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Leth's Profile

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:06 pm
by Leth
Race: Sheikah
Class: Vagabond//ranger
alignment: Order
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian

61 HP: 30+1(spi)+30(exeptional health lv.2)
19 SPL: 2x9(level)+1(spi)
21 DEF. RATING: 13(def)+8(agi)
5 STR: 2+3(goron strength lv.3)
13 DEF: 1+12(jerkin)
8 AGI: 3+3(race bonus)+2(deku agility)
: 1+3(garland necklace)

Arrows: 7+2(bow lv4)+1(gloves)+str=15 DMG, CTH=8(agi)+3(bow L4) = 11+D20 roll
Knife: 5+str=10 DMG, CTH= 8+D20 roll

deku dagger, L1 Jerkin (12 AC), Deku Bow, Ammo Bag, Scroll of Fire
Trophy, Northern Iron Ore, Bracelet, Deku Wood Bundle, Gohma Medal, Garland Necklace


7 TP - Train: Bow (Level 4)
4 TP - Goron Strength (Level 3)
2 TP - Deku Agility (Level 2)
4 TP - Exceptional Health (Level 2)
2 TP - Arcane Archery
1 TP - Calm Beast (Level 1)
1 TP - Track (Level 1)
1 TP - Disarm Trap (Level 1)
22 TP Total

TP List

8 TP - Level Ups (Level 9)
1 TP - Trophy (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cucoo (Quest)
1 TP - Goron Lumber (Quest)
1 TP - Lost Cow (Quest)
1 TP - Din's Bracelet (Quest)
1 TP - Link Doll (Quest)
1 TP - Letter Delivering (Quest)
1 TP - Syrup's Potion (Quest)
1 TP - Take the Cake 1 (Events)
1 TP - Take the Cake 2 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 3 (Event)
1 TP - Take the Cake 4 (Event)
1 TP - Slaying the Spider (Event)
1 TP - Search for the Seed (Event)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - February 2010 (Award)
1 TP - RPer of the Month - July 2015 (Award)
24 TP Total

Special Items/Skills:

Ranger's Missiles- Special, finely pointed arrows made of an incredibly tough metal. They are very difficult to make, but once successfully crafted, they are able to pierce through any enemy's defenses. Leth has five of them.
Effect: Ignores enemy's defense bonuses from armor. Each arrow can only be used once per event (or battle, at DM's discretion). Base damage 10. (+3)

Ranger's Cloak: - A carefully crafted cloak woven of a rare material that allows the wearer to become temporarily invisible if wrapped around the body (equivalent to lv.2 stealth) It is also very resistant to heat and cold, allowing the wearer to remain comfortable even in extreme temperatures. It is very light and can be folded compactly.

Dagger of Moaning Wells
A special knife that allows one of Sheikah blood to shadowmeld and attack in the same turn.

Talents Wish List:

Deku Agility
L3 +3 to AGI 2 TP

Human Defense
L1 +1 to DEF 1 TP
L2 +2 to DEF 1 TP
L3 +3 to DEF 2 TP

Hylian Intelligence
L1 +1 to INT 1 TP
L2 +2 to INT 1 TP
L3 +3 to INT 2 TP

Exceptional Health - The following add to your total Health Points pool.
L3 +50 to HP 5 TP

Exceptional Spell - SPL is your total Magic Power pool from which your derive the strength to cast spells.
L1 +10 to SPL 1 TP
L2 +20 to SPL 2 TP
L3 +30 to SPL 3 TP

Learn: Jump - Can jump up to 15ft in the air. Lasts one round.
Cost: 2 SPL
L1 Can cast 1 TP
L2 Jump 30 ft 3 TP

Calm Beast - Allows you to remove a beast enemy from battle (as long as it is not struck for the duration) for three turns upon a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Rangers and Nomads only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Track - Allows you to search a room for tracks to determine the movement of enemies through the room and what may lie in the rooms beyond. Requires a successful Innate check.
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Disarm Trap - Allows you to deactivate any trap you detect using an awareness check with a successful Innate check.
Restricted to Thieves and Rangers only
L2 +3 bonus to check 2 TP
L3 +5 bonus to check 3 TP

Learn: Fire-A low-level, simple spell that essentially allows the caster to create and manipulate flame in small amounts.
Cost: 5 SPL
L1 Can cast 2 TP
L2 +3 to DMG 2 TP

Leadership - Allows you to assume command of the party and rally its morale to the defeat of an obstacle. By using Leadership you choose to temporarily (for three rounds) buff a stat. Stat is further buffed by +1 if entire party targets a single enemy. Each person can use every six turns, cannot have two Leaderships on the same stat.
L1 +3 buff to stat 2 TP
L2 +5 buff 4 TP
L3 +7 buff 6 TP

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:19 pm
by Leth
~Our Story So Far~

Twenty-five years before South Hyrule was sealed off to the rest of the kingdom, Leth was born in Mido Town to Jonathan and Lillian Evendale. His father Jonathan was a Hylian employed in the service of Hyrule's military, and his mother Lillian was a Sheikah who had at one time been part of the Hyrulean reconnaissance force, but resigned when they were married.

Throughout his entire childhood, Leth idolized Link. He gobbled up every scrap of information there was to know about the Hero, and Heroes past who had borne the green tunic and that sacred blade, the Master Sword. At one point he had considered joining up with the military himself, to emulate his idol, but ultimately decided that the army life wasn't quite what he was looking for. Instead, he decided that as soon as he turned 16, he would join the Royally-sanctioned militia in the south, the Ranger Corps.

Leth immediately took to the life of the Rangers. Their free-roaming, almost vigilante style appealed to the heroic dreams he held so dear. As a child, he would watch them at their archery practice, and quickly became closely acquainted with the men and women of the Ranger Corps. He soaked up everything they had to teach him, from tracking, to animal handling, to proper bow technique. He was practically the mascot of the Mido Town Ranger Brigade.

Unfortunately, it would not last.

While Leth was still a child, his father was called back into active duty when Hyrule was called upon to join Calatia's war effort. Not even an entire year passed before his family received the terrible letter: Jonathan had died heroically on the front lines. Lillian decided it would be best for them if they moved in with her family in Rauru Town, where they could keep an eye on Leth as she took up a job to keep providing for the family. Leth lived there for several years before he turned 16 and followed through with his personal vow to join the ranks of the Ranger Corps. The day after his 16th birthday, he packed up his things and moved back south and enlisted, and he lived there for many years, honing his skill with the bow and quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best marksmen in the brigade.

When he was twenty-five, however, he received a message that his mother had fallen gravely ill, and he took a short leave to go visit his family in Rauru. It was at this time, during his short stay in Rauru, that the South became separated from the North, cutting him off from his life with the Rangers in the South. While Lillian survived her sickness, it did not leave her unaffected - her memory has never been the same since. She was placed in the care of the local health clinic, where her family frequently visits her, though she usually doesn't remember who they are.

Faced with such a drastic change in his life, Leth left Rauru town and took to the woods, isolating himself in response to his emotional upheaval. He became more of a wandering huntsman, although he still clung to his Ranger values - which were crucial during a certain encounter not but a few months later.

One day, on a hunt near Deku Woods, he came upon a horrifying scene - a group of bandits had ambushed a family on the road to North Castle and had killed all but one of the boys - and they were quickly closing in on him as well. The Ranger code of conduct that had been so seared into his mind kicked into full gear, and he leaped into the fight to protect this poor child. When the dust settled, Leth was victorious, and now had an orphaned teenager to care for named Drommlin - or Drom for short. Originally, Leth's intention was to drop the lad off at an orphanage, but he saw a bit of himself in Drom, and made a spontaneous decision to bring the boy under his wing. Leth moved into Castle Town with Drom, and raised him as if he were his own son. Drom dealt with his loss in an interesting way - it drove him to the temples, where he came to the conclusion that everything had happened for a reason, and that the Gods would not have spared his life if it had not been for some great purpose. With that in mind, Drommlin sought a deeper connection to the Goddesses through holy magic, and joined the Hyrulean Army at age 16, similar to Leth. He has since earned the nickname, "The Paladin", and is known throughout the army for his devotion to the Holy Goddesses and being a living representative of their justice to the wicked.

The process of raising a child, though Leth was only with him for a couple short years, did wonders for Leth's disposition. Seeing the boy's optimistic out look on life despite his horrific past encouraged the Ranger, and he became more determined than ever to find a way back to his Ranger brigade in the South - and he soon got his chance.

Leth jumped at the chance to join the assault on the giant spider, Ghoma, and did his best to be as close to the front of the push into the South as possible - so he was devastated to find what had happend to the South in the few years that he had been gone. Saria was abandoned, beasts roamed every where, houses were boarded up and left to rot, and worst of all - the path to Mido Town was blocked off, with no sign of the Rangers any where.

Leth was determined not to lose hope, however, and even now continues to rally his fellow adventurers to continue venturing into the deeper parts of the newly re-opened South, in the hopes that he will eventually find his long lost Ranger Brigade and join them in their fight against the warlords.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:51 pm
by Leth
NPC - Drommlin
Race: Hylian
Class: Lvl.9 Grunt/Vassal
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian

HP:71 SPL:31 AC: 20
STR: 5
DEF: 17
AGI: 4
INT: 4
SPI: 1

L1 Chainmail (14 ac), Deku Spear (12+5 dmg, d20+6 cth), Deku Shield (+2 ac when equipped)

24 TP

Goron Strength Lv.2 - 2tp
Deku Agility Lv.2 - 2tp
Exceptional Health Lv.2 - 4tp
Exceptional Spell Lv.2 - 3tp
Train: Spear Lv.3 - 4tp
Shield Bash Lv.1 - 2tp
Elemental Burst Lv.2 - 4tp (15 dmg)
Thunder Lv.1 - 3 TP (15 dmg)
Favor of the Goddesses - 0tp
TOTAL: 24 tp

Special Abilities:
Heavenly Wings: His dedication to the Goddesses and studious application of magic has granted him the ability to temporarily summon ethereal golden wings that give him the powers of flight, as he rains Holy Judgement upon his foes. In stat context, this counts as a Level 1 Jump or Sprint spell.

Drom was rescued from a bandit raid by Leth as a young adolescent. His parents having perished in the attack, Leth raised him for several years before Drom signed on to the Hyrulean military. He quickly proved to be an excellent warrior and spellcaster, and he quickly found his footing as a paladin, taking up the holy quest to protect the citizens of Hyrule and drive out the darkness within, whatever form it may take.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by Leth
NPC - Regis Turniver
Race: Sheikah
Class: Lvl.9 Grunt/Mercenary
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian

HP:71 SPL:11 AC: 25 Will:9
STR: 6
DEF: 17
AGI: 8
INT: 2
SPI: 1

L1 Chainmail (14 ac), 2 1H Deku Swords (5+6 dmg, d20+8 cth), Deku Bow (7+5 dmg, d20+8 cth) Deku Shield (+2 ac when equipped), bomb bag (bombs - 5+5 dmg, +8 cth)

24 TP

Goron Strength Lv.3 - 4tp
Deku Agility Lv.3 - 4tp
Hylian Intelligence Lv.1 - 1tp
Exceptional Health Lv.2 - 4tp
Train: Bow Lv.1 - 1tp
Duel Wield Lv.3 - 7tp
Helm Splitter Lv.1 - 2tp
Disarm Lv.1 - 1tp
Shadowmeld - 0tp
TOTAL: 24 tp

Regis is a skilled sword-for-hire who lives by a personal code of honor and justice. Recently, he had an item of magical value stolen from him by the Pilferer's Phalanx, a band of thieves in the South Greens. He took on the task of eliminating them in order to retrieve his stolen property, claim the bounty on their heads, and restore peace.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by Leth
NPC - Captain Shem

Race: Human
Class: Level 9 Grunt/Vassal
Languages: Common

71 HP, 11 SPL; 25, Def. Rating
5 STR, 6(22) DEF, 4 AGI, 1 INT, 1 SPI

L1 Chainmail (+14 DEF), Deku Spear, Deku Shield (+2 DEF)

24 TP

Lv2 Exceptional Heatlh - 4 TP
Lv2 Goron Strength - 2 TP
Lv2 Deku Agility - 2 TP
Lv4 Train: Spear - 7 TP
Lv2 shield bash - 4 TP
Honorable Kill - 2 TP
Lv1 Kings Banner - 1 TP
Lv1 Leadership - 2 TP
Total: 24 TP

Special Abilities: Okay so when I first created Shem he was a mercenary, not a vassal, so I gave him Shield Bash. Later, after changing him to a vassal, I forgot that Shield Bash is merc only, so I forgot to take the ability away from him, and proceeded to play out half of an entire topic before the mistake was pointed out to me. So you know what? He's keeping it. He's the captain of the guard, he's allowed to be better than the average soldier and have some combat abilities that they couldn't have... right? Right.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by Leth
NPC - Valcus Brindleton
Race: Sheikah
Class: Level 9 Vagabond/Bard
Languages: Common, Ancient Hylian

41 HP; 29 SPL, 25 Def. Rating
3 STR, 16 DEF, 9 AGI, 3 INT, 1 SPI

Copper Rapier, L1 Jerkin (+12 DEF), Deku Shield (+2 DEF, Roleplayed as his scabbard), hurdy gurdy (+1 to song effects), lute, flute

24 TP

1 TP - Exceptional Health Lv1
1 TP - Exceptional Spell Lv1
4 TP - Deku Agility Lv3
2 TP - Goron Strength Lv2
1 TP - Hylian Intelligence Lv1
7 TP - Train: Rapier Lv4
1 TP - Call of Din Lv1
1 TP - Will of Farore Lv1
1 TP - Spirit of Nayru Lv1
1 TP - Sonata of Restoration Lv1
1 TP - Elemental Burst Lv1
0 TP - Shadowmeld
Total: 21 TP

Valcus was born to a wealthy family in Ruto town, but instead of following the family business, he was drawn into the arts (much to the chagrin of his parents). At firs they tried to stop him from learning music and theater, but a noble found him one day practicing the lute and immediately recognized his talent, offering to be Valcus' patron. Valcus' parents quickly realized the potential fortune, and changed their tune, sending him to a high-class school of the arts in North Castle. By the time Valcus was an adult, he had become recognized across Hyrule as a bard of great talent - at least to those who frequented the services of bards; musicians in general are not usually household names - and frequently visited the halls of other nobility, offering his musical (and theatrical, if he had a troupe to accompany him) talents to them. He has even been called upon by the Royal Family on a couple rare occasions - once for the most recent Annual Grand Celebration, and once for a Royal ball several years ago.

His parents were against him using his talents for magical purposes, fearing that if he took up the life of an adventuring bard, he could put himself in danger and thus jeopardize their investment, but Valcus had become old enough (and wealthy enough) that he recently simply paid them back all the money they had spent on his education, claiming his debt to them was ended, and left to roam the land of Hyrule in whatever manner he saw fit.

He and his parents are not on good terms, as they only see Valcus' talent as a financial opportunity rather than a worthwhile field of study/career choice. He has a younger sister (Veronica) who is more inclined towards the family business than Valcus and will probably take it over once their parents retire. She is very business-minded but would often relax a bit and gain a more jovial manner when she and Valcus are together, away from their parents. She thinks the feud between Valcus and their parents is childish, but she cannot sway the opinion of either side. She and Valcus remain on good terms.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:52 pm
by Leth
~Bosses and Music~
Will be revealed as we come across them.

Jinx (Streets of the Dead) - Crisis City: The Flame
Shar-Guthal (Streets of the Redead) - Forze dell'Oscurita