Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:08 pm

Also Kasei, as previously discussed in our PM, I'll give you 1d6 bonus damage for the flaming rapier... and let's say it lats 5 turns. I like to encourage player creativity; it puts a demand on DM creativity and makes the game more fun in general
Katsuro rushed forward to attack the closest Redead and raised his sword, poised to deliver a crushing blow - and tripped on a rock underneath his feet. The Sheikah fell towards the ground, and his sword went spinning up into the air, over the Redead's disheveled head. As the creature looked up, following the airborne weapon with it's eyes, Katsuro could not help but smirk as he was about to meet the ground - for the one who had truly fallen here was the Redead.
The creature had fallen for Katsuro's fake out. Hook, line, and sinker.
As soon as the Redead was no longer looking at the young Shadowclaw, he instantly melded into the ground underneath it's feet, melting away into a shadow mere moments before his fall would have caused him to collide with the soft earth underneath. He passed underneath the Redead and paused for a moment, watching the arc of his blade as it passed over. Then he exploded up from the ground behind the monster, rising up into the air to catch the hilt of his blade neatly in his hand, and causing the Redead to spin around in surprise. Katsuro, in that moment, was mere inches from the face of the monster, poised in mid-air with his sword now clenched tightly in his fist. He couldn't be sure, but it almost looked as though he could see the slight hint of fear in the eyes of the uncaring undead before him.
"Surprise." He said, and gravity caught up with him, bringing him back down to earth, and he brought his blade down with all of his might on the Redead's head. There was the sickening sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing from flesh as his blade cleaved the creature in two straight down the middle, instantly returning the monster back to death's cold embrace as both halves fell to the ground in front of him. (((Critical hit! )))
Simon, unfazed by having to redirect his attack to the nearest living-ish monster, is able to instead aim his boomerang at Redead 4 - the last one on the field. It cuts through the air and hits cleanly against the side of the monsters head before returning back to Simon's hand, dealing 8 damage.
The Redead turned to face the Scribe, and began to inhale to scream in response, since he was too far to attack him physically- when it suddenly found it's throat run through with Kasei's flaming blade, taking 13 damage (yes, you really rolled a 1 for the extra fire damage...
) and cutting off it's breathing before it got the chance to unleash its terrifying scream. Fortunately, however, this was enough to finish off the monster for good, ensuring it would never get the chance to try again. The Redead fell to the ground with a thud, no longer moving.
The two Gibdos rushed forward to attack Katsuro and Shem, respectively. Katsuro was far too fast for the mummified monstrosity, and rolled out of the way with ease. Shem was an easier target, however, as he was still crouched on the ground in paralysis, but his armor was made of sturdy stuff, and the Gibdo's wild charge only succeeded in knocking the knight over, his plate mail deflecting all of the potential damage the creature could have dealt.
Shar-Guthal was gaining steady momentum by now, charging at full speed towards the two who had just assaulted him - only by this point, Katusro was gone, attacking the Redead, leaving Denkou an easy target, paralyzed in the wake of the earlier Redead's screech of fright.
"Easy pickings."
The Goronic necromancer mused, before letting out a bellow that everyone could feel deep in their chests, and - if it were even possible - he seemed to somehow grow even larger and stronger, an illusion given off by the Spirit of Dragonbane that now empowered him. Without further comment, he brought his right fist down with all the power of a freight train - directly into the chest of the unprepared thief. Everyone present heard several ribs crack at the impact, and Denkou flew back several feet, taking a massive 26 damage - leaving him on the brink of death. Shar-Guthal frowned, as if disappointed to find that he had not outright killed the thief, and took a few steps towards him, intending to finish the job.
At that moment, the mind-numbing effects of the Redead's screech wore off, and Shem and Denkou came to their senses. While Shem only had to roll back up to his feet, Denkou found himself in immense pain, his vision swimming - he was very definitely bleeding internally and had several broken ribs, not to mention being laid out on the ground several feet from where he remembered standing before, with the brutish Goron bearing down on him.
Denkou was in trouble.
<center>~Round Results~</center>
Leadership Boost (Agility): 1 Turn
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 2/41 HP, 7/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, Leadership Cooldown: 4 turns
Shem: 41/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will, Honorable Kill cooldown: 1 turn
Kasei: 61/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 4 turns
Shar-Guthal: 253/253 HP, 70/70 SPL, Dragonbane Cooldown: 2 turns
Redead 1: DEAD
Redead 2: DEAD
Redead 3: DEAD
Redead 4: DEAD
Gibdo 1: 30/30 HP
Gibdo 2: 30/30 HP
OoC: Yeah, ZV, god-modded Katsuro a bit - but I wanted to make that Crit as cool as possible. Didn't think I did anything terribly out of line
Also, if you're wanting to pass off a potion to Denkou, I'll say giving him the potion does not count as a full turn; you'll still be able to attack. But Denkou has to take a full turn to drink the potion. Or, if you wish, you could force feed the potion to him, letting him recover and take an action on his turn, but that would prevent you from taking any more actions on your turn. Make sense?
Edit: NO! Wait! With Katsuro's leadership boost, Simon's boomerang attack actually DOES hit the redead... meaning it is now actually dead. I shall amend this post accordlingly.
That leadership may have just turned the tide of this battle in a much more favorable direction.
A simple little stat boost can make all the difference...

Also Kasei, as previously discussed in our PM, I'll give you 1d6 bonus damage for the flaming rapier... and let's say it lats 5 turns. I like to encourage player creativity; it puts a demand on DM creativity and makes the game more fun in general

Katsuro rushed forward to attack the closest Redead and raised his sword, poised to deliver a crushing blow - and tripped on a rock underneath his feet. The Sheikah fell towards the ground, and his sword went spinning up into the air, over the Redead's disheveled head. As the creature looked up, following the airborne weapon with it's eyes, Katsuro could not help but smirk as he was about to meet the ground - for the one who had truly fallen here was the Redead.
The creature had fallen for Katsuro's fake out. Hook, line, and sinker.
As soon as the Redead was no longer looking at the young Shadowclaw, he instantly melded into the ground underneath it's feet, melting away into a shadow mere moments before his fall would have caused him to collide with the soft earth underneath. He passed underneath the Redead and paused for a moment, watching the arc of his blade as it passed over. Then he exploded up from the ground behind the monster, rising up into the air to catch the hilt of his blade neatly in his hand, and causing the Redead to spin around in surprise. Katsuro, in that moment, was mere inches from the face of the monster, poised in mid-air with his sword now clenched tightly in his fist. He couldn't be sure, but it almost looked as though he could see the slight hint of fear in the eyes of the uncaring undead before him.
"Surprise." He said, and gravity caught up with him, bringing him back down to earth, and he brought his blade down with all of his might on the Redead's head. There was the sickening sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing from flesh as his blade cleaved the creature in two straight down the middle, instantly returning the monster back to death's cold embrace as both halves fell to the ground in front of him. (((Critical hit! )))
Simon, unfazed by having to redirect his attack to the nearest living-ish monster, is able to instead aim his boomerang at Redead 4 - the last one on the field. It cuts through the air and hits cleanly against the side of the monsters head before returning back to Simon's hand, dealing 8 damage.
The Redead turned to face the Scribe, and began to inhale to scream in response, since he was too far to attack him physically- when it suddenly found it's throat run through with Kasei's flaming blade, taking 13 damage (yes, you really rolled a 1 for the extra fire damage...

The two Gibdos rushed forward to attack Katsuro and Shem, respectively. Katsuro was far too fast for the mummified monstrosity, and rolled out of the way with ease. Shem was an easier target, however, as he was still crouched on the ground in paralysis, but his armor was made of sturdy stuff, and the Gibdo's wild charge only succeeded in knocking the knight over, his plate mail deflecting all of the potential damage the creature could have dealt.
Shar-Guthal was gaining steady momentum by now, charging at full speed towards the two who had just assaulted him - only by this point, Katusro was gone, attacking the Redead, leaving Denkou an easy target, paralyzed in the wake of the earlier Redead's screech of fright.
"Easy pickings."
The Goronic necromancer mused, before letting out a bellow that everyone could feel deep in their chests, and - if it were even possible - he seemed to somehow grow even larger and stronger, an illusion given off by the Spirit of Dragonbane that now empowered him. Without further comment, he brought his right fist down with all the power of a freight train - directly into the chest of the unprepared thief. Everyone present heard several ribs crack at the impact, and Denkou flew back several feet, taking a massive 26 damage - leaving him on the brink of death. Shar-Guthal frowned, as if disappointed to find that he had not outright killed the thief, and took a few steps towards him, intending to finish the job.
At that moment, the mind-numbing effects of the Redead's screech wore off, and Shem and Denkou came to their senses. While Shem only had to roll back up to his feet, Denkou found himself in immense pain, his vision swimming - he was very definitely bleeding internally and had several broken ribs, not to mention being laid out on the ground several feet from where he remembered standing before, with the brutish Goron bearing down on him.
Denkou was in trouble.
<center>~Round Results~</center>
Leadership Boost (Agility): 1 Turn
Simon: 28/36 HP, 48/48 SPL, 9 Will
Denkou: 2/41 HP, 7/37 SPL, 9 Will
Katsuro: 64/64 HP, 16/40 SPL, 5 Will, Leadership Cooldown: 4 turns
Shem: 41/71 HP, 11/11 SPL, 9 Will, Honorable Kill cooldown: 1 turn
Kasei: 61/61 HP, 46/56 SPL, 9 WILL, flaming rapier 4 turns
Shar-Guthal: 253/253 HP, 70/70 SPL, Dragonbane Cooldown: 2 turns
Redead 1: DEAD
Redead 2: DEAD
Redead 3: DEAD
Redead 4: DEAD
Gibdo 1: 30/30 HP
Gibdo 2: 30/30 HP
OoC: Yeah, ZV, god-modded Katsuro a bit - but I wanted to make that Crit as cool as possible. Didn't think I did anything terribly out of line

Also, if you're wanting to pass off a potion to Denkou, I'll say giving him the potion does not count as a full turn; you'll still be able to attack. But Denkou has to take a full turn to drink the potion. Or, if you wish, you could force feed the potion to him, letting him recover and take an action on his turn, but that would prevent you from taking any more actions on your turn. Make sense?
Edit: NO! Wait! With Katsuro's leadership boost, Simon's boomerang attack actually DOES hit the redead... meaning it is now actually dead. I shall amend this post accordlingly.
That leadership may have just turned the tide of this battle in a much more favorable direction.