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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:08 pm
by Aureliano
Aureliano had witnessed Saber's ball-busting dilema, and knew his fellow Hylian was in no hurry to get up. He also saw Pyre's gruesome lesson on "How to remove daggers from your limbs." Everyone seemed to get beat up, except himself. So far he dodged all the attacks that were thrown mercilessly at him by that individual. Aureliano looked around the room, and spotted the corner Polka had curled up in. Now he looked at poor Polka's corpse, bleeding over the log book. He thought for a moment, thinking it was amazing you were threatning an individual in one moment, and then you find the individual dead the next. He entertained several philosophical questions that were brought up in past discussions with his best friend, Melquiades, and then realized this was no time to stand there like an idiot. If he kept messing around, maybe everyone would get killed. "And if everyone gets killed.....I won't be able to protect the Royal Family."
Even though the individual kicking everyone's butt was quite intimidating, the thought of not being able to protect the Royal Family was over one-hundred times worse. What you must understand about Aureliano is that once you gain his loyalty, he would be willing to die for you. His loyalty is that of a faithful dog's, always at his master's heels, protecting him , entertaining him. Aureliano decides to take action, unsheathing his deku sword. He makes sure he had all his armor on, and jumps a few times to get used to the weight. Suddenly, without notice, he leaps up and runs toward that intimidating figure. He runs past Worru and his spell, brandishing his wooden sword, and once reaching the grisly man, he swings at full force hoping to make contact with a limb. The young Hylian forgets about everything; he is enraged and upset. He forgets his sword was made out of deku wood, and he forgets he just arrived to Hyrule. All Aureliano sees is red, which is all his anger bundled up into one fierce attack. The Vassal would not die in the hands of a silly man who kept him from his oath. [Dual Wield]
According to Saber, I am replacing Blank for the time being.
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:05 pm
by Sabertache
OOC: Alright, I'm sick of waiting for people to post. From now on, if you don't post in a week, I'm just going to leave your turn out of it.
IC:Lerick's grin was soon smothered in a cake of earth as Worru's Elemental attack hit him square in the face, knocking him backwards and dealing another 14 DMG. He barely lifted himself from the ground in time to intercept the joint attack from Orpheous and Simon, two warriors who had finally decided to make themselves known in the fight. However, his katana barely caught the staff and sword (14 and 19), and he flicked them aside casually, raising his blade above his head to smite Orpheous when he took another elemental strike, this time to the chest, and he flew backwards, hitting not the wall, but the Deku sword of Aureliano. (I didn't really roll for your attack, Aurel, since he was already at 0 HP, I just did this to make you seem cool

He dropped to the ground before the Macondon warrior, breathing heavily from the magical assault. His eye shot open suddenly and he kicked from the ground, catching Aureliano in the chest and knocking him back. He got up clutching his ribcage, his robe tattered and his dented armour beneath the cloth visible. "Take them out." He breathed to his allies before staggering out of the door, two of the Recon fighters blocking him off from any attacks the adventurers may have made on his retreating form. Once he was out the door, he jumped out of sight, and the the Recon fighters turned to face the group. Recons 1,3, and 5 unleashed their dual knives again(+3 to hit again) as 2 and 4, who had blocked off the doorway, charged towards Orpheous and Simon.
Recon 1:16
Recon 2:23
Recon 3:19
Only three targets this time...and everyone but Orpheous and Simon to choose from...

Worru had enough fight left in him to dodge the daggers that came his way, possible because the Recon had slacked off on the throw since his target was injured so badly, but Dogura took another round of blades in his side, dealing 12 DMG to the samurai. Saber, as he was keeled over, took two blades in his back, and his back arched as he was jolted out of his pain, reaching for his saber as a stain spread through his tunic. " jerkin..." He gasped, as he looked for Dogura. "Dogura...we have to get those assassins! We got rid of the big one, the rest should be easy!" Even though he spoke with confidence, he felt it dwindling inside him as his health decreased.
We couldn't stop that guy from getting away...dammit... He slammed his fist on the ground as he felt the shock subsiding--He could move again soon.
I was immobile when he ran...I should have stopped him...
Meanwhile, Recon 2 leapt towards Simon, swinging his blade downwards, but his attack was foiled (9). As Recon 4 charged towards Orpheous, he loosed both blades, drawing more as his former projectiles embedded themselves in the Inkweaver's chest for 12 DMG.(27)
Yassen grinned. He could tell that the Mage was getting angry at the failed attack. But that as his strength. He couldn't be stopped. He was just too fast. Ever since he drank that vial...His false bravado brought a smug grin to his face as Alpha charged towards one of his allies, swinging the staff at the Retrieval recruit, who was shocked at the Mage's decision to go for someone besides Yassen. Yassen launched both of his blades at Alpha, hoping to stop him before he reached his allies, but the daggers clinked off the ground by the feet of the mage.
Oh well. Yassen thought, turning his attention back to the Bard. He gave him an evil grin, staring straight at Victor as he licked his lips.
Meanwhile, Alpha got the satisfaction he desired, the sound of wood against idiot (21) resounding down the alleyway as Retrieval 1 flew to the edge of the Courtyard, skidding a fair distance before stopping. He leapt back up, murder in his eyes as he charged the Mage, hefting his sword and swinging it across Alpha's midriff haphazardly (Got a 1 roll

), the blade easily dodged as the momentum carried him around in a half circle, nearly beheading his allies, one of which who back his friend up with a vertical strike (A 2 roll

) and was also easily foiled. The other one slashed his blade at the Bard viciously, smiling as his sword sliced Victor's legs and took him down. (Victor is now KO'd...) Now all four turned towards Alpha, wondering what he would do next.
OOC: Wow, still want fudging, Alpha?
Lerick: 0/60 HP
Yassen:24/40 HP 1st Vial: ONE TURN LEFT
Recon 1, 2, 3, 4:12/30 HP
Recon 5:30/30 HP
Retrieval 1:35/45 HP
Retrieval 2,3:45/45 HP
Victor: 0/41 HP 11/17 SPL
Alpha:40/54 HP, 6/40 SPL
Saber:17/41 HP (STUN)
Pyre: 49/61 HP
Aureliano: 50/50 HP
Dogura:25/61 HP
Kasei:40/40 HP 16/22 SPL
Worru:26/61 HP 21/25 SPL
Orpheous:8/20 HP, 39/39 SPL
Matt: 42/42 HP, 52/52 SPL
Simon: 33/33 HP, 33/33 SPL
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:35 pm
by Aureliano
OoC: Thanks! I'm going to tell my mommy I'm cool

IC: Aureliano could not help but to let a chuckle escape his grasp. He had survived the worst, and now all that was left was the left-over
basura. He looks around the room yet again. Saber has a dagger in his back, Dogura got hit on his side, and Polka seems quite dead. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for Saber who looked very weak. He wanted to heal Saber, but he is afraid he might get caught off guard by one of the Recons. "Hey Saber, pray to the Godesses for health!" Aureliano says. He still hesitates to attack, seeing Saber on the ground.
"Poor guy, he got hit in the balls and got daggers in his back...." Aureliano decides to help his fellow pointy eared friend, so he walks up to him.
He kneels down next to Saber and begins his small prayer:
"Godesses, please heal your son, Saber, so he can protect the lands of Hyrule you have created from anyone and anything evil." [Favor of the Godesses on Saber]
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:34 pm
by Alpha
Wow, still want fudging, Alpha?

Yes. Yes I do.
Of course, it's not like I'll need it.
Alpha leaps back, sidestepping left and right to dodge the assaults brought forth by these assassins, turning back just in time to see Victor unable to do the same. As the bard falls, the Sheikah's lips purse together as he contemplates his own next move.
'Well, let's see . . . four against one . . . my regular spells aren't exactly working too well against this guy . . . even if they were, my magic is almost completely depleted; I have enough for one more Elemental Burst, I believe . . . yes, I'd say this looks bad.'
He shrugs. Well, bad means different things to different people. For him, it dictates that he might just have to start using a few tricks he'd rather avoid. With Victor out of the picture, he really doesn't have much reason not to . . .
He reaches up and brushes a little bit of dust off from his sleeve. "I must admit, I'm impressed," he says nonchalantly. "Nice little trick you've got there with that potion of yours; I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a few of those vials myself. Could be quite useful against the Hakiems Tribe . . ." He trails off for a few seconds, fishing for a little bit of info. The Hakiems
are a secret tribe of Sheikah assassins, but if these guys have something like that potion then perhaps they're playing in the big leagues more than he'd originally assumed. If they react to the name "Hakiems", that oughta serve as proof that such is the case.
"But of course," he speaks again, a suddenly . . . sadistic . . . grin emerging onto his face, "The Hakiems have yet to kill me . . ." Even as he speaks these words, his very being is undergoing a transformation, as he calls upon a power that he has long since abandoned. Recently the possibility that he'll be requiring Korev's power has been voice to him, and the more he thinks about it the more he decides that, while he won't be using that item of his anytime soon, utilizing some of the tricks he's learned after receiving it can only help.
The only outward sign of this transformation, though, is the shadows around his form suddenly seeming to intensify. The lines on his face and in the creases of his closing become more fine, darker, and taking on the appearance of straight lines with sharp angles rather than the normal, gentle curves. And then there is one more hint: his scar, for the first time in a long time, begins emitting a new color: a bright crimson, matching his eyes quite well.
What was it he had just said? The Hakiems have yet to kill him, and . . . ". . . And I highly doubt anyone else will be getting that honor." His voice has changed as well, becoming sharper and more . . . wicked. He raises his left hand to compliment this sentence, subconsciously sending out waves of energy that will affect his opponents' souls and keep their focus on him rather than what is behind them.
For as his hand rises, the very shadows on the ground behind Yassen and company lift themselves off of the ground. The Darkness Tendrils, he had come to call this little technique so long ago, and as the writhing shadows, somewhat reminscient to him of a squid's tentacles, or something to that affect, reaches up to the level of his prey's heads, he can't help but smile. This part of him has changed as well - his teeth seem sharp as a rabid wolf's fangs, and their gleaming white demeanor has been rejected for a blackness akin to his Shadows. What an ingenious element to utilize; the Darkness Tendrils make no noise, cast no shadow of their own, and are as lethal as any other attack in the Sheikah's vast arsenal. When manifested in the way he is doing so now, it's even near impossibility to break through them.
"Prepare for death," he says softly, voice completely devoid of hatred or anger but still sounding malevolent. As if to punctuate the words, his fist closes in a flash, and responding to his will the Darkness Tendrils silently lunge at their four victims, ready to grab, twist, and break apart their necks within a nanosecond.
Silent, unpredictable, powerful, deadly . . . yes, Shadow is indeed an ingenious element . . . and in Wraith's opinion, the most enjoyable.
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:51 pm
by Pabru
(((OOC: Pshaw. Alpha ain't need no fudging of roles. A Head Admin would never need to stoop to such a level.)))
~Pyre watched carefully as the battle developed around him. As soon as the reinforcements, he had settled into a defensive position, and began to wait for an opening. As it turned out, things went on so quickly he never had a chance to make any desicive move besides shift his position to defend himself better.
The last scene he remembered before bursting into action was a man attacking Worru, and Worru managed to avoid the attack. At the very moment, the hylian saw his opening. The rogue was off balance, and preparing to attack again, his back facing Pyralin's. If he could strike now, he would easily be able to score a blow.... or at least he thought he could easily, things tend to change swiftly in the heat of battle. Despite the odds of actually landing the attack, he needed to take action now. Just like a blacksmith would pound a piece of metal into shape with his hammer, so did the party need to shape the outcome of battle with his actions. If the hylian managed to wound one of the Recon troops, another hammer blow would be made to form the molten metal of the battle into a favorible shape, maybe even a weapon to be used at the employers of these thugs.
Pyre leapt forward in his usual manner, carrying him across the room with grace only a hylian would be capable, scimitar waving about in his hand, ready to slice into the back of the man in front of him. Halfway through his sprint, he realized that the sound of his footsteps had come right in a lull in the noise elsewhere in the battle, and he thought for a moment that his attack would be discovered, and this just made him move faster, clearing the final distance in a particularly large jump. His legs flailed slightly as he sailed through the air, and lashed out with his scimitar in a slash powered by sheer force alone. He hoped, and prayed, that that would be enough, and that he would land a decisive blow. He reached out with his mind to the goddesses, begging them to guide his blade straight into his opponent's flesh. [Dual Wield 2 Willpower]~
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:27 pm
by Sabertache
OOC: Aurel, you should write a book on your coolness
Alpha, your attack is one very good reason why we do HA2 in writing and not video

We'll scare the kiddies...Like Pabru...
IC:Aureliano's request of the Goddesses is fulfilled by the three deities (17) and the three lights envelop the hurting mercenary as he began to stand, the bloodflow from his wounds slowing as he removes the daggers and the cuts in his back close. "Thank you, Aurel." He breathes with relief, as he turns his attention to the task at hand. "Now, let's catch one of them alive. We need to interrogate them. We blew the last opportunity..." He said with regret, wishing he had been on his feet to stop Lerick from retreating. He saw Pyre's attack barely dodged (13) by the enemy who had been alerted by the sudden footsteps, the ranger flying by the assassin as he stumbled backwards.
Pyre's attack, however, wasn't in vain, as it throws off the momentum of the three assassin's stratagem, and the attacked man's ally ended up nearly crashing into him, sending the whole movement pattern off and ending the wheel hub attack that had been devastating the party, or at least Worru. Saber took advantage of the clumsy moment to charge up his magical energy--The magical attacks had worked on Lerick, maybe they would work on these guys as well. As he strained to build up the energy, he charged towards the retrieval by Orpheous and swung his saber, hoping to buy the Inkweaver some extra time to recover from his previous pain. However, Recon 4 sees the attack coming and ducks neatly beneath the blade, and snaps up straight again with his double daggers cleaving upward like an uppercut of steel, cleaving through Orpheous' chest (21) to dispatch the mage before turning to the mercenary he picked as his next target. (Orpheous is KO'd) Meanwhile, his ally Recon 2 takes another swipe at Simon, who also felt the sting of 12 DMG in his abdomen.
Recons 1,3, and 5, having recovered from the initial confusion caused by Pyre's attack, all leapt after a target of their choosing: 1 struck out at Kasei while on the run, hoping for a swift strike to catch the so far untouched mercenary off guard. However, his plan failed as he ended up missing. 3 barreled towards Aureliano, the Grunt who had taken time off from fighting to try and heal an ally. The trained assassin leapt high into the air and planted his feet on the ceiling, then launched down towards Aureliano. However, his attack was in vain as the Hylian dodged him and he ended up barely catching himself before he hit the ground face first, landing on his knees. 5 somersaulted towards Worru, angry that the hybrid had somehow been able to best their attacks. He came out of the roll with a leap, resembling a certain red-haired Ranger as he launched towards the child, arms outstretched and daggers pointed outwards. His plan sort of succeeds (He ended up with 20 vs. 19--I swear these dice just HATE you...) as he misses Worru's chest as he had planned, but ends up planting his daggers in the child's left arm. "How is the kid still dodging us.." He audibly muttered under his breath as he dealt 12 DMG to the lad.
After their attacks, the Recon group leapt back into a group in a flash, standing with their daggers at the ready to repel any attacks launched on them. With Lerick gone, they were being extra wary...
"What is that!?!?" Shouted one of the Retrieval, shortly before his vocal chords were ripped out, denying him any chance of ever speaking again. It would sicken you if I went into full detail about what happened to the unlucky victims of the tendrils, but let me just say that after the attack, Alpha had nought but two and half enemies remaining. Shortly afterwards, it was whittled down to two as the mutilated man bled to death. Yassen and another Retrieval soldier had leapt out of harm's way just in time, clinging to the rooftops as they ran parallel down the alley. They didn't know what had happened, but they knew that the mage was the cause of it, and as such, had to be stopped.
Yassen nodded towards the man opposited him as he launched himself off the side of the roof, the Retrieval assassin following his movement from the other direction exactly a second afterwards, both spiraling as they made their way down to add momentum to their strikes. Yassen could feel the strength and confidence from the vial starting to fade, and fear began to creep in again. If they didn't start to hit him now, they wouldn't stand a chance...He was so preoccupied with his thoughts he came out of his roll late, barely getting his attack in at all before hitting the ground, his daggers flailing below him; But the mage wasn't there any longer. (10) As Yassen leapt into the air again, the Retrieval took a shot at the mage as well, his sword also sending up sparks as it collided with the gravel instead of flesh--The Wraith was just too fast for them. (13) The Retrieval was wondering where the Mage had gone, looking around swiftly for the mage...
Lerick: 0/60 HP
Yassen:24/40 HP 1st Vial: EMPTY
Recon 1, 2, 3, 4:12/30 HP
Recon 5:30/30 HP
Retrieval 1:35/45 HP
Victor: 0/41 HP 11/17 SPL
Alpha:40/54 HP, 6/40 SPL
Saber:37/41 HP
Pyre: 49/61 HP
Aureliano: 50/50 HP
Dogura:25/61 HP
Kasei:40/40 HP 16/22 SPL
Worru:14/61 HP 21/25 SPL
Orpheous:0/20 HP, 39/39 SPL
Matt: 42/42 HP, 46/52 SPL
Simon: 19/33 HP, 33/33 SPL
OOC: Aiyah, everyone's dropping out, this sucks

, what am I going to do if there's noone left...?
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:45 pm
by Kasei
IC: Things were now looking so-so. The group are barely keeping up. Kasei watches quickly. Pyre is barely keeping safe with his attacks. Orpheous, however, has fallen, and Simon is not to far from joining his master.
That is where Kasei had to stop. One of the enemies had decided it was smart to take a swipe at the rebel flame. Kasei dodged, and faced the man while he took a look around. Aureliano was faring well in his match, but Worru is taking dammage. Kasei turns back to his opponent. Attacking me, my freind, is a mistake you will remember when I send you to the grave." He said, raising his scimitar, and flying forward at his opponent, aiming a strike at the body, the largest taget.
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:53 pm
by Worru
Worru gritted his teeth tighter, as more daggers hit him. "Can we please hit something ELSE, please!?" he said, through his clenched teeth. How he was able to, after all of the battles he had been through, still not cry out in pain, was unknown to him, but whatever was doing it, really should do it more often.
Still can't move, losing blood, really have to go to the bathroom, and I'm almost dead...Yeah, next time, going to think through helping people on these things., he throught, holding his uninjured arm up, and charging energy through it. The fiercesome fire that erupted from it showed he could still fight, his spirit not going to let up just yet. [[Elemental Burst L2]]
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:55 pm
by Aureliano
Aureliano got up off the floor. He felt some warm crimson liquid seep from his knees and face, dripping toward the floor due to the force called gravity. His wounds were not bad, compared to some adventurers in the room, but it still lowered his morale a bit. At least I dodged the recon's attack he though to himself.
As Aureliano watched Kasei leap to attack a recon, he saw Worru attempt to hit another recon with an Elemental Burst. He did not notice how damaged the young man was until now, for he had never even wimpered once. He knew what he had to do. "Hey, human, let me heal you." he told Worru, running to his direction. When he finally reached the human, he knelt beside him and repeated the same little prayer to the goddesses he had a few minutes earlier. [Favor of the Goddesses on Worru]
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:16 pm
by kamakaziplumber
What little of the fight Victor had been fully conscious for seemed to have gone by in a flash, because no sooner had he made his final attack than he was down and out. Sure, some fighting had gone on, but the Bard had already been feeling woozy when the assassin stabbed him in the chest. He held on as long as he could but, by the time Victor was feeling up to another attack, he realized he was unconscious.
Which, coincidentally, caused him to become slightly conscious again; well, technically, at least. He could groan, which was somewhat of an improvement. And he took advantage of this ability to its fullest. Yes, he decided he wasn't going to stop groaning until the fight was over, or he had been revived.
However, this got old quickly, so the Bard stopped; it also helped that he was just healthy enough to mumble near-incoherent words to his companion, who he assumed was the source of the screams he was hearing from the fight. Making use of his newfound voice, Victor decided to call attention to his current condition.
"Gurgh... Alpha.... hnsh.... can you... can you stop dying long.... huggh.... long enough to help me, here? Maybe? Hmgh? Mrgh... is it possible to maybe... oh, I don't know... beat them already...?"
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:48 pm
by Alpha
Unfortunately for Victor, by the time his words were spoken Alpha was long gone. The shadowed figure of the one-time assassin had vanished upon seeing Yassen's once-again-pathetic charge. In fact, it was even more pathetic to his eyes than it had been at first, for now the power of the element of Shadow was pouring through his veins like a river gushing through a newly-shattered dam. It had been so long since he had allowed himself to be so thoroughly immersed in this complete darkness . . .
Wraith can only grin. Goddesses, it feels so good.
He simply steps out of the way of Yassen's blade, noting in the process that the sole remaining member of 'Retrieval' has also begun to prepare an attack. It seems so slow to the man with the cursed and currently fire-red scar as Yassen's blades take an eternity to hit the cobble flooring beneath their feet. Then the Retrieval apparently spots him; he is moving forward, sword ready to strike the Sheikah . . . if only each footstep didn't have about thirty seconds in between each of them. This time, though, he opts for a much more suitable method of dodging, to match his newly reacquired form.
Those who know Alpha know at least somewhat well of his ability to use shadows to teleport, via the Void. But Wraith . . . oh, he can do so much more than that. Without a word, Wraith once again dodges to the side of the oncoming sword - but like a beast rising up out of a swamp and opening its mouth wide, the Shadows on the ground erupt forth, enveloping the Sheikah completely before cascading back to the ground like a wave - albeit much faster, as the entire action has happened in the blink of an eye. And not just any eye, but Wraith's eye; it is highly unlikely that those attacking him are even aware of the Shade's rise as fall. They would have seen it only as Wraith simply disappearing into nothingness like a ghost. "Wraith" certainly is a fitting name, isn't it?
Atop the inn the Shadows once more react to the assassin's will, rising up in a semblance to the legendary Morpha's watery appendages. A little shifting of shape, and the humanoid form the Shade has taken shifts its darking (OOC: opposite of lighting) until it has the coloration and form of the Sheikah. Wraith grins; 'I still have mastery of the darkness. How excellent.' The grin widens into a virulent, fang-filled sneer. 'I wonder if I can still do that . . .'
"Don't worry, Victor," he mutters as the bard's soft words reach his ears. "I won't be taking too much longer."
His hand reaches slowly into his cape, and a brief flicker of violent violet interrupts the otherwise continuous crimson light of his scar. A second later that fist returns to the night air, though this time wielding something in its grip. "Staff Brenyuu," he mutters softly to himself, and by magic the twin metal shafts extend from the previously unremarkable cylinder. He smirks as he feels its familiar presence in his hands, but quickly forces the feeling to pass so as to continue his preparations. "Rohtric Carrse."
There is no lightning storm in the sky, no Thunder spells being cast, no sign of any electricity anywhere around them . . . and yet abruptly the air around the quarterstaff shimmers, just before the familiar azure shine of an electrified weapon returns to his sight. With the light of Lightning flowing through Brenyuu, and the darkness of Shadow coursing through Yuenbri, at last things are fully prepared. He glances down at where the victims stand, figuring that maybe . . . five seconds have passed since he'd vanished up here? Yes, that feels rather accurate. Give or take an additional second, perhaps, but it's close enough. They should be glancing around in search of him in another three seconds, and by that time their fate will be sealed.
He shuts his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, gripping Brenyuu with both hands at shoulder height. Though he could no longer truly see it, his mind's eye visualized the shadows as they literally lifted themselves off of the ground - though not the ground around which Yassen and his lackey were standing; it wouldn't do to tip them off to his location - and fluttered through the air like a bed sheet. The shades coalesced around his prized creation, dwarfing the light emanating from it as they whirled around Brenyuu like black tornadoes. From his lips flowed words that, while spoken with a soft voice, mixed together with the darkness within him and his deadly intent to form a chant of utter malevolence:
Almost too late, a mere millisecond before he fires off the monstrous attack, a thought strikes his mind - if he uses something like this, those fighting inside the inn are almost certain to come running. There's no way they won't hear it, and he'll have to find some way to explain his reasons for being here and having the mastery of Shadow that he now holds.
He grins as he abruptly realizes something: he really doesn't care.
Lightning and Shadow erupt forth from Brenyuu with such force that it proves a worthwhile precaution that Wraith has both hands ready to hold it steady. Like flames spewing out of dragon's mouth in as wide a radius as it can spit the fire, bolts of lightning encased in a shaded shell - darkness and electricity's intertwined form - blasts outward in a wall of dusky sparks. The Megiddo Storm shoots straight out on a horizontal plane as Wraith finds himself skidding backwards. He moves one foot behind to hinder this motion and strains his mind, focusing in his mind on Yassen and company. The mighty spell instantly makes a ninety degree curve downward, heading straight for the beings - though, just to be nice, he angles it slightly to the side of them opposite the one where Victor is lying, so that he won't be torn apart by it as well. At least, not too badly torn apart.
The moment it hits ground, whether its targets are still there or not, the ground itself seems to drop a full meter. Whether the attack has actually caused the very Earth to move a meter in space or if it just the first tremor of the mighty earthquake is indeterminable; either option is a logical conclusion to make. Light and darkness spill out from ground zero as the two elements gush along the path of the shockwaves that even now are tearing their way through the entirety of North Castle and beyond.
Wraith pauses as the last of the energy gathered in Brenyuu exits along the pathway of destruction. The earthquake can be dismissed as a natural disaster, but the shockwave will likely lead the Hylian Knights here . . . no, that certainly won't do. His hand waves upward for a moment, and all around the square which the attack has struck, shadows once again rise up from the ground, swallowing the wave of devastation completely.
Not that he chooses to rid the area of every trace of the blast. As the last vestige of energy dissipates into the night sky again, Wraith can't help but gaze upon his handiwork pridefully, wondering if any Hyrulians have ever had the pleasure of seeing a mushroom cloud like the miniature one rising into the air.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:35 am
by Sabertache
Kasei recieved a swift kick to the back of the head as his vengeful attack was dodged. (16) The recon landed from his graceful flip with the grace of a professional--Which he should have, for he was. From his position behind the Rebel Flame, Recon 1 twirled his daggers around as he stabbed beneath Kasei's shoulderblades (23), grinning maniacally as he drew 12 DMG worth of blood. Recon 5 crossed his arms before his face as Worru's Elemental Burst englufed his body in flames, the explosion throwing him backwards, although he had braced himself to lessen the impact of the attack to 7 DMG, although he went tumbling backwards. He stumbled out of the reversed somersault and threw his twin blades at the Gerudo boy out of sheer desperation (16), his lack of focus causing the blades to embed themselves in the wall around the stationary target. Aureliano's Favor of the Goddesses was cut off (13) by a sudden strike as Recon 3 rose up off the ground (10). Although the attack missed, it disrupted the healing process.
Saber skips to the left as Recon 4's blades come crashing down, wincing as they slice his arm for 12 DMG. Using the hurt as fuel, he forces more energy into his sore body for one more strike, but his foe leaps neatly back from the lethargic attack. Out of the corner of his eye, the mercenary sees Simon take another 12 DMG hit in the side (24) and yells, infuriated at the way the battle has turned. They were starting to wear out, Lerick had done his job. Even though he himself had not lasted through the fight, he had preoccupied them while his friends picked them off. He felt a sudden surge of adrenaline and leapt forwards, barreling into Recon 2 and knocking him away from his ally, then turning to face his own attacker. However, as he engulfed his left hand in flame, the land suddenly gave out from beneath him.
Yassen had no idea what had happened. All he knew was that a few seconds ago, he had been taunting the immobile body of the dagger-ridden Bard as his companion searched for the mage, and now he was hurtling through the air. Something tells me this wasn't supposed to be part of the job... He thought in a panic as he tumbled ten feet into the air and thirty feet down the alley like a ragdoll. He collided with the side of a house some ways down the alley, and he heard several bones crack, including some of his ribs. He lay, stricken and barely gasping for air. His entire right side had been smashed against the brick, and he felt a warm trickle moving down his leg--He had cut his calf on the side of the house. He squirmed a little and saw something else beside him--The last Retrieval, lying charred and mutilated besides him--He had taken most of the blow, shielding Yassen from certain death.
He saw the Bard nearby as well--since he had already been laying down, most of the magic had soared over him, although he had rolled a good ten feet down the alley. Slowly, he picked himself up, wary for the mage at any moment. He felt another warm trickle, this one coming from a slightly higher source--One that he knew was in perfect working order, simply by the fact that he felt the stream in the first place. Rolling onto his stomach, he pushed off the ground with his left arm. He had terrible whiplash--He realized that he had to hold his head at an odd angle to avoid severe pain. Rising onto his good leg, he fumbled with his pockets, pulling out a flask. The flask, too, seemed to be glowing, but the leather wrapping made the color hard to tell. The assassin sipped from the flask, grimacing at the taste before shoving it quickly back in his pocket. Then he crouched on one knee, and pushed. As he launched twenty feet into the air, something fell from his robe, clattering softly beside the dead body of his late ally. Yassen landed on the castle walls and disappeared from sight, leaving a cloud of dust and smoke rising from the alley where, one month ago, a merchant had died.
Saber fell forward, his non-sword arm flailing out to try and catch himself. It came into contact with the rug, and the mercenary realized his mistake--His hand was still on fire. As the ground moved beneath him, the fabric next to him caught fire and spread rapidly, the rippling of the curtain caused by the earthquake helping to spread it. "Damn it!" He shouted at himself, trying to extinguish the fire magically but not having enough energy, especially as he was being tossed this way and that. The Recons stumbled around, but stayed upright, trained to keep their balance in hectic situations. One of them looked back towards the others and pointed towards the counter where the dead body of the innkeeper was now flopping around whimsically. The other four nodded and drew their blades as the fire spread and Recon 1 leapt back behind the counter. Finally, the ground stopped shaking after what seemed like hours, but in reality had been but half a minute. The fire was now consuming nearly half the inn, the flames tickling Worru, and Saber had to roll swiftly away before standing to dodge the blaze.
He stood up in a hurry, stumbling as he tried to regain his equilibrium, and gazing in horror at what he had done. Then a thought hit him--This was an inn! "Get the other people out of here!" He shouted to anyone that could hear him over the inferno. He lost track of everyone's position--He thought he saw a flicker of light as Kesmi dashed out a window. Good, she needs to save herself, she's too small to carry anyone.The mercenary thought as he turned and dashed into the hallway and towards the stairs, leaving the bottom floor rooms to the other adventurers. In the ground floor hallway, there were four doors--One that lead into the room they had searched, two on the right side closer to the entrance, and one on the left side, directly opposite the entrance. In his mad rush, Sabertache never noticed that all of their enemies had disappeared.
Lerick: 0/60 HP
Yassen:24/40 HP 1st Vial: EMPTY
Recon 1, 2, 3, 4:12/30 HP
Recon 5:23/30 HP
Victor: 0/41 HP 11/17 SPL
Alpha:40/54 HP, 6/40 SPL
Saber:25/41 HP
Pyre: 49/61 HP
Aureliano: 50/50 HP
Dogura:25/61 HP
Kasei:28/40 HP 16/22 SPL
Worru:14/61 HP 21/25 SPL
Orpheous:0/20 HP, 39/39 SPL
Matt: 42/42 HP, 46/52 SPL
Simon: 7/33 HP, 33/33 SPL
OOC:...Well....Alpha decided to give me a bit of a challenge...I'll see if I can pull it off...
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:55 pm
by Orpheous(anew)
Simon let out a cry of concern for his master to warn him of the strike, just as Orpheous had done to the innkeeper, because he couldn't find the words. It was too late, Orpheous was stricken to a point of unconsciousness as he crumpled on the floor. He had exerted much of his strength earlier in the week, and that was probably why his fighting skill wasn't as strong as it could be. This was probably why he was defeated so quickly.
Then, it all felt apart. Everything seemed to blur in front of Simon, who had just been hit. He was weak, and he shrunk to the floor in pain. Matt was too busy assessing what to do to help the group against these assassins. In a matter of seconds, a spell created earthquake occurred, causing Matt and the recovering Simon to lose balance. Matt picked up Orpheous's limp body, as Simon ran for the door opposite the entrance. He tried his best to upon the door swiftly, as to not get burnt should the handle have gotten hot in the heat.
OOC: Hey Saber, now that I got to this, I believe there is somebody waiting in the temple quarters for you. You have a job to finish.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:35 pm
by Alpha
Standing atop the inn, Wraith spends several long moments just admiring all that he has caused tonight. The ultimate power of Shadow matched with his considerable mastery of Lightning . . . it was a devastating combination that he has gone far too long without using. An intoxicating feeling flows through his veins, almost commanding him to continue using the spells which mix them together as he calmly recalls the words Gorodo had told him when presenting him with the books containing such spells . . .
~The teenager stared at the book that had been placed in his arms, opening it and flipping through the first few pages as Gorodo turned to look out the far window of the room. "You can use Korev's power, Yuenbri, which means you can use the spells found in this book," the criminal mastermind said. "But you must be wary, for they hold a forgotten power."
"Light and darkness appear to be opposites, never together at the same place at the same time." Gorodo finally turned back to face him, a malicious gleam in his hard eyes. "Imagine the power that could be unleashed if they were brought together - but you don't have to imagine. You already command both the complete darkness of Shadow and the shining brilliance of Lightning, which is the purest emissary of Light. It will require a forbidden courage for you to take hold of these powers and use them to their fullest, but should you unlock the forsaken wisdom then you will have power equal to that of a deity - perhaps even beyond, if you can do what even the Goddess of Light and the God of Shadow cannot and succeed in joining their elements."
"Surely you can't be serious about that." Yuenbri's tone was sarcastic, disbelieving.
Gorodo's reply was confident and quick. "Try one of the spells - and see for yourself."~
He had tried later that day; a relatively simple spell that simply merges a ray of light with a spot of shadow. The resulting explosion had made him glad he had chosen to use it on his latest target, rather than in his chambers at Gorodo's residence - that one spell had slain at least 500 of the 5000 kills he was famed for having obtained in a year. He'd asked Gorodo how he had survived the explosion unharmed, not even singed by the elements that cascaded outward from his spellcasting experiment; the man had simply responded with a superior smile that told all.
Simply standing there, looking at the devastation caused by another of the simplest spells that book had held, the Megiddo Storm, he feels a certain degree of pride bubbling up inside him. How long had he trained, to get it to where he could successfully combine Light and Darkness? To get the spells to where they were stable enough to be commanded and directed by his will, rather than blowing up in his face the moment the two opposites touched together? Too long, some would say, and certainly longer than most spells took to learn. But when he's actually able to use the spells . . .
Well, those days make it all worthwhile.
Though apparently he had focused the blast a bit too much - everything in its wake wasn't instantly disintegrated. What a shame. 'There goes one of them - Yassen, it appears. Hm, that could come back to haunt me.' He considers going after the assassin wannabe, but decides against it; might as well let him inform the other members of his group of what they're up against. They might be prepared enough to put up a decent struggle against Wraith.
Then his eye catches sight of something falling from the fleeing survivor: a small bit of movement heading towards the ground, hitting right beside the charred remains of Wraith's latest victim. The sight sends an angry jetstream up the assassin's spine - the man still had a body after being hit by that last spell. Wraith shakes his head in shame; obviously he'll need to start practicing again. After all, he'd intended to have the spell obliterate everything that it so much as touched.
Well, what's done is done; he can berate himself later, after he's checked out whatever it is that fell from Yassen's robes. His body's darking once again shifts until it is pure black, and then the shadows fade back into the ground where Wraith had once been standing. The reverse of the process is repeated at ground level, as the wielder of the Staff Brenyuu appears beside the deceased's body and leans down to inspect the area, trying to locate the item in question. [Awareness Check]
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:15 pm
by Kasei
----To all who saw the orriginal post, it was because I replied to the wrong page, stupic me.----------
IC: Kasei frowned, he had tacken some dammage, but the worst part is; the building was on FIRE! "Oh, oh this is just perfect!" The sheikah says sarcastically, drawing his sword. "Let's get going!" He shouts, heading for the nearest exit/window/hole he had to punch in the wall because there was no other choice and the fire was closing in. As soon as he found the exit of choice, he turned, facing the others inside the building. "C'mon!" He shouted, in case there was still someone inside.