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[NPC] A warning to all Exiles!
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:07 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
As you pass through Hyrule's Castle Courtyard, you see a large crowd around something. There is someone announcing to the crowd. You are interested, and you push your way through the crowd. When you are finally at the front, you see a moblin crying out and cursing, a rope around his neck, the oher end tied to a hanging plank. The announcer continues from where he left off. "Now, this is to all the Exiles present, as a warning!" He pushes a switch, and the moblin falls through a hole in the plank, and hangs off his neck. He struggles, but shortly after he stops. "To all Exiles! You will be with this monster very soon! If anyone knows of any Exiles within here, and if they are standing by one, report now! The drawbridge is closed, so none may leave!" A few people from the crowd, about 2 or 3, yell out and point. More were brought up, and were hung instantly. "Are there any more?!" the announcer yells.
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:10 pm
by Kasei
heh, fools, simply killing the exiles in the castle won't do any good...kasei stood at the back of the crowd, he was easily noticable do to his scarred arm.... he turns, and walks away from the gallows...
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:39 pm
by jarod the dark mage
What! wy can't I leave the castle today?
I'm difently not an Exile!!!!!
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:52 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
A guard hears Azador, and approaches. "I'm sorry, but there will be no leaving today. Where can you get, anyway, that won't take hours to reach? Ruto Town is over 50 miles away! Rauru is 40! You must stay within the wall, until the Battle for Notrh Castle begins... dark hours these are... I'm sorry." He leaves Azador to his thoughts.
Meanwhile the announcer shows another. This one is an armed Gomma! These beasts have never roamed these areas for hundreds of years!
The guards go to fight it off. The crowd panics for the moment, but the guards manage to kill it. It killed one guard, though.
But on it was a note. The annoucer, now coming out from behind the plank, came to read.
"The note reads, 'I am coming soon, Hyrule. My men are going to kill you all! Hahaha... I feel good today... signed, Carakam'. Carakam must be the one who is leading the Exiles! If anyone sees Carakam, tell us, and we will hang him!"
This announcer is getting way out of hand...
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:03 pm
by jarod the dark mage
It is really starting isn't it..
The exiles will attack..
maybe tonight..maybe tomorow.. but soon very soon..
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:10 pm
by Sovelis
"You cannot keep me within these walls, Not when I can walk through th portal near the Temple." Sovelis says to the man. "Or when i can SHIFT to wherever I need to go. So be quiet,you ignoramus."
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:16 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
Then a guard yells at another, "You didn't lock the Rifts! Lock them!" A few guards pushed through the crowd. This was truely an odd event.
The announcer was slowly gathering more and more, and through the noise of the crowd, you manage to hear the words, "Coming", "up", and "Fast". They are Humans and Hylians. Without being about to explain to the announcer their case, they are hung.
You now see that the Hylians are taking this war quite seriously. You then see that not all of the victims are simply being brought up. They are from the Dungeon. Two more were quickly stranged before you were able to see the next. The were rapidly untying and tying the ropes, dragging off the dead. But you feel something watching behind you. You look up, at the King's residence. On his balcany, the King of Hyrule, watching from there. He shrinks back into his keep, seeing that some people have seen him...
OOC: As you can see, I'm making it an understandable situation for every team. Aye?
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:37 am
by Blank
Blank happened across the Castle that day, wondering why in the world the gate was closed and the drawbridge was raised. A puzzled expression hung on his face, and he could swear there was a big commotion going on inside. "Must be missing another party," he said to himself, chuckling as he remembered the previous festivity. "Poor little green-suited man. Wonder whatever happened to him...", said the nomad, referring to the one named Tingle who had been present at the cake handout. "Damn good cake, though." Blank began to salivate.
He could not have been more incorrect, though. Had he known of the grisly murders occurring inside at that moment, he would have felt guilty fro standing about outside drooling over tasty recollections. Fortunately, he heard a scream that ended the notion of another celebration. "No one screams like that at a party... That was... agony..." he thought aloud, grim realization hitting him like a sack of Roc's eggs. A painful feeling, but that aside, the nomad could only stare at the castle, listening to the shouting inside and wondering just what was going on. He called for the gate to be raised and the bridge to be lowered, but received no reply. Shrugging, he carried on his way, still clutching the thoughts of the events close in his head. There were many deaths and sins being committed inside the castle that day. Blank could do nothing.
OOC: Bet you never expected someone to post from the
outside perspective

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:54 am
by Kasei
heheheh, locking the rifts, eh? kasei yells up at one of the guards. lets just see you catch me! but before the guards could do anything, kasei was gone. where he stood, there was a dark circle in the street.
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:03 am
by jarod the dark mage
Azador looked up.. the sky was so sunny.. thinking that it a battle can happen just now..
trough the group Azador just a glimp of kasei.. he ran away quikly.. He got in trouble always.. hehehehe
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:06 am
by Kasei
OOC: he's already gone, but...
IC: just as kasei dissapeares, azador sees a note fall from a rooftop, it reads:
your wierd, HA!
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:21 am
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: Bet you never expected someone to post from the outside perspective
OOC: How much?
And Kasei, don't be showing off to the guards unless you know your plan will work: Your rift is just like all the rest, so if you open yours, you will be locked in that demention. It's like Ganondorf locking himself in the Evil Realm.

So, if I were you, I would change all that...
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:23 am
by Kasei
OOC: edit yours! kasei's rifts don't go through a different dimension! they shust make him move so fast its impossible to follow, occasionally it'll leave a portal to where he went( a shiekah trains). at the speed he goes, he can move through walls, and over water!
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:05 pm
by Nogare, son of Greyblade
OOC: No! (RG, sorry if this is spam...) Whatever. But what made Kasei do that? He didn't do that naturally...
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:12 pm
by Kasei
all of the servants can do it, as long as they are loyal to armaggedon....