Leth's Profile
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:06 pm

Race: Sheikah
Class: Vagabond//ranger
alignment: Order
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian
61 HP: 30+1(spi)+30(exeptional health lv.2)
19 SPL: 2x9(level)+1(spi)
21 DEF. RATING: 13(def)+8(agi)
5 STR: 2+3(goron strength lv.3)
13 DEF: 1+12(jerkin)
8 AGI: 3+3(race bonus)+2(deku agility)
4 SPI: 1+3(garland necklace)
Arrows: 7+2(bow lv4)+1(gloves)+str=15 DMG, CTH=8(agi)+3(bow L4) = 11+D20 roll
Knife: 5+str=10 DMG, CTH= 8+D20 roll
deku dagger, L1 Jerkin (12 AC), Deku Bow, Ammo Bag, Scroll of Fire
Trophy, Northern Iron Ore, Bracelet, Deku Wood Bundle, Gohma Medal, Garland Necklace
7 TP - Train: Bow (Level 4)
4 TP - Goron Strength (Level 3)
2 TP - Deku Agility (Level 2)
4 TP - Exceptional Health (Level 2)
2 TP - Arcane Archery
1 TP - Calm Beast (Level 1)
1 TP - Track (Level 1)
1 TP - Disarm Trap (Level 1)
22 TP Total
TP List
8 TP - Level Ups (Level 9)
1 TP - Trophy (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cucoo (Quest)
1 TP - Goron Lumber (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cow (Quest)
1 TP - Din's Bracelet (Quest)
1 TP - Link Doll (Quest)
1 TP - Letter Delivering (Quest)
1 TP - Syrup's Potion (Quest)
1 TP - Take the Cake 1 (Events)
1 TP - Take the Cake 2 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 3 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 4 (Event)
1 TP - Slaying the Spider (Event)
1 TP - Search for the Seed (Event)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - February 2010 (Award)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - July 2015 (Award)
24 TP Total
Special Items/Skills:
Ranger's Missiles- Special, finely pointed arrows made of an incredibly tough metal. They are very difficult to make, but once successfully crafted, they are able to pierce through any enemy's defenses. Leth has five of them.
Effect: Ignores enemy's defense bonuses from armor. Each arrow can only be used once per event (or battle, at DM's discretion). Base damage 10. (+3)
Ranger's Cloak: - A carefully crafted cloak woven of a rare material that allows the wearer to become temporarily invisible if wrapped around the body (equivalent to lv.2 stealth) It is also very resistant to heat and cold, allowing the wearer to remain comfortable even in extreme temperatures. It is very light and can be folded compactly.
Dagger of Moaning Wells

A special knife that allows one of Sheikah blood to shadowmeld and attack in the same turn.
Talents Wish List:
Deku Agility
L3 +3 to AGI 2 TP
Human Defense
L1 +1 to DEF 1 TP
L2 +2 to DEF 1 TP
L3 +3 to DEF 2 TP
Hylian Intelligence
L1 +1 to INT 1 TP
L2 +2 to INT 1 TP
L3 +3 to INT 2 TP
Exceptional Health - The following add to your total Health Points pool.
L3 +50 to HP 5 TP
Exceptional Spell - SPL is your total Magic Power pool from which your derive the strength to cast spells.
L1 +10 to SPL 1 TP
L2 +20 to SPL 2 TP
L3 +30 to SPL 3 TP
Learn: Jump - Can jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.
Cost: 2 SPL
L1 Can cast 1 TP
L2 Jump 30 ft 3 TP
Calm Beast - Allows you to remove a beast enemy from battle (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three turns upon a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Rangers and Nomads only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Track - Allows you to search a room for tracks to determine the movement of enemies through the room and what may lie in the rooms beyond. Requires a successful Innate check.
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Disarm Trap - Allows you to deactivate any trap you detect using an awareness check with a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Thieves and Rangers only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Learn: Fire-A low-level, simple spell that essentially allows the caster to create and manipulate flame in small amounts.
Cost: 5 SPL
L1 Can cast 2 TP
L2 +3 to DMG 2 TP
Leadership - Allows you to assume command of the party and rally its morale to the defeat of an obstacle. By using Leadership you choose to temporarily (for three rounds) buff a stat. Stat is further buffed by +1 if entire party targets a single enemy. Each person can use every six turns, cannot have two Leaderships on the same stat.
L1 +3 buff to stat 2 TP
L2 +5 buff 4 TP
L3 +7 buff 6 TP

Race: Sheikah
Class: Vagabond//ranger
alignment: Order
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian
61 HP: 30+1(spi)+30(exeptional health lv.2)
19 SPL: 2x9(level)+1(spi)
21 DEF. RATING: 13(def)+8(agi)
5 STR: 2+3(goron strength lv.3)
13 DEF: 1+12(jerkin)
8 AGI: 3+3(race bonus)+2(deku agility)
4 SPI: 1+3(garland necklace)
Arrows: 7+2(bow lv4)+1(gloves)+str=15 DMG, CTH=8(agi)+3(bow L4) = 11+D20 roll
Knife: 5+str=10 DMG, CTH= 8+D20 roll
deku dagger, L1 Jerkin (12 AC), Deku Bow, Ammo Bag, Scroll of Fire
Trophy, Northern Iron Ore, Bracelet, Deku Wood Bundle, Gohma Medal, Garland Necklace
7 TP - Train: Bow (Level 4)
4 TP - Goron Strength (Level 3)
2 TP - Deku Agility (Level 2)
4 TP - Exceptional Health (Level 2)
2 TP - Arcane Archery
1 TP - Calm Beast (Level 1)
1 TP - Track (Level 1)
1 TP - Disarm Trap (Level 1)
22 TP Total
TP List
8 TP - Level Ups (Level 9)
1 TP - Trophy (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cucoo (Quest)
1 TP - Goron Lumber (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cow (Quest)
1 TP - Din's Bracelet (Quest)
1 TP - Link Doll (Quest)
1 TP - Letter Delivering (Quest)
1 TP - Syrup's Potion (Quest)
1 TP - Take the Cake 1 (Events)
1 TP - Take the Cake 2 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 3 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 4 (Event)
1 TP - Slaying the Spider (Event)
1 TP - Search for the Seed (Event)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - February 2010 (Award)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - July 2015 (Award)
24 TP Total
Special Items/Skills:
Ranger's Missiles- Special, finely pointed arrows made of an incredibly tough metal. They are very difficult to make, but once successfully crafted, they are able to pierce through any enemy's defenses. Leth has five of them.
Effect: Ignores enemy's defense bonuses from armor. Each arrow can only be used once per event (or battle, at DM's discretion). Base damage 10. (+3)
Ranger's Cloak: - A carefully crafted cloak woven of a rare material that allows the wearer to become temporarily invisible if wrapped around the body (equivalent to lv.2 stealth) It is also very resistant to heat and cold, allowing the wearer to remain comfortable even in extreme temperatures. It is very light and can be folded compactly.
Dagger of Moaning Wells

A special knife that allows one of Sheikah blood to shadowmeld and attack in the same turn.
Talents Wish List:
Deku Agility
L3 +3 to AGI 2 TP
Human Defense
L1 +1 to DEF 1 TP
L2 +2 to DEF 1 TP
L3 +3 to DEF 2 TP
Hylian Intelligence
L1 +1 to INT 1 TP
L2 +2 to INT 1 TP
L3 +3 to INT 2 TP
Exceptional Health - The following add to your total Health Points pool.
L3 +50 to HP 5 TP
Exceptional Spell - SPL is your total Magic Power pool from which your derive the strength to cast spells.
L1 +10 to SPL 1 TP
L2 +20 to SPL 2 TP
L3 +30 to SPL 3 TP
Learn: Jump - Can jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.
Cost: 2 SPL
L1 Can cast 1 TP
L2 Jump 30 ft 3 TP
Calm Beast - Allows you to remove a beast enemy from battle (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three turns upon a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Rangers and Nomads only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Track - Allows you to search a room for tracks to determine the movement of enemies through the room and what may lie in the rooms beyond. Requires a successful Innate check.
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Disarm Trap - Allows you to deactivate any trap you detect using an awareness check with a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Thieves and Rangers only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP
Learn: Fire-A low-level, simple spell that essentially allows the caster to create and manipulate flame in small amounts.
Cost: 5 SPL
L1 Can cast 2 TP
L2 +3 to DMG 2 TP
Leadership - Allows you to assume command of the party and rally its morale to the defeat of an obstacle. By using Leadership you choose to temporarily (for three rounds) buff a stat. Stat is further buffed by +1 if entire party targets a single enemy. Each person can use every six turns, cannot have two Leaderships on the same stat.
L1 +3 buff to stat 2 TP
L2 +5 buff 4 TP
L3 +7 buff 6 TP