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Nogare's learning of music.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:46 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: :twisted: tehehe... ... k/Cafe.mid

IC: Nogare comes into the Tavern, using his time away from work. He apporaches the counter. "Hello," he said plainly.

The bartender came to him, cleaning a mug.

Nogare nodded, with a shallow smile. "I'd like some Hylian Ale, please."

Nogare recieves one without a said word.

Nogare nodded. "Thank you, sir!"

He lifted the mug, and looked around the tavern at what was going on. There were a bunch of people drinking heavily, which made Nogare look elsewhere. A band was playing there...

OOC: :twisted: Haha! ... 0House.mid

IC: A particular person was there. He did not know her, but she was the one playing the flute. Her expression was what made the tune even sadder than it already was...
He listened, tears growing his eyes. She's good at playing that flute... The song went on, and he remembered those he loved and may never see again... His father... his sister... his mother... And his uncles... and his cousins, if he had any... He paid close attention to the tune, while others paid no attention. He loved the tune. He made a sniff, which caught a few eyes. He took a bit more of his Hylian Ale. He looked at it, and quickly put it away, remembering past parties...

Then, the song came to a close. He longed to hear it more, but it did not come. A handful of people clapped, and Nogare was the loudest of them. The band slowly left, and he went to her. "I have never heard such a beautiful song." He handed her some of her rupees. "I give you this as a token of what you presented."

She smiled. "Thank you. Have you ever heard a flute before?"

"I have read about them. But never have I heard them."

"I could teach you."

"Oh, I'd love to!"

She smiled, and the two practiced together for a long time. She introduced him to the scale, and of how to play each note. He nodded, slowly understanding. But because of the noise of the tavern, they needed to go elsewhere. Outside the tavern, on the Town streets, theycontinued their lessons.

After the first hour, Nogare asked, "What is your name?"

She answered, "My name is Elenlin."

"A nice name."

"Thank you."

They continued for the next few hours. But now Nogare needed a flute to learn more. "Here." She says, as she pulled out another flute from her bag of things. "It is one of the many flutes that I have made. There are two flute makers here, though. The Flute Boy makes them, yes, but mine are made of the wood from the trees of Saria... my home..." She closed her eyes as Nogare took the flute. "... I wish I could return home... but it's become a ruined place, thanks to the efferts of Ganon. And it's getting worse now that the Exiles are taking it over while we are trapped up here..." there was no lying in her eyes. She wished to go back...

She looked back to Nogare. "Well, it will be safe while you Hylian Knights protect them... I've heard the Mayor of Ruto Town will finally let people in soon..."

Nogare did not reply. He just looked down at the flute, and quickly changed the topic, saying, "Well, show me more about this insterment."

She nodded, glad that he changed the topic.

It was evening sooner than they thought. By now, Nogare had learned a very good number of songs. Many were legendary songs. Others were just written by Elenlin.

It is then that you are walking around by the Ornery Cucco Tavern. Do you apporach?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am
by Sovelis
Sovelis was outside, hiding from the Barkeep. " I guess i might have not needed to act stupid and poke his wife..." he says as he farts rather loudly. :lol: " Oopps!" he says as he notices Nogare. I hope he didn't hear me! he thinks.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:00 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Ah, yes! A moral is learned from this, Kasei!

Quality, not quantity!

Thanks, Sovelis!

IC: Nogare and Elenlin turn to face Sovelis. The Vassal is first to greet him. "Hello, Sovelis! How are you doing? I've managed to learn a few songs today from Elellin here today! Do you want to hear them?"

Without letting him answer, a song is played from his flute that was given to him.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:03 pm
by Sovelis
" Not to be rude, but i think i should leave..." Sovelis says as he dashes off into the night. Will you see him agian? mabye, mabye not. Espesceialy since the Deku King is now hunting him down... Mabye Sovelis sould control his pokeing-people impulses...

OoC: Master Goron has started an army of Deku after me! I poked the Deku King a month ago, Took long enough for the king to get P.Oed... :lol: