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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:30 am
OOC: I hadn't realized I'd posted so much out of character here. Ok, let's make a good one...
Narrator wrote:<img src="images/npcs/man3.gif" align="right">"Hoy!" the bartender yells out to you as he sees you at the bar. "Wha' can I getchar? Menu's on th' wall."

Hylian Ale -- 5 Rupees
Goron Stout -- 6 Rupees
Moblin Grog -- 3 Rupees
Zora Wine -- 10 Rupees (30 for a Bottle)
Deku Vegetable Juice -- 4 Rupees
Lon Lon Milk -- 7 Rupees (15 for a Bottle)

[Note: This is for roleplaying purposes, drinks are actually of no charge!]
Inside the tavern walked a fellow draped in clothes too rich to be peasants', but too poor to be anything else. He wore a bandana, and a sharp rapier was in a well-crafted scabbard. He entered through the door the to Ornery Cucco Tavern, with little to no grace. He knew his way well enough to the counter, and, without making much of a scene, stubbled over.

He drew from his sleeve a bag of rupees. "Here! I want everything! Except Goron Stoud and Moblin Grog, the stuff tastes like the vomit it becomes! I want Hylian Ale, Zora Wine - plenty of it! - that Deku stuff, and some Lon Lon Milk, if you've got it! ... Ya, sure, i'll have a bottle. Of course I've got the money, here!" With a flick of his arm, clearly performed often, he drew a bag of rupees. A giant's wallet, full of the stuff.

After his beverages were drained and he was in a daze of confusion and drunkenness, he sat back against a wall, and let his hangover take over.

Meanwhile, a man he had passed upon entering the tavern stood up, alarmed. "Where'd all my money go! I worked so hard to find a giant's wallet?!"

The Thief from Blind's Gang, realizing that he was about to start a bar fight, struggled up, careful drunk though he was to evade the eyes of the angry fellow, and escaped through the door. Despite its risks, his position was a fun one to be in...
Eberron Level 5
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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:32 am
Looking at the options of what there was on offer to drink, Eberron felt a great confusion entering him. What was he supposed to do? He didn't know quite what to say or think... Finally deciding that, since he was a Goron, he would drink that which was obviously meant to suit him best.

"Umm... Goron Stout. Please. Thank you. Here are the 6 shiny green rocks."

Handing over the little stones from the side pocket in his huge bag, he settled back and smiled as he took his first sip. And coughed violently. Clearly this was NOT meant for him. Eberron looked around, and felt embarrassed. What if someone noticed him coughing. What if the nice man who gave drinks away for green stones thought that he was being rude and didn't like it... Taking a huge swig, he finished it in one gulp, desperate to get the whole thing down. Suddenly he didn't feel quite as good as he had earlier. Moving to get up, he slumped back down onto the floor and instantly fell asleep.

HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7


Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14

DarkLink Level 2
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Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:34 pm
"Hylian Ale, good sir." Anon sat sipping his drink. Looking at the goron next to him he asked, "Is he okay?" "Drunk" the bartender replies. A large snore erupts from the goron.
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
STR 3(Base)
DEF 3(Base) +2(Deku Sheild) = 5
AGI 2(Base) +3(Race) = 5
INT 1(Base)
SPI 1(Base)
HP 40
ShadowFang (1h Deku Sword) 5 dmg+3str
Train L1 Bow (1 TP spent)
Find Sustenance (1 TP spent)

Hyrulean Nightmare Level 1
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Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:00 pm
Hunter sat at the bar next to the nomad and the unconscious goron. "What'll it be?" the bartender asked. "Goron stout," Hunter replied. "Uhh," the nomad started to say. "Its okay, I can handle big boy drinks. Dis aint my first time." Hunter replied. "Oh," the nomad said. "Yeah, oh. now have a real drink. Bartender! One goron stout for the kid."
DarkLink Level 2
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Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:03 pm
Anon sniffed the drink testingly. He doubted the bartender did anything to the drink, but he was still cautious. He sipped it, grimacing At his side, the man was looking at him with a strange delight in his eyes. Alright Anon thought to himself. He downed the whole thing in two gulps.
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
STR 3(Base)
DEF 3(Base) +2(Deku Sheild) = 5
AGI 2(Base) +3(Race) = 5
INT 1(Base)
SPI 1(Base)
HP 40
ShadowFang (1h Deku Sword) 5 dmg+3str
Train L1 Bow (1 TP spent)
Find Sustenance (1 TP spent)

Hyrulean Nightmare Level 1
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Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:13 pm
"Thats the stuff!" Hunter laughed. "Your alright, kid. So you got a name?" "Anon," The nomad replied. "The names Hunter," he said back. "So...you got any rich friends?" "Nope" Anon replied. "Damn, uh I mean thats cool."
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