[Ornery Cuccoo Tavern] Intensive Care Unit
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:30 pm
As your walking by you see the a couple men carrying something on a stretcher. You hear them saying things like "he doesnt have much time" and "We better hurry before he dies". Instinctively, you follow. Soon the men turn into a large building. You continue to follow until they turn into a room. You stand in the doorway, alert and praying that it is no one you know. As the men lift the body onto a bed you see some gold blonde hair, stained with blood, sticking out from infront of one of the men. They back away, letting the full picture come into view. Cloud, bloody and wounded, is laying in the bed. You stand there, on the verge of fainting. Thoughts racing through your mind, yet your body shows no signs of it. The men push past you, heading for the Mess Hall. Soon, a couple doctors, a herboloagist, and a healer mage, rush in. They close the door and tell you to wait on the benches by the door.
About 30 minutes pass
All the doctors leave the room, one looks back with a sad look in her eyes. You immediately rush in, fearing for Cloud's life. You see him, laying there. He is c;eaned up a bit and breathing, barely, but still breathing. A magical orb is letting of a series of beeps. A doctor comes in and tells you he is in a deep coma. He is alive, but he is sleeping and wont respond to anything.
OOC: This topic is so that there is a reason for me not being on a lot for a while. I just started school again and until I get back in the swing of things, I wont be on a lot. I may come on and look around and see what is going on, but I wont post. I leave permission to use my NPC Strato to HNS. If I get back and find that me inbox is full with stupid PMs asking where I am, KASEI, I will be mad and I will report it to RG! If you want to contact me, I wont be answering many PMs, my email is triforce@citlink.net DONT flood my e-mail inbox either! I might swing by and post the occasional OOC post. Feel free to act like you would with Cloud the way you would if someone close to you was in this situation. Say what you want but Cloud will not respond. Sadly, I bid you all a fond farewell...for now that is.[/b]
About 30 minutes pass
All the doctors leave the room, one looks back with a sad look in her eyes. You immediately rush in, fearing for Cloud's life. You see him, laying there. He is c;eaned up a bit and breathing, barely, but still breathing. A magical orb is letting of a series of beeps. A doctor comes in and tells you he is in a deep coma. He is alive, but he is sleeping and wont respond to anything.
OOC: This topic is so that there is a reason for me not being on a lot for a while. I just started school again and until I get back in the swing of things, I wont be on a lot. I may come on and look around and see what is going on, but I wont post. I leave permission to use my NPC Strato to HNS. If I get back and find that me inbox is full with stupid PMs asking where I am, KASEI, I will be mad and I will report it to RG! If you want to contact me, I wont be answering many PMs, my email is triforce@citlink.net DONT flood my e-mail inbox either! I might swing by and post the occasional OOC post. Feel free to act like you would with Cloud the way you would if someone close to you was in this situation. Say what you want but Cloud will not respond. Sadly, I bid you all a fond farewell...for now that is.[/b]