Since I like to use both of my characters I'll tell about Kayla. Thought she may not look it she is a princess. She doesn't like to be called one or be one.
Over exaderating, Kayla has a heart of gold. She is nice and caring. She fights to protect everyone that she knows that she doesn't want dead. Ever since her father died protecting her, she has been more protective.
Kayla is a human with a forest spirit inside of her. A night, when the moon is out, she becomes defenseless. That is all because of the spirit. But there is good news to this, because of the spirit she can control plants and animals. Pretty cool, right?
Now onto her look. Kayla has brown hair that is to her knees. In Hyrule she wears a blue skirt with a white top. In Kito Village she wears jeans with a sweater. She wears sweaters to cover up her scar that is all up one of her arms.
Kayla blushes so easily, and I mean it. Just read "Introducing!". But if you don't see it then it is gone, it is in the courtyard. And you can't reply to it. It's already done.
The perfect friends, the perfect enemies, the perfect team. Kayla and Cathy.