struck her. It seemed too obvious, but it couldn't hurt to investigate the idea. She examined the locked chest to see if it held any clues about the ring that was in its twin. [Awareness Check on Locked Chest]

HP: 42/42
SPL: 15/15
Will: 8/8

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:27 pm
by WinterSink
Rosen gave up on limiting his search with his hands. They themselves were most likely calloused to the sensitive touch of thigns that lay hidden in the darkness. No, the goron, not wanting to waste time being careful or articulate with his search decided that his body would serve a much larger span of area if he just rolled around. With such a large mass, Rosen would surely land on a good amount of space in his corner of the room and most definitely fall on top of SOMETHING important. With that, he left his tactfulness to wait above him as he let gravity remove him from his stance and onto the floor, to roll around in whatever gilded muck that carpeted the area.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:30 am
by Sabertache
Eyes closed tightly for fear of further blinding, the mercenary felt a chill, trembling a little. The tremor coursed down his arm, into his wrist, and caused his hand to move ever so slightly, the medallion pointing in a different direction. Hopefully, it revealed a more useful area.[Tilt Check]

HP: 44/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 7/9

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:25 pm
by Worru
The boy, thanks to the after-effects of the bomb on his eyes and ears, was still blind and deaf. So, in this case of sense-related handicaps, Worru did what any senseless person would do, and flail around until he found a reason to not flail. This answer arrived in the form of falling into something that was hard, metal, and cold.

That cold feeling, when compared to the generally warm air around them, was nice, but the hard and metal parts brought up an opposing point, as a few misplaced pieces decided to shove themselves in places the hybrid wished they would stay far away from. To stray some dirty minds from certain ideas, one coin managed to shove itself into his eye socket, apparently hoping to take the place that his eyeball was very comfortable with.

"Alright, I'm still blind here. What am I laying on, and why does it seem to not like me having vision, even with my current lack?"

(OOC: One of the corners. I don't know which one, just one with treasure so that Worru can cause more self-injury.)